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Your Makeup Career

The 4 Most Popular Jobs for Hair Stylists

By Hair Styling, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Are you dreaming of a career as a professional hairstylist? Do your friends beg you to do their hair before a night out? If you’re interested in turning your hobby into a fulfilling career, there are several options at your fingertips!

Read on to discover everything you need to know about becoming a hairstylist, as well as some of the best careers for hairstylists.

What does a hairstylist do?

Let’s get one thing straight first: a hairstylist is different from a hairdresser! A hairdresser changes a client’s hair itself through cutting, dyeing, and/or other more permanent changes.

A hairstylist, on the other hand, makes temporary changes to the look of a client’s hair. This can include things like:

  • Intricate braiding
  • Curling
  • Straightening
  • Any other temporary adjustment that changes the appearance of the hair

How do you become a hair stylist?

A hairstyling course is a great first step for anyone interested in pursuing this exciting career. It may come as a surprise that you can find a quality hair styling course available entirely online. But with the right tutors and dedication, it’s more than possible!

You should also try and build your experience and portfolio. Practice on yourself, as well as your friends and family. You can even volunteer for opportunities, such as community theater productions, to help improve your hairstyling skills! 

 Many hairstylists start their own businesses once they’ve become certified. That being said, there are also existing businesses that are often looking to take on apprentices or hair stylists. This is also a great option for new stylists who are looking to make their start in the industry.

The Best Jobs for Hair Stylists

Wedding Stylist

A wedding is always a day to remember! While this special day will forever live in memory, everything about it will be immortalized in countless photographs, too. So, clients want to make sure they’re looking their very best.

As a wedding stylist, you’ll be in charge of all things hair for:

  • The bride
  • The wedding party
  • Family members
  • And anyone else looking to put their best foot forward on the big day

This job could also include organizing day-of styling with the bride, completing “trial runs” so that everything runs smoothly, brainstorming with the couple so that the wedding party has a cohesive look, and anything else related to hairstyling that may be required on the day of the wedding.

Some couples even opt to have a “hair bar” at the reception, so that guests are always looking picture-perfect!

Media Stylist

From TV to movies, to theater productions – media hairstylists are there to transform actors into their characters and make sure TV personalities are ready for the spotlight.

Whether you need to take the audience back in time with 1800’s-style up-dos, get teen actors ready for prom, or simply touch up the hairstyles of a news anchor, a media hairstylist is a crucial part of any set’s team. 

This is a great path to take if you have awesome people skills. Word of mouth is everything in the entertainment industry, so if you love to network and think you have what it takes to make actors shine on stage, this may be the role for you!

High Fashion Stylist

Do you ever see pictures hot off the runway of models with towering hair, massive curls, or other outlandish hairstyles? Designers are known for their high-concept ideas and big dreams. It takes a team of hairstylists to make that vision a reality!

As a high fashion hairstylist, you’ll be part of the hustle and bustle backstage at fashion shows. It’ll be your duty to be ready at a moment’s notice to whip out the hairspray, fashion a quick braid, or do whatever else it takes to create an incredible show.

If you’re dreaming of working in a fast-paced environment where your work literally becomes art before your very eyes, look no further!

Editorial Photography Stylist

Working on sets is a great way to move up in the fashion and beauty industry. Often, stylists begin as assistants and work their way up. This allows you to properly forge connections with fellow hairstylists, models, photographers, makeup artists, and other on-set professionals.

From glossy magazines to styled shoots, and everything in between, your job will be to maintain the look of models’ hairstyles throughout a busy shoot. If you’re great at thinking on your feet, and you love the challenge of solving problems as they crop up (surprise rainstorm during an outdoor shoot, anyone?), you’ll love a career as an editorial photography stylist!

Similar to high fashion styling, an editorial photography hairstylist is a key behind-the-scenes player during photoshoots.

Who knows: that assistant photographer could be shooting for Vogue one day soon!

The perfect career is the one you build for yourself!

While we’ve listed just a few of the many paths your career could take, it’s worth mentioning that many hairstylists work across different industries. So, don’t fret if you love the idea of working at fashion shows and weddings.

If you’re interested in the world of hairstyling, there are SO many avenues you can consider! Easily one of the best parts of this career is the fact that trends are always changing. There are new opportunities around every corner!

Keep reading to find out why hair styling is the PERFECT service to add to your makeup business!

How Stylized Photoshoots Can Increase Your Makeup Artist Salary

By Your Makeup Career No Comments

We’ll let you in on a neat little secret: if you’re looking for ways to boost your makeup artist salary and bring in more clients for your business, you should consider taking part in stylized photoshoots!

In short, a stylized shoot is exactly as the name implies: a photoshoot that’s styled. Often, there are props involved, sets, outfits, models, and a team of fellow industry professionals working alongside you. In a lot of cases (though not always), the work is unpaid. Typically, all those involved will trade services and they all end up with portfolio-ready images!.

“But wait,” I bet you’re thinking, “how can an unpaid gig help my business make more money?”

That’s a fair question. Luckily, we’ve got the answer! You’ll have to keep reading to find out what it is…

Stylized Photoshoots Mean High-Quality Content for Your Portfolio

Of course, part of doing that also requires you to grow your makeup portfolio. You’ll find that most clients will want to see examples of your work before deciding to hire you. But if you need a portfolio to help book clients, but also need clients in order to build a portfolio – how exactly is that supposed to work?

When you’re first starting your professional MUA career, you’re likely not going to be booking a bevy of clients right away. After all, it takes time to get your name out there and build your reputation.

It may mean that you’ll need to offer complementary services, at least in the beginning. For instance, you can do makeup on a friend or family member, in exchange for them being your model. This is always a solid option!

An even better one, though, is to get involved in a stylized shoot. Why? For starters, you’ll have a professional photographer who can supply you with top-notch images for your portfolio! As part of a stylized photo shoot, it’s common practice for the makeup artist to exchange her free services for a copy of the photos that come from the shoot.

High-quality pictures are one of the most important aspects of any MUA’s professional portfolio. So, getting them at no charge? Score!

Stylized Photoshoots Can Add More Variety to Your Portfolio

Do you have a knack for SFX makeup, and wish to showcase it a bit in your portfolio? Organize a Special FX-themed stylized shoot!

Is your niche bridal makeup, and do you want your portfolio to have a model that actually looks like she’s attending her wedding day? Put together a stylized shoot with that vision in mind!

Because a stylized shoot is creating the final image from the ground up, you can tailor it to reflect any style, theme, or element that you want! If you’re not the one planning the shoot, you may not be able to dictate every little detail. But you’ll certainly be able to still share your ideas with everyone else involved, and work most of them in!

When your makeup portfolio demonstrates variety, it’s telling potential clients that you have a wide skill-set. It’ll say to them: Look at all these different makeup looks I can offer you! Not only does this make you look even more like a professional, it opens you up to more people who are likely to want to book with you.

These are all factors that are guaranteed to help boost your makeup artist salary!

Stylized Photoshoots Help Grow Your Network

A major benefit to stylized shoots is that you get introduced to all sorts of other professionals within the beauty industry. If that weren’t cool enough, then you get to work alongside them! In a job like this, who you know can sometimes be just as useful as what you know.

