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Sarah Seguin

How to Pass Your Online Makeup Artist Classes with Flying Colors

By About the School, Education, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Taking online makeup artist classes provides unique benefits and advantages to anyone with a dream of becoming a professional MUA. We’ve put together a helpful list of 5 useful tips (in no particular order) for you to ace your classes.

Follow them faithfully, and you’ll not only successfully complete your online makeup artist classes, you’ll pass them with flying colors!

woman opening tube of makeup, behind table with laptop and other cosmetic products

1. Set Your Priorities

I know we said that this list was in no particular order, but this really should be your first step. Let’s just say that you’ve already done a ton of research into different accredited online makeup schools, you’ve decided which one you want to attend, and you’ve now already enrolled. The next thing you need to do is be honest with yourself, and figure out how and when you’ll be devoting your time to your schooling.

You may already be working a full or part-time job, in addition to whatever other commitments you have on the go. Or perhaps you’ve got all the time in the world. Either way, we recommend sitting down and writing out your current schedule. Figure out what days and times you’re typically unavailable.

Once you’ve established that, then review your course materials and decide which areas of the class are the most important to you. See how much time you can realistically devote to each task, and from there, outline a routine for yourself. We can’t stress enough how important sticking to this routine will be for your success! Plus, it’ll be good for your mental health: the organization and structure will help you feel less overwhelmed.

Note: the average QC makeup course will require many hours of practice to ensure you submit your best work to your tutor. Reading books, watching videos and submitting assignments will take time, yes, but you should also plan on spending a majority of your time practicing your skills and honing your craft.

2. Set Deadlines and Exercise Good Time-Management Skills

Unlike in physical schools (or even other types of online courses), online makeup artist classes don’t have strict deadlines. While this sounds good on paper, the flip side is that it poses the risk of procrastination. Without anyone guiding you by the hand, it can be way too easy to push everything off until the last minute.

If you hope to succeed in your classes, you’re going to need certain personality traits:

  • Motivation
  • Independence
  • Persistence
  • Discipline
  • The ability to properly pace yourself

Be honest with yourself: do you have these traits already? If so, wonderful! If you don’t, though, you’re going to need to quickly figure out how to get them. Being an online makeup students – and being an MUA in general – absolutely require these skills.

When it comes to your schoolwork, take it upon yourself to set deadlines for your assignments. Even better, you can set allotted amounts of time per unit. To keep things organized (and your brain from being too cluttered with info), we strongly recommend writing these schedules, deadlines, and outlines on a calendar, in a planner, etc.

Similarly, even though most online makeup schools provide an abundant amount of time to complete your program, try to set yourself a goal date by which you want to complete the class and graduate. Having your own schedule and sticking to it will not only keep you accountable and exercise self-discipline (a trait that will take you a long way in the makeup industry!), it’ll help you reach your goals faster.

For example, depending on how much time you can devote to your schooling, and how diligent of a student you are, you can complete your Master Makeup Artistry class and receive your certification in as little as 3 months!

That’s the beauty of online makeup school: your destiny is entirely up to you!

3. Invest In Your Makeup Products

We totally understand that when first starting out, you may not have all the money in the world to spend on all sorts of makeup products. That being said, you’re going to need the basics, at the very least. Whether you take online makeup artist classes online or do them in-person, you’re going to need to put money into your makeup products so you can get started.

These are, after all, the tools of your craft! If you don’t use the right products, how can you tap into your full potential and showcase all the talent you have to offer?

QC Makeup Academy offers a complete list of all of the makeup products needed to complete each and every course available. A lot are provided when as part of your makeup kit when you enroll, but there are others that you need to purchase yourself. That being said, don’t look at this list and freak yourself out! In the beginning, and even throughout your professional career, you’re not always going to need to buy the fanciest and most expensive products.

Yes, some of these products will be worth dropping those few extra dollars on. But for many other cosmetic items, you can simply find their drugstore counterparts for a much more affordable price.

4. Stay On Top of Your Health

With your plate as full as it is, it might be easy to wear yourself too thin without even realizing it! Though it may seem like you’re working extra hard, never giving yourself a break will result in you losing steam. So in reality, there won’t be a whole lot of actual energy being put into all that time and work.

Your mind and body will become drained, which might make you crash. If you crash, your motivation plummets, your drive will dwindle, and the idea of giving up altogether will suddenly seem like an appealing notion. Don’t let yourself get to that point!

Yes, your education is important. Work is important. Seeing your friend and family and keeping them happy is important. But what’s most important is YOU. Life is not all work, work, work – you need to make sure you’re able to find the right balance between all of these obligations, and you time.

Aside from ensuring that you schedule regular time to enjoy the things that alleviate stress, try to also follow the basic of self-care. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night, drink lots of water, and if you can catch some sunlight during the day, don’t pass it up!

The less overworked you are, the more effort you’ll actually be putting into your classes!

happy woman wrapped in blanket, sitting on bed, and smiling with content

5. Don’t Give up!

Sometimes, even if you do everything right, the finish line still might feel impossible to cross. You’re not alone; it happens to everyone! The important thing is not to get discouraged. Don’t let that little negative voice in your head convince you to give up.

Eventually, you will see the light on the horizon, and you will complete your classes, and you will knock your grades out of the park! But hey, if there are times where you struggle and maybe slack a day or two here and there? We won’t tell anyone! Seriously, don’t beat yourself up over it. Just get back on track the next day, and keep trying your best. That’s all anyone can ever ask of you!

With good habits, the right drive and focus, and a passion for the craft, we know you’ll have nothing to worry about. Just take it one day at a time, do your best, and your tutors will all see how talented and devoted of a makeup artist you are!

Ready to start your online makeup artist classes today? Enroll in QC’s leading Master Makeup Artistry course, and make 2020 the year you achieve your MUA dreams!

Online Makeup Schools: Expectation vs. Reality

By Education, Your Makeup Career No Comments

What better way to welcome 2020 and the new decade than by finally pursuing your dream of becoming a professional makeup artist? We’re very proud of you for taking this step! If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve either decided you want to enroll in online makeup school, or you’re weighing your options and want to get a better idea of what online makeup school is truly like.

We can help! Below, we’ve debunked 5 of the most common (and completely false) expectations about online makeup school. This way, you can make a completely informed decision and be assured that your hard-earned money will get you hard-earned results!

smiling girl sitting on bed with laptop on lap

Expectation #1: Because it’s cheaper than a brick-and-mortar school, the quality of the education will be lower.

This seems like a no-brainer: if something costs less, it’s usually because it’s not as good. Physical brick-and-mortar makeup schools have a higher tuition rate, so they must be more legit than what you can find online. Perhaps there are no real assignments or tests. The feedback you receive from your instructor is probably just going to be the same generic, pre-recorded response for every student.

Reality: The quality of education is exactly the same (maybe even better!).

The real reason why online makeup schools are less expensive has nothing to do with the actual education being offered. It’s simply because there’s no physical school or campus to run and/or maintain. This means way lower overhead costs factored into your tuition! For many physical schools, these overhead fees are what, in fact, eat up a large portion of the overall price.

Rest assured, a legitimate, accredited online makeup school will provide you with the same quality instructors, the same quality courses and assignments, and the same quality certification upon the completion of your program.

For each course, there will be Units. In each Unit, you will have assignments that’ll require you to videotape/photograph and physical demonstrate the makeup practices and theory you’re being taught. Your instructors – professional working makeup artists – will review each assignment you submit and provide you with detailed, personalized feedback.

Many online makeup tutors actually used to teach in brick-and-mortar school settings. They can attest to the fact that there is very little to no difference between the teachings they provide in-person, versus what they do for you online!

makeup artist wearing smock filled with makeup products/tools

Expectation #2: You won’t actually learn anything, and you’ll be asked to purchase your diploma/certification.

