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How to Become a Freelance Makeup Artist in as Little as 2 Months!

By Education, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Do you have a passion for makeup? Are you interested in taking your skills to a professional level? Is a successful career as a makeup artist your ultimate goal?

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions, then QC Makeup Academy can help! We, for one, think there’s no better time to get started on the path towards your future than today!

Now, you may be thinking, “But what if I want to get my certification in the next few months, so I can start working in the field right away? Don’t most makeup courses take long time to complete?”

Great questions!

Typically, yes, many standalone makeup courses can take 3-6+ months for you to complete. Most cosmetology schools, in comparison, will typically take anywhere from 8 months to 2 years to finish. Even self-paced courses require plenty of time to complete, when you factor in that you’re completing the course around your existing schedule.

But with the right motivation, dedication, and availability, we can offer you a way to get the most of your makeup training AND graduate with a professional certification in as little as TWO months!

That’s right, you heard us. Two months.

Think about it: this would mean that you could get top-quality training from an industry expert, earn your certification, and be ready to break out into the professional world and start booking clients – by the end of this summer!

If you’re thinking that this sounds like the PERFECT opportunity for you, keep reading! We’ll break down how QC Makeup Academy makes this possible through our Fast-Track Program, and what you need to do to get started!

Please Note: While some makeup businesses are beginning to open back up, or are making plans to do so in the near future, please stay mindful of the rules and regulations in your particular area. If local businesses are still advised to remained closed for the time being, we urge you to follow this order and wait until things are safer before you begin booking clients.

What is the Fast-Track Program?

The Fast-Track Program designed by QC Makeup Academy offers a solution for aspiring MUAs to earn their makeup certification in the least amount of time possible.

The Fast-Track Program is perfect for aspiring MUAs who may:

  • Wish to devote more hours per day to their education, in order to complete the program in a shorter time
  • Want to become a working, freelance makeup artist ASAP
  • Have goals to start their own freelance makeup artist business sooner rather than later

How Does the Fast-Track Program Work?

With our standard, self-paced makeup courses, the average student takes approximately 4-5 months to complete their program and graduate with their certification. This is based on devoting 1-2 hours per week towards the course (which is easily achievable for most lifestyles).

This also takes into account the average turnaround time for your assigned instructor to review each unit, grade each assignment, and provide detailed audio feedback.

QC’s Fast-Track Program condenses this experience into a shorter, 2-month time-frame! On your end, you would be expected to complete your course readings, watch the instructional videos, and complete and submit your makeup assignments more quickly. You’ll also need to pay for your course in full within 2 months. However, if you choose to pay off your tuition within your first 30 days, you’ll be eligible to receive our pay-in-full discount!

In return, we guarantee a 2-day turnaround time (always) for your tutor to review your work, grade it, and provide you with their thorough feedback.

Oh, and did we mention that as part of the Fast-Track Program, you’re guaranteed to be paired with our leading instructor and executive makeup artist, Nathan Johnson?

This is definitely a worthwhile perk! Simply put, Nathan is the BEST! ❤️️

The Fast-Track Program’s 4-Step Process

The easiest way to understand the Fast-Track learning  experience is to break it down into 4 easy steps:

Step 1: Enroll and Receive Your QC Course Materials

The enrollment process is easy, and can be done either directly online or by contacting our awesome Student Support Specialist Team. Within 24 hours of enrolling, you’ll receive an email containing your login information for the Online Student Center.

Here, you’ll find electronic copies of all of your course texts, instructional videos, and assignments. You can begin your first Unit immediately!

Within 3 business days, we’ll mail you a physical copy of your course materials. If your makeup course comes with its own makeup kit, that’ll be shipped out to you as well. This shipment will take roughly 7-10 business days to reach you. While you’re waiting for your kit, you can still get started on your course using the online textbooks and videos!

You won’t require makeup until you get to your practical assignments – by which time, your package from us will have already arrived!

Step 2: Submit Your Assignments

Each unit of your course will require you to put the makeup theory you’ve been learning to the test! This will be done in the form of practical assignments. Here, you’ll get hands-on experience applying makeup on your friends and family!

We recommend practicing your skills and doing your assignments on as many different people as you can. This is the single best way for you to gain exposure to different skin types, tones, conditions, ages, etc.

Note: In light of COVID-19, we urge you to continue practicing social distancing. If social distancing rules have not yet been lifted in your area, please do NOT put yourself or others at risk for the sake of your assignments. It’s 100% okay under these circumstances to do your practical assignments on yourself, or anyone who’s been residing within your immediate living environment (so long as they’re willing to be a model).

Practice makes perfect, so take as much time as you need to work on your assignments until you’re completely satisfied with the end result! Once you are, you can then take photographs of your work and submit them through the Online Student Center.

Step 3: Review Your Feedback

As we mentioned above, one perk of using our Fast-Track Program is that celebrity makeup artist, Nathan Johnson, will go over your assignments with a fine-toothed comb, and provide you with his expert feedback, in as little as 2 days.

This feedback will be in the form of an audio file. Like with your course materials, you can keep this valuable feedback forever, and refer to it as often as needed!

Nathan’s feedback will be incredibly detailed, so we urge you to pay close attention while listening to it. He’s going to cover a LOT of ground with you, such as where your strengths are and where you need to improve. Growing as a freelance makeup artist (and even just a makeup artist in general) means being open to positive, constructive criticism.

The aim will only ever be to help you grow, improve your techniques, and encourage you to fine-tune  your craft!

Step 4: Become a Certified Makeup Artist

Once you’ve completed and submitted all the Units within your program, and have received passing grades, you’ll officially be a certified MUA! We will mail out a physical copy of your certification in the mail, and from there, you can then begin your journey as a professional makeup artist!

Don’t forget, our courses also offer optional business training as the final Unit in your program. If you wish to be a freelance makeup artist and launch your very own business, we strongly urge you to take advantage of this training!

For instance, QC Makeup Academy graduate and pro MUA, Devyn Gregorio, recently shared a video on her YouTube channel, discussing the benefits of QC’s business training and how it’s helped her gain even more success in her career.

How to Get Started

If you’re interested in using our Fast-Track Program to earn your makeup certification, simply contact our Student Support Specialist Team and we can help get everything up and running!

So, what are you waiting for? Your future is waiting for you – grab a hold of it and make it come to life!

Keep reading for 5 helpful tips to help you book clients for your freelance makeup artist business after COVID-19!

The Differences Between Film and Stage Makeup

By Education, From the Experts No Comments

Makeup has played a huge part in the entertainment industry for decades, transforming actors into their characters. However, not all makeup is created equal. While film and stage makeup may seem similar at first glance, there are significant differences that make each type unique.

Not to worry though, we’ll go over the differences between film and stage makeup in this article. So, whether you’re a makeup enthusiast or a professional, read on to discover the art of transformation and how it differs between film and stage productions.

Keep reading to learn the differences between these two makeup mediums…

What is Film and Television Makeup?

Film makeup, also known as cinema or movie makeup, is specifically designed to be worn in front of a camera. Its primary purpose is to enhance the actor’s features and make them look flawless on screen. Unlike stage makeup, which needs to be seen from a distance, film makeup focuses on details that are magnified by high-definition cameras.

Techniques Used in Film and Television Makeup

To achieve a seamless appearance on camera, film makeup artists use various techniques and products. The most common ones include:

  • Contouring: This technique involves using darker shades to create depth and dimension and lighter shades to highlight specific areas of the face.
  • Airbrush Makeup: A popular technique in film makeup, airbrushing involves using a spray gun to apply foundation, creating a smooth and even finish.
  • Special Effects Makeup: This type of makeup is used to create dramatic transformations or add realistic-looking wounds, scars, and other features to the actor’s face.

Best Film and Television Makeup Practices


This is a competitive field for aspiring makeup artists. To stand out, you will need to ensure you are following best practices. You can start by considering some of the factors below.