But how can your network help your MUA business earn more money?

Well, the longer you know someone and have developed a professional relationship with them, the more likely you’ll be to recommend them to clients. Likewise, they can do the same for you! Word of mouth is a very powerful asset, especially in the beauty industry.

If a client is pointed in your direction by someone they trust, odds are pretty good that they’ll check out your business – at the very least. This can lead to even more paying clients wanting to work with you!

And hey, even if they don’t always wind up booking with you, you’re still going to get more exposure, which is never a bad thing! Who knows, they mean still go on to recommend you to their own friends and family, if they know someone else who may be interested!

Stylized Photoshoots Help You Grow as an Artist

If you’re devoting your life to a career as an MUA, we’re willing to bet it’s because your passion for makeup is unparalleled. As part of your journey, you’ll be eager to learn as much as you can, continue your training, and further your education.

You’re an artist, and all artists know one very critical thing: there will always be room to keep getting better!

Stylized photoshoots give you real-world opportunities to refine your expertise in new and challenging ways. Since you’ll be working with all sorts of models, you’ll get to practice your application techniques on different:

These are circumstances you may not always be exposed to if you’re only practicing with people you know! Stylized photoshoots strengthen your ability to adapt.

Especially when first breaking into the industry, they also provide the best way to show you what it’s like to do makeup on strangers. By getting used to this and becoming surer of yourself, you’ll have a much easier time transitioning to providing your services for paying clients!

Obviously, the better you become as a makeup artist, the likelier you’ll be to attract customers. More bookings mean more money. So, it logically follows that using stylized shoots to continue developing your skills is one of the single most effective ways to increase your makeup artist salary in the long run!

Can YOU think of more ways that stylized photoshoots can help boost your income as an MUA? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Strengthen your resume and book even more clients with a professional makeup artist certification. Enroll today in QC’s leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course, and earn TWO certifications for the price of ONE!

How to Be a Makeup Artist When You’re Introverted

By Your Makeup Career No Comments

There’s a common misconception that if you’re an introvert, a career as a makeup artist wouldn’t be the right fit for you. Well, we’re here to squash that myth and tell you that this is NOT true!

In reality, anyone can be a successful makeup artist, so long as they have:

  • Passion for makeup
  • Drive
  • Dedication
  • A hard work ethic
  • And proper training

So, if you happen to be introverted and are also considering a career as an MUA, our advice is: GO FOR IT! And if you happen to be wondering how you can adapt your makeup profession to your personality type, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered there, too.

Let’s take a look at why introverts make awesome makeup artists, as well as the ways you can tackle the industry in a way that works best for YOU!

What is an Introvert?

By nature, an introvert is someone who has a tendency to be reserved and thoughtful. They tend to prefer spending their time in smaller groups, or alone. If a person’s energy level were like an iPhone battery, then an introvert’s would be most optimally charged when in the comfort of their own solitude.

Does this sound like you?

Let’s be very clear, though: being introverted doesn’t automatically mean you’re antisocial. It also doesn’t necessary equate to being shy, soft-spoken, or reticent. There can sometimes be a negative association to the word “introvert”, but there’s nothing bad about being an introvert at all!

The truth is, the terms “introvert” and “extrovert” aren’t black and white. I’ve known plenty of extroverts who are also on the quiet side, just as I’ve known a fair number of introverts who are loud and charismatic.

The main difference between the two is that extroverts recharge their internal batteries through socialization and being around others. On the flip-side, even if an introvert loves hanging around people, their internal battery gets charged and re-energized by spending quality time alone.

Why Introverts Make for Great Makeup Artists

To be a makeup artist means that you’re going to have to frequently work with people. While it’s true that this is definitely more in the extrovert’s comfort zone, an introvert can still thrive under this circumstance.

The thing about introverts is that they have a tendency to carefully think their decisions through. If you’re pursuing something, we’re willing to bet that you’ve considered every possible outcome first. You never go into any situation unprepared!

Furthermore, you’re mindful to only choose experiences that you know will fulfill you. Choosing a career path that isn’t gratifying to you will tend to burn you out really fast. Instead, you blossom when in an environment that motivates you and your passions.

So, if you’re choosing to pursue a career as a makeup artist, we know that this is because this is something you feel very strongly about!

Your clients have a lot to benefit from having you as their makeup artist, too! With an introverted MUA, you know that nothing has been – or will be – done without maximum effort. This means, you’ve researched your craft and your products. You’ll have put in the time and work into your training, and will always take each job very seriously.

It won’t be enough for you to give your clients just an okay result. You’ll always do everything you can to make sure they feel and look their best!

Becoming a Makeup Artist: The Introvert’s Way

If you’re introverted, you still have lots of options in terms of approaching this career path in a way that won’t deplete your internal battery. Here are just a few examples…

Get Your Certification Through an Online Makeup School

Everything’s gradually moving to the internet these days, and makeup training is of no exception. Some people are concerned that online makeup schooling couldn’t possibly replace the quality education you’d get from in-person classes, but this a false fear.

In reality, so long as the online makeup school is legit, of high quality, and properly accredited, you’ll get the exact same level of training as you would from a brick-and-mortar school. In fact, many online makeup instructors have experience teaching for both mediums, and can attest that online makeup schools are just as beneficial for the aspiring MUA… In some cases, even more so!

Plus, with so many of us still adhering to social distancing rules, online makeup school is the only practical (and safe) option at the moment.

As an introvert, online makeup school grants you the opportunity to receive quality training from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Because many schools, such as QC Makeup Academy, allow you to work at your own pace, you can also work it entirely around your own schedule.

You’ll have full control over when and where you study, so you can build your skill-set and receive your certification on your own terms!

Leverage Your Online Marketing Game

Because introverts are at their very best when in the comfort of their own environment, you’ll have plenty of time and energy to devote to building (and then managing) your online presence.

If you’re not quite as tech-savvy in the beginning, we know you won’t cut corners when it comes to soaking in as much information as you can, and learning the ropes of online marketing.

Whether it’s launching your MUA business website, starting social media channels, writing a blog, or what-have-you – as an introvert, you have the unique opportunity to make the most of your solo downtime to build an online presence that’ll be unparalleled!

Knowing you, you won’t shy away from the challenge.

Build Your Portfolio

When the time comes that you’re ready to start putting together your professional makeup portfolio, there will be ways for you to do this without burning you out.

For starters, you can work with people you already know and feel comfortable with! If you have a friend who’s good with a camera, and another who’s willing to be a model, then boom! That’s one golden opportunity right there!

Another possible option is to take part in a stylized photoshoot. Regularly, stylized shoots are unpaid. Instead, you’ll often swap services as the method of payment. So, for providing your makeup artist skills pro bono, you could get a free copy of the high-quality photos that come from the shoot!

Many stylized photoshoots can be done with relatively small groups of people, too. This means you wouldn’t have to worry about being stuck in a frenzy of strangers for an extended portion of the day.

Plus, there’d be times (such as when the set is being put together, taken down, etc.) where you could afford to break away from the crowd and have a breather to yourself, if needed.

