Sarah Seguin, Author at QC Makeup Academy
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Sarah Seguin

QC Makeup Academy Graduate Spotlight: Samantha Herom

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, Graduate Feature, Industry Spotlight, Student Features No Comments
QC Makeup Academy graduate Samantha Herom Headshot
Meet QC Makeup Academy Graduate:

Samantha Herom

Master Makeup Artistry Graduate

Regina, Saskatchewan

Meet QC Makeup Academy graduate, Samantha Herom! Tell us a little bit about yourself, Samantha!

Hi, I’m Sam! I am a Registered Massage Therapist, a certified Master International Makeup Professional (as a QC Makeup Academy graduate), and a Lash & Brow technician.

When I’m not busy working one of my many jobs, I am knitting, reading, and/or hanging out with my husband and our three fur babies. We have two cats (Luna and Bean), as well as a dog Harley. I love golfing and hanging out at my cabin in the summer.

Oh, and I LOVE a good London Fog!

When (and why) did you realize you wanted to pursue a career in the makeup and beauty industry?

I’ve wanted to pursue a career in makeup for as long as I can remember. I always wanted to be doing my own makeup, as well as my friends’ makeup. However, it wasn’t until later in life (when I had what I like to call my “2nd quarter life crisis”) that I finally realized I still really wanted to pursue a career in makeup. So, I decided to take a course!

Why did you decide to pursue your certification training online (rather than in-person) – and how did you both hear of QC Makeup Academy?

I decided to take my course online because I was working full-time and it gave me the flexibility to work on my course at my own pace. I found QC Makeup Academy while researching online makeup schools in Canada.

Why did you choose to enroll with QC Makeup Academy? (E.g., What was it about our school that won you over, compared to other online makeup schools out there?)

I enrolled in QC Makeup Academy (as opposed to a different school) because QC was one that was internationally known. Plus, QC is an accredited school. On top of that, it’s really great that you get two years to finish the course, as working at my own speed was very important to me. I also liked that every unit came with verbal feedback from a real, professional makeup instructor.

You’re a QC Makeup Academy graduate of our self-paced, online Master Makeup Artistry Course – and thus, a globally-certified Master International Makeup Professional (MIMP). Tell us about your experience with this program! What was the most challenging aspect of this course for you? How about the most rewarding? Additionally, what was your favorite hands-on assignment and why?

I enjoyed this program! It was really great for being self-paced, and it has a great community via the private, student-only Virtual Classroom on Facebook. People are very helpful on there.

I think the most challenging aspect of the course was retraining myself from social media looks to learning proper techniques, and going back to the basics. The most rewarding thing about QC’s MMA program is when you finally get something that you’ve been struggling on, and it’s noticed by your peers and instructors.

My favorite hands-on assignment was basically all of Unit F! It had the most fun assignments. You really get to explore new areas of makeup and show your creative side!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Samantha Herom in-post image 1

What would you say is the #1 biggest and best lesson you learned in the Master Makeup Artistry Course?

The best thing that you can do for yourself is KNOW THE BASICS AND MASTER THE PROPER TECHNIQUES. Once you’ve mastered that, you can do anything!

Your tutor was QC executive instructor and celebrity MUA, Nathan Johnson. What was it like having him as a tutor? In what ways did he help you grow as a makeup artist?

Nathan is a “tell it like it is” kind of person. Sometimes, you wont like what he has to say. Just know, however, that it IS coming from a good place. He truly wants his students to succeed and have an amazing professional career!

I think he pushed me really hard; really made me look at my work and break out of my social media tendencies. And for that, I am extremely grateful.

RELATED: Get to know industry powerhouse and QC Makeup Academy executive instructor, Nathan Johnson!

Speaking as a QC Makeup Academy graduate, do you believe that all professional makeup artists should be properly trained and certified? Why or why not?

I think it’s very important for makeup professionals to be properly certified. There are so many things that you need to know, such as:

  • Proper sanitation of products;
  • Hygiene;
  • Skin types and conditions, etc.

Moreover, it’s also important to learn how products work, different techniques to use, and different styles of makeup. These are things you may not know unless you are properly trained!

How would you describe your style as an MUA?

My style is very natural. I don’t like full-coverage looks. Rather, I like to make people feel like themselves – just a little more enhanced.

That said, I also have a very creative side and really enjoy doing more theatrical and costume makeup! So, I guess you could say I go from one extreme to the next!

What made you decide to open your own makeup business, SH Massage & Aesthetics?

I am a Massage Therapist primarily. When I finished school for makeup, I decided that I wanted a space to call my own; one where I could combine ALL of my services. So, I opened up my own business and I couldn’t be happier!

Samantha Herom portfolio in-post image 2

What would you say have been the biggest challenges about launching/running your own business? Alternately, what would you say have been the greatest rewards?

The most challenging thing about launching my business is definitely marketing myself. I think, over time, I’ve gotten better at it. But it was a bit of a learning curve!

The most rewarding thing is gaining business and referrals. It’s such a great feeling, knowing you made someone so happy that they referred you to someone else. It’s also such a rewarding feeling, making someone feel beautiful with makeup.

PRO TIP: Discover how YOU can start a thriving makeup business from scratch!

What makeup services do you currently offer clients?

I offer a little bit of everything, but I would say I’m primarily a bridal artist. I’m from a small city, so bridal and special events are normally what make up the most clientele.

In addition to being a certified MUA, you’re also a Registered Massage Therapist and trained Lash/Brow Technician (as you’ve mentioned). Do you also offer these services to clients as well? If so, tell us more about that!

I am! I’ve been a RMT for five years now, going on six, and it’s an amazing job. I love knowing that I can help people with injuries and their general well-being. It is a super rewarding job and my clients are the best!

I just recently became a Lash & Brow Technician and it’s so much fun, too. I do lash lifts and tints, as well as brow lamination and tints. I thought it would be a great tool to add to my belt, alongside my makeup services.

QUIZ TIME: What are the differences between a cosmetologist and a makeup artist?

Of all the services you currently offer, which is your personal TOP favorite to provide and why?

Right now, I currently LOVE doing Brow Laminations and Tints. It’s just a new, fun, and creative thing that’s different from what I normally do. Even when I am doing a makeup service, I love doing people’s eyebrows. There’s just something about them that makes the face!

Tell us a little about your business strategies with regards to: marketing yourself, networking, attracting/booking clients, building your portfolio, etc.!

I mainly use Instagram for marketing myself. It’s also a great tool for building your portfolio and being able to share those photos of your work.

Additionally, I also have a website which I use to answer questions people have, as well as share more about myself. It also has a link to an online booking site, which is super convenient for clients to use.

RELATED: Make sure to check out our How-To Guide for building YOUR professional makeup artistry portfolio!

Which makeup technique do you feel you are strongest at? On the flip side, are there any techniques you’re currently working on improving?

Not to toot my own horn, but I am a pro at false lashes! I’ve been doing them since I was little for dance and cheerleading. So, I had a bit of an advantage when learning how to do them for the course. That said, I think I’ve gotten even better at it!

I also think that my strongest makeup techniques are eyeliner and eyebrows. I really enjoy doing both and find that they come really easy to me.

I’m still working on blush, bronzer, and highlight. I have come a long way, for sure. But it’s still something I want to continue to improve on so that it looks flawless!

You live in Regina, Saskatchewan – a large Canadian city with a population of just under 250,000. With so many competitors in and around your area, how does SH Massage & Aesthetics stand out from the rest? What makes you and your business unique?

I think what makes me stand out is that I offer a variety of services. It really helps with word-of-mouth clientele! For instance, I could be treating a massage client and they’ll ask me about brows or makeup. Then maybe, they come in for a different service, or they tell their friends and family about it.

I don’t see many – if any at all – RMTs that also offer makeup and lash/brow services. So, I think that makes my business pretty unique!

Do you have any advice for other aspiring MUAs and fellow QC Makeup Academy graduates alike who dream of running their own business?

Offer a variety of services and keep learning!! I have continued on to do other small makeup courses, in order to keep up with current trends, new products, etc. Never stop learning, as that will definitely help you to become successful in your own business AND make you stand out!

Also, believe in yourself! Things may start off slow, but keep going and pushing through when things feel like they’re getting tough. It gets easier and better… And it’s so rewarding to see all you can – and did – accomplish when looking back!

In your opinion, what are the most rewarding aspects of being a makeup artist?

I think the most rewarding part about being a makeup artist is the feeling you get when someone tells you they love the way they look after an application. It really makes you feel good when you can make someone’s day with just a little bit of makeup!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Samantha Herom in-post image 3

In your own words, can you tell us why you believe hiring a professional makeup artist is worth the cost?

I believe it’s worth the cost because we are trained professionals. Therefore, we know the techniques, the proper sanitization of products and brushes, and we have a lot of knowledge on products to use – and how to use them properly.

Do you remember your very first professional makeup job? Tell us about it! What did you learn from it, what went well, what didn’t go as planned, etc.?

My first professional makeup job was for a bride last summer, and it was my first bride ever. So, I was very nervous, because it’s their big day and you want to make sure you do your best work!

We did a trial, and from that trial, I was able to see the things I needed to work on before the actual day of the wedding. I always make the bride tell me how it wore throughout the trial day, if they liked something, or if they didn’t.

I would not say that things didn’t go as planned. Overall, actually, everything went very smoothly. That said, I’ve definitely grown as an artist from that first application until now!

What’s your favorite makeup style and why?

I LOVE a good glam moment. Give me a smokey eye with a sharp liner and some shimmer shadow any day!

Lately, mind you, I’ve been loving a more natural makeup look. Clean, minimal, and simple. I think I like the natural look because it’s a challenge for me. I was so used to going over the top with my makeup that it’s hard for me to tone it back.

Doing a “no makeup” makeup look makes me work harder, strangely!

Who are some of your makeup gurus/inspirations?

  1. Kelsey Deenihan Fisher – I just think that her work is flawless. I LOVE the way she does the skin. It just looks so clean and fresh, and not ever too much!
  2. Mario Dedivanovic, a.k.a. Makeup by Mario – I’ve loved him long before he started his brand (which I also love). I actually love watching him do makeup because he just makes it look so effortless!
  3. Ash K Holm – I’m always so obsessed with Shay Mitchell’s makeup. So, of course I had to find out who the artist was! Ash is another celebrity makeup artist who just clearly has mastered the art.

What words of wisdom would you give to other makeup lovers out there who dream of a career in the beauty industry, but are hesitant to take the leap?

I have two very cheesy words (or rather, sentences) of wisdom, but I swear by them:

  1. It’s never too late to start! Personally, I put off taking a makeup course for 11 years. But if it’s something you want to do, do it!
  2. The hardest part is getting there! I went back and forth thinking about whether it was a good idea or not (to pursue this career). But I hit the register button and I am SO happy I did!

As a QC Makeup Academy graduate, why would you recommend QC’s self-paced, online makeup certification training to others?

As a QC Makeup Academy graduate, I would recommend QC because you get to work at your own pace. Secondly, there is so much community within the school that’s super helpful and there to support you the whole way through. Plus, you get a tutor and actual verbal feedback from them, which is incredibly beneficial.

To date, what do you consider to be the proudest moment of your career so far?

I think my proudest moment is honestly just getting bookings. I thought it would take a while longer to get my foot in the industry… But it’s been so amazing to have people contact me because they know someone that worked with me, or they found me on social media and liked my work. It’s the best feeling, for sure!

What’s in store for you and SH Massage & Aesthetics the rest of this year and beyond?

There are a lot of things I would like to do to grow my business, such as starting one-on-one lessons (I’ve been asked lots for this; I just haven’t taken the plunge yet). I’ve also been asked to shop for people for makeup, which I think would be really fun. I just need to look into the logistics and pricing of it!

Also, I have a lot more weddings this year. So, I am excited to keep doing that. I also want to do another Halloween promo. I did one last year and it was so much fun!

Imagine: You’re trapped on a deserted island and can only have THREE makeup products and/or tools with you. Which do you choose and why?

  1. Moisturizer/tinted moisturizer with SPF. I choose this product because firstly, it’s going to help your skin from the sun. Secondly, you can put it on your face so you look fresh and healthy!
  2. Brow Gel (currently loving the Estee Lauder). I like my brows to look fluffy, and I really like the look of a clean face with nice, fluffy brows.
  3. For practical reasons, I am also going to bring a lip chap with SPF because we don’t want burnt lips!

Ready to follow YOUR dream of becoming a professional MUA, just like Samantha? Make that dream a REALITY in as little as 2-6 months by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy TODAY!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz Feature Image

Meet QC Makeup Academy Graduate, Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz!

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, Featured, Graduate Feature, Industry Spotlight, Student Features No Comments

Meet QC Makeup Academy graduate, Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz! Tell us a little bit about yourself, Vanessa!

My name is Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz, and I am a professional makeup artist and photographer in Canada! I’ve been working in the industry for 11 years now!

When (and why) did you realize you wanted to pursue a career in the makeup and beauty industry?

I knew my whole life that I wanted to be a makeup artist. However, I really started diving into it professionally in 2012 when I began training at QC Makeup Academy. Prior to that, I was working as a portrait photographer, doing the odd makeup here and there for friends and family.

RELATED: Check out QC Makeup Academy’s full list of self-paced, online certification courses!

Why did you decide to pursue your certification training online (rather than in-person) – and how did you both hear of QC Makeup Academy?

As a mother of two young children at the time (one of them being a new born), I knew that if I wanted to pursue this career path, I had to find a reputable school online because I was a stay-at-home mom. So, I began searching, but didn’t find anything that looked professional to me.

Then one day, I turned on my computer and QC Makeup Academy’s ad was running through my Facebook feed! I clicked on it, did my homework, and was SOLD! There is where my journey began!

Why did you choose to enroll with QC Makeup Academy? (E.g., What was it about our school that won you over, compared to other online makeup schools out there?)

I loved the flexibility, the courses, the materials, the school’s reputation – and most of all, the tutors! I wanted expert training and saw that this was the place where I would receive that!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 1
QC Makeup grad Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 2

You’re a multiple QC Makeup Academy graduate – but your journey started with our self-paced, online Master Makeup Artistry Course. Tell us about your experience with this program! What was the most challenging aspect of this course for you? How about the most rewarding? Also, what was your favorite hands-on assignment and why?

This course changed my life! When I came in, I thought I already knew everything and just needed that certification hanging on my wall. WOW, was I wrong!

I had to UN-LEARN everything I thought I knew, open my mind, and set aside my ego so that I could receive Nathan Johnson’s critiques and constructive criticism. All of this was intended to help me GROW as an artist. Bye-bye, everything I knew… HELLO to the new me!

And I would say that THAT was the most challenging aspect of the course for me! It isn’t easy to allow yourself to be broken down and then re-molded! By the end of it all, I would say that the most rewarding aspect of the course (for me) was seeing how I grew as an artist – simply because I DID stop, listen, and then do the work!

Also, I think my favorite hands on assignment was the bruise assignment! My husband is a professional fighter and will sometimes come home with a bruised eye. So, I had an idea of how that looked and was super excited to re-create it!!! It came out amazing! Nathan was impressed, haha.