Current Television and Film Makeup Trends and Techniques


Staying updated with current trends and techniques in film and television makeup is part of being a makeup artist. Understanding these trends allows artists to create looks that resonate with today’s audience while also meeting the needs of each production. Continuous education through workshops, online tutorials, and networking with industry professionals can help artists refine their skills and maintain a competitive edge in a dynamic field.

Working Well Under Pressure


Working under pressure while maintaining precision and attention to detail is a vital skill for makeup artists in the fast-paced world of film and television. Tight schedules and last-minute changes can create stressful environments, but the ability to stay calm and focused is key to success. This involves not only excellent time management but also the capacity to adapt quickly to new challenges without compromising the quality of work. A strong mindset and thorough preparation can help artists thrive under these conditions, ensuring that they deliver outstanding results even when the stakes are high.

Tools for Television and Film Makeup?


Having the right tools is crucial for achieving a natural-looking appearance on camera. This includes high-quality makeup products that suit various skin types, as well as essential tools like brushes, sponges, and palettes.

Investing in the right equipment ensures that you are consistently creating high-quality looks. This is because it allows makeup artists to effectively execute their vision, adapting to different lighting and camera conditions.

The products and techniques a makeup artist should use when creating looks for film and television require a light hand. You’re only going to want to use products that have been professionally made for HD (high definition).

You want to create looks that are more natural and pick up well when on camera. Regular makeup products won’t be as reliable in helping you achieve this.

Top Makeup Products for Film and Television Makeup

  • HD foundations and concealers 
  • Airbrush liquid foundation 
  • Creme blushes 
  • Neutral colored lip liners / lipsticks / lip tints
  • Loose, translucent setting powder

What is Theatrical and Stage Makeup?

Unlike film/TV makeup, which should look “natural” and lightweight, theatrical and stage makeup requires the opposite approach. This is because heavier products and bolder looks are needed.

When you watch a play or live performance, you can’t rely on cameras to zoom in on the actors’ faces and illustrate the tiniest details. Often, you’re sitting in a rather large theater space. The further away you are from the stage, the harder it is to see the actors’ faces.

Theater/stage makeup aims to compensate for this by offering exaggerated looks and features. This way, the makeup can be seen from all the way to the back of the room! In these types of settings, the lighting used also tends to be quite harsh, in order to properly illuminate the entire set. If the makeup is too natural or subtle, this can also alter how the performer looks altogether!

Techniques Used in Stage Makeup

To achieve a bold and dramatic look that can be seen by the audience, stage makeup artists use techniques such as:

  • Heavy contouring: Stage lighting can wash out facial features, so heavy contouring is necessary to add depth and dimension to the actor’s face.
  • Bright and bold colors: Unlike film makeup, stage makeup uses vibrant and exaggerated colors to make the actor’s features stand out on stage.
  • Stylized character makeup: In some cases, stage productions call for stylized and exaggerated character makeup, such as in musicals or fantasy plays. These types of makeup usually involve intricate designs and detailed prosthetics.

Best Stage Makeup Practices

Stage makeup is all about creating dramatic looks that can be seen by an entire audience. To achieve this, here are some best practices to keep in mind.

Know Your Lighting and Set Design

Understanding the lighting and set design of each production is crucial for applying stage makeup effectively. Different lighting setups require different color choices and application techniques. Additionally, knowledge of the set design helps artists choose colors and styles that complement the overall aesthetic of the performance.

Take Audience Viewing Distance into Account

When applying stage makeup, it’s essential to consider the distance between the audience and the stage. Makeup needs to be visible from all angles, so techniques like heavier application and bright colors are often used. It’s also crucial to keep in mind that different parts of the stage may have varying lighting and viewing distances, requiring adjustments in makeup application.

Collaborate with Costume Designers

Makeup is an integral part of any performance, but it should also work together with other elements, such as costumes. Collaborating with costume designers can help ensure that both aspects complement each other and create a cohesive look for the production. This involves discussing color schemes, overall themes, and ensuring that the makeup reflects the character’s personality and role.

Makeup Artist creating stage makeup look following best practices

Top Makeup Products for Stage Makeup

For this medium, you’d be best off using proper makeup products, specifically made for the stage. These products are specifically crafted to be able to endure harsher conditions while remaining vibrant.

Some of the most commonly used brands for theatrical and stage makeup include:

(That last one is a true Holy Grail item, by the way!)

Key Differences between Film and Stage Makeup


While both film and stage makeup have similar purposes – transforming actors into their characters – they differ in many ways:

  1. Intensity: Film makeup is more subtle and natural-looking, while stage makeup is more intense and dramatic.
  2. Application techniques: Film makeup uses airbrushing and other precise techniques, while stage makeup relies on heavy contouring and bright colors for visibility on stage.
  3. Lighting: Film makeup needs to withstand close-ups under high-definition lighting, while stage makeup must be visible from a distance under bright stage lights.
  4. Time constraints: Actors in films can pause and touch up their makeup between takes, whereas stage actors need long-lasting and durable makeup that can withstand an entire performance without touch-ups.
  5. Overall effect: While both types of makeup aim to transform the actor into
Working with actress to prepare stage makeup

Starting a Career in Makeup for the Entertainment Industry

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in film and television makeup, stage makeup, or both, here are some steps you can take to get started:

  1. Develop your skills: Start by practicing different makeup techniques on yourself and others. Consider taking classes, such as the Special Effects Makeup course offered by QC Makeup Academy, to improve your skills and learn about the latest trends and techniques.
  2. Build a portfolio: Assemble a portfolio of your work to showcase your skills and versatility as a makeup artist. This will be essential when applying for jobs or seeking clients.
  3. Network: Learn how to network as a makeup artist. Attend industry events, connect with other professionals in the field, and build relationships within the entertainment industry. These connections can lead to opportunities for work.
  4. Gain experience: Look for volunteer or internship opportunities to gain experience and build your resume. This will also allow you to network and make connections in the industry.
  5. Stay updated: Continuously educate yourself on current trends and techniques through workshops, classes, and online resources. This will help you stay competitive in a constantly evolving industry.

By following these steps and consistently honing your skills, you can establish a successful career in makeup for the entertainment industry. Remember to always stay passionate, creative, and open-minded as you navigate this exciting field.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How is stage makeup different from regular makeup?

A: Stage makeup is designed to be seen from a distance and must be more intense and exaggerated in order to stand out under bright stage lights. Regular makeup, on the other hand, aims for a natural appearance.

Q: How does television makeup differ from regular makeup?

A: Television makeup needs to withstand close-ups under high-definition lighting, so it often involves highly precise techniques such as airbrushing. Regular makeup typically focuses on enhancing natural features without the need for high-definition adjustments.

Q: Can I use the same products for both film/television and stage makeup?

A: While some products may overlap, it’s important to use specific products and techniques for each type of makeup. For example, stage makeup typically needs to be more long-lasting and durable, while film/television makeup requires a more natural finish that can withstand high-definition cameras.

Q: Are there any specific tips for creating cosplay makeup looks?

A: Yes, for cosplay makeup, it’s important to consider the character’s design and features and use products and techniques that will help bring those elements to life. This may involve using prosthetics, body paint, or special effects makeup. It’s also helpful to research tutorials or seek guidance from experienced cosplayers or makeup artists. Overall, creativity and attention to detail are key to achieving a successful cosplay makeup look.

Q: What is the best way to remove stage/film/television makeup?

A: For stage/film/television makeup, which tends to be heavier, an oil-based cleanser or makeup remover designed for strong makeup can be effective. Following up with a gentle facial cleanser and moisturizer is crucial to cleanse and nourish the skin. Overall, find a removal routine that suits your skin type and preferences.

Click here to see an actual course sample of the Theatrical Makeup section in the Master Makeup Artistry Course!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Henna – Part 2

By Education, Makeup Tips and Tricks No Comments

As a professional makeup artist, it’s important to keep expanding your skill-set. The more knowledge you have about makeup, the better (and more inclusive) your services will be!