Take Advantage of the Flexibility

One of the coolest things about being a makeup artist is that there’s an ample amount of freedom involved. Especially if you’re a freelancer, you have the room to dictate your schedule, the types of jobs you take, etc.

Of course, the more jobs you accept and the more hours you work (especially during prime times) will directly affect your success in this industry. This is important to keep in mind.

In the beginning, you may need to make some sacrifices, and loosen your personal criteria just a tad. There may be times where you have to work in larger groups, in unfamiliar places, at unideal times, in order to build your credibility and make a name for yourself.

But as your reputation grows and you build up your clientele, you’ll eventually have more autonomy to be able to control your working conditions and environment more!

Take Time for Yourself

As an introvert, making time to prioritize yourself is just as important as any business tip we could give you. We know how critical it is for you to recharge and center yourself, especially if you have been socializing.

As a makeup artist, you’ll need to anticipate that there’ll be times where (as we touched on above) you won’t always be able to control your surroundings. Sometimes, you’ll need to be “on” and work alongside larger numbers of people, for extended amounts of time. This just comes with the territory of this profession.

This can be a bit taxing on your internal battery, and we get it. So, make sure that you regularly make time to just do you. Let yourself be alone, and do whatever it is that helps you unwind and relax.

Keeping a healthy balance between your work life and your personal needs is the key to not spreading yourself out too thin. It may take some time, and some practice, but once you’ve mastered this balance, you’ll be guaranteed a long and fruitful career as a professional makeup artist!

Ready to start on your path to success? Enroll today in QC’s leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course, and get a second course for FREE!

Avoid These 4 Rookie Mistakes in Your Makeup Portfolio

By Your Makeup Career No Comments

As an MUA, your makeup portfolio is a visual representation of your experience, your knowledge, and your skills. It allows prospective clients to physically see the work you do, and help them decide whether your style and overall artistry is what they’re looking for.

As such, it’s important that your makeup portfolio checks off all the right boxes! Sometimes, in order to understand what you should be doing, it’s useful to look at the types of mistakes you need to avoid.

Knowing what not to do is a great first step towards putting together the perfect makeup portfolio that best represents YOU! So, let’s break down some common mistakes right now…

Poor Quality Photos

You want anyone looking at your makeup portfolio to see without question that you’re a professional. You can’t achieve that if the images reflecting your work are:

  • Blurry
  • Improperly framed
  • Have terrible lighting
  • Are of low resolution
  • Are clearly selfies
  • Have been digitally edited

If the photos in your portfolio are not of high quality, that will be the FIRST thing anyone notices! Unfortunately, more often than not, it may also form a negative first impression of your business. We know this isn’t what you want.

Instead, take the time to research local photographers. Find people that have great reviews and a portfolio of their own that you can look over. Alternately, if YOU happen to have a good eye with a camera, it could just be a matter of buying yourself a high-quality one to shoot your own results with.

Yes, as you build up your makeup portfolio, you may need to invest a bit of money from time to time. But you’re trying to build a successful business, right? This comes with the territory.

We promise the payoff will be more than worth it.

Pro Tip: Another great way to build up your portfolio – potentially for FREE – is to collaborate with other local artists by putting together a stylized photoshoot. Often, stylized shoots will be unpaid – but in exchange for your MUA services, you can get a copy of the high-quality photos at no charge!

Not Enough Diversity

It’s great if you’re signature move is a killer smoky eye… Just don’t make this the be-all and end-all of your makeup portfolio. While finding your niche and highlighting it within your portfolio is totally acceptable, it shouldn’t be the sole focus.

A potential client is going to want to know that your makeup skills are multifaceted!

This is why it’s crucial that your portfolio displays a wide range of looks, techniques, and styles. Try to switch things up and show off different skin tones, ages, genders, etc. If you’ve ever worked with someone who has a skin condition, this is great to include in your portfolio, too!

You also want to be able to demonstrate that you know different styles of makeup themselves. Bridal may be your favorite, but don’t limit your portfolio only to bridal makeup. For instance:

Find a good 5-6 makeup styles you’re really solid in, or are popular with the masses, and show them off! Diversity not only makes for a killer makeup portfolio – it lets the photos speak to your skill-set as an artist.

After all, as the saying goes: a picture is worth a thousand words. Imagine what multiple pictures will be able to tell your clients about you!

Too Many Photos

You don’t want potential clients to have to sift through pages upon pages of photos, just to try and find the one they’re looking for. This is not only tedious for them; it makes you look unprofessional.

That being said, there’s a limit to how many photos you should include within your portfolio. For newbie MUAs, we understand that your goal is to demonstrate that you can do ALL kinds of looks! But just as too little diversity can put potential clients off, so too can having a messy, overly crammed portfolio.

Instead, your portfolio should look crisp, poised, and thought-out. You’re going to have to narrow down your photos so that only the best of the best are used. Yes, this means you won’t be able to use every photo you love. But it’ll guarantee that the ones you do choose get to properly shine!

Your Portfolio Isn’t Online

If you’d like to keep reading about how to leverage social media as part of your marketing strategies, we’ve got an excellent article that you can read here.

If nothing else, your portfolio should be a part of your business website. It should be easy to find, and even easier to navigate. You can also go one step further and showcase your portfolio through social media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!

If none of your amazing portfolio images are accessible on the internet, you’re severely limiting your visibility and exposure to potential clients! In the end, this is a business move that will only make things more difficult in your journey to success.

This doesn’t mean you can’t have physical copies of your portfolio on hand. But the fact is, we live in a very technological age. Practically everything is done online nowadays.

Bonus Tip: Learn About Makeup Portfolio Development

As a makeup artist, you already know that the single greatest way to properly learn the craft is by educating yourself through accredited makeup courses. Similarly, a terrific way to learn the dos and Don’ts of building your makeup portfolio is to take a workshop devoted to exactly that!

QC Makeup Academy, for example, offers a Portfolio Development Workshop that aims to teach you:

  • How to capture high-quality photos of your work
  • How to create, organize, and managed a stylized photoshoot
  • How to develop your professional network
  • How to put together the best possible portfolio for your business, in order to maximize results

If you’d like to learn more about this workshop – including the course breakdown, tuition, etc. – simply click here!

In the world of makeup artistry, your portfolio is your best friend. So long as you take the time and care needed to develop it right, it’ll serve you well over the course of your entire career.

Do you have any other rookie mistakes that should be avoided when putting together your makeup portfolio? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Interested in becoming a professional MUA, but don’t yet have your certification? Enroll today in QC’s leading Master Makeup Artistry Course and become a trained expert in as little as 3-6 months!

How to Create a Special Effects Character Look from a Script

By From the Experts, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Gabrielle Rivera is a QC Makeup Academy graduate and professional makeup artist. To see more of her work, visit her Instagram here. Today, she draws on her professional expertise – as well as her experience in QC’s Special Effects Makeup Course – to share 3 of the best ways to create a Special FX character, based on a script.

One of the most exciting (and slightly nerve-wracking) moments as a makeup artist is when you’re presented with the opportunity to create a Special Effects character from a script. This is your opportunity to apply what you’ve learned from:

  • Your Special Effects makeup schooling
  • Your experience working in the field
  • Your creativity

It’s critical that you produce effective, accurate results. Without you, the writer’s vision of this specific character can’t be brought to life!

