Luzaan de Bruyn, Author at QC Makeup Academy
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Luzaan de Bruyn

School of makeup article, June 17 2021, Feature Image

5 Reasons Why QC Makeup Academy is the BEST School of Makeup!

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, QC Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career 4 Comments

Not sure which school of makeup is the right fit for YOU? Join certified MUA, Luzaan de Bruyn, as she discusses the top 3 reasons why she recommends QC Makeup Academy! 

Luzaan is the proud founder of Beauty by Luzaan and specializes in traditional, SFX, and airbrush makeup. 

School of makeup article, June 17 2021, Luzaan de Bruyn headshot
Photo by Stephan Neff Photography and Trevor Bond.

Why Should YOU Enroll in Makeup School?

The day I decided to start playing with makeup was the day I started watching YouTube tutorials. I spent many, many months watching these tutorials and following every single step. But for some reason, I still SUCKED at makeup application and techniques.

To be completely honest, I looked like a clown that climbed out of the gutter after escaping Azkaban prison.

Once I finally decided to enroll in professional makeup training, however, everything changed. During my first assignment in QC Makeup Academy’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, I realized something life-changing: that I had never truly learned a thing from those YouTube tutorials. Moreover, I never truly knew anything about proper makeup artistry.

Learning Makeup Through Social Media

Yes, many influencers are self-taught makeup artists (and all the power to them!). But many of them don’t have a proper understanding of makeup theory, core technique, or proper application. Furthermore, while they may be exceptional at creating looks on their own faces, many influencers don’t know how to apply that same skill to the faces of others. In fact, a lot of the ‘technique’ you see in social media makeup is what you’ll learn NOT to do in a professional school of makeup.

YouTube tutorials don’t teach you the fundamental skills needed to work in the beauty industry. They don’t teach you about health and safety, correct application techniques, or different techniques and makeup required for different skin types and ages.

“But hang on,” you might be saying, “I know a self-taught makeup artist with their own business!”

We all do. The REAL question is: do they know how to do makeup for photoshoots? What about makeup for the stage? For celebrities? Film? Brides? Fashion events?

Chances are, they don’t. Or at least, they don’t possess all of these qualifications. So, why is this?

Learning Makeup Professionally

The answer is simple: because they don’t have the fundamental techniques that can only truly be learned by training in a school of makeup. These are the core building blocks that help an MUA to grow, go above and beyond, and become the best of the best. (Basically, to become what all makeup artists dreams of being!)

Training at a professional school of makeup is more than just learning makeup. Rather, it’s learning to start a successful business! This means understanding how to reach for the stars, become successful, offer the best client services, and present yourself in the brightest light.

Makeup artistry is a massive, booming industry. As a result, it’s also extremely competitive. Think of it like a lion pack, fighting for the biggest bite. It’s pretty cut-throat out there! When you have reputable certifications to show off, you’ll be setting yourself up for more bookings because more clients will be able to trust in you.

I don’t know about you, but I would much rather work with someone CERTIFIED than pay for someone who’s only self-taught. There’s a reason why doctors, aestheticians, dermatologists, etc. aren’t allowed to be self-taught. In my opinion, the same standard should be held for makeup artists.

Makeup artist removing makeup from client's face

Being a Makeup Student Myself…

I chose to enroll in a professional school of makeup for the simple fact that if I was going to make this my career, I was not going to cut corners. After all, I was determined to make my dreams a success! I was going to learn my way to the top. You see, I don’t just want to be an average makeup artist… I want to be the one people ALWAYS recommend!

During my search for makeup schools, I was overwhelmed by the number of choices available to me. Firstly, I could choose between a brick-and-mortar school of makeup or an online one. But the idea of training from home appealed to me more. I mean, why go sit in a class everyday if you can sit in the comfort of your own home instead?

When I pictured myself with my favorite drink in hand, completing my studies at my preferred time, and learn the exact same stuff I’d learn in a physical classroom, the choice was obvious. So, I knew that online makeup school was to way to go!