FACT: Being able to positively and openly accept constructive feedback – both from your makeup instructor and when working in the real world – is one of the TOP skills that can either make or break your career!

What would you say is the #1 biggest and best lesson you learned in QC Makeup Academy’s Master Makeup Artistry Course?

I learned how to humble myself, how to receive constructive criticism, and how to be brave. Furthermore, I also learned that:

  • I’m capable of much more than I give myself credit for;
  • I have value in the eyes of people who are looking for makeup services;
  • And that I could 100% pursue my goals and dreams!

I also learned the UNDISPUTED VALUE of mastering foundational makeup techniques! When you learn those, you can do ANY makeup look!

After receiving your Master International Makeup Professional (MIMP) certification, you then went on to complete our Pro Makeup Workshop. How did this program build upon everything you learned in the MMA Course and take your skill-set to the next level? Moreover, would you recommend the Pro Makeup Workshop to MMA students/grads (and why or why not)?

This course fine-tuned everything that I learned in the MMA course. It takes your skill to the next level by zeroing in on specific techniques! I would highly recommend this course to ALL Master Makeup Artistry graduates! It forced my eye to zoom in on and correct even the tiniest discrepancies.

As an MUA, you specialize in global beauty, and even completed our Global Beauty Workshop to add to your professional qualifications. In your opinion, what were THREE of the most important lessons and/or skills you acquired from this program? Why would you recommend this course to other makeup artists?

This course was a game-changer for me! Prior to taking it, I always felt I held back to a certain degree when I had requests for makeup on women of color.

One of my biggest sources of insecurity as an artist was skin. ALL types of skin! I was always scared of messing that up. So, I decided that I needed to take QC’s Global Beauty Workshop because I needed to dive into the thing that scared me most!

The lessons I learned in this course have truly made me a confident, global artist. I’ve mastered skin because I took the time to really listen and apply what I learned! As a result, I can now work on anyone, anywhere – with gorgeous results!

Here are my three top takeaways:

  1. If you truly want to be a makeup artist, you need to have a global kit and be ready to work on anyone!
  2. Understanding the cultures and traditions of your clients, and being sensitive to that, is of utmost importance. QC’s Global Beauty Workshop will teach you how to be truly professional in this regard!
  3. COLOR CORRECTION! This course will teach you all you need to know about color correction for different skin tones. This is something that will not only bring an extra level of professionalism to your work; it will revolutionize your applications, too!

PRO TIP: Not the best at hiding blemishes and color correcting? Watch this informative webinar – hosted by QC Makeup Academy executive tutor, celebrity MUA, and certified skincare consultant, Nathan Johnson!

Finally, you also took QC Makeup Academy’s mini Virtual Makeup Training Course as well. What motivated you to take this course, how has it benefitted your makeup career, and why do you feel being able to offering virtual beauty services is such a smart business move nowadays?

My decision to take this course came during COVID. While I was unable to physically apply makeup to my clients, they would often call me and ask if I could advise them on how to do it themselves. It just made sense to me that this was a new avenue I could explore, in order to help my clients more efficiently!

I now have the opportunity to assist people in a way that helps them achieve amazing results! And in our current climate, more and more people appreciate being able to access this kind of information online! As a makeup artist, we can use this tool to help our clients AND grow our business!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 3
QC Makeup grad Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 4

You’re notorious for your high praise of QC Makeup Academy’s executive tutor (and celebrity makeup artist), Nathan Johnson. Obviously, we know why Nathan is the best – but tell us in your own words why you agree!

Nathan Johnson is a professional, through and through. His love for the industry, as well as his desire to educate and see his students grow into an incredible career, is evident in everything he does.

I needed a teacher in my corner who did not coddle me. I didn’t want someone who just told me everything was great and let me pass with flying colors – only to let me go out into the world with NO idea how fierce this industry can truly be… And watch me fail and fall flat.

Nathan gave me the grades I deserved, gave me the critiques I needed in order to grow, and helped me become a better artist. Yes, he was tough. Yet all the while, he never ceased to remind me that I was amazing and had something to offer. (Even when I needed to correct how I did my work.)

He believed in me, and I would not be where I am today if not for his guidance and tough love!

Speaking as a QC Makeup Academy graduate, do you believe that all professional makeup artists should be properly trained and certified? Why or why not?

Yes, I do believe that! I place so much value on education. You may be an amazing self-taught artist, but there are foundational techniques that can only be learned through proper guidance and education.

And that’s only with regard the application process! There is a WHOLE other world involved in this field, such as best sanitary practices, owning/operating a business, etc.! The business end of being a makeup artist, in particular, is over half of the equation.

RELATED: Join QC Makeup Academy graduate, Devyn Gregorio, as she discusses why business training is ESSENTIAL to every makeup artist’s career!

How would you describe your style as an MUA?

I think I would use the word CLASSIC. While I will/can do any makeup look requested of me, my passion definitely lies in clean, classic beautiful skin and makeup.

Where did the name of your business, WarBaby Cosmetics, come from?

My dad used to call me “warbaby” when I was young because I was obsessed with WW2 history, war documentaries, and 1940s makeup/fashion! So, when I was trying to come up with a name, this seemed like the perfect choice!

I love the courage, strength, innovation, and creativity of women during the war era. I find it truly inspiring!

Why did you decide to open your own business, as opposed to working as an MUA for someone else?

I wanted creative control over ALL aspects of my presentation, applications, client handling, etc. I’ve always been an entrepreneur. And because I was already a professional photographer, I could bring makeup applications into my business without any interference.

What would you say have been the biggest challenges about launching/running your own makeup business? Furthermore, what would you say have been the greatest rewards?

For me, right from the beginning, it was the feeling that I had to try and convince people that this was a good career choice; that I could make a living, and support myself and my family.

I finally stopped trying to convince people. Instead, I decided that my focus had to shift to my success, and not to what other people thought. The greatest reward has been doing the hard work, becoming exactly who and what I wanted to become, and having the most amazing career and business!!!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 5
QC Makeup grad Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 6

What services do you currently offer clients? Tell us about them!

I currently offer full makeup services with travel. I also teach classes, people can shop online for my products via my website, and I also offer connections to my photographer and hair stylist when those services are requested!

In addition to makeup application services, WarBaby Cosmetics also offers clients its very own line of loose shimmer eye pigments. Many aspiring makeup artists also dream of having their own line of cosmetics. How did you get started in having your own makeup products? Do you have any tips for other MUAs who want their own product line someday?

The journey to creating my own products came from a deep desire to have a brand, as well as to have my name on something that I created. When I started researching makeup ingredients, I realized that if I could get the time and the funds together, I could create something!

So, I began studying and would spend whole nights online at my computer, falling asleep on my keyboard! After about a year and a half, I was ready to start buying ingredients and experimenting! I would mix things, make mistakes, throw a lot of things out… It was a process!

When I was ready, all of my products had to be run through Health Canada. All of this took a lot of time, but it was worth it to see it all come together!

For anyone wanting to embark on the journey of actually formulating and manufacturing your own products, be ready for a LOT of work. It takes dedication and strict adherence to government guidelines to make it a success. But if you want it bad enough, you can bring your vision to life!

Figure out what makes what YOU have to offer unique from the rest!

PRO TIP: Make sure you know these 6 harmful ingredients that ALL professional makeup artists need to AVOID!

Tell us a little about your business strategies with regards to: marketing yourself, networking, attracting/booking clients, building your portfolio, etc.!

I once read a quote by a marketing professional that advised, “Shameless self promotion.” I liked that idea because it’s a challenge to present yourself in a way that’s not arrogant, while also asserting your presence in the industry! This takes courage and a strong belief in yourself.

Once I felt that I grew into that, I was ready to start sticking my neck out. I built a brand for myself and started messaging people, asking them to model for me. I also:

  • Messaged photographers and agencies as well;
  • Put a solid, professional booking system in place;
  • And built a clean, professional website and social media presence.

From there, I started dipping my toes into the waters of sharing my work with OTHER seasoned professionals. I did this in order to get their critiques, no matter how painful they were in the beginning.

Over time, people wanted to talk to me, ask me my opinions, learn, and grow from what I knew. This grew into a client base for me! And then I ventured into the creation of my own line of products, which immediately took off because of my already established client base!

In addition to being a QC Makeup Academy graduate, you’re also BARBICIDE® certified. Tell us more about what this means, and why this certification is so important for beauty professionals.

BARBICIDE® is a simple, online certification that your clients will really appreciate seeing when they sit in your chair. It tells them that you are a professional, and that you are up-to-date on the requirements for a clean and sanitized work environment. This certification gives your clients an extra measure of trust and confidence in both you and your work.

WarBaby Cosmetics has received some awards and features over the years! Humble brag for a moment and tell us more about those!

In no particular order, the immediate things that come to mind are as follows:

  • I have been published in the ‘Stanford New York Who’s Who’ Black Book of Elite Professionals’;
  • I was featured in the 2019, Volume 2 Issue of ‘Know Book’ YYC, Canada;
  • Moreover, I was also honored to be nominated as 2018 Alberta Woman Entrepreneur of the Year;
  • And I was also selected as one of 56 female entrepreneurs across North America to be featured in the 2014 edition of the Sexy and Wealthy in Heels, #successBABE eBook, and featured in the October 2019 issue of Community Now Magazine!

On top of all this, I also had my work on display at an art show in Europe, as well as having it published in a book for a New York Times Best Selling Author. I’ve also seen my work in newspaper articles and other local magazines!

You live in Calgary, Alberta – a major Canadian city with a population of over 1.6 million. With so many competitors in and around your area, why does WarBaby Cosmetics stand out from the rest? What makes you and your business unique?

I think my branding, versatility, and reputation for being extremely real and authentic have definitely helped me to stand out from the crowd! The fact that I also manufacture and sell my own cosmetics – as well as working in the area of professional photography – has made me a bit of a “one stop shop”.

People really appreciate my expertise. I love my job so much. I have so much fun – and it shows! People always leave my chair feeling loved and appreciated because that is what means the most to me!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 7
QC Makeup grad Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 8

Do you have any advice for other aspiring MUAs who dream of running their own business?

Gain a solid understanding of how to run a business BEFORE you begin. Talk to people who already successfully manage their own company, learn how to handle your money, and price yourself accordingly. Moreover, learn about the importance of model release forms, contracts, deposits, etc..

Also, be comfortable putting all of these measures into place! You can be the best MUA in the world, but if you are a terrible businessowner, you will not see success. The business side of makeup artistry is a HUGE component to being successful.

Oh, and finally, hire a good accountant!

RELATED: These are just 5 key reasons why you need a professional contract as an MUA!

In your opinion, what are the most rewarding aspects of being a makeup artist?

The relationships you build with your clients! My favorite part of the job is the conversations I have with my clients, the special times we get to share, as well as inspiring and uplifting one another.

We have the power to make a difference in people’s lives… And that is EVERYTHING to me!

In your own words, can you tell us why you believe hiring a professional makeup artist is worth the cost?

Firstly, you’ll have someone working with you who is trained in foundational techniques, understands the products, and works with quality products and ingredients. Secondly, you’ll alleviate the risk of illness and disease if you invest in an artist who understands the importance of sanitary practices and how to implement them.

I’ve heard SO many horror stories from my clients. Risking your health to save a dollar is NOT worth it!

Do you remember your very first professional makeup job? Tell us about it! What did you learn from it, what went well, what didn’t go as planned, etc.?

I think my very first “real” job was a makeup I did for my sister-in-law for her wedding. I remember being terrified! This was the first time I would not do makeup my OLD way… Instead, I was going to do it using the new techniques I had learned as a QC Makeup Academy graduate.

I remember wanting to constantly revert back to my old ways, so it was a struggle! Plus, I was also battling serious heat and humidity because we’d traveled from Canada to Mexico. So, I was working with a world of new products in the way of primers, setting sprays, etc.

All that said, it actually came out amazing! The only thing I would have changed was the amount of highlight I used (which was too much). The highlight – plus the heat and sweating – made her look like a glazed donut by the time dinner rolled around. 😅

What’s your favorite makeup style and why?

I love clean makeup – the “no makeup, makeup”.  It’s challenging and pushes me out of my comfort zone. With every client, I feel like I learn something new, and get to expand my skills and ability!

Who are some of your makeup gurus/inspirations?

Kevin Aucoin will forever be my biggest inspiration. He never puts himself in a box. He’s so creative with his use of product, and would use anything and everything to get the job done.

What words of wisdom would you give to other makeup lovers out there who dream of a career in the beauty industry, but are hesitant to take the leap?

Be bold, be brave, and listen to your heart. If this is what you really, truly want to do, then jump into it! BUT – and I can’t stress this enough – jump into it prepared for the fact that you ARE going to need to set your ego aside and do some hard work.

This isn’t about being like everyone else. It’s not about the makeup fads and trends you see on Instagram or TikTok. Rather, it’s about taking this industry and your education seriously, mastering foundational techniques, and figuring out what makes YOUR unique style of application stand out from the rest!

There will be times where you’ll face rejection – and you need to be able to bounce back from that. You WILL be critiqued and given constructive criticism. So, receive it if you want to grow!

Believe in yourself, be assertive, and be loving, compassionate, and caring. Working on someone’s face is very personal! As such, you need to really care about people.

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QC Makeup grad Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 10

Overall, as a QC Makeup Academy graduate, why would you recommend QC’s self-paced, online certification training?

QC Makeup Academy’s level of training is exceptional! The tutors are highly experienced professionals who want, more than anything, to make sure you reach your potential. So much so, that they are willing to tell you the hard stuff in order to help you grow.

THAT is exactly what you want! There are no short cuts in this industry, and anyone with experience knows it! You can trust your tutors at QC to have your best interest at heart, always!

Furthermore, the courses contain absolutely everything you need to make your way into the world of professional makeup artistry! Any questions you may have are covered! The course units are easy to follow, the timelines for completion are excellent, and the course materials themselves are awesome!

Not to mention, the access you get to other students through the school’s private Virtual Classroom on Facebook is an invaluable tool for learning, growing, and interacting with other people who are at the same stage you are… As well as those who have gone through it before you!

To date, what do you consider to be the proudest moment of your career so far?

I think my proudest moment so far has been connecting with my creative team. On top of my own freelance work, I work with a fine art photographer and hair stylist in our own studio. I’ve had so many amazing clients in my chair! It has been a dream come true!

I do a lot of work with international models and agencies, and it’s so incredible. Most of all, I love the talks I get to have with the young models who sit in my chair. It’s my opportunity to encourage them, remind them of how special and beautiful they already are WITHOUT makeup, and have the privilege of walking beside them on their incredible journeys!

What’s in store for you and WarBaby Cosmetics the rest of this year and beyond?

As always, I have big plans for growth! This year, my eye shadow line will be sold NOT ONLY in my online store (via my website), but also in the studio. This way, it’s immediately accessible to my clients!

Our creative team has also been contacted by multiple magazines who would love to publish our work. So, I am very excited about that and am hoping we are looking into a possible trip out of the country. One of my regular clients is an international model, so I’m hoping to have the opportunity to travel with her as well.

Aside from all of that, I just hope to continue working on every face possible!

