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QC Makeup Academy graduate Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz Feature Image

Meet QC Makeup Academy Graduate, Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz!

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, Featured, Graduate Feature, Industry Spotlight, Student Features No Comments

Meet QC Makeup Academy graduate, Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz! Tell us a little bit about yourself, Vanessa!

My name is Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz, and I am a professional makeup artist and photographer in Canada! I’ve been working in the industry for 11 years now!

When (and why) did you realize you wanted to pursue a career in the makeup and beauty industry?

I knew my whole life that I wanted to be a makeup artist. However, I really started diving into it professionally in 2012 when I began training at QC Makeup Academy. Prior to that, I was working as a portrait photographer, doing the odd makeup here and there for friends and family.

RELATED: Check out QC Makeup Academy’s full list of self-paced, online certification courses!

Why did you decide to pursue your certification training online (rather than in-person) – and how did you both hear of QC Makeup Academy?

As a mother of two young children at the time (one of them being a new born), I knew that if I wanted to pursue this career path, I had to find a reputable school online because I was a stay-at-home mom. So, I began searching, but didn’t find anything that looked professional to me.

Then one day, I turned on my computer and QC Makeup Academy’s ad was running through my Facebook feed! I clicked on it, did my homework, and was SOLD! There is where my journey began!

Why did you choose to enroll with QC Makeup Academy? (E.g., What was it about our school that won you over, compared to other online makeup schools out there?)

I loved the flexibility, the courses, the materials, the school’s reputation – and most of all, the tutors! I wanted expert training and saw that this was the place where I would receive that!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 1
QC Makeup grad Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 2

You’re a multiple QC Makeup Academy graduate – but your journey started with our self-paced, online Master Makeup Artistry Course. Tell us about your experience with this program! What was the most challenging aspect of this course for you? How about the most rewarding? Also, what was your favorite hands-on assignment and why?

This course changed my life! When I came in, I thought I already knew everything and just needed that certification hanging on my wall. WOW, was I wrong!

I had to UN-LEARN everything I thought I knew, open my mind, and set aside my ego so that I could receive Nathan Johnson’s critiques and constructive criticism. All of this was intended to help me GROW as an artist. Bye-bye, everything I knew… HELLO to the new me!

And I would say that THAT was the most challenging aspect of the course for me! It isn’t easy to allow yourself to be broken down and then re-molded! By the end of it all, I would say that the most rewarding aspect of the course (for me) was seeing how I grew as an artist – simply because I DID stop, listen, and then do the work!

Also, I think my favorite hands on assignment was the bruise assignment! My husband is a professional fighter and will sometimes come home with a bruised eye. So, I had an idea of how that looked and was super excited to re-create it!!! It came out amazing! Nathan was impressed, haha.

FACT: Being able to positively and openly accept constructive feedback – both from your makeup instructor and when working in the real world – is one of the TOP skills that can either make or break your career!

What would you say is the #1 biggest and best lesson you learned in QC Makeup Academy’s Master Makeup Artistry Course?

I learned how to humble myself, how to receive constructive criticism, and how to be brave. Furthermore, I also learned that:

  • I’m capable of much more than I give myself credit for;
  • I have value in the eyes of people who are looking for makeup services;
  • And that I could 100% pursue my goals and dreams!

I also learned the UNDISPUTED VALUE of mastering foundational makeup techniques! When you learn those, you can do ANY makeup look!

After receiving your Master International Makeup Professional (MIMP) certification, you then went on to complete our Pro Makeup Workshop. How did this program build upon everything you learned in the MMA Course and take your skill-set to the next level? Moreover, would you recommend the Pro Makeup Workshop to MMA students/grads (and why or why not)?

This course fine-tuned everything that I learned in the MMA course. It takes your skill to the next level by zeroing in on specific techniques! I would highly recommend this course to ALL Master Makeup Artistry graduates! It forced my eye to zoom in on and correct even the tiniest discrepancies.

As an MUA, you specialize in global beauty, and even completed our Global Beauty Workshop to add to your professional qualifications. In your opinion, what were THREE of the most important lessons and/or skills you acquired from this program? Why would you recommend this course to other makeup artists?

This course was a game-changer for me! Prior to taking it, I always felt I held back to a certain degree when I had requests for makeup on women of color.

One of my biggest sources of insecurity as an artist was skin. ALL types of skin! I was always scared of messing that up. So, I decided that I needed to take QC’s Global Beauty Workshop because I needed to dive into the thing that scared me most!

The lessons I learned in this course have truly made me a confident, global artist. I’ve mastered skin because I took the time to really listen and apply what I learned! As a result, I can now work on anyone, anywhere – with gorgeous results!

Here are my three top takeaways:

  1. If you truly want to be a makeup artist, you need to have a global kit and be ready to work on anyone!
  2. Understanding the cultures and traditions of your clients, and being sensitive to that, is of utmost importance. QC’s Global Beauty Workshop will teach you how to be truly professional in this regard!
  3. COLOR CORRECTION! This course will teach you all you need to know about color correction for different skin tones. This is something that will not only bring an extra level of professionalism to your work; it will revolutionize your applications, too!

PRO TIP: Not the best at hiding blemishes and color correcting? Watch this informative webinar – hosted by QC Makeup Academy executive tutor, celebrity MUA, and certified skincare consultant, Nathan Johnson!

Finally, you also took QC Makeup Academy’s mini Virtual Makeup Training Course as well. What motivated you to take this course, how has it benefitted your makeup career, and why do you feel being able to offering virtual beauty services is such a smart business move nowadays?

My decision to take this course came during COVID. While I was unable to physically apply makeup to my clients, they would often call me and ask if I could advise them on how to do it themselves. It just made sense to me that this was a new avenue I could explore, in order to help my clients more efficiently!

I now have the opportunity to assist people in a way that helps them achieve amazing results! And in our current climate, more and more people appreciate being able to access this kind of information online! As a makeup artist, we can use this tool to help our clients AND grow our business!

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QC Makeup grad Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 4

You’re notorious for your high praise of QC Makeup Academy’s executive tutor (and celebrity makeup artist), Nathan Johnson. Obviously, we know why Nathan is the best – but tell us in your own words why you agree!

Nathan Johnson is a professional, through and through. His love for the industry, as well as his desire to educate and see his students grow into an incredible career, is evident in everything he does.

I needed a teacher in my corner who did not coddle me. I didn’t want someone who just told me everything was great and let me pass with flying colors – only to let me go out into the world with NO idea how fierce this industry can truly be… And watch me fail and fall flat.

Nathan gave me the grades I deserved, gave me the critiques I needed in order to grow, and helped me become a better artist. Yes, he was tough. Yet all the while, he never ceased to remind me that I was amazing and had something to offer. (Even when I needed to correct how I did my work.)

He believed in me, and I would not be where I am today if not for his guidance and tough love!

Speaking as a QC Makeup Academy graduate, do you believe that all professional makeup artists should be properly trained and certified? Why or why not?

Yes, I do believe that! I place so much value on education. You may be an amazing self-taught artist, but there are foundational techniques that can only be learned through proper guidance and education.

And that’s only with regard the application process! There is a WHOLE other world involved in this field, such as best sanitary practices, owning/operating a business, etc.! The business end of being a makeup artist, in particular, is over half of the equation.

RELATED: Join QC Makeup Academy graduate, Devyn Gregorio, as she discusses why business training is ESSENTIAL to every makeup artist’s career!

How would you describe your style as an MUA?

I think I would use the word CLASSIC. While I will/can do any makeup look requested of me, my passion definitely lies in clean, classic beautiful skin and makeup.

Where did the name of your business, WarBaby Cosmetics, come from?

My dad used to call me “warbaby” when I was young because I was obsessed with WW2 history, war documentaries, and 1940s makeup/fashion! So, when I was trying to come up with a name, this seemed like the perfect choice!

I love the courage, strength, innovation, and creativity of women during the war era. I find it truly inspiring!

Why did you decide to open your own business, as opposed to working as an MUA for someone else?

I wanted creative control over ALL aspects of my presentation, applications, client handling, etc. I’ve always been an entrepreneur. And because I was already a professional photographer, I could bring makeup applications into my business without any interference.

What would you say have been the biggest challenges about launching/running your own makeup business? Furthermore, what would you say have been the greatest rewards?

For me, right from the beginning, it was the feeling that I had to try and convince people that this was a good career choice; that I could make a living, and support myself and my family.