Picking The RIGHT School of Makeup

Here’s the thing: not all online makeup schools provide the same quality teachings. So, as YOU research into different schools of makeup online, here are a few critical things to look for:

  • Is the school of makeup internationally accredited?
  • How long have their tutors been certified makeup artists?
  • Moreover, are their tutors actual working artists in the professional industry?
  • Do you get personalized critiques from your tutor after an assignment or unit?
  • Does this school of makeup offer practical, hands-on training?
  • Do they allow for continuous education by offering a wide variety of different courses?
  • Does the school support your growth? If so, how?
  • Will your makeup training include business and career training, too?
  • Does the school have an active and supportive community online?

Personally, when I was researching online schools, the 3 most important criteria for me were that:

  1. The school was internationally accredited – particularly, by the Better Business Bureau.
  2. My certification would be included within the cost of the tuition, rather than something I’d need to pay an extra fee for once I’d graduated.
  3. I wouldn’t need to pay an additional fee to keep that certification active.
Young woman giving thumb up and thumb down

3 Red Flags to Avoid

Let’s face it, there are a LOT of scammers out there. Here are 3 red flags that I noticed when looking into online schools of makeup:

  1. Asking for a fee in order to obtain your certification after completing the course.
  2. Offering only multiple-choice quizzes or textbooks learning, while not offering hands-on training/assignments.
  3. Not being an accredited, reputable establishment.

What are some additional red flags to watch out for? This blog article lists 6 more!

5 Reasons Why QC Makeup Academy is the BEST School of Makeup

1. QC Makeup Academy offers a 21-day money back guarantee!

It can be scary to commit to something – especially financially – without 100% confidence that you’ll enjoy the experience. What if the course doesn’t turn out to be what you expected? There are plenty of online schools of there that, once they take your money, there’s no chance of getting it back.

However, this is NOT the case with QC Makeup Academy!

On the contrary, QC gives you 3 full weeks (21 days) to try out your course and get a feel for it. This way, you can make sure it’s the right fit for you, your needs, and your goals. You can use this time to go through the books and units, and ensure that enrolling with QC was the right decision.

If it turns out not to be what you were looking for, all you need to do is contact QC’s Student Support Team within that 21-day window. Once you’ve mailed back all of your course materials and makeup kit (unused), you’ll get a full refund. This means you don’t lose anything, which makes it a definite win-win situation!

School of makeup in-post image, Shot of a young woman using headphones while relaxing on the sofa at home. Shot of a young woman using a laptop and headphones on the sofa at home

2. This school of makeup has its very own Virtual Classroom on Facebook!

Just because QC Makeup Academy is an online school, it doesn’t mean there aren’t still plenty of ways for you to connect with your fellow peers! In QC’s free Virtual Classroom on Facebook, students talk, offer constructive criticism (always given with love, of course), and offer support to one another.

This Virtual Classroom has helped me in more ways than one! I’ve met the most amazing friends, who have turned into family. Whenever I’m feeling demotivated, they motivate me. Whenever I need a push, they push me. Being part of an online classroom gives you the support and love that you’d find in a physical brick-and-mortar student group.

The only difference is it’s a LOT more convenient for you!

Not yet a QC student? You can still join the Virtual Classroom for a no-strings-attached 2-week trial!

3. QC Makeup Academy’s tutors are legitimate industry experts!

QC gives you the best of the best, at affordable prices. They even offer low monthly payment plans. This is all because YOU deserve the best of the best! And this is just another reason why QC ensures that all of their tutors are real beauty experts with years of experience under their belts.

Celebrity makeup artist, Nathan Johnson, has been my tutor throughout all of my classes. He’s pushed me to heights I never knew existed. Moreover, he’s helped me realize that I can – and WILL – be the best of the best, rather than just an average makeup artist.

QC Makeup Academy knows that by having legitimate subject-matter experts as tutors, they can give you the best education possible… at a price you can’t find anywhere else!

Makeup and hairstyle process with beautiful young woman in modern interior room with green plants

4. QC Makeup Academy has 24/7 student support!

This way, there’s always someone available to help you, no matter what time of day you work on your course! You’ll always have a Student Support Team waiting to assist you with whatever you need. I know this on a personal level because I’ve phoned them at 2am quite a few times – lol!

Having this reliable Support Team at your service ensures that if you ever come across a problem, you’ll can have it sorted you out faster than you can say, “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!”

5. This school of makeup offers affordable, low monthly payment plans… and monthly discounts!

As I mentioned earlier, QC Makeup Academy’s tuition is already extremely competitive. On top of this, you can choose to pay the full amount when you enroll, which will get you an awesome pay-in-full discount. Alternately, you can pay a small deposit at the time of enrollment and then pay off the rest of your tuition using QC’s low monthly payment plan!