Imagine: You’re trapped on a deserted island and can only have THREE makeup products and/or tools with you. Which do you choose and why?

Oooohhhh… I’m definitely going to choose skin care products!

  1. SPF;
  2. Moisturizer;
  3. And lip balm with SPF!

My skin needs to be amazing when I eventually get OFF of the island, so that makeup still looks good on my face! Haha!

Love you all!!!!!

-Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz

QC Makeup Academy graduate Elena Franklin Feature Image

Meet QC Makeup Academy Graduate, Elena Franklin!

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, Featured, Graduate Feature, Industry Spotlight, Makeup Careers, Student Features No Comments

Meet QC Makeup Academy graduate, Elena Franklin! Tell us a little bit about yourself, Elena!

I am 21 years old, and was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba with my parents and two older sisters. Here are some random facts about me:

  • I love my dog, being outside in my hammock, and will be happy any time of day at a cute coffee shop!
  • My favorite color is pink, I am a gold jewelry kind of gal, and I keep badminton rackets in my car so that I’m never without them (in case an opportunity for a rally comes up).
  • You will often find me listening to Hozier while wearing several different shades of brown.
  • I have a deep love for the ocean, despite not living anywhere near it.
  • If you had asked me when I was young what I wanted to be when I grew up, the answer would’ve been “a mom”. Yes, this is still true – but my point is, becoming a makeup artist was never on my mind as a kid.

I’m happy to be here and hope you can continue to get to know me a little more as you read on!

When (and why) did you realize you wanted to pursue a career in the makeup and beauty industry?

I decided to pursue makeup the year after I graduated high school, while attending Briercrest College in Saskatchewan. My original plan was to take theater and education in Winnipeg. However, I quickly realized that I am much more of a hands-on learner and was really bad at writing papers.

Makeup had always been a hobby throughout high school and so I thought it would be a good fit for me. But if I’m being completely transparent, I didn’t think much about what my goal with a makeup career was at the time… That said, I haven’t looked back since – and I am very happy to be on this path!

Thinking of pursuing a career in makeup artistry? Discover what a realistic day in the life of a professional makeup artist actually looks like!

Why did you decide to pursue your certification training online (rather than in-person) – and how did you both hear of QC Makeup Academy?

At the time, when I had decided to switch schools, we were all in the middle of the pandemic. As such, there weren’t any options for in-person training. So, online school it was!

Turns out, working online ended up being much better suited for me and my lifestyle! I found QC Makeup Academy through researching the different options for schooling.

Why did you choose to enroll with QC Makeup Academy? (E.g., What was it about our school that won you over, compared to other online makeup schools out there?)

I liked the idea of working at my own pace and really perfecting techniques before having to move on to the next assignment. Based on the reviews and student testimonies, it seemed like a very encouraging community; one that wants you to succeed. I have come to learn that it is indeed both of those things!

You’re a multiple QC Makeup Academy graduate – but your journey started with our self-paced, online Master Makeup Artistry Course. Tell us about your experience with this program! What was the most challenging aspect of this course for you? How about the most rewarding? Also, what was your favorite hands-on assignment and why?

I really enjoyed this course! The most challenging part was the very beginning. I came into this thinking I knew everything there is to know about makeup, but I was humbled very quickly by my tutor.

Once I opened up my mind, I realized there was so much to learn… And I’m still learning every day with each client I work with. I am so glad Nathan Johnson (my tutor) kicked me off my high horse. I’m a much better artist because of it!

The most rewarding thing about this course was being able to see my progress throughout, as well as seeing the change in my artistry. Every assignment is documented by pictures, and it’s so fun to look back and see how far I’ve come.

As for my favorite practical assignment, I really enjoyed the fantasy makeup assignment in Unit E! It was so fun to get out of my comfort zone and try and dream up something new; something never seen before.

Want to learn more about QC’s wildly popular Master Makeup Artistry Course? Then make sure to check out the full course curriculum to see exactly what you’ll be learning!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Elena Franklin in-post image 1
Photography by Tamara Boden.

What would you say is the #1 biggest and best lesson you learned in QC Makeup Academy’s Master Makeup Artistry Course?

I would have to say, it was opening up my mind to learn new techniques and not think that I know everything about makeup artistry. There’s so much to learn and so much room to grow as an artist, if you allow it!

After receiving your Master International Makeup Professional (MIMP) certification, you then went on to complete our Pro Makeup Workshop. How did this program build upon everything you learned in the MMA Course and take your skill-set to the next level? Moreover, would you recommend the Pro Makeup Workshop to MMA students/grads (and why or why not)?

I would totally recommend QC’s Pro Makeup Workshop to anyone looking to build off of their skills! This course forces you to use all the techniques learned in the MMA program – but you must be able to slightly change and/or adapt them in order to complete the assignments.

QC’s MMA Course gives you a solid tool box to work out of, while the Pro Makeup Workshop gives you all the fancy gadgets that’ll level up your work overall. Plus, it also gives you more opportunities to practice and really perfect your craft!

Check out how QC Makeup Academy’s Pro Makeup Workshop also helped accelerate fellow graduate Nadia Calabro’s makeup career!

You’ve also earned QC’s International Special FX Makeup Professional (ISMP) certification by completing our Special FX Makeup Course, too. How did this specialization training add to your overall skill-set? Also, in what ways has it benefitted your career as an MUA thus far?

This course was crazy (in the best possible way)! Before taking Special FX, I was strictly all about beauty makeup. I found it so wild that Special FX is basically the complete opposite of beauty makeup. It was allowed to be messy and asymmetrical – encouraged, actually!

It was definitely a big adjustment of mindset and skill-set, which has helped me think more creatively overall. I enjoy being well-trained in both ends of the makeup spectrum! I just completed QC’s Special FX Makeup Course at the beginning of May, 2023, so I’m actively seeking opportunities to use these skills!

As a graduate of QC Makeup Academy’s Skincare Course (and as a certified International Skincare Consulting Professional (ISCP)), tell us: why do you feel skin knowledge makes one a stronger, even more qualified makeup artist?

Knowing skin makes ALL the difference! If you know skin, you’ll be able to create a makeup application that’ll last all day – for any skin type. You will also be able to recommend products to your clients, which can be very beneficial to them and your business.

Clients want to work with professionals who know their stuff! You must know your canvas to be able to create beautiful art.

In what ways did QC’s Portfolio Development Workshop benefit you? Why would you recommend it to other makeup artists – especially ones who haven’t yet developed their professional portfolio?

I liked QC’s Portfolio Development Workshop because I had to seek out other professionals who I wanted to work with. It created connections for me and gave me the courage to reach out to those in the industry. And at the same time, it builds your own portfolio! I would definitely recommend taking this course after completing other makeup courses.

QC Makeup grad Elena Franklin in-post image 2
Photography by Kelsey Edel.

Speaking as a QC Makeup Academy graduate, do you believe that all professional makeup artists should be properly trained and certified? Why or why not?

Yes, this is SO important! As a makeup artist, you are working with people on some of the biggest, most important days of their lives. It’s so helpful to be able to lean on all your training when faced with a challenging look or difficult client. As previously mentioned, people want to work with professionals who know their stuff!

How would you describe your style as an MUA?

My style is very light and natural. My main goal is to always enhance the pre-existing beauty and help clients feel like their most beautiful selves. I always start with lots of skin prep, and will often reach for very light coverage or buildable skin products in order to create an effortless filter on the skin.

Furthermore, I tend to lean more into my brown/neutral color pallets for the eyes. I occasionally dabble in full glam makeup, but a majority of my clientele comes to me for very natural makeup looks.

What made you decide to open your own makeup business, Makeup by Len?

When I started my Instagram account, I was mostly posting photos of myself when I would try out fun, new makeup looks. It was a way to share my art with my close friends and family. But then I was shocked when the account took off in a short amount of time!

So, I quickly it changed it from only posting selfies to sharing my beautiful clients. Through Instagram doing its thing, the constant support from friends and family, and Nathan [Johnson] seeing my potential and pushing me towards greatness, I decided to just jump with both feet in and see where it could take me.

I LOVE running my own business!

Here’s how YOU can start your very own makeup business, too (even if you’ve never been a businessowner before)!

What would you say have been the biggest challenges about launching/running your own makeup business? Furthermore, what would you say have been the greatest rewards?

The greatest challenge was right at the beginning. I had lots of motivation, goals, and makeup… But no clients!

Anytime I heard of someone getting married, a photoshoot, or an event taking place, my immediate response was (and still is), “Do they need a makeup artist?” Business was very slow to start. In fact, this time last year, I had zero bookings and was extremely discouraged.

But through my friends and family spreading my name, posting as much as I could on Instagram, and another local makeup artist recruiting me to be a part of her team (Perry & Co), the bookings started rolling in! This summer, I am almost completely booked up and am loving every minute of it!

The most rewarding part of the job is seeing people’s reactions when they first look in the mirror. I think it’s so special that I’m able to help people feel their absolute best! I love getting to know all sorts of people through this job and experiencing the deep trust that comes with that.

What services do you currently offer clients? Tell us about them!

I am currently offering:

  • Bridal, event, and editorial makeup services;
  • Classic lash extensions;
  • One-on-one makeup lessons;
  • And skincare consultations.

Additionally, I hope to add lash lift and tints to the list in the winter!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Elena Franklin in-post image 3
Photography by Felicity Siemens.

Of all these services, which is your personal TOP favorite to provide and why?

My favorite service lately has been one-on-one lessons! They are the perfect option if you’re a DIY bride or you’re just looking to amp up your everyday makeup routine. Teaching is so fun and so fulfilling!

Tell us a little about your business strategies with regards to: marketing yourself, networking, attracting/booking clients, building your portfolio, etc.!

I try to:

  • Maintain a consistent presence on social media;
  • Always have a business card on me;
  • And bring up what I do in group settings or when meeting new people so I can get my name out there.

I’m by no means a social media influencer, but I do find it very fun to think of new ideas to post or looks to create. I strive for a balance of sharing my work, giving tips and tricks, and letting my followers get to know me a little better. Moreover, I seek out opportunities to expand my portfolio – which can often look like offering my services to photographers for styled shoots, or just planning something small with a friend to build new skills.

Seeking out those kinds of opportunities and making connections are going to be a HUGE game-changer if you’re just starting out as a makeup artist!

Behold – our Ultimate List of DO’S and DON’TS for ANY and EVERY professional makeup job!

What is “The Planet Policy”?

The Planet Policy is a new policy I am beginning to implement in my business. I’m in love with this earth and all the beauty that it holds. So, I try my best to be kind to it.

I’ve begun asking my clients to bring their own makeup sponges, mascara, and/or lip products (if they have). I ask this so that I can limit the amount of disposables used during each application. Since I can only use a sponge and mascara wand once, in order to keep things safe and sanitary for my clients, it ends up creating a lot of garbage.

But this way, the garbage stays empty and the clients stay safe from infection! Of course, I still carry all the necessary products and disposables, in case someone doesn’t have these items or forgets them. It’s simply an effort to reduce waste and keep this beautiful planet of ours safe!

Which makeup technique do you feel you are strongest at? On the flip side, are there any techniques you’re currently working on improving?

I feel that my strongest technique is a smooth, crisp eyeliner (in the natural liner style) or wedge. I’d like to work more on creating the flawless wing. It’s not typically a look I go for myself or will apply on my clients – so, I’d like to see that to be a very flawless technique of mine in the future!

You live in Winnipeg, Manitoba – a major Canadian city with a population of approximately 841,000. With so many competitors in and around your area, how does Makeup by Len stand out from the rest? What makes you and your business unique?

I try to be very welcoming, inclusive, and warm towards my clients. I strive to make everyone feel loved and listened to, while also creating beautiful makeup applications. Some ways I achieve this is by:

  • Really getting to know my clients;
  • Asking what makes them feel beautiful;
  • Making cards for my brides to thank them for trusting me, as well as to congratulate them on their big day, etc.

It’s little things like this that can really make someone stand out from the rest. I want my clients to not only remember how they looked after working with me, but also how they felt. I truly adore all my clients!

Do you have any advice for other aspiring MUAs and QC Makeup Academy graduates who dream of running their own business?

Get your name out there as much as you can. Offer your services for any type of styled shoot with a local photographer, and always be willing to learn from other makeup artists.

Also, tell everyone you meet that you are a makeup artist and people will remember that! It’s not every day that you meet a makeup artist. We are very cool… So, own it!

In your opinion, what are the most rewarding aspects of being a makeup artist?

It’s that moment when you’ve finished a makeup application, your client looks in the mirror for the first time, and their face just lights up! It is feeling so tired after a long day of clients, but knowing that you helped people feel confident and beautiful. I’m so grateful to be in such a unique industry that holds so many special moments!

In your own words, can you tell us why you believe hiring a professional makeup artist is worth the cost?

When you hire a professional makeup artist, you know you’re getting quality work. Not to mention, your application will be clean and safe for you. I’ve seen many makeup artists not have proper sanitation in their kits, as well as not sanitize in-between clients, and it is quite scary!

Not all clients will know what to look for, in terms of proper makeup sanitation. So, when hiring a professional, you can be rest assured that the MUA you’ve hired knows what they’re doing and will keep you safe from infection.

Not sure how to price your makeup services? This video has the answer!

Do you remember your very first professional makeup job? Tell us about it! What did you learn from it, what went well, what didn’t go as planned, etc.?

What I lacked most in my first ever makeup job was confidence. I wasn’t confident in my work and didn’t charge nearly enough for the services provided. I let people take advantage of me throughout my first couple months of offering wedding makeup. It was frustrating and discouraging!

I also didn’t have a makeup bag; just a utility cart full of products, which made traveling nearly impossible. Very quickly, I learned that that was not going to suffice. So, I bought an actual kit early on in my career.

What’s your favorite makeup style and why?

I would categorize my favorite style as “angelic makeup”. It’s very glowy, light, and natural. Plus, it looks good on everyone! It’s always highly requested and is guaranteed to make the client feel beautiful (while still feeling like themselves).

Who are some of your makeup gurus/inspirations?

When I was in high school, I watched a lot of Tati Westbrook and James Charles on YouTube. However, I wouldn’t say they are my inspirations now.

Lately, I’ve been following Barrie Gower closely. He’s a Special FX artist and incredibly talented! I found him through his work on Stranger Things. I can only dream of being that amazing at Special FX makeup!

Discover the 5 BEST ways to start learning Special FX makeup as a newbie!

What words of wisdom would you give to other makeup lovers out there who dream of a career in the beauty industry, but are hesitant to take the leap?

The pros of being a makeup artist far outweigh any cons. If you’re willing to put in the work, make connections, and perfect techniques, that’s a great place to start. Also, find mentors and ALWAYS be willing to learn!

Overall, as a QC Makeup Academy graduate, why would you recommend QC’s certification training?

The ability of going at your own pace in the makeup courses is a huge reason why I, as a QC Makeup Academy graduate, would recommended QC over any other school.

You still have to work very hard, but you can also really perfect a technique before moving onto the next. There’s no stress in keeping up with classmates or missing deadlines. Also, you also get personalized feedback that will help you develop your skills – as well as help you recognize in which areas you need to put in a little more work.

