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Sarah Seguin

How to Become a Makeup Artist as a Stay-At-Home Mom

By Your Makeup Career No Comments

As a stay-at-home mom, it can sometimes be difficult to get five minutes to yourself – let alone start your own business. But just because you have children doesn’t mean your career aspirations can’t still come to fruition. If you have a dream, you should follow it!

It’s possible to be both a stay-at-home mom AND an entrepreneur. If you have a passion for makeup, there are ways to turn this into a serious profession, while still being able to focus your efforts on what’s needed at home.

You can have both, and we’re here to tell you how!

Earn your makeup artist certification

If you’re looking to learn the craft in a way that will set you up for true success, makeup school is the obvious way to go. We’ve discussed why dozens of times in the past, but let’s go over some of the most beneficial reasons:

  • If you’ve never had formal training, extensive foundational courses will teach you core knowledge, makeup theory, application, and techniques!
  • If you already have prior experience, advanced and/or specialty courses will build on your existing skills and take them to the next level!
  • In addition to makeup artistry education, your expert tutor will also provide valuable business training!
  • You’ll gain the know-how needed to start your very own business!
  • A professional certification looks FABULOUS on your resume, and will help you stand out from the competition!

In many places, certification from an accredited makeup school will be more than enough to get your career as a makeup artist started! Keep in mind, though, that certain places may require additional licensing.

We definitely recommend researching the laws and legislation wherever you live, to make sure you have everything you need when the time comes that you’re ready to begin working. You can learn more about this here!

Implement a Schedule

As a stay-at-home mom, we’re willing to bet that you’re organized up the wazoo! You’re used to being captain of the ship, and keeping your family on schedule throughout the day.

This is an excellent quality that’ll prove handy throughout the course of a makeup artist career! But it’s also just as useful you to focus that same meticulous type of planning to your own life and priorities.

Women using a laptop: How to become a makeup artist as a stay-at-home mom article

Part of pursuing your career goals means learning how (and when) to allot time to them. It’s important to try and set some sort of schedule for yourself, so you can use that time to work on your career goals. Life will obviously happen, so this schedule may vary from time to time. But to the best of your ability, try to stick with it.

While we’re by no means suggesting that you should focus less on your home life, we are saying that being a professional makeup artist is an endeavor that requires commitment and effort. The more you can afford to put into the experience, the more you’ll get out of it!

Of course, we also understand that juggling multiple tasks can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, especially as a SAHM. So, it’s more than okay to start this journey in baby steps. Even if you’re only able to schedule a few hours each week to your makeup studies, practicing your skills, or your business – that’s leaps and bounds better than nothing!

Turn to your support system

Whether you’re trying to focus on your studies, or pushing to get your new MUA business off the ground, we get that it can sometimes be difficult to devote the necessary time to your career goals when you also have a family to look after.

Having a support system that you can turn to can help with carrying some of the workload. The most obvious benefit would be having a friend, family member, or partner who’s able and willing to sometimes watch the kids from time to time.

This would provide you the opportunity for a breather; a chance to turn your full attention to your schoolwork or business practices, even if only for a couple hours.

In the beginning, it may be difficult for you to take that first step and reach out for assistance. There can sometimes be unrealistic expectations placed upon stay-at-home moms – the biggest one being that they’re sometimes expected to be able to handle everything on their own, no matter how big the challenge.

Realistically, though, it’s totally normal – and healthy – to ask for help! Trust us, your friends and family love you, and know how hard you work all the time. Many of them will likely be happy to provide assistance in some form or another, if asked.

Make time to practice

Any makeup artist can attest to the fact that practice is the only thing that truly does make perfect. All the books and instructional videos in the world can’t replace the value of practical application.

If you’re serious about becoming a working MUA, you’re going to need to make sure you take the necessary time to practice, practice, and then practice some more!

Here are just a few reasons why it’s so critical:

  1. The more you attempt various techniques, the better at them you’ll become
  2. You’ll branch out of your comfort zones and learn to attempt new things
  3. Reading about makeup theory, techniques, and application is NOT the same as actually doing them on a real face
  4. You’ll develop an intimate understanding of different products, how they work, and how to best utilize them to their full potential
  5. And so much more!

Don’t forget: it’s not going to be enough to simply practice makeup on your own face. Yes, for the time being, it’s not recommended that you practice on other people while social distancing is still in effect.

However, once things go back to normal, it’ll be critical that you get as much real-world experience on as many different models as you can!

This is the only true way to learn how to advance your makeup skills on different types of skin tones, skin types, ages, genders, etc.

Do your research

If you’re interested in makeup school, there are plenty of amazing online makeup schools available to you. These will allow you to get started, even while still at home, and provide the same quality education as the kind you’d receive from in-person classes.

Alternately, you may wish to attend a brick-and-mortar school once the COVID-19 crisis is over.

Makeup artist applying eye makeup: How to become a makeup artist as a stay-at-home mom article

Either way, make sure you do the proper research before committing to your academy of choice! Here are a few ways to ensure the school is legit:

We recommend asking yourself these 9 imperative questions, when researching into any schools (especially if they’re held online)!

You’ll also need to do plenty of research when the time comes that you’re ready to start your own business. Branding, marketing, and SEO are three major things you’ll need to familiarize yourself with.

You’ll also benefit from learning how to build a company website, put together a makeup portfolio, secure a business name, and where to start networking.

It doesn’t hurt to check out the competition in your area, too; what they’re charging, the services they provide, and what their marketing and business strategies are!

It’ll help inspire you, and give you an idea of what you need to do to not only find your footing alongside them – but rise above!

Make time for YOU

Lastly, but just as importantly, make sure that you regularly make time for yourself. Everyone needs to be able to unwind. With everything your motivated self is taking on, this DEFINITELY applies to you!

Read a book, take a bubble bath, curl up to a movie… Whatever it is that helps center you, give it the prioritization it deserves.

A nourished soul is one of the most powerful weapons you can have for a successful career!

How to Become Makeup Artist as Stay-at-Home Mom Blog - Kids laughing with Parents on Sofa

Do you have any other secret tips for becoming a makeup artist as a stay-at-home mom? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Start on the road to your professional MUA career by enrolling today in QC’s leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course!

3 Critical Questions to Ask Fashion Styling Clients During the Consultation

By Fashion Styling, Your Makeup Career 4 Comments

Are you a makeup artist who’s recently decided to add Fashion Styling services to your business? Do you simply love all things fashion, and want to devote your career to helping others dress their best? If so, then it’s important that you learn the appropriate questions to ask your clients during the initial appointment!

Just like with makeup, a consultation needs to be held when acquiring a brand-new client. The desired outcome behind this meeting is exactly the same. You want to:

  • Get to know your client
  • Allow them to get to know you
  • Determine what their goals are
  • Determine what they do NOT want
  • Figure out their budget
  • Plan out how you can give them their preferred results

A good consultation will then allow you to use your knowledge, experience, and professional training to help clients achieve their goals!

The Fashion Styling Consultation: Asking the Right Questions

As a rule of thumb, try not to ask questions that have a definitive ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. Unless the question itself is incredibly detailed, such closed-ended answers aren’t going to be able to provide you with much information.

Instead, aim for questions that encourage your client to expand a little. In order to best assist them, you need to make sure you fully understand their mindset. What better way to know how they feel, what they like, and what they want, than to hear it in their own words?

So, what is some specific information you need to obtain from a new client during your first consultation together? Let’s take a look at a few key examples!

Question #1: “Where are you in your life right now?”

What age range does your client fall into? Is she currently a student? Does she work full-time? Is she in the middle of any type of transitional stage in her life, such as a big move, etc.?

There are endless possibilities for what the answer to this question can be! The events, trials, and circumstances of your client’s life can play a direct role in:

  • Who she is
  • What her current lifestyle is like
  • What her budget might be
  • What her clothing should say about her

Importantly: no matter what info your client provides, it WILL be valuable! So, make sure not to forget this question.

Question #2: “How would you describe your everyday lifestyle?”

Some examples to consider when posing this question are:

  • Is your client a fitness enthusiast?
  • Does she travel a lot?
  • What is her job like?
  • Is she vegan?
  • Does she devote her life to eco-friendly practices?
  • Does she have strong moral views regarding fair trade practices?