Most online schools are scams in some capacity, right? Even if they provide you with some tools, you can’t actually learn enough to become a professional makeup artist. You can only truly learn makeup by being taught in-person! “Learning” by watching videos? You may as well just be watching a YouTube beauty vlogger. Plus, once you’ve already put in all that hard work and time, that’s probably when they throw a curveball and reveal that you need to pay for your diploma/certification.

Reality: You’ll learn the skills required to become a professional MUA, and receive professionally-recognized certification at no extra cost.

For starters, let’s do away with the idea that online schooling is the same as watching YouTube videos. YouTube videos don’t teach you actual skills, and won’t have a professionally working tutor critiquing your work and providing you with detailed feedback to help you learn, correct yourself, and grow.

Furthermore, most beauty vloggers are demonstrating a look on themselves, often skipping through sections or glossing over which techniques they’re using. In online makeup classes, a model is used in all instructional videos, in order to demonstrate how to apply makeup on a client. The entire purpose of the video is to walk you through the whole process, step-by-step, and thoroughly explain methods so that you can not only replicate “looks” but actually understand the fundamentals behind each look.

Lastly, you have no way of knowing if the YouTube vlogger you’re watching is doing things correctly! As QC executive makeup artist and tutor, Nathan Johnson, points out in his Color Correcting webinar: many of these vloggers don’t teach you the right way to do makeup. As a result, you unknowingly pick up bad habits and then provide mediocre results for your client.

Certified online makeup school tutors properly prepare you to receive your certification upon graduation from your program. This certification will not only boost your confidence as an MUA, but it makes you credible to both employers and clients. It proves to them that you’ve been properly trained, and helps you stand out from the competition.

Importantly: an online makeup school’s diploma/certificate should always be included within the overall cost of your tuition, and not a separate or recurring fee! If an online makeup school tries to spring this expense on you unexpectedly, this is a red flag. That school cannot be trusted.

MUA applying eye makeup to model

Expectation #3: You’ll have scheduled classes, and a short amount of time to complete the course.

In college and University, when you sign up for an online class, you’re provided with a set schedule for when the online class takes place. For some classes, it’s a live feed that all students are viewing at the same time.

So you’ll need need to work your schedule around your classes. If things conflict and you can’t make it? Too bad! Then once those classes are done, you’ll have an exam, which you can either pass or fail. The whole experience will probably be condensed to a few months, at best.

Reality: Online makeup school is all about flexibility!

Legitimate online makeup schools recognize that their students have busy lives, and are often pursuing this education in addition to work and other commitments. Because of this, one of the biggest perks of online makeup school is that everything is done entirely at your convenience.

No need to commute or live in a big, expensive city. No matter where you are, you can get the proper training and receive certification – even from the comfort of your own living room!

You’ll be given ample amount of time to complete the course, starting from the day you enroll. There are no set class times, either; you do your required reading and assignments whenever works for you. So long as you submit your final assignment before the end of your 2-year window, you’re good!

That being said, if you have ample time of your hands, or are just really committed to working super diligently, you can complete your program, graduate, and become certified in as little as 3 months!

professional makeup kit full of products

Expectation #4: It’ll be easy enough that you can bluff your way through the course.

Thanks to everything being done online, you don’t need to read all of your course material. No one’s going to double-check that anyways! The material is probably simple enough that you can just wing it.

Also, with no one physically there to see your work, you can fake it on camera and cut corners when you photograph your assignments. You may be missing one or two things, but your tutor shouldn’t notice.

Reality: If it’s easy, then it’s probably a scam school.

The only thing you should be winging is your eyeliner! But also, if you’re not even serious about putting in 100% effort into your education, why enroll at all? It makes no sense to spend your own money on something you don’t plan to utilize.

That being said, online makeup school should not be easy. It should be challenging and help you grow, like you’d expect from any legitimate education. And don’t fool yourself: your tutor is the expert, not you. If you think you’ll be able to pull a fast one over them, you’re wrong. With the level of scrutiny they give each assignment, there’s very little they ever miss.

Straight up: if your online school feels way too easy, it’s probably not because you’re a genius (though hey, you might be) – more likely, it’s because you just got scammed. We hope you can get your money back.

upclose of beautiful woman wearing makeup, brushing powder brush to cheek

Expectation #5: Even with training, you can’t actually make a serious career out of being an MUA.

At the end of the day, no matter how much you love makeup, most people can’t actually make a career off of it. If they can, it’ll be a part-time, second job at best. There’s no point in investing money and time into something you can’t truly pursue.

Reality: You absolutely can – and many QC graduates DO!

Working as a full-time professional makeup artist can actually be a very comfortable living. Sure, there are plenty of people who admittedly only do it as a hobby or second job, but how else can they grow and build their portfolios? If it’s your dream, the time and effort it takes to establish yourself and your business will be worth it.

All that being said, plenty of online makeup school graduates do go on to turn makeup artistry into their full-time living. QC, for instance, has countless students and graduates that have gone on to be successful within the industry! Many even run their own MUA businesses.

The only thing stopping your dreams from becoming a reality is you. Are YOU willing to take the first step towards your future? Make 2020 your year!

Enroll in QC’s leading online makeup school, and start your MUA certification today!

Makeup artist salary article Feature Image

Which Makeup Artist Jobs Have the Highest Salary?

By Your Makeup Career No Comments

If you dream of becoming a professional MUA, you’re likely wondering how high your makeup artist salary can possibly be. This is an excellent question!

After all, when planning out your career, it’s normal to think long-term and have an endgame goal to strive towards. Whether you’re considering a career as a makeup artist, or you’re already a working professional, it’s only natural that you’ll want to know what sort of money you can potentially earn.

Though there are many different avenues you can explore, we’ve put together a list of 4 of the highest paying jobs you can have as a makeup artist. Plus, we’ve also included a few additional factors worth considering, too.

Note: All salaries described in this article are in US Dollars.

Do Makeup Artists Get Paid Well?

This is a good place to start. If your dream career won’t make you enough to pay the bills, then while it can be an awesome passion project, it won’t be sustainable as a full-time career.

Luckily, makeup artists DO get paid very well!

It’s important to keep in mind that there’s no “one-size-fits-all” makeup artist salary. Two MUAs living in the same city can make totally different incomes. How much you earn is dependent on a number of impacting factors.

For instance, if you were to be hired on by an existing company, beauty salon, makeup counter, etc., you’d likely receive a set hourly wage. However, if you wanted to open your own makeup business instead (and work freelance, for example), you could make significantly more because you’ll get to set your own rates.

If running your own business, the defining factor will be the amount of effort you’re willing to put into your endeavors. Put in the minimum and you’ll GET the minimum. But if you work hard, stay patient, and maximize every opportunity at your disposal, you’ll not only thrive – you’ll make a killer salary!

What is The Salary of a Makeup Artist?

Keeping in mind what I said above, about there being no definitive makeup artist salary, I can give you general ranges. Here’s what you can expect to make per year, depending on where you live:

  • United States: Between $40,000 to $70,000 USD (Source: Indeed)
  • Canada: Between $30,000 to $60,000 USD (Source: Payscale)
  • United Kingdom: Between $25,000 to $40,000 USD (Source: Indeed)
  • New Zealand: Between $30,000 to $45,000 USD (Source: Payscale)
  • Australia: Between $40,000 to $118,000 USD (Source: Indeed)
Makeup artist salary article in-post image 1

Who is The Highest Paid Makeup Artist?

Okay, so now you have a better idea of the type of makeup artist salary you can make. But let’s say you’re ultra ambitious and want to be the GOAT of the beauty world? What kind of MUA should you strive to become then?