Oh, and did I mention that once you’ve enrolled in one course, all additional courses are 50% off? But wait, there’s more! QC is also notorious for offering monthly promotions (sometimes, more than one per month). Talk about a serious perk!

Personally, all of these cost-effective options have helped me to continue my education and growth, without breaking the bank. I’ve enrolled in 7 different courses already! If that doesn’t scream LOVE, COMPASSION, and CARE, I don’t know what does.

Set of professional cosmetics, makeup tools and accessories for women's beauty. Flat lay frame composition, top view.

Now it’s time to give YOU the floor! Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think a school of makeup should offer its students! And don’t forget to go join QC’s Virtual Classroom so you can connect with me. I love helping future and current students!

Thank you for reading. And as always, remember that you are loved. xoxo

Start your career in as little as 2-6 months by enrolling in QC’s online school of makeup today!

makeup classes blog article Luzaan Mar 12 2021 feature image

How to Stay Motivated During Your Makeup Classes

By Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career 3 Comments

Having trouble getting and/or staying motivated in your makeup classes? QC Makeup Academy graduate and Student Ambassador, Luzaan de Bruyn, is here to help! Luzaan is the proud founder of Beauty by Luzaan and specializes in traditional, SFX, and airbrush makeup. 

Makeup classes article Luzaan Mar 12 2021 headshot image

Mental Health During COVID-19

Let’s face it: things have felt way more challenging than normal ever since the pandemic began.

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on how we interact with others and go about our lives. For many of us, our jobs and education are just some of the aspects of our lives that have had to undergo major change. For these reasons, the topic of mental health has been more important than ever over the past year.

After all, combining such high levels of stress with so much uncertainty is guaranteed to have a significant and wide-reaching impact on one’s mental wellbeing.

Perhaps you’ve found yourself struggling with your mental health since the pandemic began. Maybe you’ve always battled mental health issues. Either way, I want you to know that there’s nothing wrong with you. Human beings aren’t programmed to feel ‘happy’ or ‘normal’ all of the time. It’s okay to not be okay sometimes.

Life can be a struggle on the best of days. Throw in a worldwide pandemic, and it’s completely understandable that you might feel sad, distressed, worried, confused, anxious, and demotivated right now.

My point is, everyone reacts differently to difficult situations – and that is COMPLETELY normal!

Why You Might Be Struggling to Stay Motivated in Your Makeup Classes

If you’re currently enrolled in professional makeup classes, you might have noticed over the last year that it’s getting harder for you to feel motivated. It might feel even harder for you to stay motivated.

The good news is, this isn’t a reflection of you. It’s not that you’re doing something wrong. The vast majority of people – from all walks of life, in all types of professions – have been feeling the same way lately.

Here are just a few reasons why we’ve all been struggling with motivation over the last year:

  • Your life was drastically turned upside-down without any warning.
  • Social distancing and extreme isolation, while necessary, are things that none of us were ever prepared for or used to.
  • A pandemic as large as the COVID-19 crisis has caused a sense of fear – not just for ourselves, but for our family and friends, too.
unmotivated woman at laptop

Losing My Own Motivation

I’ll get real with you… I have a heap of mental health illnesses and I’ve struggled more with them since this pandemic started. The pandemic forced me to lose control over my ability to see family and friends. Furthermore, it hindered my ability to book clients for my makeup business.

As a result, all of this has taken a toll on my mental health. My anxiety and depression have been particularly affected. I’ve had assignments to do in my makeup classes, with no one to do them on. Not to mention, my children were suddenly home all of the time, which meant more of my attention was needed on them.

All in all, I got terribly demotivated. I felt emotionally drained and incredibly stressed out. I was constantly worrying about everyone’s health. Very quickly, I found myself sitting on the couch and binging movies all the time. I wasn’t even looking at my makeup classes at that point.

3 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Makeup Classes

While I still have days where I struggle to find motivation, I have discovered a few key tips that have helped me over the last year. Hopefully these tips will help you get back into the groove, too!

happy woman applying makeup on face

1 – Remind yourself why you care!

The same drive and purpose you’ve always had are still inside you, even if your makeup classes don’t feel as important to you right now.