I finally stopped trying to convince people. Instead, I decided that my focus had to shift to my success, and not to what other people thought. The greatest reward has been doing the hard work, becoming exactly who and what I wanted to become, and having the most amazing career and business!!!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 5
QC Makeup grad Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 6

What services do you currently offer clients? Tell us about them!

I currently offer full makeup services with travel. I also teach classes, people can shop online for my products via my website, and I also offer connections to my photographer and hair stylist when those services are requested!

In addition to makeup application services, WarBaby Cosmetics also offers clients its very own line of loose shimmer eye pigments. Many aspiring makeup artists also dream of having their own line of cosmetics. How did you get started in having your own makeup products? Do you have any tips for other MUAs who want their own product line someday?

The journey to creating my own products came from a deep desire to have a brand, as well as to have my name on something that I created. When I started researching makeup ingredients, I realized that if I could get the time and the funds together, I could create something!

So, I began studying and would spend whole nights online at my computer, falling asleep on my keyboard! After about a year and a half, I was ready to start buying ingredients and experimenting! I would mix things, make mistakes, throw a lot of things out… It was a process!

When I was ready, all of my products had to be run through Health Canada. All of this took a lot of time, but it was worth it to see it all come together!

For anyone wanting to embark on the journey of actually formulating and manufacturing your own products, be ready for a LOT of work. It takes dedication and strict adherence to government guidelines to make it a success. But if you want it bad enough, you can bring your vision to life!

Figure out what makes what YOU have to offer unique from the rest!

PRO TIP: Make sure you know these 6 harmful ingredients that ALL professional makeup artists need to AVOID!

Tell us a little about your business strategies with regards to: marketing yourself, networking, attracting/booking clients, building your portfolio, etc.!

I once read a quote by a marketing professional that advised, “Shameless self promotion.” I liked that idea because it’s a challenge to present yourself in a way that’s not arrogant, while also asserting your presence in the industry! This takes courage and a strong belief in yourself.

Once I felt that I grew into that, I was ready to start sticking my neck out. I built a brand for myself and started messaging people, asking them to model for me. I also:

  • Messaged photographers and agencies as well;
  • Put a solid, professional booking system in place;
  • And built a clean, professional website and social media presence.

From there, I started dipping my toes into the waters of sharing my work with OTHER seasoned professionals. I did this in order to get their critiques, no matter how painful they were in the beginning.

Over time, people wanted to talk to me, ask me my opinions, learn, and grow from what I knew. This grew into a client base for me! And then I ventured into the creation of my own line of products, which immediately took off because of my already established client base!

In addition to being a QC Makeup Academy graduate, you’re also BARBICIDE® certified. Tell us more about what this means, and why this certification is so important for beauty professionals.

BARBICIDE® is a simple, online certification that your clients will really appreciate seeing when they sit in your chair. It tells them that you are a professional, and that you are up-to-date on the requirements for a clean and sanitized work environment. This certification gives your clients an extra measure of trust and confidence in both you and your work.

WarBaby Cosmetics has received some awards and features over the years! Humble brag for a moment and tell us more about those!

In no particular order, the immediate things that come to mind are as follows:

  • I have been published in the ‘Stanford New York Who’s Who’ Black Book of Elite Professionals’;
  • I was featured in the 2019, Volume 2 Issue of ‘Know Book’ YYC, Canada;
  • Moreover, I was also honored to be nominated as 2018 Alberta Woman Entrepreneur of the Year;
  • And I was also selected as one of 56 female entrepreneurs across North America to be featured in the 2014 edition of the Sexy and Wealthy in Heels, #successBABE eBook, and featured in the October 2019 issue of Community Now Magazine!

On top of all this, I also had my work on display at an art show in Europe, as well as having it published in a book for a New York Times Best Selling Author. I’ve also seen my work in newspaper articles and other local magazines!

You live in Calgary, Alberta – a major Canadian city. With so many competitors in and around your area, why does WarBaby Cosmetics stand out from the rest? What makes you and your business unique?

I think my branding, versatility, and reputation for being extremely real and authentic have definitely helped me to stand out from the crowd! The fact that I also manufacture and sell my own cosmetics – as well as working in the area of professional photography – has made me a bit of a “one stop shop”.

People really appreciate my expertise. I love my job so much. I have so much fun – and it shows! People always leave my chair feeling loved and appreciated because that is what means the most to me!

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QC Makeup grad Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 8

Do you have any advice for other aspiring MUAs who dream of running their own business?

Gain a solid understanding of how to run a business BEFORE you begin. Talk to people who already successfully manage their own company, learn how to handle your money, and price yourself accordingly. Moreover, learn about the importance of model release forms, contracts, deposits, etc..

Also, be comfortable putting all of these measures into place! You can be the best MUA in the world, but if you are a terrible businessowner, you will not see success. The business side of makeup artistry is a HUGE component to being successful.

Oh, and finally, hire a good accountant!

RELATED: These are just 5 key reasons why you need a professional contract as an MUA!

In your opinion, what are the most rewarding aspects of being a makeup artist?

The relationships you build with your clients! My favorite part of the job is the conversations I have with my clients, the special times we get to share, as well as inspiring and uplifting one another.

We have the power to make a difference in people’s lives… And that is EVERYTHING to me!

In your own words, can you tell us why you believe hiring a professional makeup artist is worth the cost?

Firstly, you’ll have someone working with you who is trained in foundational techniques, understands the products, and works with quality products and ingredients. Secondly, you’ll alleviate the risk of illness and disease if you invest in an artist who understands the importance of sanitary practices and how to implement them.

I’ve heard SO many horror stories from my clients. Risking your health to save a dollar is NOT worth it!

Do you remember your very first professional makeup job? Tell us about it! What did you learn from it, what went well, what didn’t go as planned, etc.?

I think my very first “real” job was a makeup I did for my sister-in-law for her wedding. I remember being terrified! This was the first time I would not do makeup my OLD way… Instead, I was going to do it using the new techniques I had learned as a QC Makeup Academy graduate.

I remember wanting to constantly revert back to my old ways, so it was a struggle! Plus, I was also battling serious heat and humidity because we’d traveled from Canada to Mexico. So, I was working with a world of new products in the way of primers, setting sprays, etc.

All that said, it actually came out amazing! The only thing I would have changed was the amount of highlight I used (which was too much). The highlight – plus the heat and sweating – made her look like a glazed donut by the time dinner rolled around. 😅

What’s your favorite makeup style and why?

I love clean makeup – the “no makeup, makeup”.  It’s challenging and pushes me out of my comfort zone. With every client, I feel like I learn something new, and get to expand my skills and ability!

Who are some of your makeup gurus/inspirations?

Kevin Aucoin will forever be my biggest inspiration. He never puts himself in a box. He’s so creative with his use of product, and would use anything and everything to get the job done.

What words of wisdom would you give to other makeup lovers out there who dream of a career in the beauty industry, but are hesitant to take the leap?

Be bold, be brave, and listen to your heart. If this is what you really, truly want to do, then jump into it! BUT – and I can’t stress this enough – jump into it prepared for the fact that you ARE going to need to set your ego aside and do some hard work.

This isn’t about being like everyone else. It’s not about the makeup fads and trends you see on Instagram or TikTok. Rather, it’s about taking this industry and your education seriously, mastering foundational techniques, and figuring out what makes YOUR unique style of application stand out from the rest!

There will be times where you’ll face rejection – and you need to be able to bounce back from that. You WILL be critiqued and given constructive criticism. So, receive it if you want to grow!

Believe in yourself, be assertive, and be loving, compassionate, and caring. Working on someone’s face is very personal! As such, you need to really care about people.

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QC Makeup grad Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz in-post image 10

Overall, as a QC Makeup Academy graduate, why would you recommend QC’s self-paced, online certification training?

QC Makeup Academy’s level of training is exceptional! The tutors are highly experienced professionals who want, more than anything, to make sure you reach your potential. So much so, that they are willing to tell you the hard stuff in order to help you grow.

THAT is exactly what you want! There are no short cuts in this industry, and anyone with experience knows it! You can trust your tutors at QC to have your best interest at heart, always!

Furthermore, the courses contain absolutely everything you need to make your way into the world of professional makeup artistry! Any questions you may have are covered! The course units are easy to follow, the timelines for completion are excellent, and the course materials themselves are awesome!

Not to mention, the access you get to other students through the school’s private Virtual Classroom on Facebook is an invaluable tool for learning, growing, and interacting with other people who are at the same stage you are… As well as those who have gone through it before you!

To date, what do you consider to be the proudest moment of your career so far?