Movie/Celebrity Makeup Artist

Ding, ding, ding! This is the answer right here.

Technically, a “movie makeup artist” and a “celebrity makeup artist” are two separate jobs. But since they’re part of the same world, we figured we’d list them together.

With the highest average salary, movie MUAs can typically earn approximately $74,000 USD to $92,000 USD. Coming in as a close second, celebrity makeup artists can find themselves earning an average of $60,000 USD to 86,000 USD per year. Wow!

Job Description

As a movie makeup artist, you’ll responsible for how the actors and actresses appear on camera for each scene. Given that everything is in HD these days, the importance of what you do to make the actors look good (or bad, if the scene calls for it) is a huge responsibility not taken lightly.

A celebrity makeup artist, on the other hand, will tend to work with the stars in a more day-to-day setting. Your talents will be used to prepare your client for events like red carpet appearances, concerts, galas, fundraisers, private parties, etc.

3 Other Highly Paid Makeup Artist Jobs

1. Special Effects Makeup Artist

Whether it’s for TV, movies, fashion, photography, or theater, there’s no shortage of talent needed when it comes to good SFX makeup. That being said, special effects makeup requires specific skills and training. You can be a master of regular makeup application, but not have a clue what you’re doing the moment prosthetics come into the mix.

Makeup artist salary in-post image 2, SFX makeup

If you’re interested in pursuing this route, it’s imperative that you study SFX makeup. Learn the different types of products, what they do, how to apply them, how to create the look from them, how they react to the human body, etc.

The reward will be worth it, though! On average, a special FX makeup artist can rake in upwards of $66,800 to $75,000 a year!

2. Independent/Freelance MUA

Many makeup artists wish to branch out and start their own, independent business. This can be a great source of income! In fact, the average freelance MUA can make anywhere from $40,000 USD to $66,000 USD per year.

Fun fact: the top 10 percent can even earn up to six figures! Though your rates will likely be a bit lower in the beginning, as you build your resume, portfolio, and clientele, you’ll be able to start charging more for your services.

That’s part of the beauty of being a freelance entrepreneur: you can charge whatever you want! If your services are worth the price, then as you prove yourself, clients won’t hesitate to invest their money into you and your talents.

3. Brand Makeup Artist

What if you don’t have any interest in the glitz and glamor of the Hollywood industry? In the same breath, what if you don’t care much for sci-fi and fantasy makeup?

What if you don’t even want to run your own business? Does this mean you’re doomed to earn minimum wage and a lousy makeup artist salary for the rest of your life?

Not at all!

Another option you can look into is becoming a makeup artist for a cosmetic brand. NAS, for example, pays their top makeup artists approximately $24.00 an hour – and you don’t even need a cosmetology license to apply for their company! (Though looking at a past job ad they’d posted on Indeed, their expectations are still mega high.)

Even companies like Sephora offer opportunities for eventual growth. Yes, you may start off at minimum wage in the beginning. But with time, you’ll work your way up the ranks and prove yourself. As a result, you can eventually earn as much as $50,000+ per year as a manager!

Other Factors That’ll Impact Your Makeup Artist Salary

Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that the salary of a makeup artist isn’t an exact science. It’s also not concrete, as we’ve learned by now. There are tons of external factors that can affect the amount of money you make.

Let’s take a look at 4 of them, shall we?

1 – Location

If you want to be a movie and/or celebrity makeup artist, then living where the action only makes sense. But the same is applicable in general, too. Where you live in the world, and how well that economy is doing, will play the biggest role in how much you get paid.

Yes, it’s totally possible to be a successful MUA in a smaller town. However, it’s statistically proven that bigger cities will oftentimes amount to a better makeup artist salary. The flip-side, of course, is that larger cities have a higher cost of living. Not to mention, there’ll be more competition.

So, remember to factor that into your calculations!

2 – Education

Get professionally trained and earn internationally-recognized certifications through an accredited makeup school, such as QC Makeup Academy. By maximizing your education and taking a variety of Foundation, Advanced, and Specialty Courses, you’ll be soaking up as much cosmetic information as you possibly can.

Remember: there will ALWAYS be more you can learn. So, be open to learning it! You’ll be expanding your skills and making your resume even more impressive. There’s literally no downside!

Learn all about QC Makeup Academy’s wide variety of self-paced, online makeup and beauty courses here!

3 – Earning Your Stripes

Everyone would love to be able to be the best in their field, right from the get-go. But first you need to work for a while and actually get experience under your belt. Furthermore, you need to take the time to built your brand, establish a solid reputation, and grow your clientele.

Until you’ve done all this, the chances of landing a lucrative job in such a competitive industry are admittedly low. You need to be prepared to put your time and effort in. It may take a while (sometimes years), but if makeup is truly what you’re passionate about, I promise it’ll be worth the wait.

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4 – Networking and Social Media

In the makeup industry, it’s not always what you know, but who you know. This is why it’s important for you to connect with other beauty experts on social media, attend functions and benefits, go to movie screenings, etc.

Make use of whatever is at your disposal to help you create connections with others in the industry. As you continue to build your portfolio and hone your skill-set, keep in mind that being both personable and social media-savvy plays a huge part in getting your name out there.

So, put the time and effort not just into your website, but the social media platforms you wish to have a presence on. Publish regular, unique content – and make sure it’s always your best content. Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc. to reach out to those whose work you admire. Maybe there’s a vendor you’re interested in working with!

You’ll be doing your makeup career a MASSIVE favor by learning how to best brand yourself on the internet. As a result, you’ll be absolutely amazed at how far it can take you on the road to success!

Final Thoughts

Those who say that money can’t buy happiness are usually the ones who never had to work a day in their lives to get it. The fact is, money does matter to a certain extent – and having it is awesome.

Of course, in the makeup industry, what you do needs to be first and foremost a labor of love. The passion for the craft must to be your #1 driving force. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself disappointed when you aren’t immediately rich after your first appointment is over.

That said, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to do what you love and make a good living off of it, too! So, go forth knowing that in this industry, such a goal is VERY much achievable!

Become a professionally-certified makeup artist, book your first client, and start earning the salary you’ve always dreamed of in as little as 2-6 months. Enroll with QC Makeup Academy today!

pink theme - girl applying blush

QC Makeup Academy’s Top 10 Makeup Articles of the Last Decade

By About the School, Education, From the Experts, Graduate Feature, Hair Styling, Makeup Trends, Style, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Happy New Year, beauties! Though it may be the start of a brand new decade, we thought we’d do the ultimate 10 Year Challenge by paying our respects to the 10 most popular blog articles over the last decade.

So strap in, get comfy, and put your coziest socks on, because these blogs are well worth the read!

Fake eyelashes are fun and fabulous, but they can also be the literal worst to put on. Getting glue all over the place (such as around your eyes) can make for a real nightmare. Especially when you finally secure them on, only to realize they don’t even fit! Luckily, this article breaks down the basic steps to finding – and applying – the perfect falsies.

beautiful model wearing false eyelashes

It’s completely understandable to want to take the extra time to ensure your client is 100% happy with what you give them. You’re a professional, after all! That being said, you may actually be taking too much time in certain places that simply do not need it.

These extra minutes can instead be focused on the aspects of the appointment that matter most. QC executive tutor and professional MUA, Nathan Johnson, provides everything you need to know here, so you best know how to prioritize.

Believe it or not, not every cosmetic product pandered to you is actually required. In fact, many items – even those marketed as top-notch, quality products – either don’t deliver what they promise to, or can be easily replaced by something cheaper. This article is a must-read for anyone who’s looking to free up some unnecessary space in their professional makeup kit, while still keeping the essentials.