First, think about your ‘why’. Why are you taking makeup classes? Why do you want to be a professional makeup artist? And why do you care about getting this certification?

Think about your dream career and how the makeup classes you’re taking NOW will help you progress towards this goal. Now imagine yourself two months from now…

Scenario #1

In the first scenario, two months has passed and you haven’t once logged into any of your makeup classes. You haven’t read one text booklet or watched one instructional video. Needless to say, you certainly haven’t completed any assignments.

  • Does this course of action line up with your ‘why’?
  • How do you imagine you would feel about yourself in this scenario?
  • Would you be satisfied with your progress?
  • How would it feel to not have progressed at all in your makeup classes?

Scenario #2

In the second scenario, you have been actively making time for your makeup classes. You’ve been forcing yourself to keep up with your practicing and your assignments. Even when it feels difficult, you have a set schedule that you always try your best to follow. You work on your makeup classes and assignments – maybe not every single day, but as much as your mental health will allow.

  • Does this course of action line up with your ‘why’?
  • How do you feel about yourself in this scenario?
  • Would you be satisfied with your progress?
  • How would it feel to know that you’re that much closer to getting your professional certification?

Spend time reflecting on how you feel in the second scenario. Do you feel proud? In control? Relieved? If you find yourself demotivated, come back to this tip and think about this again.

makeup classes article 2021 notepad on table

2 – Set small daily goals!

Goals give us direction. The best goals are concrete and achievable. Aim for 5 daily To-Dos.

Start writing a list of things you want to accomplish. Here are some questions to keep in mind:

  • What tasks are essential for your makeup classes?
  • Which tasks can you break down into smaller, more easily-manageable tasks?
  • Which aspects of your makeup classes make you feel good?
  • Can you find a way to make the most of these particular aspects each day?
  • How will you unplug and relax?

Once you’ve finished writing out your list, perhaps you’ll find that it’s still a bit too big. That’s okay, there’s no need to feel overwhelmed. Instead, just break down this list and make it even smaller!

  • Pick no more than 5 things you want to focus on each day.
  • Make sure that at least one of these goals is personal and not for your makeup classes.
  • If any tasks are too big and can’t be done within a couple of hours, break them down into one or two steps and only focus on those specific steps.
  • If you only get 4 out of 5 goals accomplished, celebrate anyway! You will feel more productive and motivated than you did last week.
  • Each night before bed, adjust your list for the next day. This way, you’ll wake up with a game plan!
happy woman studying on floor

3 – Pair the work you do in your makeup classes with something fun and interesting!

Sometimes, the thing you HAVE to do just don’t feel like much fun… but there might be ways for you to make them slightly more interesting!

  • Set a scene for your makeup classes and your assignments! Pick a comfy spot, light some candles, grab a glass of wine (or whatever your drink of choice is), and create a playlist of favorite songs. This way, work won’t feel like work!
  • Prepare a special treat that you’ll only get to have while working on your makeup classes! This will create a positive correlation between your training and indulging on this delicious treat. Soon, you’ll find yourself eager and excited for study time.
  • Have a virtual call with a friend or fellow student while practicing your assignments! Sometimes, the best way to get motivated is to have someone else cheering you on.

These 3 tips are ones that I’ve tried and tested. They’ve helped fuel me immensely! I’ve always been known to get demotivated quickly, even before COVID-19. These are my go-to ways to get myself back into my makeup classes quickly and efficiently.

makeup products in mini shopping basket, sitting on laptop

Perks of QC’s Online Makeup Classes

When it comes to reputable makeup classes, QC Makeup Academy’s online school is the best of the best. Based on my experience as both a student and a graduate, here are my Top 2 reasons why you should pursue your professional makeup training with QC!

Pro #1: Convenience and Comfortability

A major benefit of online makeup classes is the convenience of it all. As a student of QC Makeup Academy, you can log into your courses and work on them whenever YOU see fit. Since there’s no physical classroom you need to attend, all you need is a good Wi-Fi connection and you’re good to go!

You can do your course from quite literally anywhere in the world. During the pandemic, having the option to get professionally trained right in the comfort of your own home is a pretty rare luxury. It’s definitely a perk you wouldn’t be able to find in any brick-and-mortar school!