The best way to broaden your training is with makeup classes. For example, QC Makeup Academy has a program entirely devoted to teaching you about cosmetic and beauty practices from all around the world! As part of this Global Beauty Workshop, you’ll learn all about Henna.

In Part 1 of our look into the art of Henna, we broke down what it is, where it comes from, and its symbolic/historical roots. Importantly, we also took a look at some of the proper (and improper) habits to adopt when incorporating Henna into your makeup business.

Let’s expand on this, and check out a few more ways to properly do Henna – as well as some ‘sins’ you need to avoid!

Do: Make Your Own Henna Products

Unfortunately, it’s very easy to cut corners and purchase the wrong Henna products. The less organic the ingredients are, the worse the quality of the final product will be.

In recent years, it’s become a bit of trend – particularly in Western culture – to buy pre-mixed Henna cones. While this is undoubtedly a bit more convenient, we recommend against doing this. If you buy a pre-made concoction, you’ll have no way of knowing exactly what’s gone into the mixture. Furthermore, you won’t be able to control the ratios, the consistency, or create the ideal cone for application.

Instead, your best bet is to purchase fresh Henna powder, and mix it yourself. Typically, this powder will be mixed with water and oils (such as eucalyptus oil, henna oil, and/or black clove oil). There are also plenty of ways for you to create the Henna cone yourself. This YouTube video, for example, breaks the steps down in an easy-to-follow tutorial.

When researching into where to purchase your Henna powder, make sure to be thorough. There are tons of sellers out there who claim to offer high-quality powder, when in reality, it’s anything but! What you want to look for is a Henna powder that’s marketed as “body art quality”.

This specific type of powder is ground into very fine particles, so that when mixed with water and oils, it turns into a smooth mixture that creates a beautiful finish – without losing its texture and clogging up the opening of your Henna cone.

Pro Tip: If your makeup classes are teaching you how to do Henna tattoos (that is, Henna designs on the skin), make sure to stay away from ‘Neutral Henna’. While good for conditioning hair, it does nothing on the skin and would be a waste of your money!

Don’t: Use Henna Containing Chemical Additives

Much like with other beauty products, when Henna ingredients are all-natural, they’re far less likely to cause any damage to your client’s skin. On the contrary, Henna powder containing harmful chemicals can be a concern.

It’s believed that the greenness of your Henna powder indicates how pure it truly is. If the powder is a strong green hue, it’s supposed to be of higher quality.

The problem is, many scammers have caught onto this fact, and have found a way to create fake (but convincing) alternatives. For instance, they may lace their Henna powder with green dyes in order to replicate the authentic, bright green color.

So, how do you know who to trust when buying your Henna powder?

Do your research! Never purchase any Henna powder whose ingredients aren’t openly listed for you to see. Only buy pure Henna powder that doesn’t contain chemical additives. And when looking into potential sellers, do as thorough of a background check on them as you can!

Read reviews, scour their website, search for them on social media. There are plenty of online chat groups and forums you can look into, where other Henna artists may recommend trusted suppliers.

The bottom line is: never purchase your materials from a supplier unless you’re confident in their product. Using anything less than pure Henna powder can potentially lead to issues down the road with clients, which can seriously damage your professional reputation.

Do: Avoid Black Henna

In order to change Henna from its natural greenness to a dark black color, there are many suppliers who opt to add PPD (para-phenylendiamine) to their powder. Unfortunately, this is a rather powerful chemical sensitizer, and can be seriously dangerous to some people!

Some possible side effects of prolonged exposure of PPD on the skin include:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Redness/swelling
  • General skin irritation
  • Burns
  • Blisters
  • Permanent scarring

Needless to say, you don’t want to risk any of your clients experiencing any of these unwanted reactions! You’re better off avoiding PPD-infused Henna powder altogether. Yes, you may encounter some clients who specifically request black Henna.

However, for the sake of her safety, and the overall safety of your business, we recommend explaining the potential health risks to her, and declining such a service. Worst case scenario, if she refuses to budge, you can always recommend she visit an airbrush tattoo artist instead.

While it may cost you an appointment, it will ensure your client remains safe. Ultimately, this matters more.

Don’t: Prepare at the Last Minute

Your global beauty makeup classes will go into great depth about how to properly mix and create your Henna product. But one thing that’s especially important to stress is that you give yourself enough time to prepare your products before each appointment.

For starters, it may take some trial and error for you to learn what the perfect consistency is for your mixture. On top of that, you need to allow your Henna mixture to sit for at LEAST 6 hours before you can apply it to your client’s skin.

Anything less, and it may not stain the skin properly, have the desired color, or last as long before fading.

To ensure your client gets the best results, let your Henna mixture rest for as long as possible. You can even prepare the mixture for your appointment the day before, and let it sit overnight.

Pro Tip: Want to REALLY be organized? Prepare a large batch of your Henna mixture, and store it in your freezer! It can remain in there for up to six months, without ruining any quality.

Do: A Patch Test

When it comes to Henna tattoos, your makeup classes will ingrain in your head the importance of doing a patch test first. This will help determine whether or not your client’s skin will react well with your Henna mixture.

Could you imagine if you skipped this step, started applying the Henna all over your client’s hand, and she suddenly broke out into a severe allergic reaction? Such negligence could spell the end of your career!

Henna artists find that the inner part of your client’s wrist is the optimal spot to do a patch test. Simply apply a bit of your Henna mixture, and then advise her to keep an eye on it over the days to follow. Specifically, she needs to note if she experiences any irritation, swelling, or redness.

This is also a perfect opportunity for her to get a real feel for what she can expect from a full Henna application! Let her know what to expect in terms of the color changes the Henna will undergo over the next few days. She may find that the final result is exactly what she was expecting! Alternately, she may discover that it’s different than she originally thought it’d be.

All of this is why a patch test is so crucial! Ideally, you’ll want to perform it during the initial consultation. It’s best for you and your client to know as early on as possible whether you can provide the service she’s looking for. Neither of you want any unwanted surprises on the day of the appointment!

Interested in discovering other ways that global beauty makeup classes will help strengthen your career? Check out this article for 3 more awesome reasons!

Ready to diversify your techniques and open up your services to an even larger clientele? Enroll in QC’s leading online Global Beauty Workshop today! 

Industry Spotlight: Eve Pearl

By Education, Makeup Reviews No Comments

As a makeup student, you understand that there will always be more for you to learn. Beyond the expert training you receive as part of your professional courses, another fundamental aspect to understanding the craft is to obtain “real world” learning, too!

One fantastic way to do this is by studying the various pioneers that have shaped – and continue to shape – the beauty industry! By observing their makeup theories, philosophies, and business practices, you can better understand:

  • Makeup, in a way you may never have considered before
  • How these pioneers have influenced the cosmetic world
  • Different makeup trends, techniques, applications, and styles
  • Ground-breaking beauty and skincare knowledge
  • The complexity of different beauty products, and how to properly use them
  • How to start and maintain your own makeup business
  • How to network, as advised by legitimate experts
  • And so much more!

Note: If you’d like to revisit the previous installments of our “Makeup Artists to Follow” series, Part One can be found here, while Part Two can be found here.

Today, we’re taking a look at the one and only: Eve Pearl. Let’s delve in, and see exactly why Eve is regarded as one of the most revered leaders of the makeup world!

Meet Eve Pearl

With over two decades of experience in the cosmetic industry, Eve Pearl is a beauty innovator and professional MUA for film, television, theater, and print. A 9-time Emmy Award Nominee, Eve has been awarded with a whopping 5 Emmys for her work as a makeup artist on The View!

Her resume is truly an extensive one! Other notable programs she’s been involved with include Good Morning America, NBC’s The Today Show, and even The Academy Awards! Chances are, you’ve seen her work in the past, without even realizing she was the master behind it. She’s even done makeup for the Obamas! Whoah!

In addition to being a makeup artist, Eve has focused her talents towards educating others as well. In 2004, she wrote her very first book, entitled, “Plastic Surgery without the Surgery, The Miracle of Makeup Techniques”.

