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Best online makeup course article, June 25 2021, Feature Image

How to Find the Best Online Makeup Course for YOU!

By Career Advice, Education, QC Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Dream of becoming a certified makeup artist, but not sure which online makeup course is the best fit for you? Today, QC Makeup Academy‘s Student Ambassador, Paula Alleyne, is here to help guide you on the right path!

Paula is a graduate of QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course. Her business, PAULA MONIQUE, specializes in bridal, editorial, and special occasions makeup. Connect with Paula directly in the QC Virtual Classroom on Facebook! 

Best online makeup course article, June 25 2021, Paula Alleyne headshot

A Little About Me

Hi, everyone! My name is Paula Alleyne. Some of you may be aware who I am from previous blog articles. But for those of you who are new to the QC family, I am a Student Ambassador for the school. I completed my training in the Master Makeup Artistry Course and enjoyed every minute of it!  I’m also from the lovely Caribbean island of Barbados.

In this article, I’ll be providing insight as to how you can go about finding the best online makeup course for YOU. Together, we’ll compare online vs. in-person training, as well as review 3 red flags to watch out for when searching for an online institution. Lastly, I’ll also highlight some of the reasons why QC Makeup Academy worked for me – and why their online training will be the right fit for you, too!

In-Person vs. Online Makeup Courses

If you’re brand-new to online training, I totally understand the initial reservations you might have about enrolling in an online makeup course. I’ll be honest: at first, I wasn’t 100% sold on the idea of learning professional makeup artistry online either. It actually took me quite some time to finally take the step and register in the Master Makeup Artistry Course with QC Makeup Academy.

To me, truly learning makeup had to be a hands-on experience! It couldn’t just be about reading tips, seeing makeup looks, and then mimicking them. At the end of the day, that sort of training would make me feel as though I didn’t get my money’s worth.

Before I decided to register for an online makeup course, I looked around for a brick-and-mortar school. But honestly, I found it challenging to find consistent evening classes. Furthermore, I couldn’t find a local, in-person program that offered in-depth information on makeup artistry.

(And yes, I said evening classes, because I also have a full-time job. Chances are, many of you looking for a makeup course are in the exact same boat.)

As such, I knew from the very beginning that whatever course I signed up for had to be flexible. It needed to be at a pace I could actually manage. After looking for in-person training, I started looking online to see what was available instead.

Makeup products for woman and laptop on table

Finding the Best Online Makeup Course: 3 Red Flags to Watch Out For

Sometimes, the easiest way to know what to look for in an online makeup course is to know what you need to be avoiding. With that in mind, I found quite a number of 3 shady red flags while doing my own research. If you encounter any of the following 3 scenarios, my biggest piece of advice is: RUN AWAY!

This will not be the best online makeup course for you if…

1. The online makeup school has mostly negative reviews – or no reviews at all.

This is a big one! Because you haven’t yet experienced what it’s like to be a student of the given institution, reviews of other people’s experiences can tell you all you need to know. When I was researching online makeup schools, I specifically made sure to look for each school’s reviews.

As I searched, I discovered that there were some course reviews from organizations where students were disappointed with the lack of depth of information. They’d paid hundreds – sometimes thousands – of dollars to only get basic knowledge. As a result, this left them feeling cheated.

So, if you’re looking into an online makeup course and find that the majority of its reviews are negative, it’s probably something you should consider before enrolling in it. Similarly, if you find an online school and can’t seem to find authentic, real reviews anywhere, this is also a sign that their makeup courses aren’t very legit.

Want to hear why people are raving about QC Makeup Academy’s online makeup courses? Click here to read over 200 5-star reviews on Facebook!

Best online makeup course article, June 25 2021, in-post article

2. The school has little to no online presence.

Ask yourself: does the organization appear legit? Does this online makeup school have a solid website? Moreover, does this website clearly provide their tuition fees, payment plans, course curriculum, contact info, etc.? Do they proudly showcase a strong student presence and offer a reliable Support Team?

Or do you have to go all “detective” in order to track all of this information down?

If a school’s website seems vague and lacks information on course content, this is a bad sign. If the information they DO provide is vague, don’t be surprised if the content you receive once you pay is also vague and unprofessional. Additionally, do a bit of digging to see if this school is active on social media. The more active they are, the more legit the institution is!

3. The online makeup school isn’t properly accredited or recognized.

Does the institution appear to be well known? This recognition can come either from its courses being accredited, other organizations and brands acknowledging the institution, or reviewing the staff/tutors associated with the institution.

Fun Fact: QC Makeup Academy holds a solid A+ ranking with the Better Business Bureau. Additionally, all of their online courses and certifications are internationally-recognized!

Happy woman holding up makeup brushes and giving thumbs up

Finding The Best Online Makeup Course: Why You Should Enroll with QC Makeup Academy

Speaking from experience, QC Makeup Academy passes ALL of these areas of concern! It was easy for me to see student reviews of the institution. These reviews covered everything from course experiences, to student and graduate success stories, to positive feedback on social media. I even found unboxing videos where students proudly showed off the makeup kits they received as part of their training!

On top of this, QC’s website is solid; providing great information on course content, tutors, payment options, and user support. I spent time reviewing video extracts of their course content and topics offered within the course manuals. Furthermore, I was comforted to see the school networking with established makeup brands. As a QC student, you’re actually entitled to a LOT of different makeup discounts!

Another awesome perk is that once you enroll in one course, all of QC’s other courses are available to you at 50% off. Add on top of that the fact that this school offers monthly promotional discounts, competitive pricing, and low monthly payments plans, and it’s clear that this is a school who cares about giving students the best education at the most affordable price.

In addition to all the above, all of QC’s tutors are highly recognized and established in their fields. If you’d like to read more about them (and I highly recommend doing so), you can read all of the tutor profiles here!

Knowing Your Career Goals

The single most effective way to find the best online makeup course for YOU is to first understand what your career goals are. What kind of makeup artist do you want to be? Which areas of the beauty industry do you want to focus on and/or specialize in? Do you want this to be a full-time career, a part-time job, a passion project, etc.?

Only once you know the answers to all of these questions can you then find the training that can best help you achieve your goals!

As you embark upon the online makeup courses offered by QC Makeup Academy, you’re inspired to think about these future goals. You’re encouraged to start the process of turning them from mere dreams to an actual plan of action. Furthermore, QC’s training makes you ponder the type(s) of makeup application you gravitate to most – whether it be special effects, bridal, theatrical, etc.

I found that the Master Makeup Artistry Course offered foundational education in bridal, television, and editorial makeup. At the same time, it also included areas such as SFX and theater makeup. So, if you’re relatively new to this journey and want to get trained in all of these fields, the MMA Course is the best way to go! Personally, being exposed to these various specialties provided a great platform on which I could build upon and specialize my skill-set on a long-term basis.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

As you complete your assignments, you’ll begin to know which areas come naturally to you. You’ll discover which you enjoy most, and which ones are a bit trickier for you to master. In addition to learning your natural style, you may also find interest in unexpected areas, too.