I think my proudest moment so far has been connecting with my creative team. On top of my own freelance work, I work with a fine art photographer and hair stylist in our own studio. I’ve had so many amazing clients in my chair! It has been a dream come true!

I do a lot of work with international models and agencies, and it’s so incredible. Most of all, I love the talks I get to have with the young models who sit in my chair. It’s my opportunity to encourage them, remind them of how special and beautiful they already are WITHOUT makeup, and have the privilege of walking beside them on their incredible journeys!

What’s in store for you and WarBaby Cosmetics the rest of this year and beyond?

As always, I have big plans for growth! This year, my eye shadow line will be sold NOT ONLY in my online store (via my website), but also in the studio. This way, it’s immediately accessible to my clients!

Our creative team has also been contacted by multiple magazines who would love to publish our work. So, I am very excited about that and am hoping we are looking into a possible trip out of the country. One of my regular clients is an international model, so I’m hoping to have the opportunity to travel with her as well.

Aside from all of that, I just hope to continue working on every face possible!

Imagine: You’re trapped on a deserted island and can only have THREE makeup products and/or tools with you. Which do you choose and why?

Oooohhhh… I’m definitely going to choose skin care products!

  1. SPF;
  2. Moisturizer;
  3. And lip balm with SPF!

My skin needs to be amazing when I eventually get OFF of the island, so that makeup still looks good on my face! Haha!

Love you all!!!!!

-Vanessa Hernandez-Munoz

QC Makeup Academy graduate Elena Franklin Feature Image

Meet QC Makeup Academy Graduate, Elena Franklin!

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, Featured, Graduate Feature, Industry Spotlight, Makeup Careers, Student Features No Comments

Meet QC Makeup Academy graduate, Elena Franklin! Tell us a little bit about yourself, Elena!

I am 21 years old, and was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba with my parents and two older sisters. Here are some random facts about me:

  • I love my dog, being outside in my hammock, and will be happy any time of day at a cute coffee shop!
  • My favorite color is pink, I am a gold jewelry kind of gal, and I keep badminton rackets in my car so that I’m never without them (in case an opportunity for a rally comes up).
  • You will often find me listening to Hozier while wearing several different shades of brown.
  • I have a deep love for the ocean, despite not living anywhere near it.
  • If you had asked me when I was young what I wanted to be when I grew up, the answer would’ve been “a mom”. Yes, this is still true – but my point is, becoming a makeup artist was never on my mind as a kid.

I’m happy to be here and hope you can continue to get to know me a little more as you read on!

When (and why) did you realize you wanted to pursue a career in the makeup and beauty industry?

I decided to pursue makeup the year after I graduated high school, while attending Briercrest College in Saskatchewan. My original plan was to take theater and education in Winnipeg. However, I quickly realized that I am much more of a hands-on learner and was really bad at writing papers.

Makeup had always been a hobby throughout high school and so I thought it would be a good fit for me. But if I’m being completely transparent, I didn’t think much about what my goal with a makeup career was at the time… That said, I haven’t looked back since – and I am very happy to be on this path!

Thinking of pursuing a career in makeup artistry? Discover what a realistic day in the life of a professional makeup artist actually looks like!

Why did you decide to pursue your certification training online (rather than in-person) – and how did you both hear of QC Makeup Academy?

At the time, when I had decided to switch schools, we were all in the middle of the pandemic. As such, there weren’t any options for in-person training. So, online school it was!

Turns out, working online ended up being much better suited for me and my lifestyle! I found QC Makeup Academy through researching the different options for schooling.

Why did you choose to enroll with QC Makeup Academy? (E.g., What was it about our school that won you over, compared to other online makeup schools out there?)

I liked the idea of working at my own pace and really perfecting techniques before having to move on to the next assignment. Based on the reviews and student testimonies, it seemed like a very encouraging community; one that wants you to succeed. I have come to learn that it is indeed both of those things!

You’re a multiple QC Makeup Academy graduate – but your journey started with our self-paced, online Master Makeup Artistry Course. Tell us about your experience with this program! What was the most challenging aspect of this course for you? How about the most rewarding? Also, what was your favorite hands-on assignment and why?

I really enjoyed this course! The most challenging part was the very beginning. I came into this thinking I knew everything there is to know about makeup, but I was humbled very quickly by my tutor.

Once I opened up my mind, I realized there was so much to learn… And I’m still learning every day with each client I work with. I am so glad Nathan Johnson (my tutor) kicked me off my high horse. I’m a much better artist because of it!

The most rewarding thing about this course was being able to see my progress throughout, as well as seeing the change in my artistry. Every assignment is documented by pictures, and it’s so fun to look back and see how far I’ve come.

As for my favorite practical assignment, I really enjoyed the fantasy makeup assignment in Unit E! It was so fun to get out of my comfort zone and try and dream up something new; something never seen before.

Want to learn more about QC’s wildly popular Master Makeup Artistry Course? Then make sure to check out the full course curriculum to see exactly what you’ll be learning!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Elena Franklin in-post image 1
Photography by Tamara Boden.

What would you say is the #1 biggest and best lesson you learned in QC Makeup Academy’s Master Makeup Artistry Course?

I would have to say, it was opening up my mind to learn new techniques and not think that I know everything about makeup artistry. There’s so much to learn and so much room to grow as an artist, if you allow it!

After receiving your Master International Makeup Professional (MIMP) certification, you then went on to complete our Pro Makeup Workshop. How did this program build upon everything you learned in the MMA Course and take your skill-set to the next level? Moreover, would you recommend the Pro Makeup Workshop to MMA students/grads (and why or why not)?

I would totally recommend QC’s Pro Makeup Workshop to anyone looking to build off of their skills! This course forces you to use all the techniques learned in the MMA program – but you must be able to slightly change and/or adapt them in order to complete the assignments.

QC’s MMA Course gives you a solid tool box to work out of, while the Pro Makeup Workshop gives you all the fancy gadgets that’ll level up your work overall. Plus, it also gives you more opportunities to practice and really perfect your craft!

Check out how QC Makeup Academy’s Pro Makeup Workshop also helped accelerate fellow graduate Nadia Calabro’s makeup career!

You’ve also earned QC’s International Special FX Makeup Professional (ISMP) certification by completing our Special FX Makeup Course, too. How did this specialization training add to your overall skill-set? Also, in what ways has it benefitted your career as an MUA thus far?

This course was crazy (in the best possible way)! Before taking Special FX, I was strictly all about beauty makeup. I found it so wild that Special FX is basically the complete opposite of beauty makeup. It was allowed to be messy and asymmetrical – encouraged, actually!

It was definitely a big adjustment of mindset and skill-set, which has helped me think more creatively overall. I enjoy being well-trained in both ends of the makeup spectrum! I just completed QC’s Special FX Makeup Course at the beginning of May, 2023, so I’m actively seeking opportunities to use these skills!

As a graduate of QC Makeup Academy’s Skincare Course (and as a certified International Skincare Consulting Professional (ISCP)), tell us: why do you feel skin knowledge makes one a stronger, even more qualified makeup artist?

Knowing skin makes ALL the difference! If you know skin, you’ll be able to create a makeup application that’ll last all day – for any skin type. You will also be able to recommend products to your clients, which can be very beneficial to them and your business.

Clients want to work with professionals who know their stuff! You must know your canvas to be able to create beautiful art.

In what ways did QC’s Portfolio Development Workshop benefit you? Why would you recommend it to other makeup artists – especially ones who haven’t yet developed their professional portfolio?

I liked QC’s Portfolio Development Workshop because I had to seek out other professionals who I wanted to work with. It created connections for me and gave me the courage to reach out to those in the industry. And at the same time, it builds your own portfolio! I would definitely recommend taking this course after completing other makeup courses.

QC Makeup grad Elena Franklin in-post image 2
Photography by Kelsey Edel.

Speaking as a QC Makeup Academy graduate, do you believe that all professional makeup artists should be properly trained and certified? Why or why not?

Yes, this is SO important! As a makeup artist, you are working with people on some of the biggest, most important days of their lives. It’s so helpful to be able to lean on all your training when faced with a challenging look or difficult client. As previously mentioned, people want to work with professionals who know their stuff!

How would you describe your style as an MUA?

My style is very light and natural. My main goal is to always enhance the pre-existing beauty and help clients feel like their most beautiful selves. I always start with lots of skin prep, and will often reach for very light coverage or buildable skin products in order to create an effortless filter on the skin.