An empowering manifesto aimed towards women, Eve explores the societal pressures women face, how many turn to plastic surgery as a result, and how makeup can be a transformative tool used as a non-invasive substitute!

I wanted to share with others what I have discovered over the past fifteen years working as a makeup artist. Of the many people whom I have helped get ready for the camera, all have said one thing consistently: "I didn't know makeup could do that!"

They were amazed at the power of certain techniques to transform their faces, their eyes, their brows, their noses, their lips, and other aspects of their bodies …

Makeup not only lets you hold on to the part of yourself that your unique face represents, but also gives you the power to discover all the people you want to be. Let makeup be your magic wand!

Eve Pearl“Plastic Surgery without the Surgery, The Miracle of Makeup Techniques”

If there’s one thing we LOVE, it’s promoting self-love and acceptance. So, when it comes to Eve Pearl and her positive principles, we are 100% here for this incredible message!

EVE PEARLÂŽ Beauty Brands

You may be reading this and thinking to yourself, “I feel like I’ve heard this name before…”

Well, if you’ve watched QC’s Color Correcting Webinar (hosted by executive tutor and celebrity MUA, Nathan Johnson), then you definitely have! In particular, you probably recall Nathan endorsing Eve’s Dual Salmon Concealer.

Trust us: if you’ve ever used it, you know exactly why Nathan promises this to be a holy grail color correcting product in any makeup artist’s kit!

Indeed, Eve’s cosmetic line, EVE PEARL® Beauty Brands, is a game-changer. Multifaceted, these makeup and skincare products are great for ANY skin tone, gender, and age. For instance, nearly all of the foundation products offer a range starting from ‘Fair’, all the way to ‘Deep’ (or in some cases, ‘Deep 2’). We love how inclusive these products are!

Another thing we love is how there are endless varieties of pigments to choose from (both subtle and bold), especially for the eye makeup and lip products!

On top of makeup products, EVE PEARLÂŽ Beauty Brands also comes with its own skincare line, too. As a makeup student, you know full-well that behind every good makeup application needs to be an even greater skincare routine!

Happy, healthy skin is the ideal canvass for any makeup product!

Admittedly, Eve’s brand is a little pricier than the ones you’d find in your local drugstore. But one thing you’ll find is that many of the products come in palettes, full kits, and/or have dual-functioning uses. For the quantity AND quality of the products you receive, it proves to be well worth the investment!

Eve’s Pearls of Wisdom

First off, can we all appreciate how brilliant of a pun this is?

In terms of business websites in general, Eve’s is a great example of one to look up to. There’s a distinct color pattern, a solid branding, every bit of information you could possibly ask for, and so much more!

But one thing that we feel makes Eve’s site stand out is the section entitled, “Eve’s Pearls of Wisdom”. Because as we mentioned at the beginning, professional courses will teach a makeup student the foundation of makeup knowledge. They’ll educate you from the ground up; refine your skills, and elevate them to a professional level.

Once you have that under your belt, real-world tips from industry pros become THAT much more beneficial! And this is exactly what Eve’s Pearls of Wisdom offers: real-world tips that you can add in addition to your current knowledge, and harness in order to take your makeup artistry skills to the next level.

Here, Eve weighs in on the following topics:

On a separate part of her website, she also provides additional makeup tips, such as tips and skin remedies, video tutorials, and before/after transformations!

Whether you’re a makeup student, a professional MUA, or just a lover of all things makeup – one does not simply not know who Eve Pearl is! (Bonus points if you catch this reference.)

A pioneer of the cosmetic world, Eve Pearl has worked hard to leave her mark on the industry. Truly, she is the embodiment of what any aspiring makeup artist can hope to achieve in their career.

What’s more: she is proof that with passion, devotion, and proper makeup knowledge, the sky is the limit in terms of how high you can soar!

Ready to start YOUR journey to becoming a future makeup industry leader? Enroll today in QC’s leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course, and earn your professional certification!

Student Feature: Caroline Edwards

By Education, Graduate Feature No Comments

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

Hi everyone, my name is Caroline! I’m 46 years old, with 4 children and 6 grandchildren. Before makeup came into my life, I worked in a special needs school. I adored it, and only left because my own child became chronically ill.

I love spending time with my family, friends, and generally having a giggle. Truth be told, you’ll often find me hanging out in my makeup room during my spare time. I eat, sleep, and breathe makeup!

Why did you decide to become a professional makeup artist?

I found makeup during a very dark time in my life. Struggling to accept my child’s illness, and that fact that he could no longer be able to go to school, I became very isolated. One day, however, an advert popped up on my news feed about becoming a makeup artist.

I’ve always loved makeup, but I never considered it a potential career for myself until that moment. So, I decided I would take the class for myself. No one could have foreseen how this journey would ultimately save me and help me grow. It’s absolutely the reason why I’ve gotten to where I am now!

Despite still being a makeup artist student, you already have your own successful MUA business. Can you tell us a little about its history, and the kind of professional services you offer clients?

I started building my bridal business last year. I figured, why not just bite the bullet?

I began by putting my name out there, which led to a position within the most beautiful salon. My coworkers there knew of my aspirations to open up my own business. They really supported me and encouraged me to go for it!

I’ve taken part in a lot of bridal photoshoots, in order to network with other suppliers and gain some professional images for my website. In addition to doing makeup, my business also offers skincare advice and makeup lessons (group sessions and/or 1-on-1s). I’ve slowly started adding hair-related services, too.

I just love to share my knowledge and help others!

You’ve been super busy lately working as a makeup artist for a feature film. WOW, that’s truly amazing (congrats are in order!). How did you land this job? What’s the experience been like?

This opportunity came to me after I’d connected with another makeup artist. We clicked straight away, and she has become a very dear friend. She was working on a film at the time, and after chatting for a while, she offered me a place on her team.

It’s been the most incredible, wonderful experience! The cast and crew are absolutely amazing. We’ve all become a little family unit. What started out as 1 day of work experience has turned into an ongoing job for me! It’s now been 10 months since I joined this film crew. I feel very blessed.

You look to have done your fair share of regular makeup, SFX makeup, bridal makeup, and even editorial makeup (for ELEGANT magazine). Of all these different categories, do you have a favorite one?

That’s hard! I adore every aspect of makeup. I think my favorite style, though, is red carpet glam.

That being said, I adore editorial makeup and photoshoots. Nothing can ever take away that feeling of seeing your work published!

You’re enrolled in Nathan’s Master Makeup Artistry course, and are currently killing it with an A average! How are you finding the program so far? (E.g. The tutor interaction, videos, course texts, assignments, student support, etc.)

I don’t have enough words to say how wonderful QC Makeup Academy is. Nathan is extraordinary! He’s honest, but never cruel. You always know that everything he tells you is coming from the heart.

If you want to learn and improve as an artist, you need to be able to take constructive criticism. It’s not harsh, nor is it meant to upset you. It’s merely to help train your eye and keep pushing you.

My whole experience has been nothing but a pleasure. The videos are clear to understand, and in addition to looking beautiful, the text books are full of all the information you need! I found the assignments to be very detailed.

There are quite a lot of them, so you must work hard to be able to learn. But you WILL learn, and gain all the tools you need to do this job professionally!

It’s also worth noting that my fellow students are simply awesome. The student-run support group on Facebook has been life-changing. There’s a very real sense of family community within QC, whether it’s between the students, or extended from the staff. I love that!

What made you want to enroll in QC’s Portfolio Development Workshop? What specifically do you hope to learn and take away from it?

I thought it would come in handy to understand how to organize photoshoots and develop my business portfolio. After all, without a decent portfolio, how can I properly showcase my work?

Why did you enroll in online makeup courses instead of offline?

It would be impossible for me to attend in-person classes with all my personal commitments! So physical makeup school wasn’t an option. After that, I turned my focus to online schools.