You’ll often encounter clients whose everyday lifestyle won’t necessarily sway their fashion styling one way or another. But just as often, there will be clients whose personal beliefs and/or hobbies will directly affect the types of clothing you can (and can’t) recommend.

For instance, if your client is athletic, she may benefit most from stylish, breathable clothing that also allows for a large range of movement. Alternately, if traveling is a regular part of her lifestyle, she might be better off with versatile clothing that can be utilized in multiple different ways.

If she works within an office, for example, the dress code may be stricter. In such a case, more subtle personalization, creative expression, and overall fashion styling may be required.

If your client is vegan, be sure to ask what her clothing preferences are. You’ll probably need to steer clear of any products made from fur, leather, or suede. Some vegans object to other materials like wool, too, but don’t make assumptions.

Similarly, if your client happens to be eco-conscious, she could be partial to second-hand clothing or clothing made from renewable resources and/or natural fibers.

Question #3: “What do you want to communicate through your wardrobe?”

What does your client want people to see when they look at her and her style? What impressions does she want to give off? What emotions does she want to evoke?

Is your client looking for fashion styling assistance for a specific event, such as a job interview, a party, etc.? Or is she looking for more general help for her day-to-day life?

The answers to these questions may vary, but they all share something very important in common: what we wear plays a strong role in our overall image!

But your client may not fully know who she is or what she wants to convey to the world. A lot of people are unsure how to utilize their wardrobe to reflect their personality – be it for a specific occasion, or as part of their everyday life. It can pose a confusing challenge, and your client may need some help.

That’s okay, though, because that’s why she’s coming to you!

If your client doesn’t really know how to answer this question, try posing it to her in a slightly different way. Ask her to describe herself in a word or two. You can also ask her to describe what she wants others to see when they look at her.

A client who uses words like “kind” and “thoughtful” will help you to create an image in your mind for what her fashion styling could look like. Similarly, we’re sure that the creative gears start turning in your head as soon as we use descriptors like “ambitious” or “fierce”.

You get the picture!

The Best Way to Ask the Right Questions is…

…getting proper training under your belt! Having a keen eye for trends and enjoying fashion styling isn’t enough. Not if you want to make a real name for yourself and stand out from the competition, anyways!

To illustrate: we’ve just listed 3 fundamental questions to ask your clients. The initial consultation is just one small part of what you’ll face in your fashion styling career – and yet, even that contains so much crucial knowledge that you simply MUST know!

QC Makeup Academy’s Fashion Styling Course, as an example, teaches you 14 critical questions that always need to be asked during your client consultation. PLUS, you’re taught how to navigate sensitive subjects, and understand which questions are best avoided altogether.

But this isn’t all an accredited Fashion Styling Course will offer you! In addition to various other aspects of maximizing the client experience, you’ll also have professional industry experts teach you:

  • How to start your very own business (or add your services to a pre-existing business)
  • The history of fashion styling
  • An understanding of fashion trends, and how they’ve evolved
  • Exactly what your role is as a certified fashion stylist
  • The basic elements of fashion
  • Accessorizing and personalizing based on each individual client
  • Building different wardrobes based on age, gender, lifestyle, etc.
  • How to effectively maximize your client’s budget
  • Second-hand and consignment shopping
  • Bridal fashion styling
  • Maternity fashion styling
  • And so much more!

The fashion industry is a competitive one. Ascending the ranks and being the best of the best requires hard work, dedication, and a constant desire to learn and improve your skill-set.

If you’re committing yourself to this type of profession, there has to be some passion behind it. And if you’re passionate about what you do, this challenge will never be one you’ll want to shy away from!

Off the top of your head, can you think of more questions you feel are worth asking during a fashion styling consultation? Let us know in the comments!

Still unsure if you should add fashion styling services to your makeup business? Here are 5 reasons why it’ll definitely take your career to the next level!

Breaking Down My Skincare Routine [video]

By From the Experts No Comments

Devyn Gregorio is a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador and professional makeup artist. You can find her on her YouTube Channel, DevDevGregs, where she makes beauty videos. Today, Devyn shares with us her regular skincare routine, as well as her go-to products!

Watch her video below!

Let’s Recap!

With everything currently going on in the world, studies have shown that not only has the skincare market been on the rise, but that it’s also beneficial for your mental health! With that in mind, we want to show you what the skincare routine of a professional makeup artist looks like.

Devyn is not only a graduate of QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course; she’s also a current student in the Skincare Course . As such, she understands that at the heart of every good makeup routine, there MUST be a solid skincare routine to back it up.

In addition to being good for the soul, healthy skin is the key to truly flawless makeup!

In this video, Devyn takes us through each step of her daily skincare routine, along with a breakdown of the products she uses, and why she likes these products specifically.

Devyn’s Skin Type

Such as with makeup, choosing the right skincare products all comes down to your skin type. Devyn discusses how, when she was younger, her skin was oilier and led to frequent breakouts. However, as she grew up, her skin type gradually changed to a more normal-to-combination skin type.

That being said, she’s found that her skin is very sensitive. While her skincare products have to be effective, they also need to be gentle. Her skin is prone to reacting easily to most skincare products, such as anything containing glycolic acid or alpha hydroxy acids (known as ‘AHAs’).

Using such products causes Devyn’s skin to break out across her forehead with red, irritated bumps. Definitely not ideal!

For this reason, Devyn notes how her skincare routine is rather straightforward and simple. She’s found the holy grail products that work for her unique skin type and needs. As such, she tends to stick faithfully to these products, and not stray away from them.

A Walk-Through Devyn’s Skincare Routine

It’s worth noting that Devyn admits that her skincare routine may not always be 100% the same every single day. However, it is consistent, and done on a weekly basis. Which products she uses per day is dependent on her skin and what it needs at the time!

Let’s get started!

1 – Kind to Skin Cleansing Wipes by Simple Skincare

This is the first skincare product that Devyn introduces us to, which she uses to remove her makeup at the end of each day. Devyn credits this product in helping her remove most (to all) of her makeup – without causing her skin to break out or experience a burning sensation.

If your skin is sensitive, or you’ve experienced any type of allergic/irritable reaction to other types of makeup wipes, Devyn highly recommends this brand as an alternative!

Usually, she only needs one wipe to get the job done. However, depending on how much makeup was applied that day, you may require more.

2 – Purity Made Simple Cleanser by philosophy

Next up in Devyn’s skincare routine is her facial cleanser! Devyn claims that Purity Made Simple is her absolutely favorite cleanser she’s ever used, namely because it’s a 3-in-1 product. It offers all of the following properties:

  1. It’s a makeup remover
  2. It’s a cleanser
  3. It’s also a toner

In terms of its ability to effectively remove makeup, Devyn confirms that this cleanser lives up to its promise. (Especially if used after the Simple Skincare makeup wipes). The fact that it’s also a toner is particularly beneficial for Devyn’s skin, due to its ability to balance the skin without throwing off its pH balance.

In general, cleansers can have the tendency to be too harsh on the skin. Although it will cleanse it, as it should, it may also strip your skin of some of its natural oils. Therefore, having a cleanser that also includes toner within the recipe helps to avoid this!

While she doesn’t necessarily use this product every single day, Devyn does state that on days where she does use it, she finds that she only needs to go in with her eye cream and moisturizer afterwards… and then be all finished!

This cleanser by philosophy is a wonderful skincare option for anyone who prefers to keep things simple, and doesn’t have the time (or interest) for a skincare routine with 1,000 steps. I, for one, can seriously relate!

Although listed as the third item in her skincare routine, Devyn admits that this exfoliating cleanser (also by philosophy) is her absolute FAVORITE skincare product! “I swear by this stuff so much!” she exclaims with a smile. “This is the best, most micro-fine, scrubbiest exfoliate I’ve ever used. I absolutely love it!”

Thanks to orange peel being one of this product’s ingredients, you can also expect a delicious, luxurious smell when cleaning your face (which is always a wonderful bonus).

Devyn always makes sure to listen to what her skin needs on a given day. As such, she’ll tend to use this product either every third day, or every other day (if her skin feels like it needs a little extra help).