One of the greatest ways to get motivated is by seeing others just like you making a successful name for themselves in the makeup industry. This is why we love to showcase our QC students and graduates, and why they’re always such a big hit with our readers!

Special FX Makeup course graduate, Tyler Russell, is without a doubt a talented and valuable asset to the MUA world, so it’s no surprise that his feature made the Top 10! Keep reading to see his portfolio, learn about his personal makeup style, and hear how Tyler feels that QC Makeup Academy prepared him for working in the field!

special fx makeup - avatar-looking creature

Let’s get real here: you may like makeup, but it takes a lot more than that to become a successful, working MUA. Unfortunately, an interest in cosmetics isn’t enough these days to make you stand out from the crowd. There are other crucial factors that are key to being able to turn makeup from a hobby into a career. If you read these 5 reasons why you shouldn’t be a makeup artist and find yourself agreeing with them, it may be time to revisit the chalkboard!

When it comes to the makeup industry, there’s a false notion that in order to be the best, you must always have the best. So basically, if you’re on a tight budget, you’re out of luck. But wait, don’t put your palettes away just yet! The fact is, this isn’t true at all. Many cheaper brands have been known to work just as efficiently as their pricier counterparts.

We highly recommend this article for any aspiring (or even working) makeup artist who’re looking for a few ways to save some cash, without sacrificing quality.

woman shopping for cosmetic products

Millennials are known for their innovation and ability to create new, amazing things. Credit where credit’s due: they’ve paved the way in terms of both makeup and fashion. But admittedly, there have been a few blunders along the way, and not all trendsetting attempts have hit their mark.

Written by QC Fashion Styling tutor and personal stylist, Mallory Sills, his article explores 4 millennial fashion trends that are definitely more cringey than cute.

Another SFX makeup enthusiast, Kirsten Hart is a Master Makeup Artistry graduate at QC Makeup Academy. She’s also paved quite the way as a professional MUA, known for her striking, colorful looks, and her epic Instagram branding.

Check out this article if you’re looking for some serious inspiration for your own portfolio, and are curious to see how online makeup schooling has helped Kirsten along the way!

Think you’re a hairstyling guru? A fountain of follicle knowledge? A sensei of the strands? (Okay, we’ll stop.) Take this popular quiz and find out if you really know as much as you think! Maybe we’ll stump you – and if not, feel free to brag in the comments!

woman curling hair

As a newbie makeup artist breaking free into the professional world, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. But never fear! As The Beauty Buzz’s most popular blog article of the decade (WOW!), we’ll help arm you with 6 ironclad tips to not only get the ball rolling, but set you up for long-term success doing what you love most!

If the past 10 years were able to bring us this much amazing information, imagine what the next ten will hold! Is there anything you’re hoping to see and read about? If so, let us know in the comments!

Turn your MUA dreams into a reality by enrolling in QC’s leading Master Makeup Artistry course today!

smiling woman making heart symbol with fingers

Top 10 Most Popular Makeup Blog Posts of 2019

By Education, From the Experts, Graduate Feature, Guest Articles, Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career No Comments

It’s hard to believe that today is the last day of not just 2019, but the decade!

Before we ring in and bring back the roaring 20s, we thought it’d be nice to look back at the top 10 makeup blogs of this past year that were your all-time favorites!

Part of our QC Graduate and Student Feature series, this article focuses on talented SFX graduate, Sophie Kraynak. Taking one look at a sampling of her portfolio shows us all that her success is truly well deserved (and why this article made the Top 10, even though it was only published earlier this month)!

With a unique background in the Marines, Sophie delves into how this experience shaped her makeup skills and personal style, as well as how QC Makeup Academy played a part in growing her professional career. Now a professional MUA, Sophie has earned quite the presence on TikTok, has worked with TTDEYE Contacts, and was even contacted by Rihanna’s cosmetic line, Fenty, to take part in an online challenge!

male makeup artist applying sfx makeup to client

We all know that you can have all the makeup knowledge in the world, but without a good understanding of skincare, makeup alone will never reach its full potential on your client’s face. In this informative article, Nathan breaks down 5 popular misconceptions that will actually make you break out (among other things). Have you fallen prey to any of these myths? Debunk them now for healthier skin in 2020!

Whether it’s shapeless clothing or culturally insensitive attire, there are certain fashion trends that millennials have been known to adorn that, frankly, need to stay in the past. QC Fashion Styling tutor and personal stylist, Mallory Sills, explores a handful of different fashion faux pas: what they are, why they do not work, and how we’ll be doing ourselves a favor by keeping them as far away from the new decade as possible.

Written by QC graduate, Student Ambassador, and professional makeup artist, Gabrielle Rivera, this article piqued our readers’ interest thanks to its focus on teaching which SFX products to outright avoid. We admit, some of these (like not using character kits) came as a surprise, even to us! If you want to make sure your Special Effects work is top-notch, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by ditching these items from your makeup kit, and opting for better alternatives!

makeup artist applying makeup to client

Here, QC executive makeup artist and tutor, Nathan Johnson, discusses 5 common makeup errors you might be making, without even knowing it. Many of these habits stem from a lack of proper makeup knowledge and education – something that online makeup schools can definitely teach you! Are YOU guilty of making any of these mistakes? 2020 can be the year you kick them to the curb!

Speaking of mistakes: is there a better way to enter the New Year, with a brand new set of resolutions, than by first making sure you’re not bringing any bad habits from 2019 with you? We think not! Nathan’s back, this time using his expertise in the field to let you in on 8 more crucial errors you may be making when it comes to makeup technique and etiquette – and how to go about breaking them so you can best succeed as a professional MUA!

Time is precious to any makeup artist, so it’s important to learn where you can afford to shave a few minutes, so that you always have ample room for what really matters. Nathan touches up on 5 key moments during a job where you may find yourself putting too much time into something that doesn’t actually need it.

From the initial greeting to the kind of conversation you make with your client, this article is chalked full of useful info that will help polish up your A-game and keep you on the ball during appointments!

Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of cosmetic products that you actually don’t need in your repertoire. Whether it’s because they don’t truly work as advertised, or simply because there’s a more cost-effective substitute you can use instead, this article explores 5 makeup products that are surprisingly useless to you. Let us know if any of these come as a shock!!

makeup brushes and neutral eyeshadow palette

Another SFX makeup enthusiast, Tyler Russell is a graduate of QC’s Special FX Makeup specialty course, and now a professional MUA. Known for his painstaking attention to detail, Tyler goes into depth about what’s required in order to excel in the SFX field, as well as how QC helped fine-tune his skills. In addition to his epic goals for 2020, Tyler also reveals the one piece of advice he wishes he’d known before starting his makeup training! (Guess you’ll have to read it to find out what that is!)

Special Effects makeup has definitely shown itself to be a favorable topic for our readers, and the fact that this is our most popular blog of 2019 is proof! Part of our QC Student Feature series, this article focuses on Master Makeup Artistry student, Kirsten Hart, exploring both her background and makeup portfolio.

Displaying a wide array of different SFX (and even glam) looks, Kirsten goes into why she chose QC out of all the makeup schools to further her cosmetic education. She also shares some valuable tips on how to build up a solid Instagram presence!

It’s definitely going to be fun to see what articles will become most popular next year! Is there a specific topic you’d like to read about in 2020? Let us know in the comments!

Ready to make your dreams a reality in 2020? Enroll in QC’s leading Master Makeup Artistry course and start your MUA journey today!

devyn gregorio holiday makeup look

Holiday Makeup Tutorial [video]

By From the Experts, Makeup Tips and Tricks, Makeup Tutorial, Tutorials & Tips No Comments

Devyn Gregorio is a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador. You can find her on her YouTube Channel, Gregorio Girls Makeup, where she makes beauty videos with her sister. Today, Devyn demonstrates how to create a gorgeous, holiday-inspired look you can rock right into the New Year!