Want to hear a real-life example of the kind of feedback you could get from QC Makeup Academy’s tutors? Watch as QC student, Jordan Garcia, REACTS to his Unit B feedback from executive instructor (and celebrity MUA), Nathan Johnson!

To date, what do you consider to be the proudest moment of your career so far?

I can’t pinpoint a certain moment in time… But I know there have been several times over the past year where I was driving to a makeup job,  had just booked a good gig, or gotten really good feedback, and I got a little emotional thinking to myself, I am actually doing this.

Not only am I living out my dream; it’s going really well! If I think about these awesome moments for too long, I will get lost in some happy tears. I am so grateful for a career that is so fulfilling!

What’s in store for you and Makeup by Len this year and beyond?

This year, I hope to expand my lash services in order to grow my clientele. I want to be EVERYTHING my brides need me to be during the week of their wedding! I like to learn new skills slowly, so that I can really perfect them before learning something new.

So, that is the goal for now! I would also like to keep practicing my Special FX makeup and start advertising that more to the public, too!

Imagine: You’re trapped on a deserted island and can only have THREE makeup products and/or tools with you. Which do you choose and why?

Always, always, always SPF! I never leave home without it – especially not to a deserted island! Then I’m bringing my Rare Beauty Lip Gloss in the shade nearly neutral (she’s so beautiful!).

And, of course, I’ll have my Maybelline Colossal Mascara. This is pretty much all I wear on a day-to-day basis! I’m a simple gal when it comes to makeup for myself!

Inspired by Elena’s story? Become a QC Makeup Academy graduate YOURSELF and launch an exciting, thriving career as an MUA in as little as 2-6 short months! Enroll with QC today to start your journey!

QC Makeup Academy Feature Image

QC Makeup Academy’s Ultimate Master List of Blog Resources

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Oh, hey! Are you a student of QC Makeup Academy – or thinking of enrolling? Maybe you’re a brand-new graduate who just got their internationally-recognized certification, but don’t know what your next step should be? Or perhaps you have dreams of launching your very own business in the beauty industry and have no idea where to start?

Either way, you’ve come to the right place!

In this ULTIMATE Master List, we’ll provide you with ALL our top recommended, in-house blog resources. These resources will cover virtually everything you need to know, whether you’re a QC student or a certified MUA in need of some career advice. Simply bookmark this list and refer back to it whenever you need it!

So, on that note, let’s get started!

Before We Dive In, Have You Joined QC Makeup Academy’s Virtual Classroom Yet?

Did you know that as soon as you enroll with QC Makeup Academy, you’re automatically eligible to become a member of our private Virtual Classroom on Facebook? It’s true!

In this exclusive group, you can:

  • Connect and network with other QC students and graduates;
  • Post your work and get constructive feedback that’ll help you grow as an artist;
  • Get any questions you may have answered by our awesome staff, as well as our amazing Peer Mentor(s);
  • Discuss the beauty industry and gain invaluable insights into what YOU can expect once you launch your career;
  • Get all sorts of helpful business/career tips and tricks;
  • And MUCH more!

So, what are you waiting for? Join QC’s free Virtual Classroom on Facebook today! 💕

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Student Resources

Alright, now let’s get to the good stuff! If you’re thinking of enrolling with QC Makeup Academy, or you’re already a student, these blog resources are for YOU!

a makeup artist does makeup to a blonde for a holiday or a photo shoot. the concept of professional cosmetic services.
QC Makeup Academy in-post image 3

Makeup Artistry Resources

If you’re enrolled in (or a graduate of) any of QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online makeup programs, you’ll more than likely benefit from this section! So, give this list a look-over… There’s probably at least ONE article in here that’ll catch your eye!

Business & Career Resources for Makeup Artists:

Close up beauty girl with freckles and thick eyebrows, applying moisturizing skincare cream, lotion or mask for skin lifting and anti-aging detoxifying effect, white background. Makeup article.

Skincare Resources

Currently a student – or graduate – of QC Makeup Academy’s Skincare Course? Then you’ve guessed it… The blog articles below have been hand-picked just for you!

Working with actress to prepare stage makeup

Additional Beauty Industry Resources

QC Makeup Academy in-post image 6

Connect with QC Makeup Academy on Social Media!

Want to follow us on social media? Maybe want to slide into our DMs for a chat? Sounds good to us! 😘

Here’s where you can connect with QC Makeup Academy:

Reach Out to Our Awesome Student Support Team!

Furthermore, don’t forget that whether you’re thinking of enrolling with QC Makeup Academy, or are already a student or alumnus, our wonderful Student Support Team is ALWAYS happy to help – however they can! Specifically, they’re available Monday through Friday (between 9am and 5pm EST) via phone, email, and live chat.

If you have any questions for them, here are all of their contact details. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Got Any Comments or Questions?

Drop them down below! We always love to hear from you!

What’s more – if you have any blog topics that you’d like to read about, but didn’t see on this list, feel free to let us know. We’re always happy to hear your feedback and get inspiration for future articles!

Thanks for reading!

Did you know that once you’ve enrolled in one QC Makeup Academy Course, ALL other courses are 50% off – forever? It’s true! Take advantage of this amazing offer and add another internationally-recognized certification to your resume today!

How much should you charge as a skincare consultant Feature Image

How Much Should You Charge as a Skincare Consultant?

By Career Advice, Skincare No Comments

Starting a career as a skincare consultant can be an exciting and potentially lucrative venture – but setting the right price for your services is key! So, how much should you charge as a skincare consultant? Furthermore, how do you decide what pricing structure to use?

This article will explore these questions and more so that you can make sure you are properly charging for your services!

So, let’s get started!

How Should You Be Charging as a Consultant: The Different Pricing Structures

When it comes to pricing, there are several different options available at your disposal. The most common pricing structures for a skincare consultant are:

  • Hourly rate;
  • Flat fee;
  • Or package rate.

Let’s dive into each of these in more detail:

How much should you charge as a skincare consultant in-post image 1

1. Hourly Rate:

Some skincare consultants opt for an hourly rate model because it allows them to charge clients based on the amount of time they spend providing services. This makes it easy for clients to know exactly what they’re paying based on how long the job takes.

How to Set an Hourly Rate

When setting an hourly rate, consider your experience level, the type of services you’re providing, and how much your competitors are charging. It’s important to set a rate that’s fair for both you and your clients!

What is the Average Hourly Rate for a Freelance Skincare Consultant?

The average hourly rate for a freelance skincare consultant is $50-$100. Of course, this varies depending on the market and your experience level. So, it’s important to do your research before settling on a rate.

Not yet a certified skincare consultant – but want to become one? Our Ultimate Guide will break down the entire process for you in 5 easy steps!

2. Flat Fee:

A flat fee model is another option that you could choose because it allows you to set a single price for your services – regardless of how much time you spend working. Firstly, this makes it easier to plan for income potential. Secondly, it also allows you to charge a premium for your services.

How to Set a Flat Fee

When setting a flat fee, you should consider the scope of work and the type of services that you are providing. Additionally, it’s important to factor in the amount of time and energy you’ll be investing into the project. Lastly, research your competitors’ rates to ensure that you are setting a competitive price.

What is the Average Flat Fee for a Skincare Consultant?

The average flat fee for a skincare consultant can range anywhere from $500-$2,000 depending on the scope of work and your experience level.

3. Package Rate:

Lastly, some skincare consultants choose to offer package rates for their services. This means that you’d offer a discounted rate if the client purchases a certain number of services or products in one go. This can be a great way to get clients to commit to longer-term treatments. Plus, it’ll help you increase the average order value!

How to Set a Package Rate

When setting a package rate, you should consider the type of services and products that you are offering. You should also make sure to factor in any discounts or bonuses that you’d like to include in the package. Finally, as we mentioned already, research your competitors’ rates so that you can set a competitive price for your package.

What is the Average Package Rate for a Skincare Consultant?

On average, a package rate for a skincare consultant can range from $500-$1,500 depending on the scope of work and your experience level.

Consultation in cosmetology clinic. Female beauty doctor talking with patient and selling cream or mask. Skincare consultant article.

Determining Your Skincare Consultant Fees: Competitor Research

While it’s important to set a price that you know is fair for the services you are offering, it’s also important to remember that pricing should be competitive, too. Meaning, if your services are priced too low, clients may not take you seriously. On the other hand, if they’re priced too high, then it might be difficult to get clients in the first place.

To ensure that you’re pricing your services fairly, it’s always a good idea to do your own research and see what your competitors are charging for similar services. This will ensure that you’re not undercharging and you’re not overcharging either!

How to Conduct Competitor Research

When conducting competitor research, you need to take into consideration both their pricing structure and the type of services they offer. Additionally, it can also be helpful to pay attention to any additional bonuses or discounts that competitors might be offering as well.

So, start by doing a Google search and make a list of all the skincare consultants in your area. From there, look over their websites and social media. This will help you get a better understanding of what they offer and how much they charge for their services.

For more tips on doing a competitor analysis, we recommend this blog article by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce!

10 Key Factors to Consider when Pricing Your Consultant Services

1. Your Target Market

Knowing who your demographic is – and their average income in your area – will help you determine how much clients can afford to pay for your services. If you’re not sure who your target market is, here are some tips to help you identify them!

2. Your Time Investment

You should also factor in the amount of time it takes to complete a service or project. How many hours does it take you to do a full skincare consultation? Moreover, how much time will it take you to create a customized skincare routine for a client?

By taking the time to consider your time investment, you can ensure that you’re setting a price point that covers both your costs and any time spent on a service.

3. Your Education and Experience

Your knowledge, experience, and credentials are all factors that should be taken into consideration when pricing your services. For instance, how long have you been in the business? What certifications do you have? How much do other professionals with similar qualifications charge for their services?

Earn your globally-recognized International Skincare Consulting Professional (ISCP) in as little as 2 short months with QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online Skincare Course!

4. Your Overhead Expenses

When running a business, it’s important to factor in any overhead expenses such as rent, utilities, insurance, advertising costs, etc. The reason you need to factor these expenses into how much you charge as a skincare consultant is so that you can ensure your business is profitable.

5. Professionalism and Branding

How professional and polished your website, social media accounts, and other marketing materials look can also have an impact on your pricing. For example, if you have a sleek website and professional branding materials, it’s likely that clients will trust you more and be willing to pay more for your services.

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6. Your Location

Where you are based also plays a role in setting the fees for your services. For instance, if you’re based in a city with a high cost of living, then it could be reasonable to charge more for your services as compared to someone who is based in a rural area.

7. Your Delivery Method

This refers to how you provide your services – online or in-person? Depending on which delivery method you choose, certain costs might be associated with it (such as travel or technology fees). So, take these into consideration as well when setting your price points!

In LESS than a month, learn how to transfer all of your skincare consulting services online with QC Makeup Academy’s Virtual Training mini course!

8. Your Payment Terms

The payment terms you offer can also have an impact on how much you charge for your services. For instance, if you offer discounts for clients who pay upfront or in full, this could help you increase your profits. On the other hand, if you offer payment plans or installment options, then it’s likely that you’ll have to charge more for your services in order to cover any costs associated with these payment terms.

9. Your Reputation and Reviews

Your past clients’ reviews and testimonials could also affect how much people are willing to pay for your services. For example, if you have positive reviews from previous clients, potential customers might be more likely to trust in your knowledge and experience. In turn, this could lead them to paying a higher rate for your services!

Uh oh… Did someone leave your business a bad review? Never fear – here’s how to handle it properly and professionally!

10. Your Goals as a Skincare Consultant

Finally, it’s important to consider your goals with regards to pricing. For starters, how much money do you want to make as a skincare consultant? How much do you need to charge in order to meet these goals? And how much profit do you want to make each month?

Answering these questions can help guide your decision on how much you should charge for your services!

Frequently Asked Questions

Before we wrap things up, let’s answer some of the most common questions when it comes to pricing as a skincare consultant (and a consultant in general)…

Q1: Should you set your prices using a consultant fee structure template?

A1: While templates can be helpful, it’s important to remember that each consultant’s fees should reflect their individual experience and expertise. As such, it’s best for you to customize your fee structure based on the factors mentioned in this article.

Q2: Should you charge for the initial client consultation?

A2: This is entirely up to you! Some consultants choose not to charge for the initial consultation, while others do. It really depends on your preferences and goals.

Q3: How much should you charge for an online consultation? What about an in-person one?

A3: How much you should charge for an online consult will depend on factors such as your experience and expertise, the complexity of the services being provided, and the duration of the consult. As for in-person consultations, rates can vary depending on things such as travel expenses and duration.

On average, though, online skincare consultations typically start at around $75 per hour, while in-person consults can start from anywhere between $100 to $200 per hour.

Side view portrait of attractive woman in white bathrobe holding cosmetic product while sitting at the table with cosmetologist. They looking at each other and smiling. Skincare consultant article.

Q4: How do you negotiate consulting rates?

A4: Sometimes, you’ll encounter a client who wants to negotiate your rates. In this case, your first approach should be to try and stay firm on your fee structure. Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of! Be sure to explain the value of your services and, if needed, be willing to compromise on certain aspects.

Now, if your client is approaching things politely and respectfully, and you’re willing to barter, then you can certainly negotiate your rate. Just make sure that whatever changes you agree on are beneficial to BOTH parties (and not just your client)!

Q5: How do you bill for consulting services?

A5: How you bill for your services will depend on the type of payment method you offer. Generally, you can use a variety of options, including invoices (sent via email or snail mail), debit/credit cards, PayPal, etc.

It’s important to remember that, if you offer payment terms such as “Net 30” or “Net 60”, you should factor in the associated costs in your final fee structure.

Q6: What is the “rule of thirds” in consulting fees?

A6: The rule of thirds is a pricing strategy in which you compare the value of your services to the amount that you are charging for them. This way, you can make sure that your services are priced fairly and reflect their true worth.

To use this strategy, divide your fees into three parts:

  1. Cost of delivery (this includes your time, labor and materials);
  2. Overhead expenses (such as travel costs, software fees and office supplies);
  3. And finally, your desired profit margin.

Using the rule of thirds can help ensure that you are charging a fair and reasonable fee for your services and also make sure that you are able to meet all of your business goals.

Q7: Should consultant charge for travel time?

A7: Yes, you should definitely include travel time in your pricing structure if you expect to be compensated for it. This is especially important if you are providing services in person and traveling from one location to another. How much you charge for travel time will depend on factors such as the distance traveled, time spent on the road, and any associated expenses.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that you should always communicate your travel fees clearly with your clients BEFORE you agree to any services. That way, everyone will be on the same page from the start.

Q8: What is the average STARTUP consultant hourly rate?

A8: If you’re a brand-new skincare consultant with minimal experience under your belt, you should start out by charging around $50-75 per hour. This is a good starting rate as it allows you to gain experience, establish yourself in the industry, and get your feet wet.

From there, once you start to build a clientele and gain more expertise, you can then start increasing your rates accordingly. Ultimately, the amount you charge should reflect your experience and the value that you can provide to clients.

Q9: Do consultants charge up front?