In terms of when she uses it during the day, Devyn says she tends to apply it in the morning, as it gives her skin a nice, fresh feeling. It also makes for a terrific base on which to apply her makeup!

4 – Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs, and Rosewater by Mario Badescu Skincare

Because the Purity Made Simple cleanser already has toner in it, this facial spray is not needed on days where she washes her face with that product. However, on the days where Devyn washes her face with the microdelivery exfoliating wash, she always uses Mario Badescu’s facial spray to tone her skin afterwards

As she says, it’s a great way to give your skin an extra blast of hydration after exfoliating it! Simply spray it on the same way you would a makeup setting spray. Then lightly tap it in with your fingers to help it absorb into your skin and dry faster.

5 – Purity Made Simple Eye Gel by philosophy

The next step in Devyn’s skincare product is to apply some eye cream. Devyn admits that she’s not overly picky about what sort of product she uses here, so long as it’s not jam-packed full of bad ingredients that will irritate her eyes.

That being said, she credits this eye gel as being a higher-quality product that’s super affordable for most budgets.

Another upside: a little bit goes a long way! You don’t need to use much of this product for it to do its job, so it’ll last you a long time. Devyn finds this eye gel to be light and hydrating, without feeling sticky or greasy.

Because Devyn doesn’t really experience dark circles or puffiness under or around her eyes, she’s not affected by the fact that this product doesn’t offer any sort of brightening effects. However, for those of you who do tend to have dark circles or puffiness around your eyes, you may need to see for yourself if it benefits your skin in the ways you’re looking for.

As a makeup artist, you already know that moisturizing is SO important when it comes to any skincare routine! No matter what skin type you have, never underestimate the power of moisturizing and hydrating your skin.

For those of you on a budget, Devyn does admit that this product is a little pricier than her normal spending range (it costs $52.00 USD).

However, the benefits it has on her skin are well worth the cost! For starters, since it’s both a day and night cream, you don’t have to shop around and pay for two separate products. If you think about it that way, the price is actually a pretty good deal!

In terms of Devyn’s skincare routine, she tends to apply a lighter amount in the morning, and a more thorough amount in the evening. This is to make sure that her skin gets that little extra boost of hydration, which is always a smart idea before going to sleep!

After all, it’s when you’re asleep that your body works hardest to regenerate new, healthy skin cells and collagen!

Pro tip: Don’t forget to use some of that moisturizer on your neck as well! Neck wrinkles are a real thing!

Devyn’s Favorite Mask Products

Next, Devyn takes a look at some of her all-time skincare face masks…

Laughing, Devyn describes this product as a “purifying, pore-gunk-sucking” mask. At a purchase price of $ 45.00 USD, it also falls on the slightly more expensive price range. But Devyn assures us that this is reflected in its high quality and effectiveness!

In addition to certain areas of her face having rather large pores, Devyn’s skin can also sometimes have a habit of getting blocked up, particularly around her chin. As such, she uses this mask to target those specific spots. It’s also a great weapon to use against random pimples!

Of course, if you feel your skin could benefit from applying it all over, then go for it! Either way, Devyn recommends this product as a solid, go-to clay mask.

Hands-down, this is Devyn’s #1 favorite sheet mask on the market! As someone who has a lot of redness in her skin, especially around her T-zone, Devyn swears by this product.

“I’m not kidding you, when you put it on, it just feels so nice and soothing,” she says. “But when I take it off… First of all, my skin just feels so juicy and plump. But my redness is pretty much gone! It is SO calming to my skin!”

Better yet, this amazing skincare product is incredibly cheap. At Ulta alone, you can purchase it for a mere $3.75 USD!

3 – Lip Sleeping Mask by Laneige

Even as a makeup artist, it can be easy to forget that your lips need to stay hydrated, too! Devyn loves this product so much, that even though she’s using a sample-sized jar in her video, she plans to purchase the full-sized one as soon as she runs out.

She even goes as far as to proclaim that nothing does as good of a job on her lips as this sleeping mask! Wow!

For starters, if you have a sweet tooth, you’ll quickly become obsessed with its bubble-gum candy scent. While the product itself is a bit thick, it’s not sticky. From the moment you put it on, you just know that it’s giving your lips some deep, well-needed hydration that’ll last you throughout the night.

“This is just a delicious product! I love it!” Devyn says.

Just by seeing her level of enthusiasm, we’re inclined to believe her!

What is YOUR skincare routine like? Do you have some holy grail products you feel we should know about? Let us know in the comments!

The best way to become a skincare expert is by getting professional training and earning your certification! Enroll in QC’s leading online Skincare Course today!

5 Cheap (But Awesome) Brands for Your Professional Makeup Kit

By Makeup Reviews, Your Makeup Career No Comments

As an aspiring makeup artist, you know that there’s a certain financial investment that needs to go into your professional makeup kit. But what if you’re on a budget? Furthermore, what if the world happens to be in the middle of a pandemic (ahem), and money’s a bit tighter than usual?

Does that mean you’re SOL and can’t be a proper MUA? Not at all! The truth is, there are tons of options at your disposal that will allow you to purchase awesome products for your professional makeup kit – without going broke in the process!

In the past, we’ve looked at drugstore makeup products that are just as good as their pricier counterparts. We’ve also broken down 5 useless items that you surprisingly don’t even need at all. This time, we’re instead going to look at 5 makeup brands that are not only of excellent quality, but also affordable for most budgets!

True story: when I first discovered NYX at a local shopping mall, I practically lost my mind with excitement. A friend described it to me as “Sephora, but without the crazy high dollar signs”. Not to knock on Sephora (heck, I’m obsessed with Sephora), but it turned out to be true.

If there’s a product you’re looking for, NYX is more than likely to have it. Case in point, I was looking for a bold, blue liquid lipstick, and found it for less than $20.00 CAD. (And it was awesome, by the way.) Because their products are much more affordable than competing brands, this is a wonderful place to start for aspiring MUAs.

You can take advantage of their lower prices in order to play around with different makeup products, and learn which ones you like, versus which ones you don’t. That way, if the time comes that you want to switch over to more luxurious brands, you already know exactly what you’re looking for.

As a makeup artist, you need experience working with all sorts of different skin tones. Similarly, your professional makeup kit needs to offer products for ALL skin tones (or as close as you can realistically get). The last thing you want to do is make a client feel ostracized because you carry every shade except hers.

There are plenty of makeup brands out there that boast about their mindfulness of diversity, only to offer products that go no darker than a mild tan. In reality, there are so many different, darker skin tones out there, and they are all beautiful and worthy of inclusion.

Black Radiance is an affordable brand that actually lives up to what they promise!

While there is a vast range in the types of products they offer, Black Radiance is primarily geared towards darker skin tones. That being said, there’s something for everybody in their cosmetic line, such as:

  • Color correctives
  • Foundations, concealers, primers, and powders
  • Bronzers, blushes, highlighters, and contours
  • Eye makeup
  • Lip products
  • And so much more!

The best part? The majority of their products can be purchased for LESS than $10.00 USD!

A leading name in the cosmetics industry, this Aussie-based makeup brand is not only high-quality and affordable, it’s vegan and cruelty-free, too! On average, their products range anywhere from $8.00 AUS to $30.00 AUS. Especially for how great these products are, this is an absolute steal!

On top of the individual makeup items they offer, one of our favorite things about Australis’s website is that they have an entire section devoted to collections and bundle offers. There’s also a separate, easy-to-find section that lists all of their current sale items.

Australis definitely makes it effortless to get the most out of your buck! If you happen to live outside of Australia, don’t worry! This company also ships internationally to the United States, Canada, and the UK.

Don’t let their low prices fool you – this UK makeup brand is wildly popular, and used by professional makeup artists all over the world! Like Australis, their items are all cruelty-free. Many of them are also vegan.

One of the things Revolution is known for is their insane pigments. (Seriously, just take a look at their eyeshadows if you don’t believe me.) One of the very first things you’ll notice about their products is that they provide extensive palettes for a super low cost. To illustrate:

  • Many of their eyeshadow palettes offer 20+ pigments, for less than €20.00!
  • Their 5-piece lipstick collections each cost a mere €7.99!
  • Even their highest-priced brush sets are less than € 25.00!
  • The MOST you’ll spend on foundation is € 11.99 per product (and many of these products are even cheaper)!