Watch her video below!

Let’s Recap:

This look is what Devyn calls “classic glam” with “a good red lip”. As we’re in full holiday swing this time of the year, a red lip will always fit right in! The overall look is chic, yet subtle and elegant enough that you can wear for formal events (e.g. work parties, family get-togethers), casual events, or even just to do your Christmas shopping!

Keep reading to learn how to do this makeup look in time for the holiday season!

First Up: The Upper Eyes

Devyn begins by using her Chocolate Gold eyeshadow palette by Too Faced. Though released two holiday seasons ago, it’s still one of Devyn’s favorite Too Faced palettes to use. Most of the eyeshadows within it are shimmery, though there are a couple of matte pigments as well. This will be the palette used for this tutorial.

For this look, Devyn wants to do a natural halo eye. Her first color of choice is a rich brown, aptly named ‘Cocoa Truffle’. Using the back end of a smaller eyeshadow brush, Devyn starts by first applying the Cocoa Truffle to the inner corner of her eyelid, tapping more eyeshadow onto that spot to pack on the color. She then repeats this process on the outer corner of her eye.

Working on the crease

Next, Devyn uses her smaller sized blending brush, from the BH Cosmetics Marble Collection (#9), to apply and work the matte color, ‘So Boujee’, into her crease. This shade is a very soft peachy-brown. Since this is a halo eye, you want to pay extra attention in keeping the shape nice and round. Imagine when working on your crease that you’re creating a half-moon shape. Like Devyn, you may have a tendency to want to blend the eyeshadow outwards, for more of a cat-eye effect. Don’t do that for this look – in order to achieve a halo shape, the eyeshadows on the eyelid need to look round.

Devyn then uses an M139 Morphe Brush (which has a more pointed, tapered brush head) to allow for a more concentrated product application on her crease. She then uses ‘Cocoa Truffle’ again, this time applying it in the crease as well. Be careful not to blend upwards or outwards too much, you don’t want to cover the ‘So Boujee’ shade you just blended there!

The halo shade

From her palette, Devyn selects the color, ‘Gold Dipped’. Using a flat shader brush (#9 from the BH Marble Collection), she then swipes the golden eyeshadow right down the middle of her eyelid. Don’t worry about whether it looks pretty or not! You just need to get it on there. You’ll be able to do damage control shortly, we promise.

If you don’t want to use your brush for this step, you don’t have to! Just like Devyn chooses to do instead, you can always just use your finger to swipe it on. After all, as she says, “They’re the best brushes that you’ll ever have!” Just remember those downward strokes! Once applied, feel free to stipple on more product and tap it around your eyelid to blend it in, should you want that lovely, golden shimmer shade to pop even more.

Fun fact: Devyn is so used to wearing gel or acrylic nails that now that she’s NOT wearing them, she’s reminded of how much easier it is to apply makeup with her fingers!

Going back to her shader brush, Devyn then switches to rosy shade called ‘Classy & Sassy’, which she pats onto the edges of the halo shade she just laid down. She does this because this shimmery rose shade matches very close to the matte shade already used in the corners. This allows for a more natural-looking blend, instead of the appearance of an abrupt, rough line of color between the gold and the brown shades.  Once finished, Devyn goes back in one last time with more of the ‘Gold Dipped’ color, just to make sure it really stands out in the middle.

If you want to go a bit darker…

You can stop your upper eye makeup here, if you’d like. The result will be a bit more of a softer look. However, should you desire a little more dimension and depth in the inner and outer corners of this halo look, there is a black shade in the palette that Devyn recommends: ‘Decadent’. Take just the tiniest amount of this shade (just a tap or two) with a small, pointed brush. You don’t want the black to stand it, you just want to add a bit more depth to the inner and outer corners of your eyes.

You’ll probably notice, like with on Devyn, that immediately after applying this color, it will look black at first. Don’t worry! Take a mini blending brush with a bit of that ‘Cocoa Truffle’ shade again, blend it over the black. The brush that Devyn uses to complete this step is a Morphe M506.

Next Up: The Lower Lash Line

This step is relatively quick! First, using this same M506 small blender brush, Devyn dips back into the ‘Cocoa Truffle’, this time to blend along her lower lash line. She finishes off this part of the look by taking a little bit of the ‘Gold Dipped’ and patting it right in the middle, so it matches the gold shadow applied to the middle of the upper eyelid.

Highlighting the Brow Bone

For this next step, Devyn uses the same highlighter used on her cheeks: wet n wild’s ‘Precious Petals’. Since this is a halo eye you’re creating, Devyn reiterates that you don’t want to highlight the inner corner. You want to keep the shade nice and round, with the focus drawn to the center of the eye. That being said, the brow bone shouldn’t be neglected either. “It can still use some love!” Devyn insists, gently swiping on and creating that subtle glow.

In the Home Stretch: Adding Eyeliner

So long as the eyeliner is brown, any kind will do! (That being said, if you’re curious about the brand Devyn uses, it’s Butter London.) While you can use black eyeliner if this is your preference, Devyn has found brown to be an overall better choice for this holiday glam look! Apply to your lower and upper waterlines.

Note: Though Devyn does her eyelashes off-camera, any mascara and/or falsies will do! Devyn’s false lashes of choice are ‘Flirty’ by KISS Looks So Natural Lashes, because they’re dramatic – but not too dramatic. “Kind of like me,” Devyn adds with a giggle.

Last But Not Least: Lips

Because of the chosen colors used on your eyes, a red lip is the perfect way to tie everything together and bring more of that holiday vibe into the finished look! Devyn begins by taking her NYX lip pencil, in the bright, orange-red shade of ‘Summer Tease’, to outline and then color in her lips. If you’re thinking to yourself “this shade is way too bright!”, you’re not alone. Devyn agrees, but assures us that the actual lip color you’ll use next is a more blue-based red. The final result will be exactly what you want.

This next product is Lippie Stix’s ‘Bossy’ shade, by ColourPop. It’s a bit more of a cherry red, so if you don’t use this exact product, that’s alright. So long as it’s around this shade of red, it’ll do the trick.

Why Devyn Loves this Look

Admittedly one of her favorite looks to wear, Devyn feels the final product is super glam; a heavenly balance of the traditional red lip look, with the modern twist of the halo eye. Capable of dazzling others, while still delicate enough to be worn for every occasion. Truly the best of both worlds!

And there you go! Will you recreate this look for the holiday season? Let us know in the comments!

Interested in enrolling in QC Makeup Academy, but want to hear a real graduate’s opinion on the courses? Check out why Devyn chose QC, and how it’s helped her professional MUA career!

Our 5 Favorite Makeup Trends from 2019

By Makeup Reviews, Makeup Trends No Comments

With a new year comes the excitement of new and fresh makeup trends. Who knows what 2020 will bring! Maybe you’ll come up with the next hottest look! But the makeup trends of this past year can’t be forgotten that easily. Some may continue to see popularity for years to come; others will likely fade into a distant memory in no time at all.

But one thing’s for certain: they each made their impact. So let’s take a moment of silence, and pay tribute to our list of the 5 best and most memorable makeup looks (in no particular order) from 2019.

1. Bold and beautiful colors

woman wearing neon colored eye makeup

Back in the day, the only people you’d see wearing hot pink eye shadow, neon orange lipstick, or mile-long eyeliner would be a top model on the runway, or if they happened to be a futuristic character in a movie. But 2019 brought ‘bold’ to the forefront of trendiness. It’s now become completely normal to rock crazy, extreme colors that immediately make a statement.