For example, I love to do more clean, classic looks. This type of makeup works well within the bridal and editorial areas of the industry. However, I also thoroughly enjoyed creating fake bruises and fantasy characters. These were areas I would not have typically engaged in – but I’m certainly glad I did!

Makeup artist applying eyeshadow on model's eyelids

How to Find the Best Online Makeup Course: My Final Thoughts

To sum it up, taking the leap to pursue an online education with QC Makeup Academy was great for me. Having completed my training, I can say with confidence that QC offered the best online makeup course to align with my career goals… and it’ll offer the same for you, too!

To those of you out there who are looking for online makeup education, take your time. There’s no rush! In fact, it’s better to be patience and certain, then impatient and disappointed. Remember to find as much information as you can, from student/graduate reviews to social media investigating. Whichever school you decide to enroll in, make sure it’s as legitimate and professional as QC Makeup Academy is.

Ultimately, only YOU can truly know which online makeup course is the best one for you. So long as you follow your heart and trust your instincts, everything will be just fine! 💕

Countless students and grads have claimed that QC Makeup Academy offers the BEST online makeup courses around. Want to see what all the fuss is about? Click here to enroll today!

School of makeup article, June 17 2021, Feature Image

5 Reasons Why QC Makeup Academy is the BEST School of Makeup!

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, QC Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career 4 Comments

Not sure which school of makeup is the right fit for YOU? Join certified MUA, Luzaan de Bruyn, as she discusses the top 3 reasons why she recommends QC Makeup Academy

Luzaan is the proud founder of Beauty by Luzaan and specializes in traditional, SFX, and airbrush makeup. 

School of makeup article, June 17 2021, Luzaan de Bruyn headshot
Photo by Stephan Neff Photography and Trevor Bond.

Why Should YOU Enroll in Makeup School?

The day I decided to start playing with makeup was the day I started watching YouTube tutorials. I spent many, many months watching these tutorials and following every single step. But for some reason, I still SUCKED at makeup application and techniques.

To be completely honest, I looked like a clown that climbed out of the gutter after escaping Azkaban prison.

Once I finally decided to enroll in professional makeup training, however, everything changed. During my first assignment in QC Makeup Academy’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, I realized something life-changing: that I had never truly learned a thing from those YouTube tutorials. Moreover, I never truly knew anything about proper makeup artistry.

Learning Makeup Through Social Media

Yes, many influencers are self-taught makeup artists (and all the power to them!). But many of them don’t have a proper understanding of makeup theory, core technique, or proper application. Furthermore, while they may be exceptional at creating looks on their own faces, many influencers don’t know how to apply that same skill to the faces of others. In fact, a lot of the ‘technique’ you see in social media makeup is what you’ll learn NOT to do in a professional school of makeup.

YouTube tutorials don’t teach you the fundamental skills needed to work in the beauty industry. They don’t teach you about health and safety, correct application techniques, or different techniques and makeup required for different skin types and ages.

“But hang on,” you might be saying, “I know a self-taught makeup artist with their own business!”

We all do. The REAL question is: do they know how to do makeup for photoshoots? What about makeup for the stage? For celebrities? Film? Brides? Fashion events?

Chances are, they don’t. Or at least, they don’t possess all of these qualifications. So, why is this?

Learning Makeup Professionally

The answer is simple: because they don’t have the fundamental techniques that can only truly be learned by training in a school of makeup. These are the core building blocks that help an MUA to grow, go above and beyond, and become the best of the best. (Basically, to become what all makeup artists dreams of being!)

Training at a professional school of makeup is more than just learning makeup. Rather, it’s learning to start a successful business! This means understanding how to reach for the stars, become successful, offer the best client services, and present yourself in the brightest light.

Makeup artistry is a massive, booming industry. As a result, it’s also extremely competitive. Think of it like a lion pack, fighting for the biggest bite. It’s pretty cut-throat out there! When you have reputable certifications to show off, you’ll be setting yourself up for more bookings because more clients will be able to trust in you.

I don’t know about you, but I would much rather work with someone CERTIFIED than pay for someone who’s only self-taught. There’s a reason why doctors, aestheticians, dermatologists, etc. aren’t allowed to be self-taught. In my opinion, the same standard should be held for makeup artists.

Makeup artist removing makeup from client's face

Being a Makeup Student Myself…

I chose to enroll in a professional school of makeup for the simple fact that if I was going to make this my career, I was not going to cut corners. After all, I was determined to make my dreams a success! I was going to learn my way to the top. You see, I don’t just want to be an average makeup artist… I want to be the one people ALWAYS recommend!

During my search for makeup schools, I was overwhelmed by the number of choices available to me. Firstly, I could choose between a brick-and-mortar school of makeup or an online one. But the idea of training from home appealed to me more. I mean, why go sit in a class everyday if you can sit in the comfort of your own home instead?

When I pictured myself with my favorite drink in hand, completing my studies at my preferred time, and learn the exact same stuff I’d learn in a physical classroom, the choice was obvious. So, I knew that online makeup school was to way to go!

Picking The RIGHT School of Makeup

Here’s the thing: not all online makeup schools provide the same quality teachings. So, as YOU research into different schools of makeup online, here are a few critical things to look for:

  • Is the school of makeup internationally accredited?
  • How long have their tutors been certified makeup artists?
  • Moreover, are their tutors actual working artists in the professional industry?
  • Do you get personalized critiques from your tutor after an assignment or unit?
  • Does this school of makeup offer practical, hands-on training?
  • Do they allow for continuous education by offering a wide variety of different courses?
  • Does the school support your growth? If so, how?
  • Will your makeup training include business and career training, too?
  • Does the school have an active and supportive community online?

Personally, when I was researching online schools, the 3 most important criteria for me were that:

  1. The school was internationally accredited – particularly, by the Better Business Bureau.
  2. My certification would be included within the cost of the tuition, rather than something I’d need to pay an extra fee for once I’d graduated.
  3. I wouldn’t need to pay an additional fee to keep that certification active.
Young woman giving thumb up and thumb down

3 Red Flags to Avoid

Let’s face it, there are a LOT of scammers out there. Here are 3 red flags that I noticed when looking into online schools of makeup:

  1. Asking for a fee in order to obtain your certification after completing the course.
  2. Offering only multiple-choice quizzes or textbooks learning, while not offering hands-on training/assignments.
  3. Not being an accredited, reputable establishment.

What are some additional red flags to watch out for? This blog article lists 6 more!

5 Reasons Why QC Makeup Academy is the BEST School of Makeup

1. QC Makeup Academy offers a 21-day money back guarantee!

It can be scary to commit to something – especially financially – without 100% confidence that you’ll enjoy the experience. What if the course doesn’t turn out to be what you expected? There are plenty of online schools of there that, once they take your money, there’s no chance of getting it back.

However, this is NOT the case with QC Makeup Academy!

On the contrary, QC gives you 3 full weeks (21 days) to try out your course and get a feel for it. This way, you can make sure it’s the right fit for you, your needs, and your goals. You can use this time to go through the books and units, and ensure that enrolling with QC was the right decision.

If it turns out not to be what you were looking for, all you need to do is contact QC’s Student Support Team within that 21-day window. Once you’ve mailed back all of your course materials and makeup kit (unused), you’ll get a full refund. This means you don’t lose anything, which makes it a definite win-win situation!