Furthermore, I tend to lean more into my brown/neutral color pallets for the eyes. I occasionally dabble in full glam makeup, but a majority of my clientele comes to me for very natural makeup looks.

What made you decide to open your own makeup business, Makeup by Len?

When I started my Instagram account, I was mostly posting photos of myself when I would try out fun, new makeup looks. It was a way to share my art with my close friends and family. But then I was shocked when the account took off in a short amount of time!

So, I quickly it changed it from only posting selfies to sharing my beautiful clients. Through Instagram doing its thing, the constant support from friends and family, and Nathan [Johnson] seeing my potential and pushing me towards greatness, I decided to just jump with both feet in and see where it could take me.

I LOVE running my own business!

Here’s how YOU can start your very own makeup business, too (even if you’ve never been a businessowner before)!

What would you say have been the biggest challenges about launching/running your own makeup business? Furthermore, what would you say have been the greatest rewards?

The greatest challenge was right at the beginning. I had lots of motivation, goals, and makeup… But no clients!

Anytime I heard of someone getting married, a photoshoot, or an event taking place, my immediate response was (and still is), “Do they need a makeup artist?” Business was very slow to start. In fact, this time last year, I had zero bookings and was extremely discouraged.

But through my friends and family spreading my name, posting as much as I could on Instagram, and another local makeup artist recruiting me to be a part of her team (Perry & Co), the bookings started rolling in! This summer, I am almost completely booked up and am loving every minute of it!

The most rewarding part of the job is seeing people’s reactions when they first look in the mirror. I think it’s so special that I’m able to help people feel their absolute best! I love getting to know all sorts of people through this job and experiencing the deep trust that comes with that.

What services do you currently offer clients? Tell us about them!

I am currently offering:

  • Bridal, event, and editorial makeup services;
  • Classic lash extensions;
  • One-on-one makeup lessons;
  • And skincare consultations.

Additionally, I hope to add lash lift and tints to the list in the winter!

QC Makeup Academy graduate Elena Franklin in-post image 3
Photography by Felicity Siemens.

Of all these services, which is your personal TOP favorite to provide and why?

My favorite service lately has been one-on-one lessons! They are the perfect option if you’re a DIY bride or you’re just looking to amp up your everyday makeup routine. Teaching is so fun and so fulfilling!

Tell us a little about your business strategies with regards to: marketing yourself, networking, attracting/booking clients, building your portfolio, etc.!

I try to:

  • Maintain a consistent presence on social media;
  • Always have a business card on me;
  • And bring up what I do in group settings or when meeting new people so I can get my name out there.

I’m by no means a social media influencer, but I do find it very fun to think of new ideas to post or looks to create. I strive for a balance of sharing my work, giving tips and tricks, and letting my followers get to know me a little better. Moreover, I seek out opportunities to expand my portfolio – which can often look like offering my services to photographers for styled shoots, or just planning something small with a friend to build new skills.

Seeking out those kinds of opportunities and making connections are going to be a HUGE game-changer if you’re just starting out as a makeup artist!

Behold – our Ultimate List of DO’S and DON’TS for ANY and EVERY professional makeup job!

What is “The Planet Policy”?

The Planet Policy is a new policy I am beginning to implement in my business. I’m in love with this earth and all the beauty that it holds. So, I try my best to be kind to it.

I’ve begun asking my clients to bring their own makeup sponges, mascara, and/or lip products (if they have). I ask this so that I can limit the amount of disposables used during each application. Since I can only use a sponge and mascara wand once, in order to keep things safe and sanitary for my clients, it ends up creating a lot of garbage.

But this way, the garbage stays empty and the clients stay safe from infection! Of course, I still carry all the necessary products and disposables, in case someone doesn’t have these items or forgets them. It’s simply an effort to reduce waste and keep this beautiful planet of ours safe!

Which makeup technique do you feel you are strongest at? On the flip side, are there any techniques you’re currently working on improving?

I feel that my strongest technique is a smooth, crisp eyeliner (in the natural liner style) or wedge. I’d like to work more on creating the flawless wing. It’s not typically a look I go for myself or will apply on my clients – so, I’d like to see that to be a very flawless technique of mine in the future!

You live in Winnipeg, Manitoba – a major Canadian city with a population of approximately 841,000. With so many competitors in and around your area, how does Makeup by Len stand out from the rest? What makes you and your business unique?

I try to be very welcoming, inclusive, and warm towards my clients. I strive to make everyone feel loved and listened to, while also creating beautiful makeup applications. Some ways I achieve this is by:

  • Really getting to know my clients;
  • Asking what makes them feel beautiful;
  • Making cards for my brides to thank them for trusting me, as well as to congratulate them on their big day, etc.

It’s little things like this that can really make someone stand out from the rest. I want my clients to not only remember how they looked after working with me, but also how they felt. I truly adore all my clients!

Do you have any advice for other aspiring MUAs and QC Makeup Academy graduates who dream of running their own business?

Get your name out there as much as you can. Offer your services for any type of styled shoot with a local photographer, and always be willing to learn from other makeup artists.

Also, tell everyone you meet that you are a makeup artist and people will remember that! It’s not every day that you meet a makeup artist. We are very cool… So, own it!

In your opinion, what are the most rewarding aspects of being a makeup artist?

It’s that moment when you’ve finished a makeup application, your client looks in the mirror for the first time, and their face just lights up! It is feeling so tired after a long day of clients, but knowing that you helped people feel confident and beautiful. I’m so grateful to be in such a unique industry that holds so many special moments!

In your own words, can you tell us why you believe hiring a professional makeup artist is worth the cost?

When you hire a professional makeup artist, you know you’re getting quality work. Not to mention, your application will be clean and safe for you. I’ve seen many makeup artists not have proper sanitation in their kits, as well as not sanitize in-between clients, and it is quite scary!

Not all clients will know what to look for, in terms of proper makeup sanitation. So, when hiring a professional, you can be rest assured that the MUA you’ve hired knows what they’re doing and will keep you safe from infection.

Not sure how to price your makeup services? This video has the answer!

Do you remember your very first professional makeup job? Tell us about it! What did you learn from it, what went well, what didn’t go as planned, etc.?

What I lacked most in my first ever makeup job was confidence. I wasn’t confident in my work and didn’t charge nearly enough for the services provided. I let people take advantage of me throughout my first couple months of offering wedding makeup. It was frustrating and discouraging!

I also didn’t have a makeup bag; just a utility cart full of products, which made traveling nearly impossible. Very quickly, I learned that that was not going to suffice. So, I bought an actual kit early on in my career.

What’s your favorite makeup style and why?

I would categorize my favorite style as “angelic makeup”. It’s very glowy, light, and natural. Plus, it looks good on everyone! It’s always highly requested and is guaranteed to make the client feel beautiful (while still feeling like themselves).

Who are some of your makeup gurus/inspirations?

When I was in high school, I watched a lot of Tati Westbrook and James Charles on YouTube. However, I wouldn’t say they are my inspirations now.

Lately, I’ve been following Barrie Gower closely. He’s a Special FX artist and incredibly talented! I found him through his work on Stranger Things. I can only dream of being that amazing at Special FX makeup!

Discover the 5 BEST ways to start learning Special FX makeup as a newbie!

What words of wisdom would you give to other makeup lovers out there who dream of a career in the beauty industry, but are hesitant to take the leap?

The pros of being a makeup artist far outweigh any cons. If you’re willing to put in the work, make connections, and perfect techniques, that’s a great place to start. Also, find mentors and ALWAYS be willing to learn!

Overall, as a QC Makeup Academy graduate, why would you recommend QC’s certification training?

The ability of going at your own pace in the makeup courses is a huge reason why I, as a QC Makeup Academy graduate, would recommended QC over any other school.

You still have to work very hard, but you can also really perfect a technique before moving onto the next. There’s no stress in keeping up with classmates or missing deadlines. Also, you also get personalized feedback that will help you develop your skills – as well as help you recognize in which areas you need to put in a little more work.

Want to hear a real-life example of the kind of feedback you could get from QC Makeup Academy’s tutors? Watch as QC student, Jordan Garcia, REACTS to his Unit B feedback from executive instructor (and celebrity MUA), Nathan Johnson!

To date, what do you consider to be the proudest moment of your career so far?

I can’t pinpoint a certain moment in time… But I know there have been several times over the past year where I was driving to a makeup job,  had just booked a good gig, or gotten really good feedback, and I got a little emotional thinking to myself, I am actually doing this.