Pro #2: Availability and Affordability

With online makeup classes, the opportunities available to students are limitless! Since you can attend QC Makeup Academy right from your living room, you can save on commuting and student housing costs. An added bonus about virtual learning is the flexibility of studying remotely. You might not realize it, but by completing all of your makeup training via an online school, you’re gaining valuable skills that’ll serve you well in the real-world.

Unlike with brick-and-mortar learning, online schooling uniquely prepares you for a professional marketplace where remote options are commonplace. As the COVID-19 pandemic pushes students to alternative education routes, online makeup classes ease the financial burden of traditional college – while still giving you the same high-quality education!

Having our lives turned upside-down in such a short time does NOT mean that we have to give up on our dreams of becoming professional makeup artists! QC Makeup Academy makes makeup classes possible, even when stuck in isolation and socially distancing.

Now I’d like to know: how has COVID-19 affected your learning experience and career dreams? Do you have any tips for staying motivated?

Comment below, as we would love to hear them! And don’t forget to join QC Makeup Academy’s Virtual Classroom on Facebook. Once in there, come find me and say hi! I love connecting and will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Thank you for reading. Lots of love to you all! 🙂

Learn more about QC Makeup Academy’s wide variety of makeup classes and get started today!

learn how to do makeup feature image

I Thought I Couldn’t Learn How to Do Makeup Online…I Was Wrong!

By About the School, Education, QC Student Ambassador 2 Comments

Luzaan de Bruyn is a graduate and Student Ambassador of QC Makeup Academy. She is also the proud founder of Beauty by Luzaan and specializes in traditional, SFX, and airbrush makeup. Today, Luzaan reveals why she originally believed she could never learn how to do makeup online – and how QC Makeup Academy completely changed her mind!

There I was, sitting on Facebook like I did every day. On this fateful day, however, I happened to scroll across an advertisement from QC Makeup Academy. Their ad said that they could help me become a trained, certified makeup artist – all from the comfort of my own home.

I’m not even going to lie: I initially thought that QC was totally full of it.

“How is it even possible to learn how to do makeup online?” I thought to myself. “Not a chance. That’s completely silly. The only way to properly learn makeup would be in a real classroom.”

Maybe it was morbid curiosity. Maybe the notion of a school so confident in its ability to turn you into a professional MUA via distanced learning had me amused. Either way, I wound up saving the advertisement and sharing it with my husband later that night.

Here’s the thing: I knew absolutely nothing about makeup. I mean, I was still piling on foundation with my hands. If I was going to get on an expert’s level, the training I needed would have to be legit. After all, I’d be started from ground zero. The idea that an online school would be able to teach me everything I need to know?

It just seemed fishy to me.

But I kept returning to that ad over the next few days. I just couldn’t seem to forget about it and move on. So, I decided to do some research. I started looking into QC Makeup Academy and their online makeup courses. The more research I did, the more convinced I became that maybe – just maybe – it actually was possible to learn how to do makeup online.

Eventually, I found myself taking a few deep breaths and suddenly pressing the enroll button. The ironic part is that I wasn’t even all that interested in makeup artistry when I did this. Weird, right? But something inside me told me to try it anyways.

Was it boredom? Was it fate? I’ll let you decide!

woman learning how to do makeup from laptop video

Why I Was Skeptical About Learning How to Do Makeup Online

Like I said, before I enrolled in QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, I had absolutely no background in makeup. I used foundation that 2 shades darker than my skin tone, I didn’t even know blending was a thing, and I had one shade of eyeshadow that I pretty much worked into every look. Needless to say, I was a complete newbie and a total disaster.

A lot of my skepticism actually stemmed from my experiences with social media makeup. I follow a LOT of Instagram influencers. Many of them have posted tutorials and hacks in the past. Of course, I would try them. But each time I did, I’d look horrible. And I’m not even exaggerating – I absolutely do mean HORRIBLE.

Thus planted the seed in my head; the one that told me, “It’s impossible to truly learn how to do makeup online!” The issue – I assumed – was that without being able to learn in a real classroom, with a real tutor, it couldn’t be done. After all, if a famous makeup influencer’s tutorials couldn’t teach me correctly, how could an online makeup school?

makeup vlogger applying makeup on camera

My Journey into Makeup Artistry

Okay, I know what you’re probably thinking: If you were so skeptical about online learning, why did you enroll with QC Makeup Academy in the first place? Why take such a risk?