In addition, Revolution also offers a wide array of skincare products as well! While they’re currently limiting international shipping due to the current COVID-19 crisis, they do typically provide international shipping all around the world.

This is definitely a brand you’ve at least seen once, if you’ve ever stepped inside a drugstore. But as a whole, Maybelline has climbed the ranks of the cosmetic industry to become a world-wide name. It’s definitely easy to understand why!

For starters, you’ll be able to purchase the majority of their cosmetics for anywhere between $2.50 USD and $32.00 USD. On top of that, they have just about any product you can possibly think of (including a wide variety of foundations and concealers for different skin tones)!

But the real pièce de rÊsistance worth mentioning are the virtual services offered on their website.

Not only does Maybelline’s business site provide color matching services, they also offer what they call “Virtual Try-On”. With this technology, you can upload a photo to their platform, and then let you see what their various products would look like on that person – before even buying anything!

For up-and-coming makeup artists, this would allow you to get the best possible idea of the cosmetics you want to stock in your professional makeup kit before spending any money. Then, once you know exactly what you want, you can buy them at a super cheap price.

Could there be anything better? We doubt it!

What other cheap makeup brands would YOU recommend for an MUA’s professional makeup kit? Let us know in the comments!

Want another way to stock up on high-quality makeup at an affordable price? Enroll in QC’s leading Master Makeup Artistry Course, and receive our 14-piece Elite Makeup Kit as part of your tuition!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Beauty Vlogging

By Your Makeup Career No Comments

When people think of makeup jobs, they tend to think of the actual process of doing makeup for a client. But the truth is, beauty vlogging is another type of makeup job you can branch out into.

Adding vlogging to your business is a terrific way to market yourself, expand your online presence, and even increase your clientele!  Bonus: You can do it from home!

The downside is, you only need about 10 seconds on YouTube to see that there are quite literally thousands upon thousands of makeup vloggers already out there.

In order to make a name for yourself, get noticed, and have an impact, it won’t be enough to simply be good. You’re going to need to be at the top of your game.

DO: Choose (and then commit to) your desired platform

In terms of which platform(s) you want to post your vlog content on, you have a lot of different options. For many beauty vloggers, YouTube is the first platform that comes to mind. Other popular choices are also Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

Take some time to look into each platform, to figure out which you feel would be best for you. If you’re feeling ambitious, there’s no reason why you can’t choose more than one! Just remember that which platform(s) you decide to go with, you need to commit to it.

This means:

  • Regularly posting content
  • Maintaining the brand and overall look of the channel
  • Responding to comments and messages from viewers in a timely fashion
  • Routinely ensuring all links and videos are still working
  • And more!

It may be easiest to focus on one vlogging platform at first, rather than trying to juggle multiple different ones. Give yourself some time to get to know the swing of things – specifically, learning how much work is involved.

Once you’ve developed a vlogging routine and know it like the back of your hand, you’ll be ready to expand onto a second (or third, or fourth) platform.

DON’T: Skimp on the research

If beauty vlogging were easy, everyone and their grandmother would be famous influencers. Because while everyone can make their own vlog, it’s only the minority of those people who will go viral from it.

Yes, some people get lucky, and can gain thousands of followers thanks to one video going viral, but that’s not the norm.

In reality, it often takes a lot of time, dedication, and know-how to get your vlog noticed. Not only do you need to go into it with a strong sense of who YOU are and what you can offer viewers, you’re also going to need to:

  • Understand your branding
  • Publish quality content frequently
  • Use the best equipment
  • Learn how to edit and publish your videos
  • And so much more!

So, it’s best for you to go into this with the proper mindset. If you start your vlogging career under the assumption that you don’t need to put in much effort, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

DO: Figure out your brand

Part of the research you’ll need to do revolves around deciding what you want your brand to be. Your branding is what will make you memorable and distinctive to your viewers.

It can be any of the following:

  • Your personality
  • Your makeup style
  • Your aesthetic (color choices, design, use of regular props, etc.)
  • The mood of your videos (i.e. funny, sarcastic, informative, etc.)
  • The type of content you provide (tutorials, reviews, etc.)
  • And so much more!

Your brand can also be a combination of some, or all, of these factors. To illustrate my point: think of well-known beauty vloggers, such as James Charles or NikkieTutorials. What are the very first things that tend to come to your mind as soon as you think of them?

Whatever those things are, THAT is what their branding is. Based on the type of content they put out, their style, and their personality, you now automatically associate them with those specific identifiers.

So, when approaching your own vlog, ask yourself: what is it you want people to automatically associate YOU with?

Tip: If you’re already a professional makeup artist and have your own business, you already have a brand identity for your vlog!

DON’T: Post content just for the sake of posting

Yes, as a beauty vlogger, it’s important that you post content regularly to your channel. But this doesn’t mean posting bad content, just so you don’t miss your weekly video deadline.

Think of it the same way you would your other makeup jobs. Would you rather work on 1 client, and take the time to produce stunning results – or 10 clients, but haphazardly rush through each one?

Quality will always be more important than quantity.

Don’t film a video if you have nothing to say. If you’re lacking inspiration, it’s okay to postpone your publishing schedule until your creative gears are turning again.

The internet can be ruthless at times, and the last thing you want for your makeup business is for a lousy video to be the thing that makes you go viral. That would be a death sentence for your reputation.

DO: Invest in your equipment

While it’s true that some beauty vloggers can get away with nothing more than a webcam and a white wall, this is definitely not the majority. Unfortunately, most beauty vloggers nowadays have high-quality equipment, in order for their videos to look as professional as possible.

If you want to be able to compete alongside them, you’re likely going to need the same.

When you started out as a professional MUA, you knew you’d need to invest in your makeup products. The same can be said about beauty vlogging.

At the very least, you’re likely going to need a high-quality camera and proper lighting. Many beauty vloggers also use some form of video editing software. As your vlogging career grows, this may also be something you’ll want to look into.

So long as you commit, though, then the results should be worth it! That being said, you shouldn’t have to worry about going broke in the process. Vlogtribe has a helpful list of necessary equipment for aspiring YouTube vloggers, which you can find here!

DON’T: Forget about networking

Networking is a critical part of all your makeup jobs, and vlogging is of no exception. While you are trying to beat out the competition, your competition is also one of your greatest assets.

Try to reach out and befriend those who you look up to. Not only will you grow your industry contacts and make awesome friendships, their content may help inspire you with ideas of your own!

Furthermore, it opens the doors to even more online exposure for your own channel. Cross-promotions and collaborations are extremely popular within the vlogging community. If there’s one thing viewers love to see, it’s beauty vloggers working together!

DO: Market your vlogging channel

As a makeup artist, you’re likely already used to showcasing your makeup jobs on your social media. This type of marketing is something definitely worth doing for your vlogging channel, too!

If you have a new video coming out, get people excited by posting a sneak peak, or even an announcement, on your other social media platforms. Whenever a new video is released, share it on your Instagram, your Facebook business page, on Twitter, etc.

The more sites you can share your vlog on, the larger the audience becomes! This means more online visibility, more viewers, and even more potential clients!

DON’T: Overlook the importance of proper makeup training

One of the biggest problems with beauty vloggers nowadays is that a LOT of them are not professionally trained. The risk this poses is that they’re not actually teaching their viewers proper techniques. As a result, viewers are unknowingly copying incorrect form, and adopting bad makeup habits.

If you truly want to teach others to learn how to do makeup – or even just understand how to do it properly yourself – the only option is to get educated by professional experts.

Enroll in a makeup school, such as QC Makeup Academy, where you can be taught the foundation of makeup artistry. Gain a proper understanding of makeup theory, techniques, and correct application.

Earn your professional makeup artist certification, so that your viewers (and even more importantly, your clients) have assurance that you’re a pro who legitimately knows their stuff.

Aside from it making you the best makeup artist you can be, it’s definitely something that will help you stand out from the rest of the competition!

Can you think of other helpful tips for running your own beauty vlog? Let us know in the comments!

Earn your professional MUA certification in as little as 3-6 months, by enrolling in QC’s leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course today!