School of makeup in-post image, Shot of a young woman using headphones while relaxing on the sofa at home. Shot of a young woman using a laptop and headphones on the sofa at home

2. This school of makeup has its very own Virtual Classroom on Facebook!

Just because QC Makeup Academy is an online school, it doesn’t mean there aren’t still plenty of ways for you to connect with your fellow peers! In QC’s free Virtual Classroom on Facebook, students talk, offer constructive criticism (always given with love, of course), and offer support to one another.

This Virtual Classroom has helped me in more ways than one! I’ve met the most amazing friends, who have turned into family. Whenever I’m feeling demotivated, they motivate me. Whenever I need a push, they push me. Being part of an online classroom gives you the support and love that you’d find in a physical brick-and-mortar student group.

The only difference is it’s a LOT more convenient for you!

Not yet a QC student? You can still join the Virtual Classroom for a no-strings-attached 2-week trial!

3. QC Makeup Academy’s tutors are legitimate industry experts!

QC gives you the best of the best, at affordable prices. They even offer low monthly payment plans. This is all because YOU deserve the best of the best! And this is just another reason why QC ensures that all of their tutors are real beauty experts with years of experience under their belts.

Celebrity makeup artist, Nathan Johnson, has been my tutor throughout all of my classes. He’s pushed me to heights I never knew existed. Moreover, he’s helped me realize that I can – and WILL – be the best of the best, rather than just an average makeup artist.

QC Makeup Academy knows that by having legitimate subject-matter experts as tutors, they can give you the best education possible… at a price you can’t find anywhere else!

Makeup and hairstyle process with beautiful young woman in modern interior room with green plants

4. QC Makeup Academy has 24/7 student support!

This way, there’s always someone available to help you, no matter what time of day you work on your course! You’ll always have a Student Support Team waiting to assist you with whatever you need. I know this on a personal level because I’ve phoned them at 2am quite a few times – lol!

Having this reliable Support Team at your service ensures that if you ever come across a problem, you’ll can have it sorted you out faster than you can say, “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!”

5. This school of makeup offers affordable, low monthly payment plans… and monthly discounts!

As I mentioned earlier, QC Makeup Academy’s tuition is already extremely competitive. On top of this, you can choose to pay the full amount when you enroll, which will get you an awesome pay-in-full discount. Alternately, you can pay a small deposit at the time of enrollment and then pay off the rest of your tuition using QC’s low monthly payment plan!

Oh, and did I mention that once you’ve enrolled in one course, all additional courses are 50% off? But wait, there’s more! QC is also notorious for offering monthly promotions (sometimes, more than one per month). Talk about a serious perk!

Personally, all of these cost-effective options have helped me to continue my education and growth, without breaking the bank. I’ve enrolled in 7 different courses already! If that doesn’t scream LOVE, COMPASSION, and CARE, I don’t know what does.

Set of professional cosmetics, makeup tools and accessories for women's beauty. Flat lay frame composition, top view.

Now it’s time to give YOU the floor! Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think a school of makeup should offer its students! And don’t forget to go join QC’s Virtual Classroom so you can connect with me. I love helping future and current students!

Thank you for reading. And as always, remember that you are loved. xoxo

Start your career in as little as 2-6 months by enrolling in QC’s online school of makeup today!

Online makeup course reacting to Unit B feedback article Feature Image

Reacting to My Tutor’s Feedback for My Online Makeup Course!

By #ThrowbackThursday, About the School, Education, QC Student Ambassador 4 Comments

Want to enroll in an online makeup course? Dream of becoming a professionally trained MUA? QC Makeup Academy‘s self-paced, online Master Makeup Artistry Course can help you kick-start your career in as little as 3-6 months! Your tutor will be a real industry professional. Moreover, this tutor will provide you with extensive audio feedback after EVERY unit! Thus, you’ll learn exactly where your strengths are – as well as where you need to improve!

Want a better idea of the sort of feedback you’ll be receiving?

Current student, Jordan Garcia, is here to share some of the feedback he received from his tutor, Nathan Johnson, after submitting Unit B!

Jordan’s Tutor Feedback for Unit B of His Online Makeup Course

Jordan is a current student of the following QC Makeup Academy online makeup courses:

Last summer, Jordan submitted his second unit of the MMA Course. Now, for those of you who don’t know, Unit B is considered one of the most challenging sections of this certification program! Needless to say, Jordan was definitely anxious to have his tutor – celebrity makeup artist, Nathan Johnson – review his work!

Lucky for us, Jordan is here not only to share some of the feedback and constructive critiques he received from Nathan… He’s also going to react to it and provide his thoughts in hindsight!

Watch the full video below!

Want to connect with Jordan directly? Join QC Makeup Academy’s free Virtual Classroom on Facebook today!

Let’s Recap!

Why is Unit B of the Master Makeup Artistry Course so important? In a nutshell, here’s how Nathan summarizes the purpose of this second unit:

This is an amazing unit because within it, we start to go through all the individual techniques of master makeup artistry! When you put your time into mastering them, when you really understand them inside and out, you become capable of anything... because at the end of the day, whatever it is you want to make in makeup, it always comes down to combinations of basic techniques. Master them and they can be assembled into anything!

Nathan JohnsonQC Makeup Academy executive makeup instructor and celebrity MUA

So, how was Jordan’s feedback for Unit B of this online makeup course? Nathan has some very positive things to say about Jordan’s progress and strengths. In particular, he praises Jordan’s ability to ‘perfect the skin’, as well as his conceal and correcting skills.

At the same time, he also breaks down each component of Jordan’s hands-on work and points out where improvements still need to be made. Specifically, Nathan discusses what can be bettered when it comes to basic eyeshadow application and wedge eyeliner.

Hands-down, though, the BEST part about Nathan’s feedback is how motivating and supportive it is! Not only does he acknowledge and congratulate Jordan on his hard work; Nathan aims to push Jordan further by reminding him (as always) that he has it in him to succeed, and that he is always there to help Jordan however he can.

Talk about a loving, encouraging learning environment!

Online makeup course reacting to Unit B feedback article in-post image, makeup artist applying makeup to model

Take an Online Makeup Course with QC!

QC Makeup Academy offers an online makeup course for every skill level!

Online Makeup Course: Foundational Training

Our Foundational Training will arm you with all of the core techniques and skill-set needed to launch a thriving career in the professional industry. There are 3 Foundation Courses you can choose from:

  1. Makeup Artistry Course – best for those who wish to take their OWN makeup game to the next level!
  2. Master Makeup Artistry Course – best for those who wish to work professionally as an expert MUA!
  3. Skincare Course – best for those who wish to learn everything there is to know about skincare, better your makeup skills, and/or work as a certified Skincare Consultant!

Online Makeup Course: Advanced Training

Our Advanced Training is designed to add to the foundational skills you built-in (any of) the previous 3 programs. Here, you’ll refine your craft further, create cleaner, more precise applications, and master next-level techniques that are sure to boost your career!