A9: How you charge for your services will depend on the type of payment method and terms that you offer. Generally, it’s best to have some type of up-front payment before any services are rendered. This can be in the form of a deposit, retainer fee, or even a full payment up front.

Q10: What is the average markup for a consultant?

A10: If you’re unfamiliar with this term, a markup is essentially an amount that is added to the cost of a service or product. For example, as a skincare consultant, your markup would be the amount that you charge for a service above and beyond the cost of materials, labor, etc. One example of this could be charging a client $200 for a facial when the cost of materials and labor is only $150.

The average markup for consulting services can vary depending on many factors, such as your experience, expertise, and the value you can provide to your clients. Generally speaking, a markup of 20-50% is considered the standard.

Q11: What is a good profit margin for skincare consulting?

A11: A good profit margin for skincare consulting will depend on many variables such as your experience, services offered, cost of materials, and overhead expenses. Generally, we recommend aiming for a profit margin of 15-20% as a good starting point. This will give you enough room to make a profit without overcharging your clients for services.

Of course, as you gain more experience and become more in-demand in the industry, you can then start increasing your profit margins accordingly. Ultimately, your pricing should reflect the value that you are providing to your clients and make sure that your business stays profitable.

Q12: How do you get a true 30% markup?

A12: A “true 30% markup” is a term used to describe the amount that you should charge for services in order to make a profit of 30% – after accounting for expenses like materials, labor, etc.

To calculate your true 30% markup, you’ll need to determine the cost of materials and labor for a service (plus any additional overhead expenses) first. Then, you can add 30% of that total cost to get your true markup amount. This will ensure that you are making a profit while still providing fair pricing to your clients.

For example, if the cost of materials and labor for a service is $100, then your true 30% markup should be $130. By following this formula, you can make sure that all of your skincare consultant services are priced appropriately and that you are making a profit!

Q13: How many hours do skincare consultants work per week on average?

A13: How many hours a week you work as a skincare consultant will depend on your individual goals and preferences. Some consultants may prefer to work full-time, while others may opt for a more part-time approach.

On average, most skincare consultants tend to work about 30-40 hours per week. This can vary depending on:

  • Your client load
  • The services you offer
  • How often you take breaks and vacations, etc.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide how much time you want to dedicate to your business each week!

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So, How Much Should You Charge as a Skincare Consultant?

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been a skincare consultant for years, it’s important to understand how much to charge for your services. To ensure that you’re making a profit and providing fair pricing to your clients, we recommend using the “true 30% markup” formula with all of your services. Additionally, make sure to consider your experience, expertise, your competition, and the value you offer when deciding on your rates.

With this in mind, you can confidently start charging what you’re worth!

Good luck, beauties, and thanks for reading!

Special effects training Feature Image

10 Ways Special Effects Training Makes You a Better Makeup Artist

By Special Effects Makeup, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Special effects makeup isn’t just a fun way to express your creativity. It’s also an invaluable tool for professional makeup artists! Special effects training can also open the door to all kinds of amazing opportunities. For example, you can produce unique and innovative looks for film and television projects, as well as create stunning visuals for photo shoots.

So, if you want to take your career as a makeup artist to the next level, read on to discover 10 reasons why special effects training is the way to go!

First Thing’s First – What is a Special FX Makeup Artist?

As a special effects MUA, you must have an in-depth understanding of the human body and anatomy so you can create incredibly lifelike creations. You’ll also need to have strong artistic skills and attention to detail.

Special effects makeup is an incredibly rewarding and challenging field. After all, it requires a great deal of knowledge and skill to create believable illusions that look realistic in any setting!

What Does a Special Effects Makeup Artist Do?

Special effects makeup is a unique and highly specialized field of makeup artistry. It involves creating dramatic and realistic illusions using prosthetics, special effects products, and other materials. Furthermore, special effects makeup artists are often hired to create a variety of looks for film, television, theater, and even photography projects.

Special Effects Makeup Artist Responsibilities

A Special Effects Makeup Artist must have the skills and knowledge to create believable illusions. They must also be able to work with a variety of materials, including prosthetics and special effects products.

Furthermore, SFX makeup artists need to be able to think outside the box and come up with creative ideas that will help bring the client’s vision to life. You’ll need to be able to look at a script, bring the story to life, and work with a variety of materials.

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10 Reasons Why Special Effects Training Make You a Better MUA

1. You’ll Gain a More Well-Rounded Skill-Set

Special effects makeup involves the use of a variety of products and techniques, from prosthetics to airbrush artistry. As such, special effects training gives you the opportunity to learn about all these different methods and apply them in your work. In turn, you can also apply all of these new techniques to the rest of your makeup artistry services as well (i.e. adding airbrush makeup to your bridal services, etc.).

Pro Tip: New to the world of special effects makeup – but interested in learning? Here are 5 easy ways any beginners can get started!

2. You’ll Learn How to Create Lifelike Prostheses and Special FX Pieces

Special effects makeup requires a deep understanding of the human body and anatomy. Special effects training teaches you how to create prostheses and special FX pieces that look incredibly lifelike – whether for film, theater, or photography projects.

3. You’ll Be Able to Take on More Challenging Projects

The more skills and knowledge you have in any given field, the more opportunities you have to take on bigger and better projects! When you learn special effects makeup, you’re opening the door to all kinds of exciting and challenging work. For instance, you could create monsters, aliens, prosthetic creatures, or even fantasy characters for television and film!

4. You’ll Be Able to Create Specialized Looks for Different Projects

Special effects training teaches you how to create specialized looks for different projects. For example, you’ll learn how to create specific looks for horror films, as well as more subtle and realistic effects for medical dramas – all with a single special FX makeup course!

And how will this benefit your career in the grand scheme of things?

Special effects makeup gives you the ability to create truly unique and innovative looks for any kind of project – which can help make your portfolio stand out from the competition!

5. You’ll Stand Out From the Crowd

Speaking of standing out from the competition… Most makeup artists don’t have any experience in special effects makeup. If you get special effects training, you’ll have a significant advantage over other MUAs in your area. Not to mention, you’ll be that much more appealing to prospective clients, employers, and makeup brands!

Special effects makeup artist applying fake wound to client's arm.

6. You’ll Be Able to Command Higher Rates

With special effects makeup training, you can position yourself as an expert in the field. As a result, this gives you the confidence to command higher rates for your services! Special FX makeup requires a lot of skill, knowledge, and experience – which are all invaluable traits that should be properly compensated for.

Pro Tip: Need help pricing your makeup services? We’ve got you covered!

7. You’ll Have Access to Specialized Product Lines

In addition to learning new techniques, special effects training also grants you access to specialized product lines that are only available through certain makeup brands or suppliers. Special FX makeup requires certain products and materials. However, you may not be able to find in your local drugstore or beauty supply store.

But your special effects training will connect you to the right resources, as well as educate you on how to properly use them for your projects!

Pro Tip: Check out the different makeup brand discounts you’ll automatically be eligible for as a QC Makeup Academy student!

8. The Special Effect Makeup Artist Salary Can Be Killer

Special effects makeup artists can make some serious money in their field, depending on the type of work they do. After all, this is a highly sought after niche and skill-set! To give you a bit of an idea of what you could potentially earn, check out what the average salary ranges are in the following countries:

  • United States: Between approx. $52,560 and $71,655 USD per year (Source:
  • Canada: Between approx. $42,000 and $110,000 CAD per year (Source: Glassdoor)
  • United Kingdom: Between approx. £40,779 and £64,961 GBP per year (Source: Salary Expert)
  • Australia: Between approx. $100,299 and $159,776 AUD per year (Source: Salary Expert)

9. There Are SO Many Types of Jobs in The SFX Makeup Field

Okay, we’ve already discussed the obvious career paths – which is to work in film and television. But the SFX makeup field has so much more to offer than that! For example, special effects makeup artists can also find lucrative and fulfilling work in fashion, theater, editorials, photography, and the rest of the beauty industry!

10. Special Effects Makeup is a LOT of Fun

Last but not least, special effects makeup is a seriously wicked and exciting profession! Special FX makeup opens up a whole new world of creativity and self-expression. Not to mention, it will challenge you to think outside of the box and push the boundaries of beauty standards.

And if that’s not enough, then just remember: special effects makeup is a lot of fun! So if you’re passionate about makeup and want to take your career to the next level, then special effects training is the perfect way to do so!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the benefits of being a special effects makeup artist?

A: Special effects makeup artists can stand out from the competition, command higher rates for their services, have access to specialized product lines, and even make an excellent salary! Moreover, SFX makeup is also a lot of fun! Plus, it allows you to express your creativity in new and innovative ways.

Q: Any advice on how to become a special effects makeup artist?

A: Of course! Special effects makeup is a specialized skill-set. So, it’s important to get the proper training. Although there are no mandatory educational requirements to become a special effects makeup artist, taking a course from a reputable institution like QC Makeup Academy can give you the foundation you need to start your career.

Plus, you’ll also have access to their amazing student support, business training, and additional resources that you may need in your journey!

Pro Tip: Interested in taking a special effects makeup course? Learn all about QC’s self-paced, online Special FX Makeup certification course to see if it’s the right fit for you!

Q: What can you do to promote yourself for jobs as a special effect makeup artist?

A: Special effects makeup artists should always be prepared to showcase their portfolio, complete with before and after photos. Having a strong social media presence is also essential to get your name out there and attract more clients.

Additionally, networking with other makeup artists, attending industry events, and joining professional organizations are all great ways to network and promote yourself. Finally, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in the SFX makeup industry.

Q: How do you become a successful SFX makeup artist?

A: If you want to be truly successful, you’ll need to be highly knowledgeable in a variety of makeup techniques, as well as special effects materials and tools. It’s also important to be creative and have an eye for detail. You’ll need to have a strong work ethic and commitment to quality, as well as a well-developed business plan.

Finally, don’t forget to capture the right kind of attention with an online presence and portfolio that stands out!

Golden eggs. Luxurious model. Gold bodypainting. Glamorous beautiful model in gold paint. Brilliant fantasy makeup. Golden creative makeup. Fantasy image. Special effects article.

Final Thoughts

Special effects makeup is an exciting and creative way to express yourself. With the right training, you can take your career to new heights and make a name for yourself as an amazing special effects makeup artist. For some extra guidance and support, consider taking a course at QC Makeup Academy or one of their Special FX Makeup certifications – you won’t regret it!

Good luck on your special effects journey, beauties!

Become a globally-certified International Special FX Makeup Professional (ISMP) in as little as 2 short months! Enroll in QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online Special FX Makeup Course and start your dream career today!

Canceled as a beauty influencer Feature Image

11 Guaranteed Ways to Get CANCELED as a Beauty Influencer

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a viral beauty influencer? I know – the thought of having thousands upon thousands of followers, and leveraging your talent for amazing opportunities, is an exciting prospect. But before you take the plunge, you NEED to know what not to do first. After all, once you get canceled as a beauty influencer, it’s a lot harder to make a comeback.

In this blog post, we’ll take a close look at 11 guaranteed ways to get canceled as a beauty influencer… And why. So, read on to learn how to avoid them at all costs!

11 Guaranteed Ways to Get Canceled as a Beauty Influencer

Before we dive in, I want to make one thing clear: when I talk about getting “canceled” in this article, it isn’t always in the super dramatic way we’ve all come to think of it. Sometimes, yes – getting canceled is when you MAJORLY mess up (in a colossal way) and you’re ostracized immediately.

However, other times, getting canceled is simply a matter of you continually making the wrong career moves, until it reaches a point where you force yourself to fade from relevance.

With that in mind, let’s jump into our list!

Mistake #1: Ignoring Your Followers

Obviously, this is hard when you have thousands (or even millions!) of followers. After all, you can’t be expected to be able to reply to everybody – or come even close. But ignoring everyone’s comments is a surefire way to get cancelled as a beauty influencer.


Because your followers are your biggest asset. They’re the ones who will help you get noticed, and create an engaged community of dedicated fans. If you never engage directly with them (i.e. not replying to any comments or DMs, never addressing commonly asked questions you get, etc.), they’ll begin to feel alienated from you.

This is the kind of mistake that may not get you canceled suddenly and immediately. However, it’s definitely one that can force you to gradually fade from the public’s eye the more your followers feel you don’t care about them.

So, make sure you reply to at least some of your followers’ comments. This way, they’ll know you appreciate them!

Mistake #2: Not Being Authentic

The modern consumer is savvier than ever – and that’s especially true when it comes to social media. If it looks like you’re not being authentic, your followers won’t hesitate to call you out on it.

This makes perfect sense! Obviously, no one wants to follow or support a fake influencer. People want to see real people with real experiences… Not someone just faking it to make a quick buck.

So, if you want to stay relevant, make sure you’re always being authentic. Post genuine content, answer questions honestly – and don’t be afraid to show both the positive and negative sides of your life.

After all, an influencer who’s too perfect isn’t all that relatable.

Pro Tip: Want to go viral on TikTok as a makeup artist? These tips and tricks can help you achieve this goal!

Mistake #3: Being a Little Too Authentic

There’s a flip side to Mistake #2… And that is, being a little too authentic.

No, I’m in no way discouraging you from being yourself! I’m just pointing out that there’s a thin line between authenticity and oversharing. Furthermore, there’s still a level of tact, professionalism, and respect needed whenever you post something to the public – especially if it’s your job.

(Do any beauty influencers who’ve been canceled in the past come to your mind who fit this description?)

So, make sure you don’t cross this line! Be judicious with what you post and respect both your audience and yourself. Furthermore, don’t share personal information that could be used against you.

Mistake #4: Always Being Involved in The Drama

You’re a beauty influencer – not the star of a reality TV show. So, when drama starts happening, it’s best to stay out of it.

Remember the infamous feud between Jeffree Star and James Charles? At one point, their entire PR teams were called in to help smooth things over. And while there’s a certain level of entertainment that drama like this brings the audience, it’s definitely not worth getting involved in.


Because if you’re always choosing sides and stirring up drama, your followers will grow tired of it and stop engaging with you. This can create a lot of tension between you and your audience – and make them question where your true loyalties lie.

Plus, you don’t want to get caught in the middle of a battle between two popular beauty influencers. That’s a surefire way to get canceled!

So, if unnecessary drama is brewing, it’s best to avoid the tea altogether.

Mistake #5: Lying About Paid Sponsorships and/or Brand Deals

This is another one that could get you canceled in an instant – and for good reason. Nobody likes being lied to. Especially when your followers are trusting you to recommend products and services they can use.

Furthermore, and this is especially worth noting, lying about paid sponsorships and/or brand can land you in legal trouble. For example, in the US, FTC guidelines require influencers to clearly disclose any sponsored content or paid partnerships.

If you don’t, you could be fined!

So, make sure that when it comes to sponsorships and brand deals, you don’t mislead your followers. Be transparent and honest about the products you’re promoting – and always disclose any sponsored content in a clear manner. This way, you can avoid getting canceled and/or fined.

Mistake #6: Outright Lying to Your Followers

Look, I don’t want to weigh in too heavily on the whole #mascaragate situation that recently happened on TikTok, but it’s an excellent example to highlight the damages of lying to your audience.