6 Tips for Supporting Your Mental Health During COVID-19

By Uncategorized No Comments

As I sit here and type this article, I glance outside my living room window and see that it’s snowing. SNOWING. In APRIL. The sky looks gloomy, and my morning coffee hasn’t yet kicked in.

I’ve been having a hard time sleeping lately, and as my eyelids feel a little heavier than usual, I’m definitely feeling it today.

When you’re stuck indoors thanks to social distancing, these can be the makings of a lousy day. It’s up to me to try and turn it around! And the thing is, if I just put in a little bit of effort, I can turn it around.

Perhaps you can relate a little to what I’m talking about. Being cooped up at home can become taxing. With everything going on in the world lately, it’s no surprise that in the latest Mental Health Index released by Morneau Shepell, mental health has recently dropped by 16%.

The thing is, your mental health is IMPORTANT. You matter, and your well-being matters. So, it’s important that we take hold of the things we can still control, and utilize them to their full advantage.

While we’re by no means medical experts, we figure it can’t hurt to throw some suggestions out there for things you can try to do to lift your spirits when things are feeling a little tougher than normal.

Who knows, maybe one of them will help brighten your day!

1. Get some fresh air

It’s a proven fact that fresh air is excellent for your mental health! It boosts your immune system, decreases anxiety/stress, and can increase your energy. Even just the smell of fresh air can do wonders for your mood!

If the sun is shining, simply getting out and stretching your legs for as little as 20 minutes can turn your day around. Just make sure to keep at least 6-feet away from anyone who happens to cross your path!

Important Note:  That being said, you may live in a hard-hit area. If so, there might be a strict stay-at-home order that prohibits going outside for any non-essential reason. If this the case where you live, please follow these directives!

Yes, they may suck, they’re put in place to help save your life. Don’t be like that guy who dressed up in a T-Rex costume to try and break his city’s quarantine laws. Yeah, it was hilarious… but he also got arrested!

2. Exercise

Go for that walk we just talked about. Do some push-ups while watching TV. Re-enact the opening scene of The Lion King with your pet.

You can get as creative with it as you want, and make it fun! There are tons of easy home workouts you can do that don’t require any equipment.

You don’t have to suddenly become a CrossFit expert (though, hey, if you want to, be our guest). Even if you only feel like exercising 20 minutes each day, it can help boost your mood and benefit your body.

As the legendary Elle Woods once said: “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!”

3. Play around with makeup, just for YOU!

You may be currently doing professional makeup training, and working towards earning your professional MUA certification. If you find peace in focusing on your studies, then this is definitely another suggestion that can be added to this list!

But we also completely understand that sometimes, schoolwork can be a factor adding to your current stress.

If so, it’s more than okay to take a little break on it. You can always go back to it once you’re feeling better! (After all, QC gives you a full 2 years to complete your program.) But in the meantime, one thing that might help if you’re feeling down is doing your makeup just for yourself.

Over the past few weeks, I’m pretty sure I’ve morphed into some sort of couch goblin. Sure, I shower every day and make sure to exchange my pajamas for a cleaner set of pajamas… But my makeup routine has been completely ignored lately.

Yesterday, though, I decided to do my makeup after getting up and showering. It’s not like I had anywhere to be. But I was tired of feeling so grungy and bleh. It’s a small thing, but it actually made me feel a LOT better by the time I was done!

You love makeup for a reason, and that reason isn’t strictly limited to your makeup training. When you’re feeling down, it can really help to go back to your roots, and rediscover the power that makeup has to boost your mental health!

4. Put the phone away

If all we do is stare at a screen all day, it can increase feelings of isolation and loneliness. So, it might be helpful to try and unplug from your electronics here and there, at least for a bit.

Instead, use that time to do something that stimulates your brain, allows you to use your hands, gets you to move around, etc.

Need some ideas of what you can do instead of browsing Facebook or watching Netflix? Don’t worry, I got you! You can:

  • Have a living room dance party
  • Bake banana bread from scratch (this is actually incredibly popular right now, interestingly enough)
  • Put together a gummy bear concert
  • Do a puzzle
  • Take up a hobby you’ve always wanted to do
  • Read a book, or re-read one of your all-time favorites again
  • Start a Gratitude Journal
  • Try out random makeup ideas and do an impromptu selfie photoshoot to show off the results
  • If you have kids, make a home obstacle course to keep them busy
  • You can also do this for pets, too!
  • Speaking of pets, you can give them a proper cuddle
  • Learn all the lyrics to the Alphabet Aerobics. If Harry Potter can do it, so can you.
  • Watch paint dry. Actually, no, don’t do this.

5. Keep in touch with loved ones

We’re all in the same boat right now, which means that your friends and family are likely feeling exactly like you do. Chances are, they could use the company. Feeling cut off from the world is one of the easiest ways to harm your mental health, so it’s important to stay in touch!

Luckily, with today’s modern technology, there are so many ways you can do this. For example, you and your loved ones can:

  • Text
  • Chat over the phone
  • Video call, so you can see each other’s faces
  • Play online games together (here are 22 examples to get you started)
  • Organize a Netflix party/movie night
  • Remember that dance party you had in your living room? Why not invite them to it with an app like JQBX (Jukebox), and you can all dance together!

Yes, it’s obviously not the same – or as good – as the real thing. But it’s important that we all play our part in flattening the curve. Eventually, we’ll get to reunite with our loved ones.

For now, though, there are still tons of creative ways we can remain connected with them!

6. Let yourself feel your feelings

Sometimes, there’s such an emphasis on staying positive, that it can almost feel as though you’re doing something wrong by NOT feeling that way. Just know: it’s okay to not be okay. You’re not somehow falling short if you happen to have a day where you feel like you’re losing your marbles.

Emotion is what makes us human. Don’t hesitate to embrace how you feel, when you’re feeling a certain way. If you feel sad, it’s okay to cry. If you’re angry, that’s okay, too.

We’re all experiencing an up-and-down roller coaster of emotions these days, and that’s totally normal. Yes, it’s important to try and stay positive, and remind ourselves of the bigger picture (that this will not last forever). But it’s also healthy for us to let ourselves feel our feelings, and not bottle them up all the time.

The late Mr. Rogers had a habit of pressing all the low keys on a piano whenever he felt frustrated. You can always try that!

You and your mental health matter. So, don’t forget to take care of yourself, and make time for things that bring your soul some peace. If you have any other fun suggestions or tips for supporting your mental health, feel free to leave them in the comments!

And no matter what, remember: we’re in this together, and we’re ALWAYS here for you!

Another thing you can do to stay busy is spring clean your makeup kit! Keep reading for 5 awesome tips to do this!

5 Steps for Spring Cleaning Your Professional Makeup Kit in 2020

By Makeup Tips and Tricks No Comments

Spring is finally here, which means it’s that time of the year again for a good ole’ spring cleaning! Today, let’s focus on your professional makeup kit. Given that so many of us are hanging out at home anyways, this is the perfect opportunity to do something productive.

After all, when life eventually goes back to normal, you’re not going to want to waste any time! You’ll want to hit the ground running and start booking clients again. Spring cleaning your makeup kit now means you won’t need to do it from the ground up later.

And hey, if nothing else, it’ll give you a good project to work on, and keep you busy for at least an hour or two!

When it comes to decluttering and sanitizing your products, we just so happen to have a handy guide for your reference:

Let’s take a closer look at each individual step, shall we?

Step 1: Ditch the duds

It’s important that you always pay attention to the expiration date on your makeup products. Once it’s expired, it absolutely should NOT be used anymore!

Expired makeup products can become a breeding ground for bacteria and other unwanted germs. The last thing you want to do is give yourself (or your client) an infection. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

As a general rule of thumb, certain products tend to have a specific shelf-life. For instance:

  • Mascara and liquid eyeliner are typically good for up to 3-6 months
  • Concealer and foundation are typically good for up to 6-12 months
  • Lipstick, lip gloss, and eyeshadow are typically good for up to 1-2 years

That being said, there are always exceptions to every rule. So, make sure to check each of your product’s expiration dates. Once that deadline arrives, toss it out!

Step 2: Quality over quantity

Plenty of us are guilty of going a little over the top sometimes when it comes to makeup. By that I mean, getting overly excited when stocking up, and buying way more products than we realistically need!