QC Makeup Academy currently offers 3 Advanced Courses:

  1. Pro Makeup Workshop – best for those with previous makeup training and/or graduates of the Master Makeup Artistry Course!
  2. Global Beauty Workshop – best for MUAs who want to be able to work on ANY skin tone and adapt their applications on a worldwide scale!
  3. Portfolio Development Workshop – best for those starting their professional career and interested in creating a strong, client-attracting makeup portfolio!
Lipstick holder with different makeup products on table against color background.

Online Makeup Course: Specialty Training

Lastly, QC Makeup Academy also offers Specialty Courses that will add to your existing qualifications, set you apart from your competitors, and become a one-stop shop for clients! Here are the 5 Specialty Courses we currently provide:

  1. Airbrush Makeup Workshop
  2. Special FX Makeup
  3. Fashion Styling
  4. Hair Styling Essentials
  5. Virtual Makeup Training

Ready to get started? Enroll with QC Makeup Academy today and earn your internationally-recognized certification in as little as 3-6 months!

Online makeup classes article, May 27 2021, Feature Image

3 Ways Online Makeup Classes are The Same as In-Person Ones (and 3 Ways They’re BETTER)

By About the School, Education, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Not sure whether you should enroll in online makeup classes or brick-and-mortar ones? Certified MUA, Gabrielle Rivera, reveals 3 similarities that online training has with in-person training – as well as 3 reasons why online makeup courses are superior!

Gabrielle is a QC Makeup Academy graduate. To see more of her work, visit her Instagram page

Online makeup classes article, Gabrielle Rivera headshot

Online Makeup Classes vs. In-Person Makeup Classes: 3 Things They Have in Common

1 – Educator Feedback

When I first looked into QC Makeup Academy, my biggest concern was that I wouldn’t be in the same room as my instructor. After all, how can you learn how to do makeup properly, and master the necessary skills, if you’re not physically with your tutor?

I quickly discovered, however, that QC Makeup Academy’s remote learning environment has this covered! In fact, their online makeup classes provide expert and experienced educator feedback on EVERY assignment… Just like in-person makeup classes would!

Just like in a brick-and-mortar setting, your QC instructor will review and critique your work throughout the entire process. Moreover, they’ll provide detailed feedback that is specific to the strengths you’ve shown in your assignments. At the same time, they’ll also address any areas that need improvement, as well as give feedback on how to master those specific skills and/or applications. As a result, your tutor’s audio feedback will help you pinpoint exactly where you need to grow and how you can successfully achieve this!

Having this level of instructor feedback is incredibly vital to your success as a student, because it supports your understanding of the concepts being modeled. I speak from experience! My QC Makeup Academy tutor, Pat Armstrong, would provide specific and thorough feedback on every aspect of my assignments. She also offered suggestions on areas I should work on, as well as provided references in the textbooks and/or instructional videos that I could use for additional support.

2 – You Receive a Makeup Kit and Course Supplies

It’s worth pointing out that not all online makeup classes will provide you with a makeup kit. Similarly, not all online schools will send you a physical copy of your course supplies and materials. But QC Makeup Academy certainly does!

This is just another way that QC’s online learning environment is similar to what you’d experience in a brick-and-mortar course. In both settings, you’re provided with your very own makeup kit to aid you in your training. Furthermore, you receive a physical copy of your textbooks (and any other necessary supplies) to help you successfully complete your course.

Having these materials provided to you helps alleviate the pressure of needing to build your makeup kit and supplies from scratch. As such, you can begin your education as soon as you’ve enrolled!

Makeup products on flat surface

3 – The Methodology is the Same in Online Makeup Classes and Brick-and-Mortar Ones

Fun fact: QC Makeup Academy executive makeup artist and celebrity MUA, Nathan Johnson, used to work as a brick-and-mortar instructor before teaching online makeup classes. According to him, the methodology behind the education process is exactly the same – regardless of the medium!

Wherever I am teaching, my methodology is the same ... This teaching process is the same, whether the learning is happening in-person or from behind a computer screen.

Nathan JohnsonQC Makeup Academy executive makeup instructor and celebrity MUA

I’m a makeup artist who has taken both in-person and online makeup training. As such, I can say with complete confidence that the methodology taught in both settings is the exact same. With in-person classes, your instructor will model and verbally walk you through each step. They’ll explain why they are approaching each technique in a specific way. Similarly, this is also true for online makeup classes!

With QC Makeup Academy, the instructors record themselves modeling each skill and technique. This is then demonstrated to you through your instructional videos. Plus, they verbally walk through their hows and whys! For instance, say you want to learn how to create a smoky eye. The techniques for achieving this look would be the same, whether it’s taught to you in-person or online. So long as the approach is the same (and it is), you’ll be able to achieve the same results.

3 Ways Online Makeup Classes Are Better Than In-Person Ones

You might be thinking, “Well, I’m still unsure. In-person learning seems to have more benefits.”

Does it, thought? You might be surprised to learn that online makeup classes actually offer INCREDIBLE benefits that you’d never be able to find in a physical learning environment!

Here are just 3 reasons why I strongly believe online makeup classes can be MORE beneficial than in-person classes!

Woman holding up calendar and giving ok sign with hand

1 – You Can Learn at Your Own Pace!

Like many students, you might be considering taking makeup classes online because you work a full-time job. Maybe you’re a full-time, stay-at-home parent. Or perhaps you’d just prefer not to be in a physical classroom environment during COVID.

Either way, in-person classes probably won’t be able to cater to your needs. This is because they tend to run on a set, strict schedule. Moreover, you have to travel to them and make their timeframes work for your schedule – regardless of how hectic your life is.

On the other hand, online makeup classes allow you to have a flexible schedule! You can learn at your own pace, without strict deadlines or the fear of ‘failing’ if you don’t turn in an assignment by a given due date. QC Makeup Academy’s online learning environment puts YOUR needs first! You can complete your coursework and assignments whenever works best for you. There are no deadlines or set schedules to follow! So long as you complete your program within the 2-year period, that’s all that matters. Thus, you can take as much or as little of that time as you need.

On top of this, because you have the option to learn at your own pace, you can take the time you need to truly feel proud of the work you submit!

2 – Online Makeup Classes Offer a LOT More Practice Time!

They always say, “Practice makes perfect.” However, with in-person classes, you’re actually limited on the practice time you’re allotted before an instructor reviews and critiques your work.

With in-person classes, the instructor will teach and model the application. After that, students are asked to practice on their own model that same day. In this blog article, QC Makeup Academy’s Nathan Johnson shared his own experiences working at a brick-and-mortar school. This thought in particular really resonated with me:

You hear your lesson from your teacher once, and you only get to practice it for a few minutes. In those few minutes, you either get it or you don’t, and everyone else moves on. Yes, you can practice when you get home - but without the visual demo, will you be able to remember what the proper technique is?

Nathan JohnsonQC Makeup Academy executive makeup instructor and celebrity MUA

Online makeup classes, on the other hand, permit you the time to actually practice the skills taught in each unit. Furthermore, you can continue practicing as much as you need before turning in your work. This way, you can ensure that you’re mastering the skill properly. This practice time will make all the difference between just applying makeup and fine-tuning the application process.