But where do you begin? Here are a few key points to consider when creating a Special Effects makeup look, based on the character in the script!

How to Create a Special Effects Makeup Look Blog - Burn Makeup on Arms

Research and Realism

As an avid movie watcher, one of the first things I typically comment on when I see other people’s work is the realism of a look.

For instance, is the makeup realistic? Is the overall appearance applicable to both the setting and time period of the film?

When characters have features and/or qualities that stand out from the time period, I personally become less intrigued by the makeup and more distracted. The last thing you want to do as a Special Effects makeup artist is pull the viewer OUT of the experience!

Research, research, research!

When creating a character from a script, the best thing you can do for yourself is to conduct research about the:

  • Time period
  • Setting
  • Physical characteristics
  • Qualities and personality traits of the character being described

Let’s look at one example… Say that the setting of the story takes place in a Victorian era. It logically follows that the Special Effects makeup should accurately reflect this time period. This could mean a pale base, bright blush, deep colored lips, etc.

Alternately, if you see in the script that the character has been infected by a disease, the makeup should age and worsen gradually. You need to give the realistic illusion that the character is deteriorating as the story progresses.

So, you MUST focus on both consistency and continuity in this kind of look!

You might start this character’s Special Effects makeup by creating a slight discoloration in the skin, as well as under the eyes. Gradually, you may then add darkened veins, or small areas of bumps, to indicate that there is an infection.

In this age of technology, use all resources to create accurate representations of these real-life components (such as bruising, burns, cuts, scratches, bullet wounds, and deformities). Ensuring that you maintain continuity and realism in your character makes them way more realistic and believable!

Makeup artist applying special effects makeup to actor

What Special Effects Category is it?

When people think of Special Effects makeup and characters, they tend to automatically jump to the idea of traditional “monsters”. But this is just a minor portion of a much larger world!

In reality, Special Effects makeup and designs fall under several categories that can be used to your advantage.

Monsters that go bump in the night is a very common category when people think of Special Effects makeup. However, this genre in-and-of-itself has many subcategories that can help you determine where your character best fits.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

1. Slashers

Think of your classic Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and Michael Myers slasher characters here. If the character in the script fits this slasher paradigm, your first thought should be what you can do to help make them stand out from the rest!

2. Paranormal

This category would include ghosts and spirits. Now, you might be thinking, “Aren’t these things invisible to the naked eye?”

While this is true in some cases, there are plenty of classic films – such as “Thirteen Ghosts”, “The Shining”, and entire “The Conjuring” universe – that all do phenomenal jobs of bringing apparitions to life in a way that stays realistic.

3. Creatures and Extraterrestrial

Another popular Special Effects category is the one dedicated to creatures from the beyond. Some commonly known examples are:

  • Frankenstein
  • The Lochness Monster
  • Aliens
  • And so much more!

Depending on what the script calls for your character, you may need to tap into a more creative side. This will help you bring to life a creature that has never been seen before.

Pro tip: If you’re creating a character that’s not necessarily from this world, a good trick is to use features of animals as a starting point for your look!

How to Create a Special Effects Makeup Look Blog - Prosthetic Makeup

4. Gore

Aside from classic common horror movie classic tropes, Special Effects character makeup also includes the gory side of makeup. This typically includes creating:

  • Bruising
  • Cuts
  • Scrapes
  • Lesions
  • Weapon wounds
  • And more!

When creating gore Special Effects makeup looks, one of the most important things you need to do is research (as mentioned in tip #1). Your Special Effects makeup should look as realistic as possible in order to help support the script.

You also need to pay close attention to the timeline of the movie when creating gore Special Effects looks. For example: if a character was in a car crash a week ago, the bruising will not be as bright as if it just happened.

Similarly, the coloring needs to accurately reflect the age of the bruises. As well, any cuts the character received would not necessarily be bloody, but rather, starting to heal.

Collaboration and Vision

Lastly, one of the single greatest ways to create a Special Effects character look from a script is to collaborate with the other cast and crew members working on the project, such as:

  • Hairstylists
  • Wardrobe designers
  • Actors
  • Producers
  • Directors, etc.

Working together to bring to life a complete character that fits the vision of the script is vital! Think of it the same way you would with regular makeup: in addition to the makeup, the hair and/or clothing can be the factor that makes or breaks the look!

Just like with the Special Effects makeup, the character’s clothing and hairstyle(s) should be appropriate to the time period and story setting. Every element needs to work together to help keep your character realistic.

Not only should you consider the character’s clothing and hairstyles when developing your Special Effects makeup look – you should also consider what lifestyle and social status the character has (if applicable).

All of these smaller components are what will be combined to ultimately create a character that fits the script to a T!

Special effects makeup look - girl with monster teeth

Remember: putting effort into addressing all of these fine details will also help you, as the artist, stand out from others. By mastering the art of creating a Special Effects character look based on the script you’re given, you’ll be able to not only make a lasting impression, but even increase your chances of being booked for future projects!

Interested in becoming a Special Effects makeup artist? Here are Gabrielle’s 5 secrets to getting your career started!

How to Become a Makeup Artist as a Stay-At-Home Mom

By Your Makeup Career No Comments

As a stay-at-home mom, it can sometimes be difficult to get five minutes to yourself – let alone start your own business. But just because you have children doesn’t mean your career aspirations can’t still come to fruition. If you have a dream, you should follow it!

It’s possible to be both a stay-at-home mom AND an entrepreneur. If you have a passion for makeup, there are ways to turn this into a serious profession, while still being able to focus your efforts on what’s needed at home.

You can have both, and we’re here to tell you how!

Earn your makeup artist certification

If you’re looking to learn the craft in a way that will set you up for true success, makeup school is the obvious way to go. We’ve discussed why dozens of times in the past, but let’s go over some of the most beneficial reasons:

  • If you’ve never had formal training, extensive foundational courses will teach you core knowledge, makeup theory, application, and techniques!
  • If you already have prior experience, advanced and/or specialty courses will build on your existing skills and take them to the next level!
  • In addition to makeup artistry education, your expert tutor will also provide valuable business training!
  • You’ll gain the know-how needed to start your very own business!
  • A professional certification looks FABULOUS on your resume, and will help you stand out from the competition!

In many places, certification from an accredited makeup school will be more than enough to get your career as a makeup artist started! Keep in mind, though, that certain places may require additional licensing.

We definitely recommend researching the laws and legislation wherever you live, to make sure you have everything you need when the time comes that you’re ready to begin working. You can learn more about this here!

Implement a Schedule

As a stay-at-home mom, we’re willing to bet that you’re organized up the wazoo! You’re used to being captain of the ship, and keeping your family on schedule throughout the day.

This is an excellent quality that’ll prove handy throughout the course of a makeup artist career! But it’s also just as useful you to focus that same meticulous type of planning to your own life and priorities.

Women using a laptop: How to become a makeup artist as a stay-at-home mom article

Part of pursuing your career goals means learning how (and when) to allot time to them. It’s important to try and set some sort of schedule for yourself, so you can use that time to work on your career goals. Life will obviously happen, so this schedule may vary from time to time. But to the best of your ability, try to stick with it.