Chances are, there’s at least 1 product in your professional makeup kit that you rarely (or never) use. If that’s the case, all it’s doing is taking up unnecessary room. So, go through all of your products, and objectively ask yourself: “Do I need this in my kit?”

If you know the answer is truly no, it’s probably safe for you to remove it. Your professional makeup kit should be orderly, and filled only with products relevant to your job.

This doesn’t mean you need to throw the product out altogether, though! After all, you did pay valuable money for it. But maybe it would be better off in your personal makeup kit. Perhaps you can even refurbish it into a makeup product you’ll be more likely to use in the future!

Step 3: Bye-bye bacteria

Now that you’ve narrowed down which makeup products you want to keep, it’s time to clean them! As a makeup artist, you probably already do this on a regular basis (and if you aren’t, you should be). But since you’re spring cleaning, now’s a great time to do it again.

Sanitary makeup products are absolutely mandatory for your career. It’s never an option to use dirty products on your client’s skin! Doing so can risk infection, allergic reactions, sickness, and all sorts of other bad surprises that can really tank your reputation as an artist.

Here are a few quick tips for cleaning your products:

  • Spray 99% isopropyl alcohol onto your brushes, and then brush them gently until all makeup residue has been removed.
  • Sharpen all eyeliner pencils, lip liners, and other pencil products until the outer layer has been completely removed.
  • Wipe away the top layer of your eye shadow – as well as all other powders / palettes – and then spritz with the 99% isopropyl alcohol

For a more in-depth look at proper cleaning techniques for your makeup tools, you can keep reading here!

Step 4: Re-organize and re-strategize

Sometimes, it can become easy for your professional makeup kit to get a little messy. Especially when working on a client, you’re naturally focused on the job. It’s understandable that keeping your kit neat and orderly can sometimes be a second priority.

However, a clean kit is a happy kit – and it definitely makes your job much easier!

Sort through your makeup products, and group together everything that falls under similar categories (i.e. lip products, eyeshadows, liners, mascaras and lashes, etc.). Alternately, you can group your products together by brand, by size, etc. It’s YOUR kit, so find whichever way works best for you!

Once everything is grouped together the way you want, then you can assign them their proper spots within the kit itself. Keeping things organized like this will save you time during a job, and increase your overall efficiency!

Plus, organization is always aesthetically pleasing, so it’ll definitely impress the client and make you look super professional!

Step 5: Delicate displays

When on the job, you may wish to pull out all the tools you intend to use for the client’s look, rather than grabbing them from the kit one-by-one. Instead of laying them out on a table, why not group them together in something practical and cute?

Mason jars, acrylic containers, and self-made boxes are great ways to not only organize your products, but showcase your high-quality tools for others to see! Not to mention, you can get really creative with decorating these displays by adding your business logo in plain sight. (Hello, branding!)

If you’re not a professional MUA, and are using these tips to spring clean your personal makeup kit, these delicate displays can be used throughout your room, or on your makeup vanity! If you happen to be a beauty vlogger and/or a YouTuber, you can always subtly slip them into your videos, too.

A little positive self-publicity can go a long way!

Pro tip: You can always sprinkle coffee beans into the bottom of your containers. In addition to keeping your makeup products straight and upright, it’ll also emit a deliciously inviting smell! Seriously, who doesn’t love the smell of coffee?

Spread the word!

Now more than ever, it’s important to keep things clean and safe! You may have friends, family, or even clients who might benefit from the knowledge shared QC’s spring cleaning guide.

So why not share it, raise awareness, and motivate others to spring clean their own makeup kits?

Here’s the link you can use to share the image on your own website:


<p><strong>Please include attribution to htpp:// with this graphic.</strong></p>

<p><a href=’…keup-kit-in-2020/’><img src=’’ alt=’5 Step Makeup Spring Cleaning Routine’ width=’1000px’ border=’0′ /></a></p>


Got any more useful tips for spring cleaning your professional makeup kit? Let us know in the comments!

Want to turn your passion for makeup into a successful career? Enroll in QC’s leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course, and earn your professional certification in as little as 3-6 months!

Graduate Feature: Amanda Ramey

By Graduate Feature 2 Comments

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I am 30 years old and live in Ohio. I’m a wife, and the mother of two amazing children (aged 5 and 2). I’ve been a professional tattoo artist for the last 10 years. In addition to this, I’m also a painter, an illustrator, a graphic designer, and a jewelry maker (just to name a few). Becoming a certified MUA is my most recently acquired skill!

Because I tend to dabble in so many artistic mediums, I consider myself to be a creative Jane-of-all-trades!

I went to Kent State University for 2.5 years, where I majored in Architecture and Environmental Design. I feel as though all of my creative outlets give me a different, expanded perspective, which I can easily transfer over into makeup.

Also, I am disabled, insofar as I’m missing most of my fingers (which is evident in my YouTube Videos). I’ve also lost both legs, below my knees. When it comes to who I am as both a person and an artist, this just barely scratches the surface!

Why did you decide to become a makeup artist? What about it appeals to you?

I started really dabbling in makeup about 2.5 years ago. I was on maternity leave, and wanted a new, creative outlet. I needed something that wouldn’t be as time-consuming as my primary job, or my main hobby/side hustle (jewelry making).

After my daughter was born, I got a lot more serious about it. I started practicing makeup, my application, and my technical skills on the daily. But even at that point, it was just something I wanted to get better at, on my own personal time. I found makeup to be very relaxing and calming.

I spent nearly a year learning on my own. While I gradually became a lot better than I was when I started, it wasn’t getting me where I wanted to be. So, I decided to look into makeup school.

I enrolled in QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course. At the time, the Pro Makeup Workshop was included for free, so I took that course, too. That was truly the beginning of my makeup obsession!

How did you feel the Pro Makeup Workshop helped fine-tune the skills taught to you in the Master Makeup Artistry foundation course?

I learned so much in the MMA course! But it was during the Pro Makeup Workshop that I had the absolute pleasure of being tutored by Nathan Johnson. Admittedly, he was really tough on me – which was exactly what I needed. Nathan can definitely have a kind of “tough love” way of teaching.

All the feedback he gives you is strictly meant to help you grow, though. He literally changed my way of seeing makeup and practice application. Even after I completed the course, I’ve stayed in touch with Nathan. He’ll often comment on my looks (on social media), and encourage my journey along the way.

I feel like I’ve gained SO much more than just a couple certificates from these courses. I would definitely recommend QC Makeup Academy to anyone willing to put in the work. As with everything, you only get what you put into it.

You also run your own beauty vlog on YouTube. Can you tell us a little about your vlogging style, and the kind of niche you hope to be known for within the makeup vlogging community?

I’m a part of a few different beauty communities online. After a while, several people were coming to me with tutorial requests for my makeup looks. That’s when I decided to start making YouTube videos.

I don’t know if I have a particular style, per se. But my goal is to be informative! I want to show practical techniques, as opposed to the clichéd ‘social media makeup’ that’s become so popular.

Do you have any plans in the future to start your own MUA business, work in a salon, etc.? Tell us a bit about your career goals!

Yes, I would like to do more freelancing in the future. I’m working on my SFX course with QC right now. Once I finish that, I plan on taking the Airbrush Makeup Workshop.

I want to be as well-rounded as possible first. That way, I can offer more services to the clients when I do start my own business!

You have a knack for creating bold, stunning eye makeup looks! Where does your inspiration come from?

Honestly, inspiration for me comes from anywhere and everywhere. I pull inspiration from textures, patterns, the color story of an image, and/or other pieces of artwork.

As you mentioned, you’re also currently enrolled in QC’s Special Effects Makeup Course. What is it about SFX makeup that draws you to it, and how do you hope to incorporate it into your makeup career?

I love horror and fantasy! I’m extremely drawn to the idea of being able to use prosthetics and makeup in order to create characters, injuries, and gore within these realms.

It just seems really fun and versatile, as far as what you can do with your Special Effects makeup knowledge!

In general, how did you find the online learning experience with QC Makeup Academy? (Such as the course materials, the information being taught, tutor feedback, etc.)

The experience was incredible! The coursework was easy to follow and submit. I always got my feedback returned in way less time than the window given.