Woman watching makeup tutorial on laptop while sitting on floor

3 – You Can Refer Back to Your Course Materials as Much as You Need!

In my personal experience, one of the most VALUABLE benefits of online makeup classes is the video instruction. Namely, because with that comes the ability to play the videos back! When becoming a professional makeup artist, video instruction can be an essential component to your growing skill-set. You’re able to watch, pause, rewind, and practice alongside the instructor – as many times as you want/need.

In a physical class, you can run into difficulty remembering everything the instructor said. You might not recall each step of the application. As a result, this can make your at-home practice tough, since you won’t remember how to recreate the look(s) or apply the product(s) accurately. Luckily, online makeup training won’t pose this issue!

This is also an important element because it can be easy to pick up incorrect makeup habits when trying to mimic your instructor’s work (without their supervision and feedback). Having instructional videos at your disposal takes away the “guesswork”. Instead, you’re able to re-watch their applications and techniques as many times as you need. This way, you’ll truly grasp the skills correctly!

Trust me when I say: the right online makeup classes will completely disprove the negative misconceptions people sometimes have about them. If you dream of working as a professional makeup artist and want to get properly trained, I highly recommend checking out QC Makeup Academy’s courses! You can also speak directly with QC’s Student Support Team to have all of your concerns and questions answered. 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Graduate from your online makeup classes in as little as 3-6 months by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!

Special effects makeup course zombie assignment article Feature Image

QC’s Special Effects Makeup Course: Zombie Assignment

By Education, QC Student Ambassador, Special Effects Makeup 7 Comments

Thinking of enrolling in QC Makeup Academy‘s Special Effects Makeup Course? Veronika Kelle is here to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at how she completed her final assignment: zombie makeup!

The Special Effects Makeup Course: Veronika Kelle’s Zombie Application

Located in Thailand, Veronika Kelle is a Student Ambassador of QC Makeup Academy. In addition to the Special Effects Makeup Course, she has also completed the Master Makeup Artistry Course and Pro Makeup Workshop.

In the following video, Veronika shares what her experience was like:

  • Prepping for her final course assignment;
  • Applying the special effects zombie makeup on her model;
  • And seeing her vision come to life through an on-location photoshoot.

As a reminder, this assignment was the final one in her Special Effects Makeup Course. Thus, she is using all of the fundamental techniques, makeup theory, and skills learned throughout her training. As you’ll see, the final result is truly remarkable!

Watch the full video below!

Want to connect with Veronika directly? Join QC’s free Virtual Classroom on Facebook today!

About QC’s Special Effects Makeup Course

This 4-unit Specialty Course teaches you everything you need to know to work as a professional SFX makeup artist! Among the many skills you’ll learn, discover how to:

  • Safe and sanitary special effects makeup applications;
  • How to identify (and work with) common skin disorders;
  • Bald cap application, aging makeup, and how to work with fake hair;
  • How to create an original character from a script;
  • SFX prosthetics and their many uses;
  • How to create realistic wounds and gore;
  • How to create your very own special FX makeup kit;
  • The fundamentals of starting a successful business;
  • And SO much more!

Once enrolled, all of your course textbooks and instructional videos will be accessible directly within the Online Student Center. As a result, you’ll be able to start your training immediately! But if you prefer to work with physical course materials, we’ve got you covered there, too. We mail you a physical copy – as well as a free starter makeup kit – directly to your front door!

You’ll get paired with a tutor who’s a real industry expert, with years of experience. After every unit, your tutor will review your work with a fine-tooth comb and give you extensive audio feedback. And just because this course is online doesn’t mean you won’t get any hands-on training. Quite the opposite! In fact, you’ll get TONS of real-world experience through your practical assignments.

The best part? Once you graduate, you’ll get an internationally-recognized certification/designation! Thus, you’ll have a game-changing qualification to add to your resume and impress clients with!

Special effects makeup course zombie assignment article portfolio image
Photography by Janusz Ciechowski.

Other Reasons to Enroll with QC Makeup Academy

We’ll be real with you: there are far too many perks and benefits to list here! There are just so many of them! However, here’s a handful of the top reasons why QC students and grads recommend our school:

  • QC Makeup Academy holds an A+ ranking with the Better Business Bureau!
  • Furthermore, our school and all of its online courses are internationally-recognized!
  • In addition to our Special Effects Makeup Course, we offer a HUGE variety of other makeup, hair, fashion, and skincare courses. Click here to see all the courses we currently offer!
  • QC’s learning environment is 100% self-paced and remote. As a result, you train on your schedule and from wherever works best for YOU!
  • Our tuition is extremely competitive. Pay your tuition in full when you enroll (and save some money by doing so), or take advantage of our low monthly payment plan!
  • Moreover, all future QC courses will then be 50% – forever!
  • The moment you enroll with QC Makeup Academy, you get access to a long list of makeup discounts from big-name brands!

So, what are you waiting for? Enroll in QC’s Special Effects Makeup Course and earn your certification in as little as 3-6 months!

Learn how to do makeup eyebrow tutorial Feature Image

Learn How to Do Makeup: Realistic Eyebrows Tutorial

By Education, Makeup Tips and Tricks, Makeup Tutorial, QC Student Ambassador 4 Comments

Want to learn how to do makeup so YOU can pursue a professional career as an MUA? We’ve got a killer tutorial that’ll help you get started! 💕

Amanda Ramey’s Realistic Eyebrows Makeup Tutorial

Amanda Ramey is a Student Ambassador of QC Makeup Academy. She is also a graduate of the follow certification courses:

  • Master Makeup Artistry
  • Pro Makeup Workshop
  • Airbrush Makeup Workshop
  • Special FX Makeup

Today, she’s here to demonstrate just how much QC’s competitive training has helped her learn how to do makeup! In the following video, watch as Amanda breaks down the technique and steps involved in creating hair-like, realistic eyebrows… even if you have no eyebrows at all!

Want to connect with Amanda directly? Join QC’s Virtual Classroom on Facebook today!

Let’s Recap!

When it comes to learning how to do makeup, the key is to get a proper education. Only through professional training will you gain a mastery of proper technique, makeup theory, and the fundamentals needed to create ANY makeup style.

In this tutorial, Amanda utilizes several critical techniques taught to her in QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course. Particularly, she demonstrates:

  • A light hand;
  • The use of fine, hair-like stokes;
  • An understanding of color theory;
  • How to create dimension;
  • And how to achieve symmetry.

Prior to the tutorial itself, Amanda also shows an old photo of what her eyebrows used to look like before she got professionally trained. As you’ll see, the difference between then and now is like night and day!

Learn How to Do Makeup with QC Makeup Academy!

QC Makeup Academy offers a wide variety of self-paced, online makeup courses suitable for EVERY skill level. You get two full years to complete your program – but since your training is done entirely at your pace, you can graduate in as little or as much time as you need!

As part of your course, we will provide you with direct online access to all of your course materials. Moreover, we’ll also mail a physical copy of your materials – as well as your free makeup kit – right to your front door. Our wide array of assignments range from quizzes, self-studies, and hands-on training. Your tutor will be a real industry expert with years of in-field experience. After you submit each Unit, your tutor will review all of your work and provide you with audio feedback to help you grow and better your craft!