Not only am I living out my dream; it’s going really well! If I think about these awesome moments for too long, I will get lost in some happy tears. I am so grateful for a career that is so fulfilling!

What’s in store for you and Makeup by Len this year and beyond?

This year, I hope to expand my lash services in order to grow my clientele. I want to be EVERYTHING my brides need me to be during the week of their wedding! I like to learn new skills slowly, so that I can really perfect them before learning something new.

So, that is the goal for now! I would also like to keep practicing my Special FX makeup and start advertising that more to the public, too!

Imagine: You’re trapped on a deserted island and can only have THREE makeup products and/or tools with you. Which do you choose and why?

Always, always, always SPF! I never leave home without it – especially not to a deserted island! Then I’m bringing my Rare Beauty Lip Gloss in the shade nearly neutral (she’s so beautiful!).

And, of course, I’ll have my Maybelline Colossal Mascara. This is pretty much all I wear on a day-to-day basis! I’m a simple gal when it comes to makeup for myself!

Inspired by Elena’s story? Become a QC Makeup Academy graduate YOURSELF and launch an exciting, thriving career as an MUA in as little as 2-6 short months! Enroll with QC today to start your journey!

QC Makeup Academy Grad Feature Feature Image

QC Makeup Academy Graduate Feature: Gabbie-anne Worthington

By About the School, Featured, Graduate Feature, Student Features No Comments

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

Hi, my name is Gabbie-Anne and I’m a graduate (and current student) of QC Makeup Academy. I’m from a rural town in Queensland, Australia. I have a huge passion for anything involving makeup. I’ve also recently started my own small business, Gab’s Nails & Beauty!

Where did your love of makeup come from?

My love of makeup comes from a deep-rooted passion and love for art. I have always been able to pick up a pencil/pen and draw what I was feeling. So, being able to do the same – but with makeup – excited me.

I grew up loving all things girly! At a young age, I found a love for the local dance house. When it came time for the performances, they would give us dramatic hairstyles and makeup, which I loved! Growing up in this environment, I enjoyed the feeling of getting dressed up and performing, as well as having people comment on the outfits and makeup I was wearing.

All of this made me fall in love with the beauty industry right away!

Prior to your enrollment with QC Makeup Academy, when was the moment you decided to become a professional makeup artist?

In my final years of schooling, I created a makeup page on social media. Having people I knew comment and encourage me was a huge confidence boost!

After leaving school, I would have people approach me to do their makeup for events like race days, balls, formals, and debutants. As more and more people approached me, I decided that I wanted to become a professional makeup artist. This way, I’d be able to give my customers confidence that I could give them a high-quality service of professionalism.

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Why did you choose to pursue your certification training online, rather than in-person?

As I’m from a very rural town, it’s hard to travel back and forth to the city. Completing a makeup course online is a lot easier for me, as it gives me the flexibility to work on my schooling in my own home and at my own pace.

How did you discover QC Makeup Academy and what was it about QC that made you decide to enroll?

I did a lot of research into many online makeup schools, as well as the courses they could provide me. After reading about QC Makeup Academy, I immediately knew that this would be the perfect fit for me!

I had an idea of the type of courses I wanted to complete. For this reason, QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course intrigued me – especially with all the types of assignments I’d be completing. Moreover, I knew that learning the various makeup subjects taught in this program would give me more qualifications for when I graduated.

Now that you have graduated from QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, how was your experience with this certification program?

I loved it! I enjoyed progressing through the course and learning more about the professional side of the beauty industry.

Progressing through the course, I had to push myself to be creative. It was hard at first, but once I received my tutor’s feedback, I was more confident in my ability to be better. After completing my training, I’ve come to understand that my much-loved hobby is something that I will definitely turn into a full-time profession!

All my feedback for this course is positive.

It’s the BEST makeup course for someone who wants to become a professional makeup artist! 

Gabbie-anne Worthington portfolio image 3

How beneficial were the learning materials and tutor feedback QC Makeup Academy provided you for the MMA Course?

The course guide booklet was very useful in keeping me on top of my progress through the course. The textbooks themselves provided a lot of key information, as well as insight into the kind of work I’d one day be involved in after graduating from QC Makeup Academy.

Moreover, the information provided to me to help me complete my course has broadened my makeup knowledge beyond anything I could’ve learned from social media!

My tutor was Nathan Johnson. His words of encouragement and constructive criticism combined pushed me to work harder on my assignments. It helped me correct my mistakes and work on perfecting my techniques. I wouldn’t have done as well as I did if I hadn’t have gotten the feedback I did from him!

What was your favorite hands-on assignment for this course and why?

I enjoyed ALL of the assignments for this course. However, my favorites were a part of the Fashion and Editorial Unit. They were different from anything I had ever done before!

I got to learn about the process of creating makeup looks for each show. Also, I learned how a makeup artist can get to work personally with the fashion designer, and create something they love and will show with their designer outfits. This was something I never thought I would want to do – but after completing that unit, it’s now a possibility!

You’ve also enrolled in QC Makeup Academy’s Pro Makeup Workshop and Virtual Makeup Training courses, too. Why did you want to further your training with these courses, and how do you expect them to aid in your career’s success?

Furthering my knowledge on makeup was a no-brainer. Being able to add to my Master International Makeup Professional (MIMP) certification is something I look forward to!

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As you mentioned earlier, you already run your own beauty business, Gab’s Nails & Beauty. Tell us a little about this business! What kinds of services do you currently offer clients? Which services do you want to add in the future?

I recently started this business as a way of progressing into the beauty industry. Having my own business gives me the flexibility I need right now. I provide beauty services, including:

  • Acrylic nails;
  • Pedicures;
  • Small waxing services;
  • Lash and brow tint;
  • And makeup for events.

In the future, I hope to add eyelash extensions, facials, and other advanced makeup/beauty services.

Currently, what are your career goals? Where would you like to see yourself – and your business – in 5 years?

My current goals are to complete my courses with QC Makeup Academy and work on building my small business into something more stable. In the future, I hope to be moved from my hometown to somewhere I can provide my services in a more professional setting.

The dream is to own a small shop with a rustic-chic theme. I want to provide a comfortable experience to customers; something different from what they are used to seeing in a salon or nail bar.

What are the top reasons why you’d recommend QC Makeup Academy to aspiring and working MUAs alike?

Firstly, QC Makeup Academy provides online certification courses, which is something a lot of people look for today. Secondly, you’re able to work at your own pace, in a place where you’re comfortable. You don’t need to worry about traveling for assignments, which takes away a lot of the stress, I think.

Thirdly, QC also provides a lot of useful course materials, as well as a full starter makeup kit – which is amazing! I found that this saves a lot of time and money since you don’t need to try and find your own makeup in order to begin your training.

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What advice would you give to someone who’s currently dreaming of becoming a makeup artist?

If it’s something you love and you have a huge passion for it, why not make it your career? Doing something you love for a living and giving others an experience like no other is better than anything!

GO FOR IT! Nothing is stopping you from chasing your dreams!

Finally: What’s the HOLY GRAIL product in your makeup kit and why?

Oh my god, I couldn’t pick just one thing! I think a palette with a variety of colors is something every artist needs. Something you could use for the eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, lips, etc. would always come in handy!

Inspired by Gabbie-anne’s story? Start writing your own by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today and earning your internationally-recognized certification in as little as 2-6 months!

Building Your Makeup Artist Kit: Anisa Beauty and aDesign Brushes

By Announcements, Featured, Guest Articles, Industry Spotlight, Makeup Reviews, Your Makeup Career One Comment

Are you ready for the best, most exciting news ever!? 😍

QC Makeup Academy has partnered with beauty industry revolutionaries, ANISA Beauty and aDesign Brushes! It’s true… and this means all sorts of incredible products waiting to be added to your makeup artist kit!

Keep reading to learn more about these wildly popular brands – and the jaw-dropping discounts YOU’RE eligible to receive on their products as a QC student or grad!

About ANISA Beauty

Makeup artist kit article, ANISA brushes, photo 1

Here’s what Rishma Walia, ANISA’s Senior Manager of Business Development and Sales, has to say about ANISA Beauty:

Their Belief

“ANISA Beauty was created on the belief that the cosmetic brush is the ultimate beauty tool to transform your makeup and skincare experience. At ANISA Beauty, we are beauty activists; redefining 21st Century standards by creating innovative and inclusive products that take care of our consumers, our communities, and our environment. We believe beauty belongs to everyone. All of us have the right to be seen and feel beautiful. What touches your face matters … We take seriously our role in leading the way to positive change in the beauty industry and beyond.”