While we’re by no means suggesting that you should focus less on your home life, we are saying that being a professional makeup artist is an endeavor that requires commitment and effort. The more you can afford to put into the experience, the more you’ll get out of it!

Of course, we also understand that juggling multiple tasks can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, especially as a SAHM. So, it’s more than okay to start this journey in baby steps. Even if you’re only able to schedule a few hours each week to your makeup studies, practicing your skills, or your business – that’s leaps and bounds better than nothing!

Turn to your support system

Whether you’re trying to focus on your studies, or pushing to get your new MUA business off the ground, we get that it can sometimes be difficult to devote the necessary time to your career goals when you also have a family to look after.

Having a support system that you can turn to can help with carrying some of the workload. The most obvious benefit would be having a friend, family member, or partner who’s able and willing to sometimes watch the kids from time to time.

This would provide you the opportunity for a breather; a chance to turn your full attention to your schoolwork or business practices, even if only for a couple hours.

In the beginning, it may be difficult for you to take that first step and reach out for assistance. There can sometimes be unrealistic expectations placed upon stay-at-home moms – the biggest one being that they’re sometimes expected to be able to handle everything on their own, no matter how big the challenge.

Realistically, though, it’s totally normal – and healthy – to ask for help! Trust us, your friends and family love you, and know how hard you work all the time. Many of them will likely be happy to provide assistance in some form or another, if asked.

Make time to practice

Any makeup artist can attest to the fact that practice is the only thing that truly does make perfect. All the books and instructional videos in the world can’t replace the value of practical application.

If you’re serious about becoming a working MUA, you’re going to need to make sure you take the necessary time to practice, practice, and then practice some more!

Here are just a few reasons why it’s so critical:

  1. The more you attempt various techniques, the better at them you’ll become
  2. You’ll branch out of your comfort zones and learn to attempt new things
  3. Reading about makeup theory, techniques, and application is NOT the same as actually doing them on a real face
  4. You’ll develop an intimate understanding of different products, how they work, and how to best utilize them to their full potential
  5. And so much more!

Don’t forget: it’s not going to be enough to simply practice makeup on your own face. Yes, for the time being, it’s not recommended that you practice on other people while social distancing is still in effect.

However, once things go back to normal, it’ll be critical that you get as much real-world experience on as many different models as you can!

This is the only true way to learn how to advance your makeup skills on different types of skin tones, skin types, ages, genders, etc.

Do your research

If you’re interested in makeup school, there are plenty of amazing online makeup schools available to you. These will allow you to get started, even while still at home, and provide the same quality education as the kind you’d receive from in-person classes.

Alternately, you may wish to attend a brick-and-mortar school once the COVID-19 crisis is over.

Makeup artist applying eye makeup: How to become a makeup artist as a stay-at-home mom article

Either way, make sure you do the proper research before committing to your academy of choice! Here are a few ways to ensure the school is legit:

We recommend asking yourself these 9 imperative questions, when researching into any schools (especially if they’re held online)!

You’ll also need to do plenty of research when the time comes that you’re ready to start your own business. Branding, marketing, and SEO are three major things you’ll need to familiarize yourself with.

You’ll also benefit from learning how to build a company website, put together a makeup portfolio, secure a business name, and where to start networking.

It doesn’t hurt to check out the competition in your area, too; what they’re charging, the services they provide, and what their marketing and business strategies are!

It’ll help inspire you, and give you an idea of what you need to do to not only find your footing alongside them – but rise above!

Make time for YOU

Lastly, but just as importantly, make sure that you regularly make time for yourself. Everyone needs to be able to unwind. With everything your motivated self is taking on, this DEFINITELY applies to you!

Read a book, take a bubble bath, curl up to a movie… Whatever it is that helps center you, give it the prioritization it deserves.

A nourished soul is one of the most powerful weapons you can have for a successful career!

How to Become Makeup Artist as Stay-at-Home Mom Blog - Kids laughing with Parents on Sofa

Do you have any other secret tips for becoming a makeup artist as a stay-at-home mom? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Start on the road to your professional MUA career by enrolling today in QC’s leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course!

3 Critical Questions to Ask Fashion Styling Clients During the Consultation

By Fashion Styling, Your Makeup Career 4 Comments

Are you a makeup artist who’s recently decided to add Fashion Styling services to your business? Do you simply love all things fashion, and want to devote your career to helping others dress their best? If so, then it’s important that you learn the appropriate questions to ask your clients during the initial appointment!

Just like with makeup, a consultation needs to be held when acquiring a brand-new client. The desired outcome behind this meeting is exactly the same. You want to:

  • Get to know your client
  • Allow them to get to know you
  • Determine what their goals are
  • Determine what they do NOT want
  • Figure out their budget
  • Plan out how you can give them their preferred results

A good consultation will then allow you to use your knowledge, experience, and professional training to help clients achieve their goals!

The Fashion Styling Consultation: Asking the Right Questions

As a rule of thumb, try not to ask questions that have a definitive ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. Unless the question itself is incredibly detailed, such closed-ended answers aren’t going to be able to provide you with much information.

Instead, aim for questions that encourage your client to expand a little. In order to best assist them, you need to make sure you fully understand their mindset. What better way to know how they feel, what they like, and what they want, than to hear it in their own words?

So, what is some specific information you need to obtain from a new client during your first consultation together? Let’s take a look at a few key examples!

Question #1: “Where are you in your life right now?”

What age range does your client fall into? Is she currently a student? Does she work full-time? Is she in the middle of any type of transitional stage in her life, such as a big move, etc.?

There are endless possibilities for what the answer to this question can be! The events, trials, and circumstances of your client’s life can play a direct role in:

  • Who she is
  • What her current lifestyle is like
  • What her budget might be
  • What her clothing should say about her

Importantly: no matter what info your client provides, it WILL be valuable! So, make sure not to forget this question.

Question #2: “How would you describe your everyday lifestyle?”

Some examples to consider when posing this question are:

  • Is your client a fitness enthusiast?
  • Does she travel a lot?
  • What is her job like?
  • Is she vegan?
  • Does she devote her life to eco-friendly practices?
  • Does she have strong moral views regarding fair trade practices?

You’ll often encounter clients whose everyday lifestyle won’t necessarily sway their fashion styling one way or another. But just as often, there will be clients whose personal beliefs and/or hobbies will directly affect the types of clothing you can (and can’t) recommend.

For instance, if your client is athletic, she may benefit most from stylish, breathable clothing that also allows for a large range of movement. Alternately, if traveling is a regular part of her lifestyle, she might be better off with versatile clothing that can be utilized in multiple different ways.

If she works within an office, for example, the dress code may be stricter. In such a case, more subtle personalization, creative expression, and overall fashion styling may be required.

If your client is vegan, be sure to ask what her clothing preferences are. You’ll probably need to steer clear of any products made from fur, leather, or suede. Some vegans object to other materials like wool, too, but don’t make assumptions.

Similarly, if your client happens to be eco-conscious, she could be partial to second-hand clothing or clothing made from renewable resources and/or natural fibers.

Question #3: “What do you want to communicate through your wardrobe?”