When it comes to makeup, we’ve particularly loved seeing the creativity in showing off this rainbow of colors through different lip shades and eye looks. Such bold colors used to be reserved for the rebels of fashion – but times are changing! As Millennials and Gen Xers are paving the way towards a future of acceptance and tolerance, people are free to express themselves through makeup with far fewer limits or barriers.

2. Full, thick eyebrows

smiling girl brushing her eyebrows

Did you know that this was also a trend back in the 1940s? Unfortunately, the love for full eyebrows started dying out by the 90s. Then came the dreaded early 2000s. Remember when it was ‘in’ to pluck your brows to within an inch of their lives? I’m pretty sure that time in our lives was just a dark and lawless wasteland. I don’t know about you, but my eyebrows are still suffering from the consequences of those actions long, long ago. Celebrities like Lily Collins – who’ve always sported the strong and striking eyebrows – were a dime a dozen. These days, though, natural is what’s in demand.

It’s been a liberating change to see not just the acceptance, but the encouragement of a less tamed, more natural brow. Though this trend didn’t just start this past year, 2019 definitely brought it into full swing. Of course, the perfectly sculpted brows are still undoubtedly works of art, and just as equally popular. But there’s something rather beautiful and freeing about not having to obsess so much over having to always look so perfect – and still be appreciated by the masses for the gorgeous, fierce goddess you (and them thicc brows) are.

3. Get that glow!

happy woman with natural-looking makeup and highlighter

Highlighter has been a makeup trends for the past couple of years, but its popularity never waned throughout 2019. It’s a staple look that works for any time of day, month, season, you name it. The more organic you can make that fresh-faced glow look, the better! This is a perfect example of what is meant whenever you’ve heard someone say, “The key to good makeup is to look like you’re wearing nothing at all.” (Stupid sexy Flanders!)

But the real secret to what makes this look so beloved is not actually in the makeup itself. It’s in your skincare routine. If the perfect glow comes from looking as natural as possible with makeup, then the ideal scenario would be if you could achieve that without it. A solid skincare routine makes for the ultimate foundation to any makeup application afterwards.

If you aren’t 100% confident in what you’ve got set up already, no problem! All you need to do is figure out what type of skin you have, and then you can research into the different skincare products that could work best for you!

4. All that glitters is gold!

smiling girl with glitter on her cheeks

Don’t worry, I’m not about to break out into some Smashmouth. (Though I could, if you want me to.) If pencil-thin eyebrows are the thing we wish to forever bury in the early 2000s, then glitter is the makeup trend we’re geeking out over coming back! Of course, those of us who remember the olden days of the glitter fad are considerably better at its application now. In 2019, we understand the finesse that goes into creating the perfect look – even the care needed when adding glitter.

Whereas the last time glitter was really popular, the process of putting it on and wearing it was basically:

  1. Smash 70 pounds of glitter literally everywhere.
  2. Make sure to pat down an additional 20 pounds on your eyelids. The idea is to blind your opponents any time you blink.
  3. K, you’re good. Go outside.

It’s nice to see that glitter has made a comeback, now capable of being utilized in both glamorous and subtle ways. It’s not just meant for school dances or disco balls anymore, though by all means, it can if you want it to. More importantly, 2019 has helped incorporate glitter into wearable, everyday looks!

5. You do YOU, boo!

There’s been something of a shift in the last handful of years that 2019 seemed to embrace harder than any time before it, and that’s the idea of acceptance. Yes, the world still sucks in a lot of ways, and sure, lots of mean, cold-hearted people still exist to try and bring others down. But on the whole, the generations leading us all into the future are ones fighting for the importance of positive ideals, rather than ones meant to oppress and silence.

Just like every makeup trend that’s gained notoriety in 2019, so too has the trend of spreading love to your fellow person. More and more we’re seeing MUAs and trendsetters of all genders, races, sexualities, etc. going viral. What’s come hand-in-hand with this is the cultivation of self-love. Lots more people are walking out their front door each day with their makeup on fleek (whatever the look may be); head held high, and not giving a damn what anyone thinks about it. That’s pretty spectacular!

When we stop and think about it, that’s our favorite trend of all. Of everything that’s been on the rise in 2019, we want nothing more than for the idea of love – for others, the world around us, and ourselves – to continue to rise to the top of the popularity chain over the next decade, and every decade thereafter.

Want to own your success and learn how to do makeup, so you can take the world by storm in 2020? Enroll in QC’s leading Master Makeup Artistry course today!

How to Start a Beauty Blog

By Tutorials & Tips, Your Makeup Career No Comments

With 2020 only a couple more weeks away, this is the time of year where your motivation rears its head and you suddenly find yourself wanting to take on the world. You’ve been putting in the time and effort to hone your makeup skills, and you feel like the next logical step to expand your MUA career and gain more of a following is to start a beauty blog.

What an excellent New Year’s Resolution! You feel good about it. In fact, you’re confident; you’re focused! You’re going to give this beauty blog maximum effort, and slay it without even smudging your lipstick!

Aaaaaaand then you’ll probably lose that drive and give up on your goal before January’s even over. Just like most of us are guilty of doing every year.

You’re not going to let that happen to you THIS year, right? You’ve been putting in way too much time and effort into your passion. You can’t give up that easily. The roaring 20s are back, baby, and this is going to be not just your year, but your decade!

So put on your best (and most glamorous) war paint, get ready and brace yourself for the life-changing journey you’re about to go on. We’re going to show you exactly how to get the ball rolling and start your very own beauty blog!

tattooed girl surrounded by cosmetics testing lipstick on hand

Step One: What’s Your Brand?

Before you can start building your blog, you need to have a clear idea of what sort of vibe you want it to give off:

  • Do you have any favorite colors that you’d always want to use as your aesthetic?
  • Are you a naturally sarcastic person and want that to show through?
  • Is there perhaps a particular angle you want to approach your beauty blog from? Etc.

In short: when people think of your beauty blog, how do you want them to perceive you? If they were to describe what you and your blog are all about to someone else, what would you want to say?

Figuring out the answers to all of these questions will help you discover what you want your brand to be and how you’ll achieve it. Even if you can’t think of a unique angle for your blog, that’s fine! Maybe the angle you’ll be known for is that your writing is always rock-star solid. Who knows!

Point is, don’t hesitate to think outside the box! Whether it’s beauty mogul, Huda Kattan, or the hilarious makeup tutorials done by the queen of weed, Brandi Fernandez, you’ll very rarely find a niche incapable of becoming popular.

If you do it well and do it persistently, any brand can have an audience.

Fun fact: Contrary to popular belief, you also won’t need millions of subscribers within that audience in order to make money off of your beauty blog, become an influencer, etc. You can just as easily achieve these goals with several hundred to several thousand fans, by becoming a micro-influencer. The more you know!

Step Two: What’s in a Name?

You’re also not going to be able to actually get started on your beauty blog until you decide what to call it. This step is obviously important since, for a lot of your audience, your name will be his or her first impression of you. A bad name can turn a potential follower away in seconds. It’s no surprise then that because this step is so crucial, it’s also the one that scares people away from starting a beauty blog the most.

scared woman hiding face with hands

While you absolutely need to give this step the proper time and consideration, it also doesn’t have to be as difficult as you’ll make it out to be. There are tons of popular cosmetic keywords you can choose to target in your name. You can get help from third-party generators, like the Business Name Generator. You can even get inspiration from the different trends of today’s generation (hint: millennials always go bananas over puns and memes).

If you already have a website for your makeup business, you should host your blog on that same site. It’ll help you with SEO! But if you’re starting a beauty blog from scratch, make sure that whatever name you pick is available to be purchased as a website domain name! If it’s not, time to go back to the drawing board.