I had initially done a few online courses elsewhere, but they really didn’t teach me much. After that, I researched some online makeup schools, and QC Makeup Academy jumped out at me. The deal was sealed from that point on!

Is there a particular technique you’re still working to improve?

I’m always working on my skills! But for me, blush and lips are things I want to take to the next level.

Name your Holy Grail product that ALL makeup artists should have (and why)!

I don’t have just 1 product. But I AM in love with the brand, Charlotte Tilbury. In my experience, her product line works beautifully for bridal makeup. They’re also just as awesome for editorial looks, too, since they show up so well on camera. I couldn’t be without her products!

Maximize your time at home by earning your professional makeup artist certification! Enroll today in QC’s leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course!

Maximize Your Time at Home by Getting Your Makeup Artist Certification!

By Education, Your Makeup Career No Comments

We’re not going to sugar coat it: things have been rough lately. The world over is stressed and anxious about the COVID-19 crisis, and rightly so. The majority of us have been advised to stay home and help ‘flatten the curve’ by practicing social distancing. At the current moment, it’s up in the air how long this new way of life is going to last.

But I’m going to let you in on a little secret: while this situation does suck, it also presents you with a very unique and special opportunity.

We’re willing to bet that you’re crazy about makeup. (Why else would you be reading this?) Chances are, it’s your passion. You probably entertain dreams of turning it into a career. But regular life can sometimes have a way of postponing our dreams – especially when we allow it to.

If you’re spending your day at home, you probably finally have the time, the privacy, and the freedom to take this leap. You can start the path towards a bright, exciting future. You can devote your life to makeup artistry, and when this is all over, get paid to do what you love!

How can you do this? Simple: use your time at home right now to earn your makeup artist certification!

Maximize Time At Home With Makeup Artist Certification Blog - Makeup on Pink Table

Online makeup school is the best (and safest) option!

To earn any sort of professional qualifications as an MUA, you’re going to need to get your education. However, in-person makeup classes aren’t exactly an option right now. For starters, most brick-and-mortar schools are closed. But secondly, even if they were open, it’s not exactly a safe environment with adequate social distancing.

You’d need to travel to and from the school, be in a room full of other people, and (worst of all) touch your models’ faces. These are all things that will increase your chances of getting exposed to the virus, or other unwanted germs. It poses too much of a threat! There’s no way you could guarantee your safety, or the safety of others.

Online makeup school, however, eliminates ALL of these risks! Even before the COVID-19 crisis, more and more makeup artistry schooling has been moving to an online platform. It provides aspiring MUAs with the exact same quality of education (in some ways, even better). The main difference is, online schooling can be done without ever leaving your home.

Over the years, it’s become an increasingly popular option for students wishing to learn the craft at a professional level (and we’ll touch on the reasons why in a moment). But right now, it’s the only option. For the time being, online makeup school is the only way you can receive expert, reputable training – WITHOUT putting your health in danger!

It’s good for your mental health!

Not only can you utilize online makeup school to make your future career goals come true, it can also benefit you during the present pandemic. The combination of stress, fear, limited social interaction, and home isolation can make for a pretty negative cocktail of emotions. For many of us, the quality of our mental health has been (or will be) impacted.

It’s easier to spiral downward when you don’t have anything positive to keep your brain occupied. If you don’t something good to look forward to or focus on, it’s going to be all too easy to fall into a depression.

Finding ways to decrease your stress will help improve your mental health. From ‘you’ time, to establishing a routine, to limited screen time – it will require a conscious effort, but the rewards will be well worth it. Education is another excellent coping strategy! It keeps your mind sharp, maximizes your time at home, AND betters your mood!

Makeup model apply blush on cheeks: getting your makeup artist certification article

Online makeup school is convenient!

If you were attending in-person makeup classes, you’d currently be SOL until the pandemic is over. You might even lose a semester of tuition and have to delay your training until next year! But online makeup school allows you to pursue your schooling, uninterrupted, all from the comfort of your own home! Whether you feel like chilling in the living room, lounging in bed, or setting up a home office, you can do your schoolwork wherever you please!

(You can even do it in the bathroom. Hey, we won’t judge!)

Another great benefit of online makeup school is that there many provide no deadlines or timelines to adhere to. You never need to worry about your education conflicting with your personal schedule.

Pro tip: Just keep in mind that this level of freedom can make it easy to procrastinate. Try not to leave everything to the last minute! Create a realistic schedule for yourself that will allow you to regularly focus on your studies. This way, you can stay on track.

Many of QC’s students and grads found that by simply devoting 1-2 hours per week on their course work, they were able to graduate in as little as 3-6 months. This is more than doable for most lifestyles!

If you’re curious about more ways to maximize your makeup education and practice while at home, check out these 4 incredible tips by QC’s executive tutor, Nathan Johnson!

It’s easily affordable, even during a pandemic!

We get it: a lot of people are unfortunately unable to work right now. For some, money might be tight. Don’t let this scare you away from following your dreams, though! With proper research, you’ll find that many accredited online makeup schools are more than affordable.

Mobile video of professional makeup artist applying makeup on model

In general, online school will almost always be cheaper than brick-and-mortar schools. This is because things are done electronically. There’s no physical campus incurring fees or maintenance costs. If you want to get your makeup artist certification, but don’t want to worry about going broke in the process, online schooling offers the same quality level of education at a fraction of the price!

For the amount of course materials, makeup products, expert training, and ongoing perks received, students find that they get a LOT for such a reasonable price!

Online makeup school will prepare you for a life-long career in the industry!

Is it really possible to get the same level of training from an online makeup school as you would at an in-person institution? This is a common question, and the answer is a resounding YES!

Not only are you taught by professional makeup experts (who work in the field themselves), you’re also provided with high-quality products to aid in your learning experience.

In addition, this learning experience is a lot more individually focused. Because each lesson is geared specifically towards YOU, without other students to focus on as well, you’ll find that you’ll absorb way more info than you would in a physical setting.

For a deeper breakdown of how online makeup schooling compares to in-person classes, feel free to keep reading here!

In general, makeup schooling is a necessity for anyone wishing to turn it into a career. Not only does it make you a better artist in general, it will help you stand out from the competition, too!

If you have little to no experience, makeup foundation courses will teach you from the ground up. Once you’re at a more advanced level, specialty programs help broaden your skill-set, and strengthen your resume with further certifications.

Photo of professional makeup artist's hand applying eyeshadow to model

For instance, once you earn your makeup artist certification, you can always build on your qualifications by adding additional training in any of the following areas:

If you one day want to run your own company, a makeup business course would do you wonders. Or say you already have your own business and wish to expand your services. Certifications in Hair Styling, Fashion Styling, and/or Skincare Consulting would take your career to the next level!

(The best part? A LOT of these services can be done remotely, so you can still work, pandemic or no pandemic!)

Pursuing your goals of becoming a professional MUA is one of the single greatest things you can do for yourself, especially now. In a time when it feels like everything’s so crazy and chaotic, it’s important that you take charge of the things that are still in your control. Part of the challenge right now is perspective; focusing, wherever possible, on the positive.

It’s still there, even if it may feel difficult to see. You may just need to push yourself a bit harder than normal, that’s all. The thing is, you’re stronger than you realize. We believe in you. You can totally do this!

Maximize Time At Home With Makeup Artist Certification Blog - Woman Making Heart Shape with Hands

Keeping reading to find out why QC Makeup Academy is the perfect online makeup school to help you earn your makeup artist certification!

4 Ways to Keep Up Your Makeup Practice at Home

By Education, From the Experts, Your Makeup Career 2 Comments

We are in the midst of a pandemic – the likes of which, we’ve never experienced before in our lifetime. With so many people quarantined, most of the world is now locked down and/or practicing social distancing.

While it feels like everyone is terrified of the slightest cough or sniffle, it could seem like the worst time to make progress with your education and makeup artist certification.

But this could not be farther from the truth! With a positive attitude and a few helpful suggestions, you’ll be ready to continue practicing your makeup artistry immediately. In fact, when all of this is said and done, you could realistically come out way AHEAD of where you presently are!