What does your client want people to see when they look at her and her style? What impressions does she want to give off? What emotions does she want to evoke?

Is your client looking for fashion styling assistance for a specific event, such as a job interview, a party, etc.? Or is she looking for more general help for her day-to-day life?

The answers to these questions may vary, but they all share something very important in common: what we wear plays a strong role in our overall image!

But your client may not fully know who she is or what she wants to convey to the world. A lot of people are unsure how to utilize their wardrobe to reflect their personality – be it for a specific occasion, or as part of their everyday life. It can pose a confusing challenge, and your client may need some help.

That’s okay, though, because that’s why she’s coming to you!

If your client doesn’t really know how to answer this question, try posing it to her in a slightly different way. Ask her to describe herself in a word or two. You can also ask her to describe what she wants others to see when they look at her.

A client who uses words like “kind” and “thoughtful” will help you to create an image in your mind for what her fashion styling could look like. Similarly, we’re sure that the creative gears start turning in your head as soon as we use descriptors like “ambitious” or “fierce”.

You get the picture!

The Best Way to Ask the Right Questions is…

…getting proper training under your belt! Having a keen eye for trends and enjoying fashion styling isn’t enough. Not if you want to make a real name for yourself and stand out from the competition, anyways!

To illustrate: we’ve just listed 3 fundamental questions to ask your clients. The initial consultation is just one small part of what you’ll face in your fashion styling career – and yet, even that contains so much crucial knowledge that you simply MUST know!

QC Makeup Academy’s Fashion Styling Course, as an example, teaches you 14 critical questions that always need to be asked during your client consultation. PLUS, you’re taught how to navigate sensitive subjects, and understand which questions are best avoided altogether.

But this isn’t all an accredited Fashion Styling Course will offer you! In addition to various other aspects of maximizing the client experience, you’ll also have professional industry experts teach you:

  • How to start your very own business (or add your services to a pre-existing business)
  • The history of fashion styling
  • An understanding of fashion trends, and how they’ve evolved
  • Exactly what your role is as a certified fashion stylist
  • The basic elements of fashion
  • Accessorizing and personalizing based on each individual client
  • Building different wardrobes based on age, gender, lifestyle, etc.
  • How to effectively maximize your client’s budget
  • Second-hand and consignment shopping
  • Bridal fashion styling
  • Maternity fashion styling
  • And so much more!

The fashion industry is a competitive one. Ascending the ranks and being the best of the best requires hard work, dedication, and a constant desire to learn and improve your skill-set.

If you’re committing yourself to this type of profession, there has to be some passion behind it. And if you’re passionate about what you do, this challenge will never be one you’ll want to shy away from!

Off the top of your head, can you think of more questions you feel are worth asking during a fashion styling consultation? Let us know in the comments!

Still unsure if you should add fashion styling services to your makeup business? Here are 5 reasons why it’ll definitely take your career to the next level!

5 Cheap (But Awesome) Brands for Your Professional Makeup Kit

By Makeup Reviews, Your Makeup Career No Comments

As an aspiring makeup artist, you know that there’s a certain financial investment that needs to go into your professional makeup kit. But what if you’re on a budget? Furthermore, what if the world happens to be in the middle of a pandemic (ahem), and money’s a bit tighter than usual?

Does that mean you’re SOL and can’t be a proper MUA? Not at all! The truth is, there are tons of options at your disposal that will allow you to purchase awesome products for your professional makeup kit – without going broke in the process!

In the past, we’ve looked at drugstore makeup products that are just as good as their pricier counterparts. We’ve also broken down 5 useless items that you surprisingly don’t even need at all. This time, we’re instead going to look at 5 makeup brands that are not only of excellent quality, but also affordable for most budgets!

True story: when I first discovered NYX at a local shopping mall, I practically lost my mind with excitement. A friend described it to me as “Sephora, but without the crazy high dollar signs”. Not to knock on Sephora (heck, I’m obsessed with Sephora), but it turned out to be true.

If there’s a product you’re looking for, NYX is more than likely to have it. Case in point, I was looking for a bold, blue liquid lipstick, and found it for less than $20.00 CAD. (And it was awesome, by the way.) Because their products are much more affordable than competing brands, this is a wonderful place to start for aspiring MUAs.

You can take advantage of their lower prices in order to play around with different makeup products, and learn which ones you like, versus which ones you don’t. That way, if the time comes that you want to switch over to more luxurious brands, you already know exactly what you’re looking for.

As a makeup artist, you need experience working with all sorts of different skin tones. Similarly, your professional makeup kit needs to offer products for ALL skin tones (or as close as you can realistically get). The last thing you want to do is make a client feel ostracized because you carry every shade except hers.

There are plenty of makeup brands out there that boast about their mindfulness of diversity, only to offer products that go no darker than a mild tan. In reality, there are so many different, darker skin tones out there, and they are all beautiful and worthy of inclusion.

Black Radiance is an affordable brand that actually lives up to what they promise!

While there is a vast range in the types of products they offer, Black Radiance is primarily geared towards darker skin tones. That being said, there’s something for everybody in their cosmetic line, such as:

  • Color correctives
  • Foundations, concealers, primers, and powders
  • Bronzers, blushes, highlighters, and contours
  • Eye makeup
  • Lip products
  • And so much more!

The best part? The majority of their products can be purchased for LESS than $10.00 USD!

A leading name in the cosmetics industry, this Aussie-based makeup brand is not only high-quality and affordable, it’s vegan and cruelty-free, too! On average, their products range anywhere from $8.00 AUS to $30.00 AUS. Especially for how great these products are, this is an absolute steal!

On top of the individual makeup items they offer, one of our favorite things about Australis’s website is that they have an entire section devoted to collections and bundle offers. There’s also a separate, easy-to-find section that lists all of their current sale items.

Australis definitely makes it effortless to get the most out of your buck! If you happen to live outside of Australia, don’t worry! This company also ships internationally to the United States, Canada, and the UK.

Don’t let their low prices fool you – this UK makeup brand is wildly popular, and used by professional makeup artists all over the world! Like Australis, their items are all cruelty-free. Many of them are also vegan.

One of the things Revolution is known for is their insane pigments. (Seriously, just take a look at their eyeshadows if you don’t believe me.) One of the very first things you’ll notice about their products is that they provide extensive palettes for a super low cost. To illustrate:

  • Many of their eyeshadow palettes offer 20+ pigments, for less than €20.00!
  • Their 5-piece lipstick collections each cost a mere €7.99!
  • Even their highest-priced brush sets are less than € 25.00!
  • The MOST you’ll spend on foundation is € 11.99 per product (and many of these products are even cheaper)!

In addition, Revolution also offers a wide array of skincare products as well! While they’re currently limiting international shipping due to the current COVID-19 crisis, they do typically provide international shipping all around the world.

This is definitely a brand you’ve at least seen once, if you’ve ever stepped inside a drugstore. But as a whole, Maybelline has climbed the ranks of the cosmetic industry to become a world-wide name. It’s definitely easy to understand why!

For starters, you’ll be able to purchase the majority of their cosmetics for anywhere between $2.50 USD and $32.00 USD. On top of that, they have just about any product you can possibly think of (including a wide variety of foundations and concealers for different skin tones)!