Admittedly, for the Master Makeup Artistry course, I did feel as though the feedback I received wasn’t as critical as I would have liked. It didn’t seem like my tutor offered me enough recommendations, or areas where I could have improved.

However, in direct contrast, the Pro Makeup Workshop with Nathan Johnson was amazing! His feedback was extremely detailed. He offered constructive criticism in all the areas that needed more work. But he also made sure to always compliments the aspects of my work that were done well, too.

I think he could see how passionate I was about learning. So, he pushed me to be the best I could be! I’m incredibly thankful to him for that! I feel like I not only gained invaluable information, I gained a different view of the art form.

Why did you enroll in online makeup courses instead of offline?

I liked the idea of learning online because I could work on the materials at my OWN pace. You have up to 2 years to complete your course! That made the whole educational experience much more manageable, because I could devote my time to it when it best suited my schedule!

What would you say is the #1 most beneficial thing so far that QC Makeup Academy has helped teach you?

I don’t know that I can narrow it down to just 1, so I’ll give my top 2:

  1. Proper techniques – and the reasons those techniques are used.
  2. The history and background of makeup (which is included as part of the course material).

Both of these things are NOT something I would have learned if I hadn’t taken proper makeup training. Knowing the right techniques and history behind the makeup process provides a stronger foundation to build upon. Plus, being able to explain why I do things the way I do helps me be more professional.

Is there a particular makeup technique you’re still working to improve?

I’m always striving to improve my makeup application in all areas. There’s always room to grow and learn! Personally, honing in on applications for different skin types (other than my own) is a goal of mine for the future.

Name your Holy Grail product that ALL makeup artists should have (and why)!

Knowledge. I know that isn’t something you can buy or carry in your kit, but I think it’s the most important thing you can have.

You can use the highest quality products – but in the end, if you don’t know how to use them properly, they aren’t going to work. I’m a firm believer that you can make most products work if you know how to use them.

You need to understand which situations and skin types will require the right cosmetics. It’s not the product itself that create the best results. It’s the knowledge of how to use that product!

Want to become a certified makeup artist, like Amanda? Enroll in QC’s leading online Master Makeup Artistry Foundation Course today!

Why Your Skincare Routine is So Important Right Now

By Skincare No Comments

As famous Youtuber, Thomas Sanders, would say: “Story time!”

For a while, I was suspiciously optimistic about just how well I was taking this whole COVID-19 thing. That is, until last night. I came across an article – no different than any of the articles I’d been reading for weeks beforehand – and for some reason, it hit me differently this time.

I suddenly felt so overwhelmed! I legit thought I was about to lose my marbles.

Since it was already getting late, I decided to go upstairs, do my skincare routine, and then head to bed. Amazingly, as I worked my way through each product and enacted my typical nighttime routine, I found that I was actually starting to feel a bit better. By the time I’d applied my face serum, I’d calmed down entirely.

Was it out of the ordinary that doing something as simple as my skincare routine could boost my mood in such a big way? After looking into it, it turns out that I’m not alone in this! With much of the world undergoing social distancing and self-isolation, it seems like a LOT of people are turning to their skincare regimens to improve their overall mental health.

Why is this? Let’s take a look…

The Skincare Market is on the Rise

So far this year, sales for skincare products have been beating out the makeup market. The fact that makeup sales aren’t booming right now isn’t that big of a shocker. After all, with so many people staying at home, a lot of us have put our personal makeup routines on the back burner.

But it is interesting to see how well the skincare market is thriving, despite being in the middle of a pandemic!

To put this into perspective: the NPD Group released statistics recently that showed how by the final week of February, skincare products had seen an increase in dollar and in-store sales by 13%! Makeup and other beauty products, on the other hand, only grew by 4%.

It didn’t lose its momentum in March, either! Amazon alone saw an additional 8% sales increase in their skincare inventory last month, whereas color cosmetics actually dropped by 1%.

The facts are in: the importance of skincare is especially popular right now! But what’s the reasoning behind this? Why, with everything currently going on in the world, are so many of us seeking solace in this practice?

Here are a few of our hypotheses…

1. Our Skincare Routine Gives Us Control

The world is chaotic and upside down right now – and that’s putting it lightly. The media is struggling to find a balance between giving us the facts, and feeding into our fears. Many are going into ‘fight-or-flight’ mode. While some are refusing to take this crisis seriously, others are just as guilty of taking it a bit too far.

Sometimes, it can feel as though there’s very little that’s still in our control. Our skincare routine, however, allows us to regain that sense of power back.

While it may sound a little silly, it makes total sense! For just a few minutes (or hours, depending on how thorough you get – hey, we don’t judge) every day, you can focus solely on YOU.

It’s a routine you can always rely on, no matter how hectic things around you may get. While you can’t control everything, you can always control this. By extension, working through your skincare routine can help ground you and bring back perspective. It can help remind you that there are in fact many aspects of your life that you still do have full control over.

That despite the bumps in the road, there are still things that can bring you peace.

2. It Provides a Sense of Normalcy

To build off this: another important reason why your skincare routine is so critical right now is that it’s a sliver of your normal life that you can always hold onto. While it can be said for certain that some day, life will go back to normal, we still don’t really know when that’ll be yet.

Personally speaking, I can sometimes be a Monica Geller. I like being in-the-know. I’m a creature of habit. Because of this, I don’t like when things are disorderly or uncertain.

When I do my skincare routine, it brings me back to a more familiar place. It’s something I’ve been doing long before this pandemic, and it reminds me that it’ll be something I’ll do long after it’s over, too. This sense of normalcy not only will help ground you in the moment – it’ll keep your sights set on a brighter, more positive future to come.

3. Routine Eases Anxiety

This is a proven, behavioral fact in both human beings and animals alike. Regular life is already stressful enough as it is. But these days, the consequences of COVID-19 have made us that much more anxious, fearful, and even depressed.

But having a faithful routine in place gives us a healthy way to cope! This, in large part, is due to what we’ve looked at above.

On top of this, being cooped up at home can lead to boredom. You might sometimes feel a bit stagnant. Your skincare routine gives your brain a chance to be productive. Most importantly, it guarantees at least ONE time during your day where you get to focus on something that brings you happiness.

4. Your Skincare Routine Teaches You How to Do Things Right

The longer you do something, the better you become at it. Like with makeup, there’s a certain level of trial-and-error that comes with perfecting the right skincare routine for you.

(And even then, there’s always room for it to transform and grow!)

Chances are, you’ll need to try out different types of products to figure out which ones react best to your skin type. For instance, the right cleanser for dry skin may not be the ideal fit for combination skin. Similarly, someone with oily skin may require different moisturizer than a person with a normal skin type.

As time passes, you’ll learn what your skin responds to favorably, and which products you should avoid. Before you know it, when it comes to your skincare routine, you’ll be an absolute expert!

That Being Said…

Just because you’ll know your own skin inside and out, doesn’t mean you can say the same about anyone else. But there IS a way you can become an actual expert, and make a career out of helping others with their own skincare routines!

You can become a certified Skincare Consultant!

The single best way to achieve this is by receiving professional training from an accredited beauty school. Since social distancing and self-isolation is in effect, in-person classes aren’t a safe option.

But online beauty school will allow you to get this expertly-taught education AND a professionally-recognized certification… all from the comfort of your own home!

Chances are you’re already at home anyways; looking for something creative and productive to do to pass the time. Now’s the perfect opportunity to maximize that spare time by focusing on your career goals!

By devoting just 1-2 hours of your week to an online Skincare course, you can graduate and be a certified expert in as little as 3-6 months!

Just make sure to do thorough research when looking into online beauty school. Your course should be thorough. They should teach you not just about the foundation of skincare, but how to build on those skills at a more advanced level.

QC Makeup Academy and their professional instructors, for example, will educate you on the following information:

  • Skincare basics
  • Skin types and anatomy
  • Different skincare products and tools
  • Understanding skincare labels
  • The difference between morning and nighttime routines
  • Skin conditions and how to work with them
  • Aging skin and the best practices for it
  • Natural skincare basics, organic products, and DIY recipes
  • And so much more!

A good online beauty school will also ensure to arm students with a certain level of business training. This way, if you have dreams of starting up your own business, you know how to do this properly.