4 Ways to Keep Up Makeup Practice At Home Blog - Makeup Palette and Brushes on Table

The first thing I cannot stress enough is: do not look for models! Yes, working on different skin types, tones, etc. can have a profound impact on your growth and knowledge as a makeup artist. But right now, it’s simply not safe to do that.

The time will come when we can practice on others again. When it does, I’ll push you to do so. For now, though, it’s important keep yourself and others safe. So here are a few things you can do instead…

1. Take advantage of your circumstances

If you live with others, you have models you can practice on right there! (So long as they’re already in your immediate living environment, of course.) In some cases, it may be unconventional, but you can practice your makeup skills on your spouses, partners, roommates, parents, and children.

Remember: A face is a face! So even if the person you are confined with is a man, you still have a great palette to work on. Yes, you may have to do some bartering to convince them to be your model. But with a little determination, you can pull it off!

2. Work on yourself

Working on yourself can be beneficial, if you do it correctly. Don’t just sit down and do your makeup. Instead, choose which techniques you want to master, and then put dedicated effort into doing it. Repetition is key, so practice again and again!

Take photos, with your eyes open and closed. Study the photos with the eye of an art critic. Do your best to look at your work objectively, so you can see where improvements can be made.

4 Ways to Keep Up Makeup Practice At Home Blog - Woman Applying Makeup in Mirror

3. Work on face charts

At first suggestion, this may seem absurd, but hear me out! If you can master perfect eyeliners, brows, drop shadows, lip liners, and shadow placement on a piece of paper, it will translate to the face. Training both the hand and the mind will translate to every medium you work in. If you have a makeup dummy head, you can practice your techniques on that as well.

Now, let me clarify: mastering makeup artistry means that every aspect is crisp, clean, symmetrical, and precise. If you hold yourself to an incredibly high standard, you’ll see it transform your skill-set.

4. Follow your makeup artistry checklist

When working on a face chart or a makeup dummy head, mastering each element of the checklist below will help ensure that your time spent actually advances your craft…

Eyeliner Checklist

  • Does the eyeliner on both eyes have exactly the same thickness on each side, every step of the way?
  • Do any wings or cats go at exactly the same angle?
  • Are any wings or cats exactly the same length?
  • Are any wings or cats smooth and crisp?

Make sure to practice ALL of the different eyeliner variations taught in Unit B of your Master Makeup Artistry Course. These different eyeliner styles are:

  1. Natural liner
  2. Wedge liner
  3. Drop shadow
  4. Wraparound liner
  5. Tightlining
  6. Cat-eye liner and winged liner
  7. Lining the lower waterline, and
  8. Lower liner
Makeup artist applying eyeliner to model - makeup artist practice article

Brow Checklist

  • Are both eyebrows symmetrical?
  • Were they done with perfect, hair-like strokes?
  • Do the strokes follow the direction of natural hair growth?
  • Do the brows follow the classic shape?

Make sure to practice all 3 types of brows (classic, thin, and natural), also taught to you within Unit B of the MMA Course!

Lip Liner Checklist

  • Are both sides perfectly symmetrical on the upper and lower lip?
  • Are the upper and lower lip balanced?
  • Is the liner smooth and crisp? 
  • Is the liner exactly the same thickness all the way around?

Eyeshadow Checklist

  • Is the eyeshadow exactly the same on both eyes, every step of the way? (This includes placement, thickness, etc.)
  • Does the shadow go up at a flattering angle at the outer corner of each eye?
  • Is the angle symmetrical on each side?

Make sure to practice each step of applying eyeshadow individually, then practice combining them in different variations!

Blue eye makeup with flowers - makeup artist practice article

What makes us grow the most as artists is practice. So make the most of this time, and all the ways in which you can improve your art!

When working on yourself, a housemate, or a makeup dummy, you’ll use real make up. If you’re practicing on a face chart, you may instead choose to use other (but similar) products. A fine sharpie, an art pen’s with various brush tips, chalk, charcoals, and colored pencils all work well.

Remember: No matter which form(s) of practice you choose, always make sure that you practice meticulous hygiene. It’s more important now than ever.

Covid-19 is here, whether we like it or not. Why not make the most of the time you have, and work towards changing your life for the better? That way, you can be best prepared once this passes – and rest assured, it WILL pass.

These are hard times. People will want to feel their best when things get better and life returns to normal. With the proper training and practice, you’ll be there to make that happen!

On March 26th, we will be doing a very special webinar that will focus on maximizing home learning. We’ll cover all these topics, as well as answer all of your questions. Stay tuned for the announcement and be sure to tune in!

It’ll be fun! We can share a bit of love and connect withing our amazing community. There will even be some very special downloads available for you!

I’m sending you love from the entire QC family. It’s time that we really come together as one race – the human race – and remember that we’re all in this together.

You matter. You are loved. And we are here for you, now and always.

Woman making a heart shape with hands - makeup artist practice article

Maximize your time at home by earning your professional makeup artist certification! Enroll today in the leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course!

How to Get the Most of Your Online Makeup Training While Socially Distancing

By Education, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Over the past week, the hashtag #FlattenTheCurve has gone viral. In an effort to contain the novel coronavirus COVID-19, people everywhere are being urged to stay at home and limit contact with others.

For those of you studying makeup artistry with an online school, your first thought might be: If I can’t be around other people, how can I get the most out of my education? Don’t I NEED to demonstrate my skills on models for my video assignments?

We have great news, though: just because you’re socially distancing right now, doesn’t mean you can’t still get the most out of your online makeup training and learn how to do makeup properly!

Tips for Maximizing Your Studies While Stuck at Home

1. Review Your Course Materials

For starters, once you’ve received your online makeup course materials, take the time to go through everything. See what awesome makeup products you’ve been given in your kit. Browse through each Unit and its corresponding materials to see how much information each Unit will be teaching.

We’re not saying you need to devote hours to this. After all, you’ll get way more thorough when the time comes that you’re actually working through the course. The goal with this step is for you to get an idea of how much work you can expect to be involved with each Unit, and the course as a whole.

2. Make a Schedule

Maybe recent events have left you at home with a LOT of free time on your hands. Maybe you’re still able to work remotely, have children to take care of, or are otherwise still pretty busy. Either way, you’ll have the best chance to excel at your coursework if you ensure to schedule specific times where you can give it your full attention.

If you’ve already taken the time to go over your course materials, as suggested in Tip #1, then you should already have a good idea of the amount of time you’ll need to devote to each Unit. You can then build on this by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have a goal date for when you’d like to have the entire program completed?
  • With your current schedule and daily responsibilities, how much time do you realistically think you can spend on your schoolwork each week?
  • From there, are you able to reserve a certain amount of time each day for your schoolwork? If not, how many days per week could you devote to your studies?

Once you’ve figured out the answers to these questions, you can create your school schedule. Determine when and how often you can realistically focus on your course. Give yourself deadlines for quizzes and assignments. Set due dates for when you’d like to have a given Unit finished and submitted.

The nice thing about online makeup school is that you can learn how to do makeup entirely at your OWN pace. You can put together a regular routine that allows you to healthily balance your course with the rest of your life and responsibilities.

Remember! You don’t have to spend tons of time on your course!  If you devote only 1-2 hours per week to your studies, you can graduate from most QC courses within 3-6 months. That’s totally doable for most lifestyles!

3. Stick to Your Schedule

One fatal flaw that so many of us are guilty of is having all the right intentions and drive to get something done… only to lose that willpower and start slacking once our game plan has been put into place.

The downside to having so much freedom with online makeup school is that it becomes all too easy to procrastinate and push everything off to the last minute. As a makeup artist, you need to be self-disciplined and organized. This is especially the case if you have dreams of running your own MUA business.

The habits you establish now, as you work on your training and education, will formulate the makeup artist you’ll eventually be in the working world. You don’t want to give yourself any disadvantages by creating bad habits from the get-go!