But the real pièce de résistance worth mentioning are the virtual services offered on their website.

Not only does Maybelline’s business site provide color matching services, they also offer what they call “Virtual Try-On”. With this technology, you can upload a photo to their platform, and then let you see what their various products would look like on that person – before even buying anything!

For up-and-coming makeup artists, this would allow you to get the best possible idea of the cosmetics you want to stock in your professional makeup kit before spending any money. Then, once you know exactly what you want, you can buy them at a super cheap price.

Could there be anything better? We doubt it!

What other cheap makeup brands would YOU recommend for an MUA’s professional makeup kit? Let us know in the comments!

Want another way to stock up on high-quality makeup at an affordable price? Enroll in QC’s leading Master Makeup Artistry Course, and receive our 14-piece Elite Makeup Kit as part of your tuition!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Beauty Vlogging

By Your Makeup Career No Comments

When people think of makeup jobs, they tend to think of the actual process of doing makeup for a client. But the truth is, beauty vlogging is another type of makeup job you can branch out into.

Adding vlogging to your business is a terrific way to market yourself, expand your online presence, and even increase your clientele!  Bonus: You can do it from home!

The downside is, you only need about 10 seconds on YouTube to see that there are quite literally thousands upon thousands of makeup vloggers already out there.

In order to make a name for yourself, get noticed, and have an impact, it won’t be enough to simply be good. You’re going to need to be at the top of your game.

DO: Choose (and then commit to) your desired platform

In terms of which platform(s) you want to post your vlog content on, you have a lot of different options. For many beauty vloggers, YouTube is the first platform that comes to mind. Other popular choices are also Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

Take some time to look into each platform, to figure out which you feel would be best for you. If you’re feeling ambitious, there’s no reason why you can’t choose more than one! Just remember that which platform(s) you decide to go with, you need to commit to it.

This means:

  • Regularly posting content
  • Maintaining the brand and overall look of the channel
  • Responding to comments and messages from viewers in a timely fashion
  • Routinely ensuring all links and videos are still working
  • And more!

It may be easiest to focus on one vlogging platform at first, rather than trying to juggle multiple different ones. Give yourself some time to get to know the swing of things – specifically, learning how much work is involved.

Once you’ve developed a vlogging routine and know it like the back of your hand, you’ll be ready to expand onto a second (or third, or fourth) platform.

DON’T: Skimp on the research

If beauty vlogging were easy, everyone and their grandmother would be famous influencers. Because while everyone can make their own vlog, it’s only the minority of those people who will go viral from it.

Yes, some people get lucky, and can gain thousands of followers thanks to one video going viral, but that’s not the norm.

In reality, it often takes a lot of time, dedication, and know-how to get your vlog noticed. Not only do you need to go into it with a strong sense of who YOU are and what you can offer viewers, you’re also going to need to:

  • Understand your branding
  • Publish quality content frequently
  • Use the best equipment
  • Learn how to edit and publish your videos
  • And so much more!

So, it’s best for you to go into this with the proper mindset. If you start your vlogging career under the assumption that you don’t need to put in much effort, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

DO: Figure out your brand

Part of the research you’ll need to do revolves around deciding what you want your brand to be. Your branding is what will make you memorable and distinctive to your viewers.

It can be any of the following:

  • Your personality
  • Your makeup style
  • Your aesthetic (color choices, design, use of regular props, etc.)
  • The mood of your videos (i.e. funny, sarcastic, informative, etc.)
  • The type of content you provide (tutorials, reviews, etc.)
  • And so much more!

Your brand can also be a combination of some, or all, of these factors. To illustrate my point: think of well-known beauty vloggers, such as James Charles or NikkieTutorials. What are the very first things that tend to come to your mind as soon as you think of them?

Whatever those things are, THAT is what their branding is. Based on the type of content they put out, their style, and their personality, you now automatically associate them with those specific identifiers.

So, when approaching your own vlog, ask yourself: what is it you want people to automatically associate YOU with?

Tip: If you’re already a professional makeup artist and have your own business, you already have a brand identity for your vlog!

DON’T: Post content just for the sake of posting

Yes, as a beauty vlogger, it’s important that you post content regularly to your channel. But this doesn’t mean posting bad content, just so you don’t miss your weekly video deadline.

Think of it the same way you would your other makeup jobs. Would you rather work on 1 client, and take the time to produce stunning results – or 10 clients, but haphazardly rush through each one?

Quality will always be more important than quantity.

Don’t film a video if you have nothing to say. If you’re lacking inspiration, it’s okay to postpone your publishing schedule until your creative gears are turning again.

The internet can be ruthless at times, and the last thing you want for your makeup business is for a lousy video to be the thing that makes you go viral. That would be a death sentence for your reputation.

DO: Invest in your equipment

While it’s true that some beauty vloggers can get away with nothing more than a webcam and a white wall, this is definitely not the majority. Unfortunately, most beauty vloggers nowadays have high-quality equipment, in order for their videos to look as professional as possible.

If you want to be able to compete alongside them, you’re likely going to need the same.

When you started out as a professional MUA, you knew you’d need to invest in your makeup products. The same can be said about beauty vlogging.

At the very least, you’re likely going to need a high-quality camera and proper lighting. Many beauty vloggers also use some form of video editing software. As your vlogging career grows, this may also be something you’ll want to look into.

So long as you commit, though, then the results should be worth it! That being said, you shouldn’t have to worry about going broke in the process. Vlogtribe has a helpful list of necessary equipment for aspiring YouTube vloggers, which you can find here!

DON’T: Forget about networking

Networking is a critical part of all your makeup jobs, and vlogging is of no exception. While you are trying to beat out the competition, your competition is also one of your greatest assets.

Try to reach out and befriend those who you look up to. Not only will you grow your industry contacts and make awesome friendships, their content may help inspire you with ideas of your own!

Furthermore, it opens the doors to even more online exposure for your own channel. Cross-promotions and collaborations are extremely popular within the vlogging community. If there’s one thing viewers love to see, it’s beauty vloggers working together!

DO: Market your vlogging channel

As a makeup artist, you’re likely already used to showcasing your makeup jobs on your social media. This type of marketing is something definitely worth doing for your vlogging channel, too!

If you have a new video coming out, get people excited by posting a sneak peak, or even an announcement, on your other social media platforms. Whenever a new video is released, share it on your Instagram, your Facebook business page, on Twitter, etc.

The more sites you can share your vlog on, the larger the audience becomes! This means more online visibility, more viewers, and even more potential clients!

DON’T: Overlook the importance of proper makeup training

One of the biggest problems with beauty vloggers nowadays is that a LOT of them are not professionally trained. The risk this poses is that they’re not actually teaching their viewers proper techniques. As a result, viewers are unknowingly copying incorrect form, and adopting bad makeup habits.

If you truly want to teach others to learn how to do makeup – or even just understand how to do it properly yourself – the only option is to get educated by professional experts.

Enroll in a makeup school, such as QC Makeup Academy, where you can be taught the foundation of makeup artistry. Gain a proper understanding of makeup theory, techniques, and correct application.