An Ethically Sound Brand for Your Makeup Artist Kit: How ANISA Runs Its Business

“We own our manufacturing facility and have full control over our supply chain and process – from conception to your hand. We believe that how we do business can make a difference. As we proudly pave the way for more responsible beauty tool manufacturing, we continue to find ways to do so without harming the environment and by providing fair wages to the artisans who make them.

Creating better products means less waste, cleaner production, and safe and supportive working conditions. This translates to you knowing where and how your brushes were made. Every brush is PETA Certified Cruelty-Free and sustainably made by the global ANISA team.

ANISA Beauty is led by beauty pioneer, Anisa Telwar Kaicker, Founder and CEO of Anisa International. She has been designing and manufacturing brushes for the biggest brands in beauty for almost 30 years. This
specialized focus has positioned her as the thought-leader in brush design and innovation.

Anisa’s passion for brushes is surpassed only by her commitment to giving back and leaving a meaningful mark on the world. She is an active and outspoken advocate for social justice … [Moreover,] her ANISA Advocacy
program is a proud supporter of organizations on the front lines of addressing racial inequality.”

ANISA skincare brushes
ANISA skincare brush photo 2

About aDesign Brushes

Makeup artist kit article, aDesign portfolio image 1

Rishma also had the following to say about aDesign, also created by the visionaries of ANISA Beauty…

Their Belief

“Why are makeup brushes so confusing? The truth is, they don’t have to be[!] … [T]hat’s why we created aDesign[:] to put the power back in your hands. Power Duos that make applying makeup easy and foolproof.”

An Ethically Sound Brand for Your Makeup Artist Kit: How aDesign Runs Its Business

“At aDesign, we believe that what touches your face matters. Our PETA Certified, vegan makeup brushes are thoughtfully designed and responsibly manufactured in our fully-owned, end-to-end supply chain.

What does that mean to you? It means that we can stand behind our promise that aDesign brushes are made using the highest quality materials[;] hand-crafted by skilled artisans, and manufactured using only clean and socially responsible methods.

Artistically designed. Responsibly made. Cruelty-free.”

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aDesign portfolio image 3
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aDesign portfolio image 5

Add ANISA Beauty and aDesign Brushes to YOUR Makeup Artist Kit Today!

We simply cannot stress enough how valuable these top-quality brushes are! Used by practically EVERYONE in the beauty industry, they’re guaranteed to make the perfect addition to your QC Makeup Academy brushes – and become a fast favorite in your professional makeup artist kit!

How to Redeem This Discount for Your Makeup Artist Kit

ANISA Beauty

  1. Go to ANISA’S Pro Program and fill out their application form.
  2. Under the question, “How did you hear about us?” simply answer, “QC Makeup Academy“.
  3. Once approved, enjoy your 40% discount on ALL of ANISA’s wide range of products!

The beat part? ANISA Beauty ships internationally – so you can order their brushes from practically anywhere! 💕

*Please note that this discount is only applicable for students or graduate of QC Makeup Academy.


All you need to do to redeem your 60% discount off all aDesign products is to use the code AD60 at the checkout when you shop on their official business website. That’s it!

*Please note that, as mentioned above, this discount is only redeemable for QC Makeup Academy students or alumni.

Makeup artist kit

Even MORE Discounts for Your Makeup Artist Kit

The savings don’t stop here, though! Amazingly, as a student or grad of QC Makeup Academy, you’re eligible for discounts from a TON of other big-name beauty brands!

Depending on the country you reside in, you can take advantage of our preferred partnerships and get discounts on products from:

  • Urban Decay
  • Smashbox Cosmetics
  • Sigma Beauty
  • Kevyn Aucoin
  • Temptu
  • Three Custom Color Specialists
  • Marc Harvey Beauty Cosmetics
  • Mehron Makeup
  • Embryolisse Laboratoires
  • Cozzette
  • Frends Beauty
  • Stage Makeup Online
  • Michele Mulkey FX Studio
  • EBA Performance Makeup
  • Williamspro Makeup & Hair
  • The Makeup Foundation
  • Screenface
  • Face Atelier
  • Kind of Magic

Furthermore, QC Makeup Academy is a MAC Pro Eligible School! Students in our Makeup ArtistryMaster Makeup Artistry, and Special FX Makeup courses are eligible to apply for the MAC Pro Student Membership. Once approved, they’ll receive a discount on MAC products, both in-store and online!

Want to learn more about all of these amazing discounts, so you can take advantage of them today and continue stocking up your makeup artist kit?

Here’s everything you need to know!

Ready to train with QC Makeup Academy? Enroll today and earn your internationally-recognized certification in as little as 2-6 months!

Industry Spotlight: Charlotte Ravet

By Featured, Industry Spotlight No Comments

After completing a diploma of history of arts at La Sorbonne University in Paris, Charlotte Ravet decided to follow her true passion. After signing up for makeup artist classes, she began studying the craft. The techniques learned from celebrity makeup artists, combined with her passion for drawing and painting, led her to develop a unique method of application for corrective and artistic makeup.

Her natural gifts didn’t go unnoticed. Charlotte’s talents were in high demand as she worked for major European television stations, as well as on celebrities. Robbie Williams, the cast of the hit TV show Glee, and presenters of major events (such as Paris fashion week) are just a few of her many notable clients over the years. She also began presenting live seminars at L’Oréal Paris!

In 2014, Charlotte decided to open her career internationally, and moved to Australia. It was here that she began collaborating with top Australian photographers. Her innovative versatility was shared with the world through:

  • Advertising campaigns
  • Fashion events
  • Editorial prints
  • Music videos
  • Working with some of Australia’s most prominent faces (i.e. Simon Baker, Stephanie Claire Smith, etc.)
  • And so much more!

She has developed educational programs as a leading brand consultant, and has even created her own masterclasses for professional makeup artists! In 2018, Charlotte was awarded Best Makeup Educator for the Australian Makeup Industry Awards. Throughout her career, Charlotte has been nominated for and won countless other awards. Truly, they are all a testament to her skills.

After becoming the international makeup artist and retail education representative for the brand, By Terry, Charlotte now shares her MUA career between France and Australia. Professionalism, vibrancy, and outstanding skill have made Charlotte Ravet a sought-out industry expert by professionals and students alike!

Let’s learn more about Charlotte!

1. Where did your love of makeup come from? When (and why) did you decide to become a professional makeup artist?

I’ve always had a passion for art and drawing. My dream was originally to become a costume designer, or an archaeologist. After completing my Bachelor of History of Art, I realized that what I actually needed to do was be able to create with my hands. I was looking to learn a skill; something that would allow me to travel and live different experiences every day.

The idea of becoming a makeup artist came naturally. I didn’t know much about the industry before I started looking into it. Makeup artists weren’t as popular then as they are now. I visited a few academies, signed up for makeup artist classes, worked as dishwasher to pay for my studies, and never looked back!

I quickly became passionate about makeup as I was learning it. I had the feeling that what I was seeing or drawing on paper was something I could actually create on faces. I had an amazing makeup trainer. They offered exceptional techniques that were based on measuring face proportions, and creating a full face makeup look using only primary colors. Once you master these techniques, you can pretty much do anything!

2. Tell us about your makeup business, and the kinds of services you offer!

Well… I feel like I’ve done a 100 different jobs centering around being a makeup artist. This what is fantastic about having a skill – it opens up so many more doors for you than just job opportunities!

I started by doing makeup in the TV industry, as well as location shoots in Paris and across Europe. Then I had the opportunity to work with major fashion designers – such as Prada and MiuMiu – as the head of makeup for their private events in Paris. From there, I decided to learn English in order to elevate my career to an international level.

Once I’d moved to Australia, I started working for private clients. I worked hard to develop my professional network by getting involved in various productions and fashion projects. I also started teaching for academies. I’ve imported and developed a professional makeup brand through masterclasses, which quickly became popular. In fact, I was granted the title of ‘Makeup Educator of the Year’ back in 2018!

I know also work for the brand, By Terry, and am responsible for developing the educational content, delivering training for the brand, and illustrating/creating different looks.

These days, I’ve also developed a love for creative makeup, and want to focus on this type of work for now. I feel I have still so much to learn and explore!

3. You’ve done a lot of editorial work over the years. Got any tips for aspiring makeup artists who are interested in specializing in this field?

My main recommendation would be to plan ahead! It might take time to earn money as an editorial makeup artist. Take part in stylized photoshoots. The most creative projects are rarely the ones we’re paid for – but they show off our skills to potential clients!