Let us be clear: we totally understand that life doesn’t always go as planned. Things can get crazy and unpredictable sometimes. There may be instances where you aren’t able to abide by your schedule. Maybe sometimes, you’ll do more schoolwork in a given week. Maybe other times, you’ll do less.

That’s okay! So long as you keep yourself focused and start fresh the next day, we know you’ll be just fine!

4. Practice on Yourself

Yes, it’s normally encouraged that you practice your makeup skills as much as possible on someone else. This is because, as a professional makeup artist, you need to learn how to do makeup on different skin types, tones, ages, etc.

You need to gain experience working with different gender, skin conditions, and the like. If you only ever practice on yourself, you’re only getting good at putting makeup on ONE face.

Here’s the thing: right now, it isn’t exactly safe to be coming into close contact with others. For their safety, as well as your own, you definitely don’t want to be putting your hands all over other peoples’ faces.

But that doesn’t have to be as damning to your makeup education as you may think it is! It’s important to remember that while things are a little upside down in the world right now, we’re going to make it through this.

These hard times are temporary, and the time will eventually come where you’ll be able to practice as much as you want on other people.

In the meantime, you still CAN learn how to do makeup by practising solely on yourself. On top of practicing the looks and techniques being taught in your course, don’t be afraid to get creative! Play around with your products and try out as many looks as you can think of on your face.

Hey, you’re in the comfort of your own home – use it to your advantage!

5. Find Additional Ways to Get Inspired

Don’t forget either: in addition to practicing your application skills on yourself, you’re also learning a lot of other makeup essentials from your tutor. Your textbooks and course videos will educate you in things such as makeup theory and various techniques. Not only will you be reading about them; you’ll also get to also see them in action.

This lays down the fundamental groundwork that ALL makeup artists need to know if they want to not only learn how to do makeup, but do so at a professional level.

On top of this, you can soak up all sorts of wonderful, educational information through social media and other media content! Watch YouTube tutorials, browse Pinterest and Instagram. Curl up on the couch and check out the show, “Glow Up”, on Netflix. The Internet opens up a whole other world of possibilities for you to learn and get inspired!

Something else you can do is take a notebook and a pen, and brainstorm all the things you want to accomplish in your makeup career. Here are just a few questions you can consider:

  • Do I want to start my own freelance makeup business, or work in a salon?
  • If I want to start my own business, what could I potentially name it?
  • What types of makeup artistry do I want to learn (either currently, or down the road)?
  • What sort of marketing could I do?
  • Do I want to have a unique niche? If so, what could that be?
  • Do I gravitate more towards certain areas of makeup artistry (e.g. bridal makeup, editorial makeup, SFX makeup, airbrush makeup, etc.), or do I want to focus equally on as many areas as I can?
  • Are there any other services – such as hair styling, skincare consulting, or fashion consulting – that I’d want to add to my business, in addition to makeup?

Trust us: even just ONE of these questions alone could give you hours of ideas!

More than anything, what we want you to take away from this is that just because you’re being advised to socially distance yourself and stay home for the time being, it doesn’t mean that your makeup studies have to suffer in any way! By knowing where and how to focus your energy and thirst for knowledge, you can still learn how to do makeup AND make the most out of your course!

Want to make the most of your time at home? Enroll today in QC’s leading Master Makeup Artistry Course, and earn your certification as a professional MUA!

Why a Business Class is Essential to Your Makeup Career [video]

By Education, From the Experts, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Devyn Gregorio is a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador. You can find her on her YouTube Channel, DevDevGregs, where she makes beauty videos. Today, Devyn draws on her personal experience as a QC Graduate to share why taking the optional Business Unit is something all aspiring makeup artists REALLY need to do, as part of their makeup artist certification!

Watch her video below!

Let’s Recap

Devyn is a graduate of QC’s leading Master Makeup Artistry course, taught by professional celebrity MUA, Nathan Johnson. Within the program, there’s an optional unit at the end (Unit G) devoted entirely to the business side of the industry.

While students aren’t required to complete this business unit as part of their makeup artist certification, it IS strongly recommended. Business knowledge is particularly critical if you have dreams of starting your own freelance career and makeup business in the future!

Let’s take a look at what Devyn’s experience was with QC’s business unit, and why she – as a professional makeup artist – urges you to take full advantage of it!

Breaking Down the Master Makeup Artistry Course

Devyn begins by giving an overview of how QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course works. There are 6 units within the course (A through F). Not only do these units break down the fundamental basics of makeup artistry, they also teach you makeup theory, core practices, various techniques, and the different types of careers you can get with your makeup artist certification.

There are also business components included within the course. While it’s technically optional (students can choose to skip past it), the materials and insight they provide you will only better prepare you for a career as a professional MUA. You can never go wrong with learning more areas of the industry!

Breaking Down the Business Units

Next, Devyn takes a look at each individual business unit offered in the Master Makeup Artistry Course. She also shares her expertise on why each one is useful to those wanting to become a professional makeup artist.

Business Unit #1

This unit is called “Starting Your Own Business”. Devyn describes it as a “crash course” of all the general information you need when wanting to start your own business – whether that’s in the makeup field, or ANY field!

Here, you learn all the different types of businesses you can start, such as:

  • A corporation
  • An LLC
  • Becoming a sole proprietor
  • Starting a partnership
  • And much more!

Even if you don’t want to start your own business, and are aiming to contract yourself out as a freelance MUA, Devyn explains how it’s still just as beneficial to understand the business side of things. After all, there’s more than likely going to be some sort of contract or negotiation involved when conducting business! Otherwise, for example, how can you ensure that you’ll get paid correctly or as agreed upon?

How Devyn Benefited From This Business Unit

She reflects on her experience with this unit as being very helpful in arming her with a general understanding of becoming an entrepreneur. In addition, this unit also delves into important topics such as:

  • Taxes
  • Whether or not your business needs insurance
  • If you’ll need an accountant, a bookkeeper, etc.
  • How to write and structure a business plan
  • How to write a cover letter
  • Creating a balance sheet and managing your finances
  • And more!

These are all good, basic principles of general business practice. As an aspiring MUA, having this level of understanding before going out into the working world will increase your chances of success. While this may not always be the most fun part of the job, the rewards it will bring you will definitely be something to smile about!

“This is the kind of stuff that nobody teaches to you!” Devyn says. We couldn’t agree more! While good makeup schools will ensure to provide this type of education, unfortunately, there are also many schools that don’t.

The result is that while students may walk away a better makeup artist, they lack the necessary tools and skills needed to start up their own business. Not knowing this can really hurt your career opportunities in the future!

Business Unit #2

The second business unit is called, “Marketing and Promotion”. For Devyn, this unit was particularly fun! It takes you through the 4 P’s of Marketing, which are:

  1. Product – what the product or service is that you want to sell to clients.
  2. Pricing – figuring out what to charge for your services.
  3. Place – where and how you intend to sell your services.
  4. Promotion – how you plan to get your name out there to clients.

As you’re marketing a service or product, these four areas will serve as your to-do checklist! Each step will help walk you through the process of properly and effectively marketing your product/services.

Next, Devyn examines each of the 4 P’s in more detail: what they all mean, how they directly relate to being a makeup artist, and how utilizing each one will help you successfully establish your makeup business!

Business Unit #3

Devyn then moves onto the third business section in the course, which is “Working with Clients”.  However, this unit doesn’t just focus on clients! You are also taught how to work with other partners, suppliers, and business associates within the industry!

Here, Devyn brings up a really excellent point: in order for your makeup business to be successful, you’re going to need to interact with people… and know how to do that well!

Indeed, as an MUA, you’re going to require some pretty strong people skills. Your job, after all, is an industry service profession. You need to be someone who’s easy to work with. More importantly, no client is going to want to book someone who makes them feel uncomfortable!