Earn your professional makeup artist certification, so that your viewers (and even more importantly, your clients) have assurance that you’re a pro who legitimately knows their stuff.

Aside from it making you the best makeup artist you can be, it’s definitely something that will help you stand out from the rest of the competition!

Can you think of other helpful tips for running your own beauty vlog? Let us know in the comments!

Earn your professional MUA certification in as little as 3-6 months, by enrolling in QC’s leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course today!

Maximize Your Time at Home by Getting Your Makeup Artist Certification!

By Education, Your Makeup Career No Comments

We’re not going to sugar coat it: things have been rough lately. The world over is stressed and anxious about the COVID-19 crisis, and rightly so. The majority of us have been advised to stay home and help ‘flatten the curve’ by practicing social distancing. At the current moment, it’s up in the air how long this new way of life is going to last.

But I’m going to let you in on a little secret: while this situation does suck, it also presents you with a very unique and special opportunity.

We’re willing to bet that you’re crazy about makeup. (Why else would you be reading this?) Chances are, it’s your passion. You probably entertain dreams of turning it into a career. But regular life can sometimes have a way of postponing our dreams – especially when we allow it to.

If you’re spending your day at home, you probably finally have the time, the privacy, and the freedom to take this leap. You can start the path towards a bright, exciting future. You can devote your life to makeup artistry, and when this is all over, get paid to do what you love!

How can you do this? Simple: use your time at home right now to earn your makeup artist certification!

Maximize Time At Home With Makeup Artist Certification Blog - Makeup on Pink Table

Online makeup school is the best (and safest) option!

To earn any sort of professional qualifications as an MUA, you’re going to need to get your education. However, in-person makeup classes aren’t exactly an option right now. For starters, most brick-and-mortar schools are closed. But secondly, even if they were open, it’s not exactly a safe environment with adequate social distancing.

You’d need to travel to and from the school, be in a room full of other people, and (worst of all) touch your models’ faces. These are all things that will increase your chances of getting exposed to the virus, or other unwanted germs. It poses too much of a threat! There’s no way you could guarantee your safety, or the safety of others.

Online makeup school, however, eliminates ALL of these risks! Even before the COVID-19 crisis, more and more makeup artistry schooling has been moving to an online platform. It provides aspiring MUAs with the exact same quality of education (in some ways, even better). The main difference is, online schooling can be done without ever leaving your home.

Over the years, it’s become an increasingly popular option for students wishing to learn the craft at a professional level (and we’ll touch on the reasons why in a moment). But right now, it’s the only option. For the time being, online makeup school is the only way you can receive expert, reputable training – WITHOUT putting your health in danger!

It’s good for your mental health!

Not only can you utilize online makeup school to make your future career goals come true, it can also benefit you during the present pandemic. The combination of stress, fear, limited social interaction, and home isolation can make for a pretty negative cocktail of emotions. For many of us, the quality of our mental health has been (or will be) impacted.

It’s easier to spiral downward when you don’t have anything positive to keep your brain occupied. If you don’t something good to look forward to or focus on, it’s going to be all too easy to fall into a depression.

Finding ways to decrease your stress will help improve your mental health. From ‘you’ time, to establishing a routine, to limited screen time – it will require a conscious effort, but the rewards will be well worth it. Education is another excellent coping strategy! It keeps your mind sharp, maximizes your time at home, AND betters your mood!

Makeup model apply blush on cheeks: getting your makeup artist certification article

Online makeup school is convenient!

If you were attending in-person makeup classes, you’d currently be SOL until the pandemic is over. You might even lose a semester of tuition and have to delay your training until next year! But online makeup school allows you to pursue your schooling, uninterrupted, all from the comfort of your own home! Whether you feel like chilling in the living room, lounging in bed, or setting up a home office, you can do your schoolwork wherever you please!

(You can even do it in the bathroom. Hey, we won’t judge!)

Another great benefit of online makeup school is that there many provide no deadlines or timelines to adhere to. You never need to worry about your education conflicting with your personal schedule.

Pro tip: Just keep in mind that this level of freedom can make it easy to procrastinate. Try not to leave everything to the last minute! Create a realistic schedule for yourself that will allow you to regularly focus on your studies. This way, you can stay on track.

Many of QC’s students and grads found that by simply devoting 1-2 hours per week on their course work, they were able to graduate in as little as 3-6 months. This is more than doable for most lifestyles!

If you’re curious about more ways to maximize your makeup education and practice while at home, check out these 4 incredible tips by QC’s executive tutor, Nathan Johnson!

It’s easily affordable, even during a pandemic!

We get it: a lot of people are unfortunately unable to work right now. For some, money might be tight. Don’t let this scare you away from following your dreams, though! With proper research, you’ll find that many accredited online makeup schools are more than affordable.

Mobile video of professional makeup artist applying makeup on model

In general, online school will almost always be cheaper than brick-and-mortar schools. This is because things are done electronically. There’s no physical campus incurring fees or maintenance costs. If you want to get your makeup artist certification, but don’t want to worry about going broke in the process, online schooling offers the same quality level of education at a fraction of the price!

For the amount of course materials, makeup products, expert training, and ongoing perks received, students find that they get a LOT for such a reasonable price!

Online makeup school will prepare you for a life-long career in the industry!

Is it really possible to get the same level of training from an online makeup school as you would at an in-person institution? This is a common question, and the answer is a resounding YES!

Not only are you taught by professional makeup experts (who work in the field themselves), you’re also provided with high-quality products to aid in your learning experience.

In addition, this learning experience is a lot more individually focused. Because each lesson is geared specifically towards YOU, without other students to focus on as well, you’ll find that you’ll absorb way more info than you would in a physical setting.

For a deeper breakdown of how online makeup schooling compares to in-person classes, feel free to keep reading here!

In general, makeup schooling is a necessity for anyone wishing to turn it into a career. Not only does it make you a better artist in general, it will help you stand out from the competition, too!

If you have little to no experience, makeup foundation courses will teach you from the ground up. Once you’re at a more advanced level, specialty programs help broaden your skill-set, and strengthen your resume with further certifications.

Photo of professional makeup artist's hand applying eyeshadow to model

For instance, once you earn your makeup artist certification, you can always build on your qualifications by adding additional training in any of the following areas:

If you one day want to run your own company, a makeup business course would do you wonders. Or say you already have your own business and wish to expand your services. Certifications in Hair Styling, Fashion Styling, and/or Skincare Consulting would take your career to the next level!

(The best part? A LOT of these services can be done remotely, so you can still work, pandemic or no pandemic!)

Pursuing your goals of becoming a professional MUA is one of the single greatest things you can do for yourself, especially now. In a time when it feels like everything’s so crazy and chaotic, it’s important that you take charge of the things that are still in your control. Part of the challenge right now is perspective; focusing, wherever possible, on the positive.

It’s still there, even if it may feel difficult to see. You may just need to push yourself a bit harder than normal, that’s all. The thing is, you’re stronger than you realize. We believe in you. You can totally do this!

Maximize Time At Home With Makeup Artist Certification Blog - Woman Making Heart Shape with Hands

Keeping reading to find out why QC Makeup Academy is the perfect online makeup school to help you earn your makeup artist certification!