Just because you’re a mom doesn’t mean you can’t also become a successful makeup artist! Many moms want to work flexible jobs that can accommodate for their role. In the makeup artistry field, not only are you expected to be flexible when you juggle multiple appointments and tasks but you will also have your own flexibility! If you’re self-employed, you have the flexibility in deciding how often you work, your pay, the types of makeup looks you like to do, and the clients you work with!
Doing makeup professionally will take up a lot of your time, and it’s certainly challenging work, but it’s a truly fulfilling career! Having trouble balancing your kids and your career as a makeup artist? Keep reading for our how-to guide on doing just that!
Planning & prioritizing
Taking care of your kids can be extremely time consuming—it’s like holding a full-time job! So how can you balance both being a busy mom obligated to her kids and being a busy makeup artist obligated to her clients? You have to recognize when you’re taking on too much!
You have to be okay with not always making it to every school function, or being able to take on last-minute gigs to spend more time with family. Even if you plan out everything meticulously, you may not be able to accommodate for everything you want to do—that’s to be expected. You just have to make sure that you’re setting aside equal time for your family and your work—and giving them each your undivided attention.
It’s very easy to go from being highly productive and efficient to taking on too many tasks and burning yourself out. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, you can take a break and not accept any new clients until you’re ready to again!
Choosing your jobs
Choosing the kinds of makeup jobs you want to take is one of the biggest perks of being a freelancer. Are you interested in bridal or airbrush makeup? How do you feel about special FX makeup and prosthetics? If you’re going to be self-employed, it may be best to choose a niche to work with. Find out what interests you!
By narrowing down your field of expertise, you’ll be able to market yourself better and tap into potential clients’ needs. You’ll also free up more time for your family if your niche market has its high seasons at certain times of the year—prom season, for example, is at its highest between April and June.
On the other hand, if you’re too picky, you risk potentially losing out on huge opportunities by not taking on the smaller ones. You never know who will recognize your artistry and request you to work bigger and better paying jobs. It can be hard to choose between your personal and professional life, but making sure that you’re open to most opportunities can do wonders for your career.
Setting goals
Being a parent and being a professional, working woman are big commitments. It’s easy to get swept up in the hurricane of tasks and responsibilities, whether it’s for your job or your family, and lose sight of why you’re running a makeup business.
This is why it’s so important to set goals! You want to make sure that you are efficient with your time so that your career keeps moving forward while not allowing it to eat away at your family time.
If you have to update your portfolio or website, schedule time in your calendar to do so and get it done. Being realistic and time-specific with your goals (ex. Hit 1000 followers on Instagram by May 14th) can make your goals achievable. When you’re on the clock and are motivated by precious family time, you’d be surprised at how much you can get done!
Making time for yourself!
Taking care of your children and spending time with them is probably the source of your greatest happiness—but scheduling in some “me” time is still essential. Motherhood isn’t easy, and you sometimes find yourself doing things that aren’t easy for you just to make them happy. Sometimes you need to get a little R&R and do something to make yourself happy.
Having some sort of relaxation ritual to keep you grounded when your task list continues to grow can do wonders for your mental health. Hit up Groupon to score a deal for a spa-day or take up meditation to help you unwind and decompress!
It’s not always easy to step away completely from your work—particularly if you have a crazy week ahead of you, but taking care of your health can help you think clearly, organize your time better, and get those creative juices flowing for your next appointment!