This is why knowing how to present yourself in a professional manner is so important. This business unit not only covers this topic, but also:

  • How to stay organized
  • How to manage your book of business

Devyn also touches on the sales training offered in this unit! For those with little to no business knowledge, this section is going to be critical. Some of the different areas of sales training you receive in this Unit involves:

  • How to overcome objections
  • How to tell the difference between a warm and cold lead
  • How to warm up a cold lead

Some of you may read the above and have NO idea what these terms mean. That’s okay! But it also goes to show the type of crucial knowledge this business unit will teach you. Having any type of sales training is going to do leaps and bounds for your MUA career – so why not take advantage of it when it’s being offered to you?

How Devyn benefitted from this Business Unit

Not only did she benefit from all the great information already mentioned above, but the various templates offered in this unit particularly helped her. In fact, she admits that she still uses many of them in her business practices to this day (particularly with bridal clients)!

Some of the templates you can expect to see are:

  • Sample invoices
  • Sample contracts
  • Sample e-mail templates
  • And so much more!

Having these templates at your disposal will not only help you learn – it also guarantees that you will look more professional to your clients and associates! The great thing about these templates that are a part of your course is that you can save them forever, and refer back to them whenever needed.

Business Unit #4

The final section is called “Special Topics”. It focuses primarily on the different things you should think about and consider when starting your own business and breaking into the makeup artistry industry. One example of this is the importance of networking!

How will you go about meeting other MUAs in the industry? What about models, photographer, hair stylists, and other vendors/suppliers? What if you want to be represented by an agency? More importantly, how do you plan to connect with clients?

With limited business knowledge, this challenge can be a daunting one. But with the proper training and understanding of the business side of the industry, it doesn’t have to be!

Devyn also points out how, when first starting out, you may need to get creative about where and how you find work, in order to build your portfolio. This final business unit also covers this, and provides really awesome tips!

Devyn’s final thoughts

Like many of you, Devyn admits that she, too, is still working on building her business each and every day. Whether that’s furthering her education, making more connections in the industry, growing her YouTube channel, or doing whatever she possibly can to improve herself as an MUA… Devyn knows the time and hard work it takes to be successful in the world of makeup artistry!

Like you, she intends to give it her all! The important thing is that you put in the effort to do everything you possibly can to be the best you can be. As a makeup artist, having a solid understanding of the business side of things is one of the greatest ways you can do that.

Unsure which online makeup school will give you the best chance at being successful in the industry? Find out why QC Makeup Academy can best help you earn your makeup artist certification and find work in the real world!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Henna – Part 1

By Education, Makeup Tips and Tricks No Comments

Online makeup classes can teach you a LOT more than just your standard makeup practices! As part of QC’s Global Beauty makeup workshop, you’ll explore other cultures and international makeup techniques to expand your skill set. One such practice you’ll become an expert at is the art of Henna.

Here, we’ll take a brief look at what Henna is, and where it comes from. Importantly, you’ll learn a handful of good habits you should adopt when doing Henna, as well as bad habits you need to avoid.

What is Henna?

Henna ‘tattoos’ are made from the dye of the natural henna plant, applied in intricate designs on the skin using a small piping bag and cone. It’s typically made by mixing pure henna powder with a liquid component, such as tea, lemon juice, or water.

Once applied, but before the Henna paste has dried, a mixture of lemon and sugar will also need to be added to it. This will keep it from flaking off too soon. After a few hours, the color settles into the top layers of your skin, leaving a “tattoo” once the paste is removed. The result will usually be brown in color at the beginning, before changing to red pigment, which will eventually fade.

While Henna tattoos can be applied anywhere on the skin, it’s most common seen on a person’s arms, hands, and/or fingers.

Where does it come from?

There are a many different cultural ties to the art of Henna tattoos. Originally, historians claim that it first became popular among those living in warmer climates, thanks to its natural cooling properties on the skin. Due to the beautiful stain it would leave behind, it eventually transformed from a cooling aid and topical treatment, to a beauty practice.

Some examples of where Henna’s historical and cultural roots can be found are:

  • The Pharaohs of ancient Egypt
  • Muslim and Hindu weddings
  • Festivals such as the Diwali, Vat Purnima, Karva Chauth, and Teej monsoon celebrations

Henna tattoos rose in popular throughout North America and Western Europe in the 1990s. Today, they are a global and very common beauty practice. In addition to religious and cultural purposes, Henna is also commonly used today for aesthetic expression.

Henna practices: what to do versus what not to do

As a professional makeup artist, if you wish to incorporate Henna into your business services, there are certain things you’ll need to do in order to be a good Henna tattoo artist. Similarly, there are a number of Henna sins you’ll want to make sure you never commit. Let’s take a deeper look at those…

DO: Thorough research

Just like with the art of makeup, you can’t expect to be good at what you do if you don’t take the time to properly learn about it. But we’re willing to bet you love to learn! So research the practice of Henna; read as much as you can, and absorb everything possible.

Look deeper into its different cultural backgrounds and significance. Find out about its different ingredients, and the suppliers involved. Don’t just focus solely on the pros of Henna tattoos – discover any potential cons to the practice as well.

Approach it from a business standpoint, too. What would be required in order to add it to your existing makeup services? What’s the market like in your area for Henna beauty services? What sort of a wage increase could you realistically hope to see by adding this extra service to your business?

While there will ALWAYS be more for you to learn, your goal should always be to strive at becoming an expert in the field. So research and learn everything you can!

DON’T: Neglect proper schooling

A good makeup school will offer online makeup classes that cover Henna, such as in QC’s Global Beauty workshop. Yes, while many Henna artists don’t obtain any actual education, what’s the honest harm in doing so?

You know you’ll be taught properly, by a trained professional who knows what they’re doing. You’ll receive so many incredible resource materials that will help you not only learn Henna inside and out, but start practicing it in a real-world setting.

Plus, actual education from an accredited makeup school and its online makeup classes will equip you with a physical certificate of completion. While certification isn’t required to practice Henna, having this certificate is guaranteed to look better on your resume and seriously impress clients.

On top of expanding your skill set, it signifies your drive, dedication, and hard work. If you’re looking to outshine your competition, this is the sort of thing that WILL do the trick!

DO: Learn (and then practice) various Henna designs

There are many symbolic designs in the world of Henna artistry; many tied to specific cultures. If you wish to be able to provide this sort of Henna art to clients of different cultures, it could prove worthwhile to do your homework and begin learning the different symbols of different geographical locations.

In North America, however, Henna is more abstract and less tied to symbolic meaning. Geometric shapes – such as dots, lines, triangles, etc. – are most commonly used in repetition to create the designs.

FUN FACT: most Henna is free-hand, meaning that there’s no stencilling involved before the application. You’ll need to become knowledgeable and confident do it on the spot. So it’s critical that you first take the time to PRACTICE designs on your own, before ever attempting them on a client. Start by drawing them out on paper.

If it makes things easier, keep a sketchbook entirely devoted to your different Henna practice designs. The more you work at them, the better and more natural you’ll become.

DON’T: Skip practicing with a Henna cone

Drawing your designs on paper alone isn’t enough practice to make you ready to apply actual Henna on a client. This is because using the Henna piping bag and cone is an entirely different process, requiring a deeper level of skill.

Once you’ve become super comfortable with drawing your Henna designs on paper, maybe you can start by tracing over these designs with Henna. Then you can start attempting to free-hand designs with the Henna (but still on paper). After more practice, you can graduate to the next step by finding friends, family, and parts of your own body to work on.

By breaking up the learning process into these steps, it’ll make for a smoother transition from paper to a paying human canvas.

Think the list ends there? Definitely not! There are plenty more useful do’s and don’ts to consider when it comes to which Henna ingredients you use, how to best apply it, and the sort of aftercare practices you need to ensure you take.

Want to learn all about this? Then stay tuned for Part 2 of this Henna crash course, and in the meantime, keep on practicing!

Want to pair your Henna training with a full-scale makeup course? Enroll today in QC’s leading Master Makeup Artistry course, and get your Global Beauty Workshop at 50% off!