Therefore, I’m going to attempt to summarize what happened as objectively as possible…

Basically, a mega popular beauty influencer was accused of lying to her followers about the results of using a certain mascara. The overwhelming majority of the people flooded to the comments, pointing out what everyone felt was an obvious use of false lashes.

In turn, this influencer doubled down in her comment replies and stuck to her story that no fake lashes were used.

And while she may have thought nothing would come of it in the long run, thousands upon thousands of people believed her words to be a lie. And if this did happen to be a lie, it was one that not only cost her thousands of followers – it even brought a number of beauty guru legends out of the woodwork to call her out!

The moral of the story?

If you want to be a successful beauty influencer, you need to be honest with your followers. If they can trust and believe in you, they will stick around for the long haul. But if you try to deceive them?


Mistake #7: Not Taking Accountability When You Mess Up

Yes, I know, this article kind of has no chill… It’d be easy to assume that because this mistake is specifically following the last one, I’m trying to get a subtle jab in at this particular influencer.

But this is not the case. Once again, I’m trying to be neutral here and not definitively point any fingers. But one way or another, it IS a current and relevant example of the point I’m making…

For the sake of the argument, let’s say that this influencer was lying. Importantly, that’s what a LOT of her fans and followers believe. And yet, after going silent following the #mascaragate situation and then making a return… This influencer has yet to actually address what happened.

No apology, no explanation – nothing.

This has happened plenty of times with social media influencers from all sorts of niches and industries. One mistake is made, and it’s almost like they completely ignore the fact that anything ever happened.

But people WILL remember if you do this. Not only will they never fully feel like that can trust you again – you’ll lose so much of your credibility as a beauty professional in general.

So, if you want to be a successful beauty influencer, here’s the deal: if you mess up and your followers call you out for it, own up to it and apologize. Taking responsibility and being honest with your followers is the only way to truly gain back any trust you may have lost.

Pro Tip: Make sure you know the DOs and DON’Ts of beauty vlogging before you attempt to go viral!

Mistake #8: Not Knowing What You’re Talking About as a Beauty Expert

Real talk (and I’m aware this might be an unpopular opinion): learning makeup through social media is not the same as completing a professional makeup course.

Yes, obviously there are a fair number of famous beauty and makeup influencers out there with remarkable talent, who didn’t get professionally trained. But they’re like a rare butterfly. In reality, most people who aren’t properly trained can’t make it very far as an influencer because there’s too much they either:

  • Don’t know about, or
  • Can’t execute properly.

So, if you are serious about becoming a beauty influencer, I highly recommend getting the education and certification that comes with it. This way, you’ll actually know what you’re talking about and can help teach your audience the correct way to do things and use products.

Pro Tip: Earn YOUR professional, internationally-recognized makeup certification in as little as 2 short months with QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online training!

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Mistake #9: Fighting with Your Followers

Okay, there are two things I want to preface with this one:

  1. I’m not referring to instances where someone is being abusive towards you and you’re merely standing up for yourself;
  2. And I’m also not referring to the odd argument that may happen on a very rare occasion.

What I’m referring to are the kind of fights that start because you’ve either:

  • Said something controversial and are now getting called out for it, or
  • Responded to someone in an aggressive, negative, and/or unacceptable manner.

In either case, fighting with your followers is a BIG no-no and can quickly lead to you getting canceled. Also, while we’re here, please don’t be the kind of influencer who is actively going out of their way to look for fights when their followers comment on their content.

It gets old really fast, it’s exhausting, and it only makes you look super immature.

No matter how passionate you are about something, always remember to be respectful and polite when interacting with your followers online. Being kind goes a long way!

And if someone is being abusive towards you?

It’s better to simply block them than engage.

Mistake #10: Abandoning Your Platform

Another way to get canceled as a beauty influencer is by you abandoning your platform. Maybe you’re going through a rough patch and need to take a break, and that’s totally understandable.

But if you decide to just up and leave your followers with no warning and no explanation, they’ll more than likely think you’ve just run away from the consequences of something you did – or have lost interest and moved on all together.

Either way, they won’t be happy and you’ll quickly get canceled.

So, if you need to take a break for whatever reason, make sure you’re honest and transparent with your followers about it. Let them know what’s going on and when you hope to be back. From there, if you need more time away then expected, simply post a quick, short update to keep your audience informed.

Doing this will help maintain trust, respect and loyalty within your community – even when you’re not active.

Mistake #11: Saying Something Horrifically Offensive

This is probably the worst mistake you can make as a beauty influencer (or any social media influencer, for that matter). Chances are, if you mess up in this way, your career isn’t coming back from it.

Because the fact is, it’s 2023… And yet, unfortunately, people still say and do racially insensitive, homophobic, transphobic, sexist – you name it – things on the internet.

No matter how passionate you are about something, always remember to be respectful and polite when interacting with your followers online. Saying anything offensive or hateful will get you canceled in no time – particularly if it’s something that is completely and utterly wrong.

So, please think before you post anything and make sure you aren’t crossing any lines. If it’s not something that everyone can get behind and accept, don’t post or say it.

Bearded man professional beauty make up artist vlogger or blogger recording makeup tutorial to share on website or social media. Getting cancelled article.

Food for Thought

As we wrap things up, I encourage you to ask yourself:

  • What kind of beauty influencer do you want to be?
  • Who are your current beauty influencer idols – and why?
  • Are there any beauty influencers you don’t want to be like – and again, why?
  • What can you do to be more like the influencers you admire, and less like the ones you don’t?

Answering these questions will give you a good idea of the kind of content and social media presence you want to cultivate as a beauty influencer. Remember: content should be your first priority – but with great power comes great responsibility!

So, always remember to be mindful of what you’re posting, how often you’re engaging with your followers, and most importantly, staying true to yourself and your values.

Doing this will help you become a successful beauty influencer that people admire – and also help you avoid getting canceled!

Good luck, beauties! 🤞

UP NEXT: Interested in writing your very own beauty blog? Here are the 5 steps for success!

Makeup photography Feature Image

18 Secrets to Makeup Photography Success

By Career Advice, Makeup Tips and Tricks, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Are you a professional makeup artist and want to improve your portfolio? Have you been hired to do editorial makeup and you want to make sure you deliver the best possible results? Or maybe you’re a makeup lover who simply wants to improve your makeup photography skills for your Instagram feed?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, we’ve got some great news for you! Makeup photography doesn’t have to be complicated. In this article, we’ll go over 18 secrets that will help you take your makeup photos from mediocre to magazine-worthy.

So, let’s get started!

The Importance of Makeup in Photography

Makeup plays an an important role in in photography, as it helps enhance your features and create a certain look. Furthermore, makeup also makes it easier for photographers to capture colors, tones, and textures in the images they take.

In the world of professional makeup artistry, makeup is especially important in editorial work. In a nutshell, editorial photoshoots are all about creating a specific look or atmosphere. Usually, the purpose is to sell some sort of product, tell a story, or portray a concept. Makeup is the key to helping achieve this vision!

You’ll also find that makeup photography is of major importance when it comes to building your professional portfolio. After all, as a makeup artist, your portfolio is essentially your resume! It’s what potential employers look at to determine if you have the skillset they’re looking for. As such, knowing how to apply makeup for the camera is a must.

Now, let’s say you’re not a professional MUA. Perhaps you simply want to take your social media content to the next level. Well, makeup is just as important here, too. It helps you look your best and creates a more polished image!

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18 Secrets to Makeup Photography Success

Okay, let’s not waste anymore time! Here are 18 tips to help you achieve the perfect makeup look for photography…

But WAIT! Before we reveal these 18 secrets, make sure you know HOW to build a professional makeup artistry portfolio first!

Secret #1: Prep the skin with moisturizer and primer!

Make sure your (or your client’s) skin is well-hydrated and prepped first before applying makeup. This will help ensure that the products you use stay put and look their best all day long!

Secret #2: Know how to color correct!

Color correcting is basically using a specific product to cancel out any unwanted tones in your skin. Make sure you have a good understanding of how to color correct before doing makeup for photography. Otherwise, you’ll end up with an uneven and inconsistent look.

Pro Tip: Become a color correcting master with the help of this educational webinar – hosted by QC Makeup Academy executive instructor and professional MUA, Nathan Johnson!

Secret #3: Use bold colors that’ll pop on camera!

When it comes to makeup photography, bold colors are always best! So, make sure you use products that’ll show up clearly and will stand out in photos.

Secret #4: Ditch the cakey foundation!

Cakey foundation looks unnatural and unflattering in photos. For this reason, it’s important to avoid this look! Instead, make sure you use a lightweight foundation that’ll provide a sheer and polished finish.

Secret #5: Focus on the eyes!

The eyes are the most important feature in makeup photography because they’re the “windows to the soul”. So, make sure you focus on creating a dramatic and beautiful eye look that’ll make an impact in photos. You can achieve this by:

  • Swiping on some colorful eyeshadow;
  • Applying a dramatic cat eye;
  • Doing a sharp, crisp wing;
  • Applying false lashes;
  • Choosing colors that enhance the eye color;
  • And more!

Pro Tip: Need help perfecting your smokey eye? This step-by-step video tutorial by QC Makeup Academy grad, Devyn Gregorio, will show you everything you need to know!

Fashion African American model in gold jewelry, with perfect bright makeup and pigtails. Beautiful stylish African model on colored background. Makeup photoshoot article.

Secret #6: Make sure the lips don’t go unnoticed!

Just because you’re focusing on the eyes doesn’t mean you should overlook the lips. Make sure to create a luscious and full-looking pout with the help of lip liner, lipstick, and/or gloss!

Secret #7: Go with matte products!

Shimmery and sparkly products can be distracting in photos. Furthermore, they can also cause unwanted shine. Instead, make sure you opt for matte or subtle sheen products instead.

By doing this, you’ll be able to create a more subtle and polished look!

Secret #8: Use powder so skin doesn’t look shiny!

While we’re on the subject, applying a translucent setting powder on the face is also essential for keeping skin from getting shiny or greasy. So, make sure you lightly dust this over your (or your client’s) face – either before or after taking photos.

Secret #9: The fashion should match the makeup (and vice versa)!

If you’re choosing your or your client’s wardrobe, make sure to choose an outfit that’ll match the makeup look. This means making sure the colors, styles, and textures don’t clash with each other! And if someone else has picked out the wardrobe, make sure to adjust the makeup accordingly.

Either way, creating a cohesive look is key for achieving the perfect makeup photography look!

Interested in a career as a Fashion Styling Consultant? Become trained and certified in as little as 8 weeks with QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online Fashion Styling Course!

Secret #10: Choose colors that compliment the skin tone (and undertones)!

The colors you use in makeup photography can make or break the final look. Thus, we strongly recommend choosing colors that are flattering and will highlight the best features of the person you’re working with. Make sure to take their skin into consideration before you choose colors – as this will help create a more balanced and harmonious look.

For example, all people’s skin tones fall into any of these categories:

  • Cool (blue undertone)
  • Warm (yellow/golden undertone)
  • Neutral (a balance of cool and warm undertones)

Once you know the undertones, you can then choose colors that’ll enhance them!

Secret #11: Don’t be afraid of natural skin texture!

No amount of makeup in the world can completely erase skin texture – and that’s just a fact. Personally, when I see a model who has no pores, I immediately think “Photoshop”… And Photoshop doesn’t sell me on anything other than Photoshop.

So, when applying makeup for photography, as it’s important to keep some of the natural skin texture still visible. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should leave your or your client’s skin looking dull and dry. It simply means that you shouldn’t cake on the makeup.

Make sure to use the right products and techniques to create a glowing, healthy complexion without losing the skin’s natural texture. Remember: having texture on our skin is part of being human. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it!

Secret #12: Make sure to use a setting spray!

Setting spray is essential for keeping your makeup in place and ensuring it still looks fresh after hours of shooting. We recommend using a product that’s specifically designed for photography (such as any of these), as this will give you the best results.

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Secret #13: Know how to do a variety of looks!

You’ve probably noticed that so far, we’ve put a lot of emphasis on the bolder, more dramatic side of makeup photography. That being said, you should also be aware of the importance of subtler looks as well. Not only does your professional portfolio need variety; if you’re limited to one or two styles, you won’t be able to book as many photoshoot jobs!

With that in mind, you should learn how to do a variety of looks, such as:

  • Everyday makeup;
  • Soft glam makeup;
  • Bridal/wedding makeup;
  • SFX makeup;
  • Makeup for men;
  • Makeup for mature skin;
  • Global beauty makeup, etc.

Pro Tip: QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online courses cover ALL of these styles of makeup (and SO much more)! Plus, you’ll earn a legitimate, globally-recognized certification AND learn how to start/run your own MUA business… All in as little as 12 short weeks!

Secret #14: Do touch-ups throughout the photoshoot!

No matter how perfect the makeup looks at first, it’s bound to need a few touch-ups here and there. When you forget to re-apply powder or blend eyeshadow, the makeup will begin to look patchy and cake-like. So, make sure you have a few key products on hand to help you out when needed.

How to Retouch Makeup for Photography

If you or your client/model needs their makeup retouched during the photoshoot, you’ll need to do two things:

  1. Make sure your makeup is still intact (i.e., powder, eyeshadow, blush, etc.);
  2. And make sure your skin is still matte and not shiny or greasy.

To do this, use a setting spray to re-set the makeup and blot any excess oil with a tissue or blotting paper.

Secret #15: Lighting is literally everything!

We can’t stress this one enough! Makeup photography is all about playing around with light and making sure it’s hitting the face in the most beautiful and flattering way possible. Make sure to experiment with different lighting techniques, as this will help you create a more dynamic look!

Makeup Photography Lighting

Here are the different types of lighting you can work with, and the pros and cons of each:

Natural Lighting

This is widely considered the most flattering type of light, as it comes from the sun and is softer on the skin. However, you’ll need to plan your photoshoots around certain times of day (which may be difficult to do!)

Studio Lighting

This is often used in professional photography studios, and provides a more direct/intense light. It’s trickier to work with, as you’ll have to experiment a lot until you find the right balance.

Moreover, the type of light bulbs used will also affect the final result. For example, “warm” bulbs are often used to create softer and more subtle lighting, while “cool” bulbs can be used to create a sharper look.

Ring Lighting

Used predominantly by social media influencers and beauty gurus, this is a diffused light that’s perfect for makeup photography. Why? Because it provides an even and soft illumination on the face.

While ring lighting isn’t common for professional shoots, it’s definitely recommend for those wanting to take pics of themselves for social media. If you’re interested in trying out ring lighting for your personal photos, make sure to play around with the strength of the light, too. This will help you create different effects.

Secret #16: Take multiple shots from different angles!

If you’re working with a professional photographer, we guarantee this is something they’ll do. But if you’re the one snapping the pics, you’ll need to remember to take multiple shots from different angles. This will ensure that you get the best results!

For starters, this will allow you to capture more detail (such as different eyeshadow colors). And secondly, it allows for better creativity, too, as you can choose the most flattering angles of your – or your client’s – face.

Portrait of elegant beautiful Asian woman in a fashionable raincoat around colourful bright neon uv lights posing in studio. Makeup photoshoot article.

Secret #17: NEVER take selfies!