Once you graduate, you’ll receive your official, internationally-recognized certification in the mail. This certification is the PERFECT addition to any makeup artist’s resume. Not only will it impress your clients; it’ll help you stand out from the competition!

Learn how to makeup eyebrow tutorial in-post image

Additional Perks of Being a QC Student

Here are a handful of other reasons why you should learn how to do makeup with QC Makeup Academy:

  • We hold an A+ ranking with the Better Business Bureau and have been a pioneer of online learning since 1984.
  • Furthermore, all of our courses and certifications are internationally-recognized.
  • Our tuition is highly competitive, as well as flexible. You have the option to pay your course in full, or take advantage of our low monthly payment plan.
  • Plus, once you enroll in one course, all of your future courses will be 50% off.
  • As a QC student, you gain access to all sorts of amazing makeup discounts with big-name brands.
  • Our Customer Support and online community are second to none.

So, what are you waiting for? Learn how to do makeup professionally and start your dream career in as little as 3-6 months by enrolling with QC today!

Master Makeup Artistry Course review, May 6 2021, Feature Image

My Review of QC Makeup Academy’s Master Makeup Artistry Course

By About the School, Education, QC Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career 2 Comments

Thinking of getting professionally certified by enrolling in QC Makeup Academy’s Master Makeup Artistry Course? Cheri Stevens just graduated from this very program – and she’s here to tell you EXACTLY what you can expect!

To Learn More About Cheri, Read Her Full Ambassador Feature Here

My Journey Into Makeup Artistry

Hi, folks! My name is Cheri Stevens and I’m a graduate of QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Program. I’m also a Student Ambassador. Since graduating from my certification program, I’ve become a freelance makeup artist and run my very own business. Let me tell you: there is NOTHING more rewarding than doing makeup as a career!

I’ve been working as my own boss for approximately 6 months. I work with clients on location, doing bridal work and before-and-after photoshoots. In addition to this, I spend lots of time networking and collaborating with many amazing photographers, in order to make all of my work come to life!

If you’re thinking of turning your passion for makeup into a legitimate profession, then I urge you to keep reading. QC Makeup Academy quite literally changed my life… and it can do the same for you, too!

Master Makeup Artistry review article, May 6 2021, Cheri headshot

First Thing’s First: What IS a Makeup Artist?

Professional makeup artists are industry experts who work with the face (and body) as a medium. As an MUA, you can apply makeup on others for:

  • Special occasions (i.e. weddings, proms, graduations, baby showers, etc.);
  • Theater;
  • Television;
  • Film;
  • Fashion;
  • Magazines;
  • Other productions (i.e. aspects of the modeling industry);
  • And more!

Click here to learn even more about the job description of a makeup artist!

Is Professional Makeup Artistry Training Necessary?

In my opinion, professional training is very necessary in the world of makeup artistry. A client will always want to hire a makeup artist who’s been educated and certified! After all, these qualifications provide reassurance that they’re booking someone who can truly give them the results they want.

Moreover, you want to be a makeup artist who thoroughly understands skin, color correcting, proper technique, and all those little tips and tricks that’ll take your applications from good to great. With these skills to arm you, you’re definitely going to be more in-demand for any and all clients – especially when compared to competition who doesn’t have your level of training.

Another benefit of getting professionally trained is that you’ll have an internationally-recognized, reputable certification to add to your resume. As a result, you’ll be able to obtain more clients, have a much stronger skill-set, and gain a competitive edge over other MUAs in your area. Plus, this education will boost your income, as you’ll have the education needed to set your professional business standard!

So, are you ready to get the ball rolling and enroll in a makeup course? If so, I’m here to tell you that ALL of these goals are achievable with QC Makeup Academy!

Makeup artist applying lip product on model

Why I Enrolled with QC Makeup Academy

As a woman who already had a passion for makeup, I decided it was time to up my game. I was a Service Industry worker for years, but I wanted to switch gears. Professional makeup artistry was really appealing to me. So, I began my search. Not long ago, I wound up seeing an ad on Facebook for QC Makeup Academy and it piqued my interest!

I was curious as to how I could get this education by attending a school online. But after reading all the reviews saying how amazing QC’s education was, I was sold. What really caught my attention was that through QC Makeup Academy, I could complete my training on my own schedule. They even had easy, affordable payment options that fit right into my budget!

Why Did I Pick the Master Makeup Artistry Course?

QC Makeup Academy offered a wide variety of courses suitable for ALL levels of experience. Since I’d never been trained in this field before, I wanted a certification program that would teach me everything from the ground up. The Master Makeup Artistry Course was the exact solution I was looking for!

This 7-unit program will teach you all the theory and proper techniques you could possibly want to know. Moreover, you’ll learn how to apply makeup for theater, film and television, weddings, unique fictional characters, and more.  Once you enroll, you’ll be paired with a legit industry expert who will be your individual tutor. After each unit, this tutor will examine your work and provide you with extensive audio feedback to help you get better and grow as an artist!

Additional Perks

Another reason I wanted to take this course? There’s a full unit at the end, all about business training! As I knew I’d want to start my own makeup business, this unit was essential to my learning experience. It was also important to me that upon graduation, I would receive an actual certification for my resume. Luckily, the Master Makeup Artistry Course gives you just that! Once you’ve completed the program (and paid for it in full), you’ll be sent a physical copy of QC’s Master International Makeup Professional certification.

Community and networking opportunities were also things I was looking for, too. So, guess how excited I was when I discovered that QC also offers a free Virtual Classroom on Facebook for current, past, and prospective students? In the Virtual Classroom, I am lucky enough to connect with my fellow peers and together, we help one another succeed in our journeys.

I am proud to say that I’ve since graduated from the Master Makeup Artistry Course. If you’ve read this far, then you’re in luck – because I’m now going to give you my honest review of this program (as well as QC in general)!

Makeup artist applying eye liner on female client

My Review of the Master Makeup Artistry Course

My Personal Highlights of the Program

First, let me start by reiterating that I LOVE QC Makeup Academy! My tutor was Pat Armstrong. I found her to be so sweet and extremely helpful. Pat has worked with the National Women’s Show, Lise Watier, and Shiseido.  Her clients include Steven Harper and Olympic Gold Medalist, Elizabeth Manley. Pat’s breakdown and critique of my work were always really informative and helped me understand exactly what I needed to improve along the way.

When I enrolled in the Master Makeup Artistry Course, I not only got a digital copy of all my course materials – I was mailed a physical copy, too. These materials included all of my booklets and a high-quality makeup kit! Each book was extremely informative! Furthermore, the fun, educational videos hosted by the lovely Nathan Johnson were perfect learning tools. Nathan is a gem. He shows you exactly how the look should be applied, with a few little personal tips thrown in.

Another awesome perk is that even though the course is done online, there are TONS of practical assignments that give you critical hands-on training. I found this hands-on learning to be especially exceptional. Of all my assignments, my favorite one was the Stylized Shoot. I chose to do a makeup application for a 50’s-style bridal photoshoot. It was so much fun because we had to style the entire model from head to toe! I used my old wedding dress, did a classic red lip, and shot it in front of our old piano. I was over the moon with how this assignment turned out!