For instance, QC Makeup Academy teaches client relations, consultations, and problem-solving as part of their Skincare Course!

Just remember:

Things may be difficult right now, but the sun is ALWAYS there behind the clouds! We’ll all make it through this together, and come out stronger on the other side.

In the meantime, find what makes you happy. If it helps you get through this a little bit easier, then it’s a blessing, whatever it may be.

If that just so happens to be your skincare routine? Awesome!

You do YOU. We’re here for you!

Why is QC Makeup Academy the best online beauty school for your skincare training? Find out here!

5 Makeup Trends That are Here for Spring (and Coming for the Summer)!

By From the Experts, Makeup Trends No Comments

One of the greatest – and most exciting – things about makeup is that it’s constantly evolving. While there will always be certain classics that’ll never go out of style (such as a simple red lip), makeup trends are forever changing. If you know what’s currently popular, and similarly, what’s on the rise, your makeup looks will always stay fresh and fun!

But where do these new trends come from? You’ll often find that most are inspired by the catwalk, following the collections showcased in Fashion Weeks from all around the globe. Here are 5 makeup trends that celebrity makeup artist, Nathan Johnson, believes are here to stay this upcoming spring and summer!

1. Very blended looks

This look is achieved by taking two similar shades (for example: light pink into darker pink, ivory into light pink, taupe into medium brown, etc.) and then transitioning one into the other.

The lighter color should be applied to the lid of the eye, and the darker pigment will be blended out through the outer corner and crease.  The darker shade should also wrap around the outer corner of the eye and turn into a smoked lower lash line.

This style of eye makeup is blended to perfection! It has no hard lines, with the deeper shade smoothly dissipating below the brow. Gorgeous!

2. The use of vivid colors in unusual ways

This trend-setting makeup look gives a nice nod to the retro 1980’s, Nathan says. Arguably one of the best examples that showcases this is Jeremy Scott’s Spring and Summer 2020 show! As each of the models strutted their stuff down the catwalk, audiences everywhere were stunned at the combination of eccentric, geometrically-inspired outfits, tousled neon wigs, and bold eye makeup.

Notice the way that Scott expertly ties the whole look together through the use of makeup. Specifically, through the bright pops of color on the inner corners of his models’ eyes! This is a great demonstration of how every little detail works in unison to create the final, polished product!

Another example that beautifully demonstrates this trend is Jason Wu’s Spring and Summer 2020 collection. Although these looks fall into the watercolor trend, Nathan notes how the bright hues and overall style “really honor the 80s”!

3. Classic Blue is the Pantone Color of 2020

Every December, Pantone uses trend-forecasting research to announce the upcoming Color of the Year. Based on their findings, 2020’s chosen color is Classic Blue. Pantone states that this pigment instills “calm, confidence, and connection”, while also highlighting “our desire for a dependable and stable foundation on which to build, as we cross the threshold into a new era”.

Given everything currently going on in the world, this definitely rings true!

Whether Classic Blue is incorporated in pops of color, blended looks, or shocks of liner, Nathan notes how it undoubtedly adds vibrancy to the eye. Just check out the amazing effect it has on the makeup and clothing worn by this model! This is just one of the reasons why fashion designer, LaQuan Smith, really stood out during Fashion Week this year!

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4. Color-blocked lids

Color blocking with vibrant, bold hues is a great trend you can incorporate this spring/summer into your makeup, clothing, and so much more! In terms of eye makeup, color blocking is done by choosing one solid eyeshadow shade to apply to your upper lids, followed by a different color to for your lower lids.

There are lots of different ways you can play with this look and get creative! Since spring and summer are typically warmer seasons, you can always pair bright, complementary colors together. Pink and orange are a stunning combo, as is blue with green. You can also use one color, but create a contrast between two very opposite shades.

An incredible example of color-blocked lids that Nathan saw during Fashion Week was from Oscar de la Renta’s Spring and Summer 2020 collection!

5. Soft complexions

As Nathan points out, the interest in “cake face” has seen a tremendous drop through recent years. Instead, people now want their skin to look as real and natural as possible.

For some time, strobing – essentially, extreme highlighting – was a popular trend. When done right, it would give the appearance of shimmery, dewy skin. Unfortunately, a lot of beauty vloggers (many of whom are not professional, certified makeup artists) created a tendency of applying WAY too much. Often, it wouldn’t be done properly. The result gave off a kind of sweaty appearance, rather than the desired, youthful glow.

But Nathan says the strobe is now out! Cosmetic companies have been seeing a major drop in sales for quite some times, signaling the end to that era. Instead, it’s being replaced with softer, more natural-looking glows.

Bonus: Makeup looks Nathan would LOVE to see take off in 2020!

In addition to the above trends, there are a few more makeup looks that Nathan would love to see gain popularity in the upcoming years. Specifically, the following…

1. Dimensional eyeliner

While we’ll always have room in our hearts for the classic cat-eye or winged liner, there’s so much room to explore and get creative! After all, makeup artistry provides you with the freedom to push boundaries. How else do you think new trends are discovered?

Dimensional eyeliner let you think outside the box, through the use of different shapes and patterns. Not only will it definitely make you stand out from the crowd, it’s also a terrific way to express a little extra personality!

Anna Sui expertly illustrated this makeup look into her Spring and Summer 2020 collection. Just look at how playful and pretty the results are!

2. Non-black eyeliners

Speaking of eyeliner, another cool look that Nathan hopes gains even more popularity is unconventionally-colored liner. Given that ‘conventional’ eyeliner is essentially just black (or even brown), this pretty much means ANY color other than this!

Blues, greens, reds, purples, you name it – there’s so much wiggle room this trend can offer! It can amplify eyeshadow, pair with lip color, or even just be worn on its own. One especially gorgeous color we’ve seen is a crisp, white liquid liner along the upper lids. Pamella Roland’s Spring and Summer 2020 Collection showed this off perfectly!

3. DayGlo and fluorescent creases

DayGlo (and other fluorescent colors) are known to dramatically enhance your makeup look! When used on the upper crease of your lids, the attention will naturally draw towards your eyes. Plus, if you’re feeling particularly fierce, the use of bold, funky colors can be incorporated throughout the rest of your look, too.

On the other hand, fluorescent creases can stand entirely on their own and be the star of the show. In fact, by keeping the rest of your makeup look relatively subtle, your DayGlo eyeshadow will naturally pop even more.

Pair it with some thick, luscious falsies and a dark nude lip, like Versace did in her Spring and Summer 2020 Collection! This look is easily one of our favorites.

4. Black red lipstick

If you want your makeup to be daring and make an impression, there’s very little that can compare to a striking, black red lip! If you want a full glam, night makeup look, you can pair it with a smoky eye and dramatic false lashes. However, if you want a more toned-down final result, black red lipstick is also strong enough to be used independently.

Another perk about this trend is that it can work for quite literally anyone. Regardless of your skin tone, eye color, or what-have-you – black red lipstick can turn anyone and everyone into royalty. Don’t believe us? Just take a look at how jaw-dropping it was on this model, as part of Max Mara’s Spring and Summer 2020 Collection!

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5. Lilac drop shadow/lower eyeliner

Commonly referred to as ‘upside-down makeup’, a drop shadow is when you apply a bold color only (or primarily) to your lower lash line. This is an awesome option for those who want to add a bit of pigment to their eye makeup, without committing to the full color across their upper lids.

A drop-shadow can also be accentuated with lower eyeliner. Alternately, lower liner (in the same desired color) can also be worn on its own.

During Fashion Week, Balmain debuted their 2020 Spring and Summer Collection, with models wearing a gorgeous lilac drop shadow and lower eyeliner. As far as colors go, lilac is as effective as it is delicate. Don’t let its soft, gentle tone fool you! When used along the lower lash line, it creates a result a uniquely bold result that can still be worn as an everyday look!

Want to be able to learn how to do all of these trendy looks – and maybe even create one of your own? Get professional makeup artist training and earn your certification from an accredited makeup school! There’s no better time than now to work towards your goals and dreams! Who knows… maybe some day, one of YOUR trends will make it on this list!

Enroll today in the leading online Master Makeup Artistry Course, and earn your professional certification in as little as 3-6 months!