Magazine companies often don’t pay much for a creative series, but getting yourself published in a renowned fashion magazine is one of the best ways to advertise your work. It also helps to keep up with current trends. Explore new challenges and never stop searching for new inspiration!

When I do an editorial shoot, it’s not work – it’s a passion. I’m pretty sure a lot of makeup artists would tell you the same thing.

4. Why do you feel that makeup artist classes are critical to becoming a successful MUA?

Professional training is the single most effective way to learn how to apply makeup properly – and for ALL types of work!

Without the right makeup education, you can be an amazing artist in one area, sure. But if you lack the skills in every other area of makeup artistry and don’t understand basic makeup theory and techniques, you’ll have a much smaller opportunity for real success.

Don’t limit yourself!

5. What are 3 secrets to your personal success as a makeup artist?

First, always be professional! I want all of my clients to be extremely satisfied with my work. It’s important that I never fail to leave a good impression.

Second: find the right balance between relying on proper techniques vs. your creativity. Personally, I love breaking down a makeup plan and  searching for what’s working (or not working) in an image. Being creative is about discovering this fine line between what’s technically impressive, but also visually beautiful.

It’s sometimes hard to explain. As an educator, I can teach techniques, but I can’t teach taste. Creativity can only come from within the individual themselves.

And third: never convince yourself that you don’t still have room to keep learning. This is what keeps me going. Despite how awful COVID-19 has been, this year has also helped to me pause, think about where I was, and figure out what I want to do going forward.

I’ve looked at all my work, identified where I want to improve, and planned out which new skills I want to learn. Part of being an artist is being humble. You are never going to master your craft 100% – and that’s okay! Think of it as a never-ending opportunity to expand your skills and gain new knowledge.

There will ALWAYS be something we can learn. As a makeup artist, I feel it’s really important to know this.

6. For all the aspiring MUAs out there, what are your top 5 tips for getting started?

  1. Be careful with hygiene! Especially now more than ever, following rules to keep both your client and yourself safe is a must.
  2. Being a makeup artist requires hard work! Yes, you can be passionate about makeup – but if you choose it as a career, it’s a job just like any other. You’ll get what you put into it. So, if you aren’t willing to give it your all, it’s probably not the career for you.
  3. Look after your network and choose your connections wisely! You’ll meet lot of people, especially as a freelancer. Avoid time-wasters. Learn who these people are, the kind of work they do, and their reputation within the industry. Always keep a professional focus and set the desired outcome when building your network.
  4. Don’t freak out if there are sometimes gaps between jobs! This happens to all of us, trust me. Work can sometimes take time to come. Try not to take it personally or be too hard on yourself. That being said, don’t just sit around and wait for work to come to you either. Instead, use this downtime as an opportunity to focus on your marketing strategies, learning new techniques, enrolling in makeup artist classes, etc.
  5. Always keep learning! I know I mentioned this already, but believe me, it really is that crucial! Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned MUA, you’re never going to know everything. The moment you trick yourself into thinking you do is the moment your success will start to plateau.

7. Finally, tell us 3 surprising things about yourself!

  1. I hate doing makeup on myself! I can spend maybe 5 minutes on myself, but I find it difficult to get creative. I tried doing more makeup on myself during lock-down but I simply have no patience doing something on my own face!
  2. Since I took makeup artist classes and completed my diploma, I’ve ALWAYS done makeup artistry full-time. I’ve never needed a second job on the side. I consider myself very lucky to be able to say this.
  3. I have earned many awards, but the hardest competition I’ve ever had to face was actually for my Visa. There are only 200 Distinguished Talent Visas granted worldwide per year – and this accounts for sport, research, and art categories combined! I had to submit a very long application. In the end, though, I was granted it, which allowed me to have permanent residency in Australia.

Start your makeup artist classes today! Until August 10th, enroll in QC’s leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course and get ANY second, Advanced Course for FREE!

Industry Spotlight: Chantal Mariani

By Featured, From the Experts No Comments

Chantal Mariani has been a professional MUA for many years. Her extensive makeup training and resume are groundbreaking, setting the bar high within the beauty industry. It’s with great pleasure that we welcome Chantal as QC Makeup Academy’s newest expert tutor!

As a part of I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 798, Chantal has had the pleasure of working on films, daytime dramas, news programs, and talk shows with various New York television stations. In addition to doing print work for models and actors, she’s also enjoyed her time as an instructor for makeup artists and design programs in several of New York City’s leading schools.

Chantal has also chaired the Education Department for the East Coast Union of Film and Television Makeup Artists, I.A.T.S.E Local 798. Among her many responsibilities, she was responsible for creating their curricula, as well as serving on the Membership Committee as an adjudicator for new applicants.

Several celebrity clients include:

  • James Earl Jones
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Ellen Burstyn
  • Vanessa Redgrave
  • Christopher Reeve
  • Sigourney Weaver
  • Susan Sarandon
  • Ray Liotta
  • Gwyneth Paltrow
  • Miranda Richardson
  • Iman
  • John F. Kennedy Jr.
  • Elle McPherson
  • Brooke Shields
  • Jaclyn Smith
  • Cicely Tyson
  • And many more!

Let’s get to know Chantal even more!

What sparked your passion for makeup artistry?

Life literally threw me into makeup artistry! I had graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology, and started my career as a Fashion Buyer on 7th Avenue. One morning while on the subway, my fellow buyer unexpectedly landed a date, and asked me if I had anything I could use to put some makeup on her for it. So, I did her makeup… and she was delighted!

Another work friend then suggested I take a course and get professional makeup training, so I did. My teacher (who was actually Stevie Nicks’s makeup artist) immediately sent me on jobs that he couldn’t do. He even had me sub for him in class!

Every teacher I studied afterwards with did the same! My passion for makeup started the minute I started my makeup training.

Can you speak more about your affiliation with the I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 798?

I’ve been a member for around 25 years or so. Over that time span, I’ve grown from an excited media makeup artist, to chairing their Education Department!

That position, among other endeavors, allowed me to create their education curriculum. I also got to travel to the Union’s southern territories, where I educated and brought both existing and new members up to my standard. I brought with me the “Boys at Saturday Night Live” (our top special effects makeup experts) and our Business Agent, and there, I taught my beauty classes.

We all offered them our specialty courses, and they never wanted us to leave! I have had former students as members, and in management in the Union, and I am extremely proud of them!!

What is the most rewarding part of being a makeup educator?

How proud I feel of my students! They have nabbed some of the juiciest positions in the field in my opinion, including:

They’re all over! I can’t walk into a trade show without seeing someone I had the pleasure of teaching. In fact, I usually have to factor in extra time so I can chat with them, catch up, and recall memories.

Also, I feel like beloved family to them, and they to me. I am so very blessed!

What are the 4 secrets to your success that might surprise people?


A keen, telepathic assessment of a client’s soul, spirit, and energy before I start working on them. I speak to them first. This helps me establish how and where to go for a uniquely custom-designed look. A person in my chair has always been a soul who is a gift from the Universe. First and foremost, it’s always about my relationship with them.


This is the chief driving force behind everything I do.


If I cannot be of authentic service, and possess integrity in a situation, it is not worth it for me to be in that situation.


I have weathered numerous storms of injustice, with the hope that justice would be restored. In my experience, it always was – and often, in an even better way!

What advice would you give to your younger self when you were just starting out?

Have faith in your artistry and path of growth!

Follow your path with love and hope. You will have a “thicker skin” for all your endurance, and confidence for all of your future knowledge. Honor your belief in the power of knowledge and education. Trust in the good in people. Above all else, don’t be afraid.

You can do whatever you set your mind to!

Chantal has worked with the industry’s top professionals, and you can learn how she did it in an exclusive webinar on July 14th. Sign up today!

Industry Spotlight: Kevin James Bennett

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As a makeup artist, your love of learning is essential. You should have a desire to master the proper techniques, to watch others, learn from their expertise, and soak up as much information about the craft as you possibly can!

One excellent way of doing that is by continuing your education through makeup training and classes. But as QC executive MUA and instructor, Nathan Johnson, says, there’s also a certain level of “real world” learning required, too! And studying industry professionals is one of the easiest and fastest ways anyone can access that education.