3 Important Lessons I Learned In My Training

Throughout the course of my program, 3 lessons I learned that I found to be especially important were:

  • If you have to second-guess your work, it’s not ready to submit.
  • Use quality products for the best results.
  • Many of your products can actually have multiple different uses.
Makeup artist applying lip product to client

3 Key Lessons I DIDN’T Know Before Taking the Master Makeup Artistry Course

  • Less can often be more. For example: applying eyeliner with a dark powder and an angled brush along the lash line can open an eye, without it being overpowering. Sometimes, that’s all you need to have a wide-awake-looking eye!
  • Eyebrows are meant to be sisters, not twins.
  • Sometimes, all a client needs are to balance their complexion – instead of covering the entire face with foundation.

Remember: You’ll Get What You Put Into It

Here’s the honest truth: no, the Master Makeup Artistry Course isn’t easy. It’s not meant to be! Rather, it’s designed to push you. It’ll force you to evaluate your work objectively, practice over and over again, and be your own biggest critic. In the world of professional makeup, this is the ONLY way you for to learn properly and maximize your chances for success!

Personally, I found all of my assignments to be quite challenging. However, that only ever reiterated to me that I’d picked the right school and the right course. After all, you shouldn’t want your training to be basic and easy! This course will challenge you, but in a good way. It’ll give you every tip and trick taught by industry professionals. This way, you’ll have the best education possible. You’ll be prepared to be the BEST makeup artist you can be!

Makeup artist and client working together, both wearing face masks

So, Should YOU Enroll in QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course?

100% YES!

I absolutely encourage you to join QC Makeup Academy and enroll in this course if you’re considering a professional education in makeup artistry. Even if you’re already an established MUA, I recommend this school. Maybe you don’t yet have formal training. Perhaps you do but want to build upon your existing skill-set. Either way, QC will offer you something to better your craft!

In my experience, the Master Makeup Artistry Course can truly help you level up your game. This is because it’ll give you the proper tips and techniques needed to become an even better MUA. I’m so happy I chose QC Makeup Academy. This school has allowed me to start my career on the right track. In fact, I have plans to add even more QC courses to my repertoire in the future!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my honest review of QC Makeup Academy’s Master Makeup Artistry Course. I really appreciate it! Please feel free to leave a comment below, and please come connect with me in the Virtual Classroom on Facebook! I look forward to seeing you there!

Turn your dreams into a reality by enrolling in QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course today!

QC Makeup Academy Virtual Classroom article, May 5 2021, Feature Image

Why YOU Should Join QC Makeup Academy’s Virtual Classroom

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, QC Student Ambassador 2 Comments

Want to become a professional makeup artist? Thinking of enrolling with QC Makeup Academy for your certification training?

If so, then you should DEFINITELY join QC’s free Virtual Classroom on Facebook today! 💕

Interested in learning more about this Virtual Classroom first? No problem, we’ve got you covered!

What is the Virtual Classroom?

The Virtual Classroom is a private Facebook group run by QC Makeup Academy. The purpose of the Virtual Classroom is two-fold. Firstly, it’s a safe space for current students and past graduates to gather together, discuss their courses/careers, connect with tutors, and network amongst each other.

Secondly, it’s also a place for prospective students, too! Say you’re not yet enrolled with QC but have been thinking about it. You can simply hop into the group for a 2-week trial, chat with students, get their perspectives, etc. As a result, you’ll have a crystal-clear idea of what YOU can expect once you enroll – before investing any money into your decision!

Pretty cool, huh?

Jordan Garcia Spills the Tea

Jordan Garcia is an aspiring MUA and a current student of QC Makeup Academy’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, Pro Makeup Workshop, and Skincare Course. Fun fact: he is also one of our awesome Student Ambassadors! As a result, he’s got the inside scoop about why QC Makeup Academy is THE makeup school to train with!

Watch Jordan’s full video below and join him as he reveals all of the major perks of joining the Virtual Classroom on Facebook!

Ready to join? Click here to become a member of the Virtual Classroom!

Perks of Enrolling with QC Makeup Academy

Beyond the Virtual Classroom, there are a TON of other reasons why QC Makeup Academy needs to be on your radar! If you dream of working as a professional makeup artist, QC will:

  • Get you fully trained and certified in as little as 3-6 months!
  • Pair you with a real industry tutor (with years of experience), to act as your guide up the mountain of success!
  • Provide you with a start makeup kit!
  • Give you 2 full years to complete your program!
  • Provide a self-paced, remote learning environment!
  • Mail you a physical copy of your course materials, in addition to your online access!
  • Make you eligible for a BUNCH of amazing makeup discounts from big-name brands!
  • Teach you everything you need to know about booking clients, marketing yourself, and launching your very own business!
  • And SO much more!

Another awesome benefit? QC Makeup Academy has been a pioneer of the online learning experience since 1984 and holds a solid A+ ranking with the Better Business Bureau. Moreover, all of our certifications are internationally-recognized. Thus, once you graduate, you can use your expertise to service clients anywhere you want!

Makeup student learning online from home

Turn your dreams into a reality today! Enroll with QC Makeup Academy and make 2021 the year you pursue your ultimate dream!

QC Makeup Academy reviews article, Apr 16 2021, Feature Image

QC Makeup Academy Reviews: Alba Carpio

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, Your Makeup Career 8 Comments

Thinking of getting professionally trained and certified with QC Makeup Academy? Graduate and current student, Alba Carpio, reviews her experience and reveals exactly what YOU can expect at this makeup school!

QC Makeup Academy Reviews: Alba Carpio

Alba has successfully completed the Master Makeup Artistry Course, Special FX Makeup Course, and Pro Makeup Workshop. Additionally, she is currently working through her Skincare Course and Airbrush Makeup Workshop.

Today, Alba is here to discuss:

  • Social media makeup vs. professional makeup (and how she learned this difference the hard way);
  • Why she chose to pursue her makeup training online;
  • How she discovered QC Makeup Academy;
  • What her QC training has been like;
  • And SO much more!

So, if you’ve been looking up QC Makeup Academy reviews to better understand what past graduates have had to say about their experience, look no further! Watch the video below to learn everything you need to know about what it’s like to enroll with QC!

Want to connect with Alba directly? Join QC Makeup Academy’s Virtual Classroom on Facebook!

More Reviews About QC!

There are TONS of places for you to find QC Makeup Academy reviews and testimonials from current students and past grads. Here are a few quick resources for your convenience:

makeup artist working on client

Perks of Being a QC Makeup Academy Student

The benefits of enrolling with QC are endless. However, here are some of the most popular reasons why students and alumni have loved their experience with our school:

  • QC Makeup Academy has an A+ ranking from the Better Business Bureau.
  • Furthermore, QC has been a pioneer of online learning since 1984!
  • The courses are 100% self-paced (meaning no deadlines) and can be done from the comfort of home.
  • Tuition is flexible! You can pay up front or choose our low monthly payment plan.
  • Once you’ve enrolled in one course, all future courses will be 50% off. This discount is available to you FOREVER!
  • Every month, QC Makeup Academy holds one or more promotional offers – thereby saving you even more money on your next certification program!
  • In addition to having online access to all of your course materials, we’ll even mail a physical copy to your front door, too!
  • Don’t have any makeup products of your own? No problem! Most QC courses will provide you with a starter kit.
  • Every QC Makeup Academy tutor is a legit industry expert with decades of experience. Moreover, your tutor will ensure to provide you with extensive audio feedback after EVERY unit of your course!
  • Practical assignments will guarantee that you get ample hands-on training.
  • Joining QC’s amazing community means all sorts of networking opportunities!
  • When you graduate, you’ll have an internationally-recognized certification to add to your resume and impress clients!