Step 3: Building your blog

One of the most popular blog platforms in the world – and the one that we use – is WordPress. This is what we personally recommend. There are tons of reasons to choose WordPress, but its most attractive features are that:

  • It’s free
  • It has tons of templates to choose from (even beauty-inspired ones!)
  • It’s simple to customize, so even a beginner will have no trouble getting setup

Ultimately, though, it’s entirely up to you! Research into the different platforms and decide which one speaks most to you. Then you can get building from there!

Step 4: Post and share quality content

You don’t need an expensive camera or the writing skills of Shakespeare to create good content for your audience. So long as your knowledge of the beauty industry always shines through and your smartphone’s pictures aren’t the quality of a potato, you’re fine. What’s really important are two factors:

1. You post blog articles frequently

No one likes being ghosted, and this applies even to beauty blogging. How useful to her subscribers is a blogger who emerges once from her cave every other month, throws up an article, and then retreats back to the shadows? Gaining notoriety means staying relevant, so post regularly – even if you’re sleeping!

woman holding coffee but asleep at laptop

“Wait, what?”

Yeah, you heard me. For starters, not all of your audience will operate in the same time zone as you. Secondly, it’s only natural that there will be times where you’ll want to take a vacation and not be posting. Beauty bloggers are masters of time management; whenever you have more time to spare, you can write multiple articles at once. Blogging platforms like WordPress will even allow you to schedule them in advance, too.

“But I might start writing crappy blog articles in an attempt to always be posting something!”

Good point! Although posting blog content on a regular basis is part of any successful beauty blogger’s job description, quality is still more valuable than quantity. If there are times where your brain’s hit a creative wall, or nothing you write seems to be any better than wet garbage (it happens to all of us), the safest option is not to force it.

In situations like that, try going back through your blog archive and see if you have any articles you can repost, edit, or revamp. When you’re struggling to come up with a brand new, organic idea, sometimes editing is a far easier task. The general notion towards blog content is that there is wiggle room here. So long as you post as much evergreen material as you can (meaning, stuff that’ll stay relevant for a long time), you’ll set yourself up for success.

2. You have a social media presence to share your work

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Twitter – these are all your best friends! For extra icing on the cake, you can also start using YouTube to post videos of your tutorials, AMAs, etc. All well-known beauty bloggers operate on all different sorts of media to produce their content and promote their business. You definitely should, too. Social media will be your greatest tool in helping your odds of promoting yourself to potential followers.

Just like with your blog articles, there are apps that you can use to bulk schedule your social media content in advance, and then share everything for you. Here at QC, we use Later and Hootsuite, but there are tons of options to choose from.

A strong social media presence shows your audience that you’re there, like an invisible friend. Everyone loves a hard worker that’s passionate about what they do, and who’s succeeding in life. The world sucks in a lot of ways lately, so as a beauty blogger, your job will not just be to provide informative content. It’ll also be to provide a positive escape for all those who will look up to you. You’ll be the comfort zone they turn to when they need a short break from their struggles.

That being said: every pro has its con. Likewise, it’s a fine line between staying relevant and shoving yourself too much into everyone’s faces. Just remember to listen to that little voice inside that warns you when you might be going over the top!

woman writing on laptop, surrounded by makeup and fashion products

Step 5: Knowledge is power!

Whether you’ve been doing this for years, or you’re just starting out and still learning how to do makeup, you’ll benefit from exploring different makeup schools and taking classes.

“Whoah, why do I need classes if I already know what I’m doing?”

Just because someone’s a beauty blogger doesn’t mean they know everything there is to know about the craft. The people who think they know everything are usually the ones who know nothing. You might as well call them Jon Snow and exit out of their page. But you? You’re a true artist, and true artists understand that they’ll never know everything there is to know about their passion – but that will never stop them from trying to learn!

Online makeup schools like QC Makeup Academy are the perfect solution! In addition to a variety of makeup courses, programs touching on other popular areas of beauty blogging are also offered, such as Fashion Styling and/or Hair Styling Essentials.

Especially in the world of beauty, fashion, makeup, etc. the trends are ever-changing. Something that’s popular yesterday could very well be replaced by the latest and hippest look today. There will be the invention of new techniques and applications you haven’t tried before. If you think you know everything? #SorryNotSorry, but you’re wrong.

If you really want to be successful and stand out from your competition, you need to be humble enough to accept that there will always be things you can learn and ways you can improve. You may just find that doing so will only continue to grow your beauty blogging business.

beauty vlogger filming makeup tutorial

So now that you’re basically an expert at getting a beauty blog started, what are you waiting for? 2020 won’t slow down for you, and we all know it’s not going to write itself! So go, vamoose, scoot! You’ve got this, and remember: we believe in you! Xo

Want to build on your cosmetic knowledge with expertly-taught classes? Enroll in one of QC’s leading online makeup courses today!

Can You Truly Learn How to Do Makeup from an Online School?

By Education, Your Makeup Career No Comments

From shopping, to banking, to grocery shopping, we live in an age where more and more things are being done online. But there’s still an understandable hesitation when it comes trusting a faceless stranger with your future – let alone your money!

Believe it or not, you can properly learn how to do makeup from an online makeup school just as well as you could in a brick-and-mortar, hands-on institution. In some cases, online schooling can even have even greater benefits.

Let’s take a closer look at the myths and realities of online learning!

female student writing on laptop

MYTH #1: Physical classes will provide a better environment for me to learn how to do makeup.

If you have nothing but a screen, how can you learn? You don’t get to see the work being done in a real setting. You don’t have the chance to actually try out everything you’re being taught. For anyone who learns best by doing, not just seeing, it would seem that you’re out of luck.

FACT: You can learn everything from your online instructor that you could if he were there in-person.

The right kind of accredited online makeup school will ensure that high quality cosmetics are provided to you, as part of your course tuition. You can then use those products to learn and successfully complete your assignments. In addition to this, there are quite a few more benefits to online learning that you wouldn’t find in a physical class setting.

For starters, in a brick-and-mortar makeup course, there will be other students. You won’t be provided the same opportunity to view your tutor’s work up close. This means you can’t always assess the finer details of the look. In comparison, online makeup classes create an atmosphere where it’s just you and your tutor – no one else. You’ll never need to fight to see what he’s doing. Everything will always be up close and personal, in crystal clear detail.

In physical classes, there’ll also be times where you may miss something your instructor says. That’s a downside to living in the moment: you can’t rewind it and play it again. But you can do exactly that with online classes! When your lessons are conducted online, you have the advantage of being able to pause and rewind whenever needed. You don’t have to miss a single second.

It’s also incorrect to say that online makeup schools won’t give you the opportunity to practically apply what you’re learning. In fact, this is a regular part of each course you’ll be taking! As part of the curriculum, you’ll frequently be asked to take what your tutor is teaching you online and demonstrate your skills on a model. After you’ve filmed or photographed your work, you’ll send it over to your tutor, who will then review it for you from there.

woman applying eyeshadow

MYTH #2: I won’t be able to fix the mistakes I make without my instructor giving me hands-on adjustments, or personalized feedback.

If you’re a tactile learner, it doesn’t vibe well for you that your instructor won’t really be next to you in order to help correct whatever errors you make. Plus, any feedback you get on your assignments will probably be the same generic, pre-recorded message given to all of the students. Online schools don’t have room for much personalization. But you need your experience to be customized in order to be assured you’re learning how to do makeup the right away!

FACT: The type of assistance you get in-person is almost exactly the same as what you get from your online teacher.

Even in-person, most makeup instructors won’t provide hands-on adjustments. Take it from QC Makeup Academy’s Executive Makeup Artist and instructor, Nathan Johnson. He recalls how before he switched to the world of online teaching, he taught in a brick-and-mortar makeup school.