This one’s important, whether you’re taking pics of makeup for your portfolio or simply adding content to your social media pages. Now, it’s first key to point out that when we say “selfie”, we don’t simply mean a photo you take of yourself. If done correctly, a self-portrait is absolutely fine!

What we’re referring to is when people take photos of themselves with their arms stretched out and the camera in an unflattering position. A better solution is to buy a tripod, position it at the correct angle, and place your phone or camera on it. This will provide much more professional-looking results.

Remember: makeup photography should be taken seriously. If you have trouble taking the perfect pic of yourself, try getting help from a professional photographer or even an assistant.

Secret #18: Know what makes for a high-quality shot!

Finally, it’s important to understand what makes for a high-quality makeup shot. If you’ve been hired for a professional gig, then you probably won’t have to worry about this. Chances are, the photographer hired will be able to deliver the best images.

Essentially, makeup photography should be crisp, clear, and detailed. It should NOT be blurry or grainy – no matter the type of camera you (or the photographer) are using!

How to Take Amazing Makeup Pictures

Here are some tips to help you achieve this, if you’re the one snapping the pics:

  • Make sure to adjust your white balance settings correctly, as this will help create a more even and accurate tone;
  • Set your camera to “Manual Mode”, so you can adjust the exposure, shutter speed and aperture;
  • Set your camera to the highest resolution available. This will ensure that no details are lost in translation;
  • If you’re using the camera on your phone, make sure to check your focus before taking a photo.
  • Furthermore, if you have an iPhone, you can also set your phone camera settings to “Portrait Mode”. This will greatly help you blur out the background – which is perfect for showcasing makeup looks!

If You’re Hiring a Photographer

Now, if you’re looking to hire a photographer to take the pics (say, for your professional portfolio or social media), the key is doing your research. The goal here is to hire somebody who has an eye for detail and knows how to capture the best shots.

Make sure to look through their portfolio and ask questions about their experience and process. Furthermore, don’t be afraid to ask them for any tips they have on taking great makeup pictures!

How to do Makeup for Photography: Black and White Photos

Now, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention black and white photography. After all, makeup looks can look amazing in black and white! However, as an MUA, you’ll have to pay extra attention to detail when doing makeup for this type of photography.

The key here is to think of the contrast. Make sure your makeup pops! This means going for a bold lip or an eyeshadow that will stand out against the darkness of the photo. Plus, you should also make sure you also focus on highlighting your or your client’s features, as this will help them stand out even more.


Phew, that was a lot of info! Let’s wrap things up by answering some of the common questions people have about makeup and photography:

Q: What is makeup photography called?

A: Makeup photography is also known as beauty photography.

Q: What is the best makeup for photography?

A: Makeup for photography should be bold and full coverage, in order to make sure all the details show up in the pictures. Some brands that meet this criteria include (but certainly aren’t limited to):

  • Tarte Cosmetics
  • Rimmel London
  • Anastasia Beverly Hills
  • Hourglass
  • Urban Decay
  • Becca
  • Charlotte Tilbury
  • Jouer
  • Fenty Beauty
  • e.l.f. Cosmetics
  • Huda Beauty
  • Marc Jacobs Beauty
  • Patrick Ta

As an added bonus, all of these makeup brands are also cruelty-free! Win-win!

Q: What are the steps for flawless makeup on camera?

A: Here are the steps for flawless makeup on camera:

  1. Make sure your (or your client’s) skin is properly prepped and hydrated.
  2. Choose makeup products that are full-coverage and long-lasting.
  3. Make sure to pay extra attention to the lips, cheeks, and eyes.
  4. Keep your makeup natural and dewy-looking.
  5. Set the makeup using a setting spray or powder.
  6. Finally, adjust the white balance settings on your camera to ensure accurate colors.
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Q: What are the 7 tips for taking good photographs?

A: In the world of makeup photography, it’s important to keep these seven photo-taking tips in mind:

  1. Have a clear vision of what you want the end result to look like.
  2. Set up your lighting correctly.
  3. Choose the right lens and background.
  4. Stick to natural poses, as they tend to look better on camera.
  5. Pay attention to the makeup details and adjust accordingly.
  6. Use a setting spray or powder to set the makeup in place.
  7. Make sure the colors are accurate by adjusting the white balance on the camera.

Q: Why doesn’t my makeup look good in pictures?

A: Makeup doesn’t always look the same in pictures as it does in person – and there are lots of factors to consider.

Make sure your makeup is full coverage, long-lasting, and natural-looking. What’s more – make sure to focus on the details of the eyes, lips, and cheeks. Next, ensure that the lighting is good, and adjust the white balance on your camera. Lastly, use a setting spray or powder to make sure everything stays in place!

Q: Is makeup really necessary for photography?

A: Makeup is essential for photography – both for everyday pictures AND professional photoshoots! Makeup can enhance the features of whoever’s in the photo, as well as bring out the colors and help create contrast. Plus, it’s also a great way to experiment with different looks and create something unique!


Makeup is an essential part of photography, whether you’re a professional MUA or just someone taking pictures for personal use!

As such, make sure to pay attention to the details and use products that are full coverage and long-lasting. Your lighting should be good and the white balance should be adjusted on your camera for accurate colors. Lastly, set everything in place with a setting spray or powder.

With all of these tips in mind, you’ll be able to take stunning makeup photos every time! Make sure to also check out the recommended reading section for more information on makeup portfolios and how to showcase them.

Good luck, beauties, and happy snapping!

In as little as 2 months, learn how YOU can put together the ULTIMATE makeup portfolio for your career as an MUA. Enroll in QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online Portfolio Development Workshop and get started today!

Beauty habits you should start doing Feature Image

30 Beauty Habits You Should Start Doing ASAP

By Education, Makeup Tips and Tricks, Skincare No Comments

Does your beauty routine need a little work? You’re in luck! In this article, you’ll find 30 game-changing beauty habits you should start doing right away. By the time you’re finished reading, we GUARANTEE that you’ll have a brand-new beauty routine that’ll help you look and feel your best.

So, keep reading to find out what beauty habits you should adopt ASAP!

30 Beauty Habits You Should Start Doing Immediately

Beauty Habit #1: Stay hydrated!

FACT: Staying properly hydrated has countless benefits on your skin!

For example, drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin plump and hydrated, which can prevent wrinkles and sagging. Not to mention, it’s good for your overall health, too!

Experts recommend that the average adult should drink approximately 8 glasses of water per day.

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Beauty Habit #2: Never go to bed still wearing your makeup!

No matter how tired you are, taking a few minutes to remove your makeup before bed is non-negotiable! After all, makeup residue can clog pores and cause serious skin issues. We recommend using an oil-based cleanser or micellar water (whichever is more agreeable with your skin type) to effectively remove all traces of makeup.

Beauty Habit #3: Don’t JUST use a makeup wipe to clean your face!

This is a big mistake! Makeup wipes are appropriate for removing one layer of makeup, but they can’t get deep into your pores to remove all dirt and oil. So, if you want to ensure that your skin is as clean as possible, make sure to use a gentle cleanser in addition to the wipes.

Related: Are makeup removers actually bad for your skin? Learn the truth for yourself!

Beauty Habit #4: Try to avoid touching your face!

It can be hard to resist the temptation, but constantly touching your face can cause breakouts and other skin problems. Furthermore, your hands carry a lot of bacteria, which can easily transfer onto your face.

So, be sure to keep your hands clean and away from your face!

Beauty Habit #5: Wear sunscreen every single day!

Yes, even if it’s cloudy outside. Sunscreen is the key to having healthy, youthful-looking skin! UV rays can cause sunburns, wrinkles, and even cancer. So, make sure to use a broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen every day.

Beauty Habit #6: Figure out your skin type!

If you don’t know your skin type, chances are, you’re using the wrong products for your skin. In order to get the best possible results, it’s important to use products that are specifically designed for your skin type.

To figure out your skin type, we recommend reading this informative blog article by QC Makeup Academy‘s executive instructor (and certified Skincare Consultant), Nathan Johnson!

Closeup head shot pleasant beautiful woman applying moisturizing creme on face after shower. Smiling young pretty lady wrapped in towel smoothing perfecting skin, daily morning routine concept. Beauty habits article.

Beauty Habit #7: Craft a skincare routine that’s tailored to this specific skin type!

Once you’ve figured out your skin type, it’s time to craft a skincare routine that caters to its needs. This may include using gentle cleansers, moisturizers, serums, face masks, and more. Remember: the specific products you use should depend on your individual skin type. So, be sure to do plenty of research before you make any purchases!

Beauty Habit #8: Exfoliate (but not every day)!

Exfoliating is one of the best ways to get rid of dead skin cells and keep your pores clear. However, it’s important not to overdo it. Experts recommend exfoliating only 1-3 times per week to avoid irritating your skin. So, find a gentle exfoliator and use it sparingly!

Beauty Habit #9: Extend your skincare application to your neck and chest, too!

Your neck and chest are just as important as your face. That’s why it’s important to extend your skincare routine to these areas! We recommend using a gentle cleanser and moisturizer to keep your skin looking its best.

Beauty Habit #10: Eat a healthy diet!

Yes, what you eat can have an impact on your skin. Eating a diet full of healthy fruits and vegetables has been proven to give your skin a healthy glow. On the other hand, eating a lot of processed foods and sweets can lead to breakouts and other skin issues.

So, as much as it may suck for my fellow sweet-toothed beauties, make sure to eat a healthy, balanced diet for the best possible results!

Beauty Habit #11: Get advice from a certified Skincare Consultant!

If you’re still having trouble figuring out the best skincare routine for your skin type, it might be worth considering hiring a certified Skincare Consultant. They can help you craft a routine that caters to your exact needs, and give you advice on the best products for your skin type.

So, if you’re looking for help with your skincare routine, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional! They can be an excellent resource.

Or, here’s an even BETTER idea: become a certified Skincare Consultant YOURSELF! You can do this in as little as 2 short months with QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online Skincare Course!

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Beauty Habit #12: Switch your pillowcase!

It’s important to switch out your pillowcase every few days, as it can build up bacteria over time. Also, try using a silk pillowcase if possible, as it can help reduce wrinkles and keep your skin looking its best.

Beauty Habit #13: Wash your face in the morning and before bed!

Cleaning your face twice a day is one of the most important beauty habits you can have. Make sure to use a gentle cleanser, and…

Beauty Habit #14: Don’t forget to moisturize afterwards!

Moisturizing is essential for keeping your skin hydrated and looking its best. This is because moisturizers help to lock in hydration, so your skin stays healthy and glowing. Therefore, don’t forget to moisturize after you wash your face!

Of course, we recommend using a moisturizer that’s appropriate for your skin type, too. That way, you can ensure maximum results! Additionally, you may want to use a different moisturizer at night than you use in the morning. Nighttime moisturizers tend to be heavier and more hydrating, so they can help you wake up looking refreshed.

Beauty Habit #15: Protect your eyes from the sun!

And by that, we mean wear sunglasses. On top of the fact that, obviously, sunglasses will help protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays, they can also reduce wrinkles around your eyes. After all, when there’s a bright light on our face, our tendency is to squint…

But squinting too much can eventually lead to fine lines and wrinkles! So, don’t forget to throw on a pair of sunglasses whenever you’re out and about!

Beauty Habit #16: Get your beauty sleep!

For SO many reasons, make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to dull skin and dark circles under the eyes, so make sure to get your beauty rest. Plus, getting enough sleep (at least 7 hours at night) can help reduce stress and keep hormones balanced… Which means healthier skin all around!

Beauty Habit #17: Try using a serum!

Serums are a great way to give your skin an added boost. They contain concentrated ingredients that can help hydrate, brighten, and smooth your skin.

So, why not try using a serum every day and see how your skin responds? You may just be surprised at the results!

Beauty Habit #18: Avoid makeup and skincare testers at all cost!

Testers can be a great way to try out a product before you buy it – but the truth is, they can (and often do) also contain bacteria. This can lead to skin breakouts and other issues, so it’s best to just avoid them altogether.

It’s much better (and safer) to stick to products that you’re sure are clean. Plus, it’s also a good idea to switch out your makeup and skincare frequently, as bacteria can eventually accumulate on your products over time.

Fun (but gross) fact: most of our makeup products are literally swimming in bacteria. It’s actually quite impressive – although, again, so gross.

Beauty cosmetic skincare products on marble bathroom table, set of jars, droppers and bottles. Spa, daily natural skin care routine concept. Beauty habits article.

Beauty Habit #19: Prioritize your mental health!

Yes, this is very much a beauty habit you should start doing ASAP (if you aren’t already)! Mental health is just as important for your beauty routine, as it can affect how your skin looks and feels. Not to mention, obviously, your overall well-being is the most important thing of all!

So, make sure to take time out of your day to focus on your mental health. This can be anything from reading a book, taking a walk, or treating yourself to an occasional spa day. Prioritizing your mental health can help keep your skin looking its best (and keep you feeling happy and relaxed too).

What could be better than that?

Beauty Habit #20: Throw away outdated makeup and/or skincare products!

It’s not just a good beauty habit to throw out outdated products – it’s actually an important safety precaution. If you don’t know the expiration date of a product, look for the open jar symbol on the packaging. That will tell you how long it’s safe to use the product before you should discard it.

After all, expired makeup and skincare products can contain bacteria that can lead to skin infections or other issues. It’s just not worth the risk – so, better safe than sorry!

Beauty Habit #21: Clean your phone screen!

Your phone screen, believe it or not, can be a major source of bacteria. Just think about all the places your phone has been and all the germs it has come in contact with. Yuck, right?

So, make sure to clean your phone screen frequently with a damp cloth – and don’t forget to clean the case, too!

And while you’re at it, why not give your hands a good wash, too? There’s no such thing as being “too clean” when it comes to skincare and beauty habits!

Beauty Habit #22: Opt for natural skincare products!

Whenever possible, try to choose natural skincare products – even if it’s just some of the time. Natural products are much gentler on skin and can be more effective than harsh chemical alternatives. Plus, they often smell great, too (and those yummy smells aren’t artificial either!).

Beauty Habit #23: Regularly clean your makeup and skincare tools!

Makeup brushes, sponges, tweezers, and all those other tools we use for our beauty routines are all prone to collecting bacteria. This is why it’s so important to clean them regularly and properly. Otherwise, you could be introducing bacteria onto your skin each time you use them.

As such, make sure to give your tools a good scrub every few weeks (or even more often if possible) to keep them – and your skin – clean and healthy.

Pro Tip: Not sure how to properly clean your makeup tools? We’ve got you covered!

Beauty Habit #24: Be consistent with your skincare routine!

A great skincare routine is only as effective as your consistency. If you’re only using your products every now and then, it’ll be much harder to see the results you want – and your skin won’t be as healthy either.

So, make sure to stick to your routine! That way, you can reap the full benefits of it, and actually see the results you’re after.

And, of course, don’t forget to enjoy it, too! Make it part of your self-care routine and take some time to pamper yourself each day.

Beauty Habit #25: Know which powerhouse skincare ingredients to look for!

When it comes to skincare, not all ingredients are created equal. Instead of just reaching for any old product off the shelf, educate yourself on which ingredients are the best for your skin type – and look out for those powerhouse ones!