When studying influential makeup artists, you’re learning an abundance of useful information, such as:

  • How they paved and shaped the cosmetic world
  • Different makeup trends, techniques, applications, and styles
  • Makeup theories and philosophies you may not have ever heard or considered before
  • Newfound knowledge on beauty and skincare products
  • Business and networking advice from legitimate experts

Part One of our Industry Spotlight series can be found here. Now, let’s continue with the second ‘cosmetic pioneer’ that should be on every makeup artist’s radar: Kevin James Bennett.

Kevin James Bennett Headshot

Meet Kevin James Bennett

With over 30 years in the makeup industry, Kevin James Bennett (a.k.a. KJB) is one of those names you just know. A winner and nominee of multiple Emmy Awards for his contributions to the makeup department, Bennett is best known for his thorough beauty knowledge, his straightforward and educational online presence, and his business-focused approach to his craft. Above all this, his expertise when it comes to makeup and skincare products is unrivaled.

Interestingly, being a makeup artist wasn’t Bennett’s original life plan. At first, he was a stage actor. As is the case with most theater performers, Bennett had to learn how to apply his own makeup – but he admits that it never particularly interested him! It wasn’t until years later, while working in display design at Bloomingdale’s NYC, that Bennett’s destiny became clear. After painting mannequins with real makeup, that “art and cosmetics became entwined”, and Bennett’s love of makeup began to blossom.

This just goes to show you that you never know where life will take you, and it’s NEVER too late to make your dreams a reality! In fact, Bennett himself says that the most important piece of advice he can offer aspiring makeup artists is to “never be afraid to fail”! You can’t learn from your mistakes otherwise, which means you won’t be able to progress. As the old saying goes: you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!

Contributions to the Makeup Industry

In addition to the aforementioned makeup work for TV (for which Bennett was nominated for 5 Emmys and won 2), he has contributed to countless brands, businesses, and product lines over the years, including (but not limited to):

  • Allure
  • Marie Claire
  • Cosmopolitan
  • Behind the Chair
  • Access Hollywood
  • Entertainment Tonight
  • L’Oréal
  • Johnson & Johnson

But Bennett isn’t just a man of the corporations. On the contrary, he offers his impressive skills and consulting services to independent companies, freelance artists, and entrepreneurs as well! “My mission,” Bennett states, “is to deliver intelligent, innovative concepts and solutions to clients.”

From his website alone, you can see the 3 major areas that Bennett focuses on with clients:

  1. Cosmetic Development
  2. Makeup Artistry
  3. Appearances & Education

Cosmetic Development

This is the process of taking an idea for a new makeup or skincare product or line, and developing this from concept to the production line and beyond. Brand and product development, marketing, eCommerce, and social media integration are just some of the many services Bennett offers and advises on here. Most important, he makes sure the products are cutting edge and necessary in the industry; from an ingredient, to formulation, and even to color perspective.

Makeup Artistry

Bennett’s makeup skills are so diverse, he has had a long career working in fashion, advertising, production, red carpet events and galas, television, and so much more!

Appearances & Education

Wanting to share his expertise with others who love the craft, Bennett often appears as a featured speaker/industry expert at trade shows, conferences, classes, etc.  Here, he offers his expertise as an industry expert and educator.

He also utilizes his social media presence to help make others aware of various cosmetic and skincare product information – the good and the bad.

Whether you are new to the industry, or is an industry pro, you’ll be able to learn a lot from his social media pages! He often shares honest reviews about makeup brands, his take on makeup techniques, and opens up education debates on industry news.

Lifelong learning is not optional; it’s mandatory for success in the 21st Century. My daily routine includes reviewing industry news, innovation, and trends, because my clients deserve the most relevant services.

Kevin James Bennett

An Expert’s Opinion…

Here are some really interesting fun facts about KJ Bennett that should be of interest any makeup artist looking to make a long-term career out of their passion.

The importance of complexion

Admittedly “obsessed” with creating flawless skin on his clients, Bennett is a firm believer that no matter how polished the rest of the makeup look is, if the complexion isn’t 100% to your liking, the whole thing will still wind up looking incomplete. Definitely something worth keeping in mind for your own work!

The importance of SFX makeup

Even if you’re not an SFX makeup artist, and even if you have no interest in doing SFX makeup in your career, Bennett insists that there are still some SFX products you should consider keeping in your professional makeup kit! For example, he finds that the basics – such as adhesives and molding materials – as well as alcohol activated palettes are way more useful than you think. “The line between makeup and SFX can be blurred very effectively, if you know how to manipulate your products,” Bennett says. Hmm…Perhaps taking an SFX Makeup course could only help your skills further!

The importance of education

For those who are new to the industry and trying to make sure they take the right steps for both themselves and their makeup business, Bennett believes that to be successful, you must be passionate, yet humble. Strive to always do your best, and as part of that, never stop in your quest to learn more about makeup, skincare, and the industry as a whole. No matter how much you know, you’ll never know everything – there’s always more you haven’t discovered yet!

Are there any makeup pioneers that you’d like to see featured? Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned for future installments of our Industry Spotlight!

Want to rock the makeup world and leave your mark like KJ Bennett? Start by enrolling today in QC’s leading Master Makeup Artistry course, and become a certified makeup artist!

DeShawn Hatcher doing makeup on female model

Industry Spotlight: DeShawn Hatcher

By Education, Featured, From the Experts, Makeup Tips and Tricks, Your Makeup Career No Comments

One of the greatest things any artist can do is continue to learn. Makeup artist classes are essential, but there is also mandatory “real world” learning that everyone interested in working in the beauty world needs. Our “Makeup Artists to Follow” series will introduce you to a new artist who has made an impact on the beauty industry.

Learning about them will give you a free master class in what’s happening with the titans in the industry. You’ll see the birth of trends from the people who actually created them – not the influencers who copied them. You’ll see a diverse array of techniques and styles that will ignite your own creativity, connecting you to the greater makeup community.

The first of these cosmetic pioneers that we’ll take a look at is DeShawn Hatcher.

Meet DeShawn Hatcher

DeShawn Hatcher headshot

As a makeup artist, educator, author, and Guinness World Record holder, DeShawn Hatcher is a true dynamo in the world of beauty. As an artist, she’s worked in every area of makeup, and had many different makeup artist jobs: TV, celebrity, editorial, and runway. She even holds the world record as the Beauty Director for the Cotton Inc. 24 hour fashion show.

With a hefty portfolio of images ranging from crisp and clean, to edgy and editorial, DeShawn’s work is a masterclass in diversity. Her passion is driven by an obsession for people to see the beautiful woman herself, not someone caked in makeup. Anything and everything within DeShawn’s portfolio demonstrates her mastery of creating perfect skin, precise lips, and captivating eyes. With her rich understanding of makeup and diverse use of technique, she’s proven herself to be a force in the world of beauty.

deshawn hatcher makeup example on female model #1

In her book, Assisting Rules”, DeShawn discusses how critical it is to become an assistant to a professional makeup artist, if you can, because it can be a fundamental move in blossoming your own professional MUA career. The book is a step-by-step guide to helping anyone break into the industry who has an interest in fashion, beauty, and print. It’s a must-have; rich with tips, tricks, and secrets that only someone who did it herself would know.

Not only do you get to see the ins and outs of what it’s like in the actual industry, you also get to learn from a pro in action. Just as importantly, it provides the chances for you to network, make connections, and get your name out there. These are opportunities that may be harder to come by if you weren’t assisting a professional makeup artist in your early days within the biz.

DeShawn has also contributed to nearly every major magazine, such as Elle, Vogue, Harper’s, WWD, etc. Her list of achievements is endless, but some notable contributions include:

  • Campaigns for some of the biggest international companies (e.g. MasterCard, Panasonic, Boost Mobile)
  • Runway looks for celebrated designers like Tory Birch, Tommy Hilfiger, Christian Siriano, etc.
  • Makeup for television, on networks such as E!, HBO, NBC, etc.
  • Makeup for Beyoncé, Tom Cruise, Vanessa Williams, and Anette Bening being just a few examples.
DeShawn Hatcher makeup example on female fashion model

As if this wasn’t impressive enough, she also teamed up with Graftobian to create the much-needed, and world’s first, Multicultural Foundation Palette for People of Color (Inclusion).

With a focus on education, DeShawn is often a featured speaker at makeup trade shows, makeup schools, and she writes her own blog. Her Instagram, @deshawnhatcher, is a must-follow. But her blog and her YouTube channel in particular are, in my opinion, some of the best resources for people wanting to learn about the beauty business from a true pro.

DeShawn Hatcher makeup example #3

Want to take your professional MUA career to the next level? Check out Nathan’s 3 tips to boost your success!