His style of teaching remained exactly the same in both environments! He also notes how, in his experience, he’s never “taken a brush out of a student’s hand to make adjustments to [her] work.” Instead, his verbal feedback and critiques helps guide her to where she needs to go. She learns exactly where and how she needs to improve, without any hands-on adjustments being made on his part.

The same level of time and care is reflected in the feedback that online makeup tutors provide for their students. In fact, the best online makeup schools will give you way more personalization than you could ever find in a brick-and-mortar setting. Following every assignment, your instructor will send you a detailed breakdown of everything you did correctly and incorrectly. He’ll be very clear about where your strengths are, as well as where you need to improve and why.

MYTH #3: I can just learn how to do makeup for free from YouTube beauty bloggers – online makeup school is unnecessary.

Why should you pay expensive tuition fees just to learn from a class what you can learn elsewhere for free? There are countless, famous YouTube beauty bloggers who do amazing makeup tutorials. That’s pretty much exactly what makeup school does anyway!

hands and makeup on table - mua testing powder shade on model's hand

FACT: You’ll never be able to learn proper cosmetic etiquette and application from YouTube videos the way you’d learn through makeup school.

As the saying goes: Nothing good ever comes cheap.

In fact, if you find an online makeup school that charges little but offers a lot, that’s a big red flag to stay away! Realistically, online makeup school is a fair middle ground for two simple reasons:

  1. It’s pricier than the scam schools.
  2. But it’s cheaper than its in-person alternative.

When you weigh the (literal) cost versus the benefits, you’re actually getting a killer deal through online makeup schools. But we get it: free is free. It’s hard to compete with that. Except…

If your endgame is to learn how to do makeup so that you can pursue a professional career as an MUA, then you won’t be doing yourself any favors by cutting corners. In this case, ‘free’ could be what actually costs you in the long run. The reason? While they’re informative, and definitely fun to watch, YouTube videos will never be able to sculpt your skills or teach you how to grow the same way you would with an actual instructor at a leading online makeup school.

No matter how beautiful the beauty blogger, or how in-depth her tutorial goes, her goal is not to teach you. Her goal is to gain subscribers and provide entertainment. You might be able to replicate specific (often over-the-top) “looks” from YouTubers over time, but you’ll never learn how to create looks yourself. You’ll never know how to adapt your creations for different faces, skin tones, occasions, etc.

What’s more, you might very well pick up and then replicate terrible habits from YouTubers without even realizing it!

girl with makeup products filming herself doing tutorial

If makeup is your passion, we know you want to put in the time, effort, and hard work. Cutting corners won’t be an option. You’ll strive to always be learning and whenever possible, explore every opportunity to give yourself the best chances for success. Online makeup school is that opportunity: with the promise that you can and will learn how to do makeup, you can go forth and take over the world, one smoky eye at a time!

Ready to enroll but unsure where to start? Ask yourself these 9 questions when researching any online makeup school!

4 Questions I Always Ask My Special Effect Clients

By From the Experts No Comments

Gabrielle Rivera is a QC Makeup Academy graduate and professional makeup artist. To see more of her work, visit her Instagram here.

As a Special Effects makeup artist, one of the most important things I’ve learned is that it’s crucial to ask the right questions to your clients before the makeup application. During each consultation, I ask my client a variety of questions. That way I can guarantee that the desired look can be achieved, using the appropriate products, to create a flawless and lasting look.

Keep reading to see which important questions Gabrielle always asks her clients.

special fx makeup - man airbrushing animal look on client's face

1. “Do you have any skin allergies or sensitivities?”

This is the most important question to ask any client when applying products to the skin or face. As a makeup artist, you want to ensure that you’re protecting your client’s safety, as well as your own! For example: if she were to have an allergic reaction to a product used on her skin, you could be held liable for a lawsuit. But more importantly, you wouldn’t want to traumatize your client with such a reaction in the first place. Not only would that leave a sour taste in her mouth towards future makeup artists, it can damage your reputation as a makeup artist.

Consultations are absolutely necessary for this reason. As a professional, you should make sure to address any and all skin concerns prior to the application of any product on the skin. This is also a great way for you to check that you’ve prepared the appropriate makeup and supplies for the specific look being requested.

Lastly, when conducting a trial, it’s essential to test small areas on the client’s skin, with the products you intend to use on the day of their event. Testing the products on her skin helps confirm that the client won’t have a reaction.

2. “What are the conditions of the event/occasion?”

Certain factors to include are:

a) Weather

This is the second question I always ask: “Is your event indoors or outdoors? Will weather or other conditions (water, heat, etc.) be a variable?”

The answer can be something that makes or breaks the makeup look. For instance, if the client is attending an outdoor event in the heat (or indoors, where heat may be a factor), the types of products you use will vary, in order to ensure the makeup will be long-lasting.

If the desired makeup look requires face or body painting, you may need to use water-proof makeup, and set it afterwards with powder. This will prevent the makeup from running or smudging due to high temperatures. Similarly, if working with prosthetics, you may need to bring with you a heavier or long-lasting adhesive, so that the prosthetic won’t lift due to heat or moisture throughout the event.

special fx makeup female elf look

b) Length of the Event

In addition to weather, another question that plays a factor in product choice is, “How long is the event?”

This can be just as crucial in determining what specific products should be used, to guarantee a long-lasting makeup look. This is also a necessary question because the client will most likely eat and drink throughout the event. Gathering this information during the consultation provides you with the opportunity to make specific recommendations for the look, if needed.

Say your client wants to create a look that requires a prosthetic around the mouth. You may need to alter the prosthetic – or even the overall look – to ensure that she will be able to drink, eat, or speak comfortably. Likewise, you can also make sure you’re properly prepared to use certain products on the day of, to stop the prosthetic from wearing or lifting.

3. “What is your skin type? Do you have any skin concerns?”

When applying makeup to clients, it’s always a smart choice to ask what her skin type is. Although it might seem obvious if her skin is oily or dry, you can never assume. Remember: although you’re the professional, the client has valuable information to share that can help make the application flawless. Whether she has oily, dry, or combination skin will help determine if you’ll use cream, grease, water-based, or silicone-based products to create the desired look.

This also provides you the opportunity to listen to any concerns your client may have about her skin. She may be acne prone, have areas of dry patches, an oily t-zone, large pores, etc. Allowing your client the opportunity to speak and be heard creates good rapport with her. She’ll feel that her needs and/or concerns are being taken into consideration. This is especially important for client’s who wear minimal makeup, or for those who don’t wear any makeup at all.

Keep in mind that the application process for Special FX makeup can come as a big shock, so you want to keep your client feeling confident and assured that they’re in good hands!

special fx makeup - woman covered in broken shards of glass

4. “What are you wearing for the event? What hairstyle have you decided on?”

Last but certainly not least, your job as a makeup artist is to help your client achieve her desired look. But we can’t forget about the hair or outfit!

An outfit and hairstyle can add or take away from a desired look. So it’s equally important for you as the professional to give your input/recommendations on something you feel compliments the rest of her ensemble. Sometimes, clients don’t take their clothing or hairstyle into consideration when planning the Special FX makeup itself.

Depending on the hairstyle and wardrobe selected, your client may need to come dressed prior to. The hairstyling may also need to be completed before the makeup application. Something else to consider asking is: “Will the look require any makeup or prosthetics to cover her neck or ears, or will the hair and/or outfit cover these areas?”

Always remember to plan for areas of skin not covered!

All makeup artist jobs require that the final product all be a cohesive look. This is particularly important when it comes to Special FX makeup. Never hesitate to tap into your knowledge on color theory, hair styling, Special FX, and Fantasy training. This is what makes the look realistic and more effective, and your client will be sure to love it!

Unsure what Special FX looks to include in your professional makeup portfolio? Check out these recommendations and you’ll be golden!