So, what are you waiting for? Turn your dream career into a reality in as little as 3-6 months by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!

My Top 6 Makeup Artistry Tips for Mature Skin

By Career Advice, Education, Makeup Tips and Tricks, QC Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career 2 Comments

Want to become a master of makeup artistry and skincare for mature skin? QC Makeup Academy’s Student Ambassador, Cheri Stevens, has 6 awesome tips to get you started! To learn more about Cheri, read her full Ambassador Feature here!

makeup artistry mature skin article, Cheri Stevens, new headshot

What is ‘mature skin‘? Why is it important that professional makeup artists have a good working knowledge of mature skin?

Well, for starters, mature skin is everywhere! You see it all the time in film and television. For example, just look at Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon, Sigourney Weaver, Raquel Welch, etc. All of these women are gorgeous! But they still need to know good skincare. Furthermore, they need an educated makeup artist to make them look and feel fabulous.

This can be done with proper makeup artistry training and good skincare knowledge!

Makeup Artistry: Younger Vs. Mature Skin

What are some of the similarities when it comes to applying makeup on younger skin, versus applying makeup on mature skin? In short, both require a solid understanding of technique. Moreover, they can both utilize creativity through the use of color and application.

On the other hand, what are some of the most common differences? How does makeup artistry for younger skin vary when compared to makeup artistry for mature skin?

The answer is quite simple. The products you choose for a younger client’s skin will be quite different in nature than the products you’d use on mature skin. Mature skin needs a lighter hand. It will also require a more specified skincare regimen that specifically targets mature skin. One example would be cream products that do not dry out the skin. Another prime example would be products that have less shimmer to them.

older woman applying powder to face using powder brush

6 Makeup Artistry and Skincare Tips for Mature Skin

1. Prep the skin with moisture!

Mature skin can be dry. So, using a good moisturizer is essential before applying any makeup! Apply a nice, even layer of moisturizer to the face. Preferably, opt for a moisturizer with some Hyaluronic Acid in it. This will help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. When you hydrate the skin beforehand, you’re creating a prime, soft, and hydrated canvas for the makeup application.

2. Use targeted ingredients in skincare products!

You’ll need to start by determining your client’s skincare goals.

For example, are they fighting fine lines and wrinkles? Are they looking into adding some Retinol into their routine? Are they out in the sun a lot? If so, you should recommend that they add sunscreen to their regular routine, for added skin protection. Is your client’s skin dry? Look for Hyaluronic Acid in their moisturizer.

Help them turn their skin into the best possible version of itself! Using the right skincare products always comes first. As a result, applying makeup onto it will become a no brainer. And who knows…with good skincare, they might need even less makeup to look amazing!

3. Build in sheer layers!

When it comes to mature skin, you want to apply foundation with a light hand and build as needed. Foundation on mature skin can sometimes settle into fine lines and look cakey. Using sheer layers assures that the makeup is even and smooth, thus preventing it from settling into lines and looking overdone.

4. Add that POP of color!

Sometimes, mature skin can have a dull appearance. The best way to combat this is to make it glow! A nice pop of a cream blush on the cheeks will liven the skin and make the client look fresh. Creams are also great for mature skin because they don’t settle the same way that powders do.

Take it one step further by apply color with a touch of shimmer. This will bring a glow back to your client’s face. No doubt, they’ll feel youthful and fresh!

5. Line that pucker!

Always apply a lip liner to the lips. As we age, our lips can droop and lose definition. Lining the lips can strengthen the natural lip line, prevent lipstick from feathering, and make the lips look their best shape.

Just don’t overline your client’s lips too much, of course! It’s also worth nothing that you should keep the color soft, so as not to make the lips look harsh.

mature model, close up shot of lip makeup

6. Keep it soft!

As we age, we certainly don’t want to be perceived as being older than we are. So, keep the makeup light! Avoid harsh, dark eyeliners, loud colors, or shimmers that highlight lines and wrinkles. Instead, go with soft, matte colors and well-defined lips. You’ll have your client glowing and gorgeous, no matter what age they are!

The Importance of Professional Training

Why is it so crucial for makeup artists to have sufficient training for mature skin? Like with any other area of makeup artistry, a proper education is always important. To be the very best you can be, and acquire the right knowledge needed to do the job, getting certification training is the single best way to go.

When it comes to mature skin, professional training is especially important. This type of makeup artistry requires a very specific set of refined skills. You’ll need to be able to apply products that will enhance your client’s skin and features – while at the same time, omitting ones that would detract from any discoloration, wrinkles, and fine lines.

Skincare for Mature Skin

Personally speaking, skincare training has been SO essential for me as a makeup artist! I find this knowledge paramount.

A thorough understanding of skincare helps me better assess the client’s skin prior to the application. Plus, I can properly address any skin issues that could be relevant to the makeup work I’m about to do. It’s important to be educated on which products will be needed for each client, depending on the skin issues and/or type(s) they may have (i.e. dryness, oiliness, discoloration, lines, etc.).

older woman applying skincare serum in cheek

QC Makeup Academy’s Skincare Course

In Unit D of QC’s Skincare Course, you’ll learn all about working with mature skin. As a graduate of this course, the most important lessons I learned from this particular unit were knowing what happens to aging skin, as well as ways to take care of it with the proper ingredients.

In assignment D4 of the Skincare Unit, Anti-Aging Skincare for Mature Clients, you get to delve into the specifics of mature skin. This particular Not only do you get the chance to work with a client demographic you may not have worked with before; you also get to really examine and assess the issues of a mature client.

These lessons have been very critical for me as a professional makeup artist – and they’ll be just as critical for you, too! Knowing how to properly work with mature skin is an amazing asset to add to your skill-set. Furthermore, you’ll gain a broader sense knowledge of skin types and you’ll be able to add mature skin to your repertoire.

In my opinion, this is not an age bracket to be left out of the mix. Makeup artistry is for ALL ages, and proper skincare training just makes your portfolio that much better!

Makeup Artistry for Mature Skin

This is taught in Unit C of QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course. In assignment C5, The Mature Client Makeup Application, you’re tasked with doing a real-life makeup application on a model with mature skin.

The lessons taught in this unit/assignment are essential for any professional beauty expert. They’ll help you broaden your skill-set and gain the knowledge needed to enhance your client’s face with makeup, without overpowering it. Thus, you can keep their application age-appropriate and beautiful.

beautiful mature-skinned model

Become a master of makeup artistry for ALL types of skin by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!