A few of our favorite skincare ingredients include vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, AHAs, and BHAs. (If you want to know why, check out this amazing webinar!) Not only do they help to boost skin radiance; they can also help to reduce signs of aging and improve skin tone.

So, be sure to look for these ingredients in your favorite skincare products – your skin will thank you for it!

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Beauty Habit #26: Try not to pop your zits!

I don’t know about you, but I’m terrible for this – and always have been. But, it’s actually a very bad habit to get into!

Popping your zits can lead to skin issues such as scarring and infection. Plus, it can damage the delicate skin around and beneath the pimple. So, instead of popping or picking at your acne, opt for a gentle spot treatment instead… Or, better yet, go see a dermatologist!

Pro Tip: Not sure where to find the right dermatologist for you? These 7 simple steps break down the process from start to finish!

Beauty Habit #27: Leave the invasive skincare treatments to the professionals!

Nowadays, you can find literally everything online – and that includes things like chemical peels, laser treatments, and Botox. However, it’s important to remember that these are invasive treatments and should only be performed by a qualified professional!

Don’t be tempted by the thought of getting these treatments done at home – it won’t end well. We can promise you that. At best, you’ll be disappointed with the results; at worst, you could end up doing serious damage to your skin.

As a good rule of thumb, if you want any of these types of treatments, always seek out a board-certified practitioner to make sure you get the best possible results.

Beauty Habit #28: Always perform a patch test first with any new products!

It doesn’t matter how much your friend raves about a particular product; you should always be sure to perform a patch test first. It’s the best way to make sure that the product is suitable for your skin type, and won’t cause any reactions or irritation.

All you need to do is apply a small amount of the product to your skin and wait for 24-48 hours. If there’s no reaction, then it should be safe to use on your face. Just don’t forget to apply a moisturizer afterwards!

Beauty Habit #29: Treat yourself to a face mask!

We all know that a face mask can be a great way to give your skin an extra boost. They’re also super relaxing, which always helps to reduce stress and promote healthy skin.

If you want maximum results, opt for a clay mask! They work best to purify your skin, draw out impurities, and even control excess oil. Furthermore, you can also find face masks with other powerhouse ingredients, too – such as vitamin C or hyaluronic acid.

Beauty Habit #30: Take a skincare course so you can better understand your skin!

Understanding your skin is one of the best things you can do for it. Taking a skincare course will help you to learn more about your skin type, what ingredients are best for you, and how to take proper care of it – in a fun and interactive way.

In QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online Skincare Course, for example, you will learn all about:

  • The basics of skincare;
  • Skin anatomy and types;
  • Understanding (and being able to read) skincare labels;
  • Picking the right products and tools;
  • Makeup recommendations with skin consideration in mind;
  • Morning vs. nighttime skincare regimens;
  • Different skin concerns and conditions;
  • How to assess skin and recognize these concerns and conditions;
  • Skincare for acne-prone skin;
  • Anti-aging skincare;
  • How to launch a successful business as a professional Skincare Consultant;
  • And more!

And the best part?

The right skincare course can even arm you with a professional certification that you can add to your resume! Meaning, if you wanted to, you can even turn your newfound knowledge into a successful business!

Close up portrait of relaxed black woman has gentle skin after taking shower, satisfied with new lotion, has no makeup, smiles tenderly, shows perfect teeth, stands shirtless against blue background. Beauty habits article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Lastly, let’s wrap things up by answering some commonly asked questions about beauty habits…

Q: How do I start a daily beauty routine?

A: The best way to start a daily beauty routine is to make sure you’re sticking with the basics. Cleanse and tone your skin, and then apply a moisturizer. You can also add in other steps, such as toning and exfoliating your skin, as well as applying eye cream and facial masks.

Q: What habits make your skin glow?

A: The best habits for glowing skin are:

  • A healthy diet;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Using natural products and ingredients;
  • Exercising regularly;
  • Getting enough sleep;
  • Protecting your skin from the sun;
  • Limiting sugar and processed foods;
  • Using gentle cleansers and moisturizers;
  • And using weekly face masks.

Q: What are the 5 basics of skincare?

A: The 5 basics of skincare are:

  1. Cleansing
  2. Toning
  3. Moisturizing
  4. Exfoliating
  5. Using sunscreen

These five steps will help to keep your skin looking and feeling its best! By following these simple steps, you can maintain a healthy and glowing complexion.

Q: How do I simplify my beauty routine?

A: To simplify your beauty routine, focus on only the essentials. Stick to cleansers and moisturizers that work for your skin type, stay away from harsh ingredients, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different products. Also, make sure you’re taking care of your skin from the inside out by eating a balanced diet, drinking lots of water, and getting enough sleep.

Remember: beauty starts from within!

Q: What is a really good morning beauty routine?

A: A really good morning beauty routine should include cleansing and toning your skin, applying a moisturizer, using sunscreen, and drinking plenty of water. This routine should be followed every day – even on days when you don’t wear makeup or plan to leave the house. This will help to keep your skin looking and feeling its best.

Q: What skincare routine should I do at night?

A: At night, your skincare routine should consist of cleansing and toning your skin, applying a moisturizer, exfoliating (if necessary), and using an eye cream. It’s also important to remember to remove any makeup before going to bed. As we mentioned earlier, this helps to unclog your pores and allow your skin to breathe.

Q: What are some of the top recommend DAILY beauty habits?

A: Some of the top recommended daily beauty habits include:

  • Cleansing and toning your skin;
  • Using a moisturizer;
  • Using sunscreen;
  • Removing makeup and unclogging pores;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Eating a balanced diet;
  • Exercising regularly;
  • Protecting your skin from the sun;
  • Using gentle products and ingredients;
  • And using weekly facial masks.

Q: How can I build a skincare regimen on a budget?

A: Building a skincare regimen on a budget is possible! Start by focusing on the basics, such as cleansing and moisturizing your skin. You can also look for affordable skincare products that are made with natural ingredients.

Additionally, you can use DIY skincare recipes, such as homemade masks and face scrubs, to help keep your skin looking and feeling its best!

Beauty habits you should start doing in-post image 7


Beauty is all about taking care of your skin from the inside out. Start with building a daily beauty routine, and make sure you’re sticking to the basics – that way, you’ll be well on your way to having beautiful and glowing skin! Remember: there are plenty of affordable options for skincare products, DIY recipes, and natural ingredients that are all great for your skin.

With a little bit of care and dedication, you can have gorgeous skin in no time!

Good luck and happy beauty habits-ing!

UP NEXT: Think a career in skincare consulting is the perfect path for you? Discover how YOU can get certified, launch your business, and book your first client – all within 12 short weeks!

Reasons to invest in makeup artist insurance Feature Image

12 Reasons to Invest in Makeup Artist Insurance

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Are you an aspiring or professional makeup artist? If so, you’ve likely heard about the importance of getting makeup artist insurance. This type of insurance is essential for any MUA and can cover a variety of risks, from damage to your client’s property to libel and slander claims. If you’re still feeling unsure, we’re going to break down 12 business-savvy reasons to invest in makeup artist insurance!

So, let’s get to it!

What is Insurance?

Insurance is a type of financial product that can help protect you from unexpected losses. Moreover, it’s an agreement between you and an insurance company that provides coverage for specified risks, such as:

  • Property damage;
  • Personal injury;
  • Or liability claims.
Makeup artist applying makeup to client

Most Common Types of Small Business Insurance

As a makeup artist, these are the types of insurance that would most apply to you and your business:

  • General liability insurance. This type of coverage can help protect against property damage and bodily injury claims related to your business operations.
  • Professional indemnity insurance. This type of policy is designed to protect you if a client incurs loss resulting from errors or omissions in your work.
  • Product liability insurance. If you sell products as part of your service, this type of coverage can provide protection if one of your products causes harm or damages to someone’s property.

Pro Tip: Dream of launching your very own makeup business? Here’s what the expectation vs. reality of this endeavor looks like!

Do You NEED Insurance as a Makeup Artist?

Okay, so here’s the thing: makeup artist insurance isn’t required by law. And it’s for this very reason that only a small percentage of working MUAs (think around 20-45%). After all, if it isn’t mandatory, why invest the money into it?

But the truth is, it’s VERY important to invest in this kind of coverage! Doing so can help protect your business and personal assets if you’re ever sued for negligence. Not to mention, it’ll also help protect you against other potential liabilities caused by your work…

12 Reasons to Invest in Insurance as a Makeup Artist

Reason #1. Makeup Artist Insurance Protects Your Business

With makeup artist insurance, you can cover specific risks related to your MUA services that could potentially threaten the well-being of your business. For example, if you accidentally spilled a product on your client’s clothing, this type of coverage can help you pay for the repairs or replacements.

Reason #2. It Protects You Financially

In addition to protecting your business, makeup artist insurance can also protect you financially if a customer files a claim against you for negligence. This type of policy will cover the legal costs associated with defending yourself in court and any potential settlement payout that may be awarded to your client.

Reason #3: Having Insurance for Makeup Artists Increases Your Professionalism and Credibility

When you invest in makeup artist insurance, you’re investing in your reputation as an MUA, too! Having this type of coverage shows that you’re serious about your business and willing to go the extra mile to protect yourself (and your clients).

Reason #4: It Can Help You Win More Clients

Makeup artists with insurance may be more attractive to potential clients than those without. After all, who wouldn’t want to feel 100% confident when it comes to their beauty service provider? Thus, investing in the right kind of insurance can help instill a sense of trust between you and future customers!

Reason 5: Makeup Artist Insurance Covers Damages Caused by Your Work

It’s no secret that makeup can be a tricky business. Although you may do your best to provide excellent services, accidents (like spilling foundation on the floor) can still happen. And in these cases, having insurance for makeup artists will help cover all damages caused by your work.

Woman hands neatly organizing makeup or cosmetics in the drawer of vanity dressing table and leaving her jewellery on dressing table surface. Visagiste is taking out vanity case of cosmetic powders. Makeup artist insurance article.

Reason 6: It Can Help You Handle Liability Claims

If a customer ever files a liability claim against you (for example, if one of your products causes an allergic reaction), this type of policy can help protect you from financial loss and other legal repercussions.

Reason 7: Makeup Artist Insurance Covers Equipment Damage

As a makeup artist, you spend SO much money on your kit essentials – from brushes to foundations and more! But without the right kind of coverage, you’re basically on your own if anything happens to your equipment – like a broken mirror or spilled foundation.

On the other hand, if you do have the right insurance coverage, you can be rest assured knowing that your equipment is safe and secure!

Pro Tip: Save your money by avoiding these 8 items you DON’T actually need in your professional makeup kit!

Reason 8: It Can Help Cover Medical Expenses for Injuries

Imagine that a client accidentally gets injured while receiving makeup services from you. For instance, say your client slips and falls due to a spilled foundation on the floor. In this case, your insurance can help cover any medical expenses associated with their injuries (including ambulance rides, hospital visits, and more).

Furthermore, this type of insurance cover can apply to YOU and/or your staff as well!

Reason 9: Makeup Artist Insurance Covers Property Damage

It’s no secret that being an MUA means spending lots of time in different locations – like clients’ homes, wedding venues, professional sets, etc. But if you ever experience any property damage while working onsite, makeup artist insurance can help cover all costs associated with repairs or replacements.

For example, let’s say you’re a film MUA and some of your makeup products spill on the floor, causing damage to the set. With insurance coverage, you’re protected and won’t have to worry about footing the bill for any repairs!

Reason 10: It Can Help You Get Back to Work Quickly

We can’t discuss reasons to invest in makeup artist insurance without touching on this very important topic! Makeup artist insurance can help you get back to work quickly after experiencing a setback. For example, if you ever experience any theft, fire damage, or other mishaps, having this type of coverage can help you get back on your feet in no time!

Reason 11: It Can Help You Find New Opportunities

Having makeup artist insurance can open the door to more opportunities, such as working with larger companies and brands who may require this type of coverage!

Reason 12: The Best Makeup Artist Insurance Will Save You Money In The Long

Finally, investing in the best makeup artist insurance can save you money in the long run. By taking out a comprehensive policy, you’ll be able to cover the costs of any damages or injuries, without having to break the bank.

Reasons to invest in makeup artist insurance in-post image 3

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the BEST makeup artist insurance?

A: The best makeup artist insurance is one that provides comprehensive coverage, including protection against:

  • Fire damage;
  • Theft;
  • Liability claims;
  • Medical expenses;
  • Equipment damage;
  • And property damage.

Q: How much does makeup artist insurance cost?

A: The cost of makeup artist insurance varies from policy to policy. Factors like the amount of coverage, your location, and your industry experience can all affect the cost of a policy. However, typically, an annual policy costs around $400-$500. On average, a monthly policy costs less than $50 per month.

Q: Is makeup artist insurance worth the investment?

A: Yes! Investing in makeup artist insurance will help protect your equipment, your clients, and YOU in the event of any unexpected incidents. Plus, having this type of coverage can open you up to more opportunities (like working with larger companies and brands).

Q: Where can I find makeup artist insurance?

A: You can find makeup artist insurance through a variety of different providers. So, look around online and see what your option are! Just be sure to research the best options for your needs and budget – and always read the policy details carefully before signing up.

Q: How can I get liability insurance as a makeup artist?

A: You can get liability insurance as a makeup artist by taking out an independent policy. This type of policy is specifically designed to help protect against damages caused by you or your staff. So, if someone slips and falls while on set, you’ll have coverage to help cover the medical expenses.

On average, a liability insurance policy for makeup artists will cost around $300-$400 per year.

Q: How does a professional makeup artist get workers compensation insurance?

A: Workers compensation insurance refers to a type of policy that provides coverage for any injuries or illnesses that occur on the job. So, if you ever experience an injury or illness while working, this type of policy can help cover the costs of any medical bills or lost wages.

Most states require employers to have workers compensation insurance, so if you’re a professional makeup artist, make sure to check the laws in your state.

In terms of actually getting it for your business, you can contact a variety of different insurance providers to find the best policy for you!

Q: What insurance does a freelance makeup artist need?

A: A freelance makeup artist needs specific types of insurance to help protect against any damages or injuries that may occur while on the job. This type of coverage includes:

  • General Liability Insurance;
  • Professional Liability Insurance;
  • Workers Compensation Insurance;
  • And Property and Equipment Insurance.

It’s important to note that the cost of these policies will vary depending on the state you live in, your industry experience, and the coverage amounts you choose. So, make sure to research your options carefully before choosing the best policy for you.

Pro Tip: Learn how YOU can become a trained, certified, and working freelance MUA in as little as 2 short months!

Beauty specialist applying lipstick on woman lips with cosmetic brush. Young woman sitting at dressing table in beauty salon while makeup artist making professional makeup. Makeup artist insurance article.


Investing in makeup artist insurance is a smart and necessary way to protect yourself, your clients, and your business. So, if you’re a professional or aspiring MUA, make sure to research the best policy for YOUR needs today!

Good luck, beauties, and thanks as always for reading!

Become a professionally trained and internationally-certified makeup artist in as little as 8 short weeks! Enroll in QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online certification training and start your dream career today!