Here’s the honest truth: I enrolled because despite my skepticism, the idea of learning makeup online – if it was indeed possible – was attractive to me. I’m a mom of four and a private wildlife rehabilitator. I knew I’d never have a free hour to go to a brick-and-mortar class.

Initially, my goal in becoming an MUA was simply to be able to earn an extra income that I could put towards the rescue, since I run and fund it entirely on my own. (Also, if I’m being honest, being able to make some side money to fund my shopping addiction was also a definite incentive.)

In the beginning, that was enough to push me to take that leap of faith and try out online makeup school. However, I never would have guessed that this decision would lead me to my true passion: beauty.

learn how to do makeup in-post image 3

How QC Proved Me Wrong

Within 1-2 days after enrolling, I received my login details for QC Makeup Academy’s Online Student Center. I’ll be honest: I didn’t even wait for my physical makeup kit or books to arrive by mail. I didn’t have to – all of my books were available directly to me online! So, I figured I’d jump right in.

Right away, I was surprised to see all of the tutor videos, all of the booklets and handouts, and all of the hands-on assignments! My tutor was celebrity makeup artist, Nathan Johnson. I watched all his videos within that first week of enrolling.

He was so informative, interesting, and fun! He truly is the sunshine after the rain. It was impossible not to feel inspired by him; like I actually could learn how to do makeup this way so long as I was willing to work hard, put in the time, and give it my full effort.

My course delved into the fundamentals of makeup artistry. Whenever it came time to learn an application, the videos would break it down for me step-by-step. There was so much detail and explanation! QC’s courses are so layered and gripping that it didn’t take long before I found myself developing a fiery passion for makeup!

I woke up thinking about makeup and went to bed thinking about makeup. I was excited to practice each and every single day.

After I submitted my first assignment, I got AMAZING creative criticism and advice from Nathan. He pushed me to go where I never thought I’d find myself! In fact, his guidance – combined with how much I was enjoying the course itself – was so fantastic that it wasn’t long before I wanted more.

I was still working through my Master Makeup Artistry Course, but I knew I’d want to continue my training once that was completed. So, I also enrolled in the Airbrush Makeup Workshop and the Special FX Makeup Course. QC Makeup Academy truly proved that you can easily learn how to do makeup from an online course – if you put in the hands-on work they expect from you and are willing to challenge yourself.

Honestly, after experiencing life as a QC Makeup Academy student, I can confidently say that I’ll never study through a brick-and-mortar school. QC Makeup Academy’s flexible, online learning environment provides for all my needs.

online makeup student learning from home

So, Can You Actually Learn How to Do Makeup Online?

Yes, yes, 1000% yes!

Through QC, I’ve gotten the expand my knowledge both through theory-based learning and real-world makeup experience. I’ve had the privilege of a one-on-0ne environment where it’s just my tutor and me. (Something I could’ve never found in a physical classroom!) To me, this kind of environment allowed me to establish a personal connection with my mentor. I always knew that Nathan focused entirely on my work, my results, and my journey.

At the same time, just because it’s an online school doesn’t mean that you’re isolated or forced to go through your journey alone. On the contrary, I could communicate and connect with other QC students and graduates in the Virtual Classroom on Facebook. I’ve lost count of how many friends I’ve made. We’re all like family to one another; providing support, constructive feedback, love, and motivation.

Now that I’ve done my professional makeup training online, I couldn’t imagine doing it any other way. It’s almost like the industry’s best-kept secret – but it deserves to be out in the open now, for all to know!

Your quality of learning will be just as good – if not better – than it would be in a brick-and-mortar school, but for a fraction of the cost. You’ll get to earn your certification on your own time, at your own pace, and in your very own home. This means that you’ll be able to push towards the career of your dreams, even during a global pandemic. Like me!

I guess my question to you is: will YOU follow your dreams, like I did? Will YOU find your passion in makeup, like I did?

If the answer is yes… then what are you waiting for? 😜

Feel free to come join our Virtual Classroom and connect with me directly. I’d be happy to chat more about my experience and answer any questions you might have. I love to meet and help future students!

Thank you for reading my blog. I’ll be waiting for you to come say hello! Lot of love to you. xx

Learn how to do makeup professionally and get certified in just 3-6 months by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!