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How to Choose The Best Online Makeup School

By About the School, Education, Your Makeup Career No Comments

When it comes to finding the right makeup school, there are a lot of things to consider. For example, what should the school criteria include? How can you tell if a makeup academy is reputable or not? In this article, we’ll show you how to choose the best online makeup school for YOU and your career goals!

Let’s get started, shall we?

Is professional makeup the right career for you? Here are the top pros and cons of this job, so you can decide once and for all!

How To Choose The Right Makeup School For You: In-Person Vs. Online

When it comes to choosing the best makeup school, you have 2 options: in-person or online. So, let’s begin by breaking down the pros and cons of each type of makeup program…

In-Person Makeup School


  • You can build a strong rapport with your classmates and instructor(s).
  • You’re able to get immediate feedback on your work/progress.
  • It can be easier to find models to work on during your classes.


  • It can be expensive to travel to/from the school – especially these days, with the current price of gas.
  • Typically, in-person schooling is a lot more expensive.
  • The class schedule might not be flexible enough to work around your work/life schedule.
  • You may not be able to find a makeup program that’s close to home.
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Online Makeup School


  • Generally, online schooling a lot more affordable (e.g., lower tuition, payment plan options, etc.).
  • You get the freedom to study on your own schedule and at your preferred pace.
  • There are a lot of online makeup programs to choose from, from foundation courses to advanced/specialty classes.


  • The wrong kind of online makeup school will make it more difficult to get helpful feedback on your progress.
  • Your interactions with classmates and instructors may be more limited.
  • It can be easy to get distracted while studying at home if you aren’t self-disciplined.

So, which type of learning environment is the right fit for you?

On the one hand, you might feel like you’d benefit from the structure of an in-person course, as well as want the chance to build relationships with classmates and tutors. If so, then this is probably the route for you.

On the other hand, however, you may be looking for a more affordable option that allows you to study at your own pace. If this is the case, then an online makeup school would be the better choice for your goals.

For the purpose of this article, let’s assume that moving forward, you want to learn more about picking the best online makeup school…

How To Choose The Best Online Makeup School: Must-Have Criteria

When you’re looking for an online makeup school, there are certain criteria that the school itself should meet. Some critical green flags include the following:

✅ The Online Makeup School Is Properly Accredited

These days, there are a LOT of scammers out there who want nothing more than to steal your hard-earned money. For this reason, when looking at online makeup schools, be sure to check and see that the institution is properly accredited. This means that it’s been evaluated by an outside agency and determined to meet certain educational standards.

QC Makeup Academy, for example, holds an A+ ranking from the Better Business Bureau. On top of that, we’re a faculty of QC Career School – a trustworthy pioneer of distance learning since 1984!

Pretty happy businesswoman doing make up in home office

✅ The School Has a Legit Website

When you’re looking at an online makeup school, take a look at the company’s website. Does it look legitimate? Is it user-friendly? Are the school’s policies, procedures, and course information easy to find?

An online school’s website will tell you a LOT about that school as a whole. If it’s poorly designed and/or lacks need-to-know info, that’s a pretty big red flag!

QC Makeup Academy’s website, for example, is designed with the student in mind. For starters, it’s incredibly easy to navigate. Plus, it’s got all the information you need – right at your fingertips!

✅ The Makeup Tutors Are Qualified

The best online makeup school will have qualified instructors who are the real deal. Not only will they possess the experience and expertise needed to be teaching your course; they’ll also be properly certified.

The tutors and expert instructors at QC Makeup Academy are all exceptionally qualified! They have years of experience in the professional beauty industry, as well as countless designations and qualifications to their names.

Take our lead instructor, Nathan Johnson, as an example. Nathan helped handcraft QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, in addition to many other QC programs. With over 20 years of experience as a celebrity MUA and makeup coach, Nathan has worked with such A-listers like Paula Abdul, Lea Michele, Kyra Sedgwick, Kevin Bacon, Paul McCartney, and more!

✅ They’re On Social Media

When choosing the best online makeup school, the next thing you’ll want to do is see if they’re active on social media. These days, any business that isn’t on social media in some way is pretty sus. After all, social media is a great way for an online school to showcase their culture, the kind of awesome community they have, etc.

QC Makeup Academy is VERY active on social media! This is because we love connecting with our students/alumni, as well as sharing tips, tricks, blog posts, and useful resources. Plus, we’re always looking for an excuse to post pictures and videos of our happy students/grads and the beautiful makeup looks they’ve done!

Interested in checking out QC’s social media?

Connect with us here:

✅ The School’s Support Team Is Actually Reachable

How annoying is it when you try to get a hold of a company’s support team, only to be met with radio silence? If an online makeup school’s Support Staff aren’t easy to get a hold of, are prone to ghosting, and/or have a terrible attitude, proceed with major caution!

Here’s yet another awesome perk of becoming a student at QC Makeup Academy: our Support Team is quite literally the BEST! 💕 They’re available 7 days a week by phone, email, and live chat – depending on your personal preference. Plus, they’re always quick to respond to any inquiries or issues you might have.

It also helps that they’re super friendly and more than happy to help you out, no matter what the concern might be!

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How To Find an Online Makeup School: Course Criteria

Okay, so we’ve gone over some things to look for in an online makeup school. Now let’s talk about the actual criteria the program itself should meet. When trying to choose the best online makeup school, make sure the course offers the following:

✅ A Solid Makeup Curriculum

When you’re looking at online makeup courses, make sure to check out the curriculum of the course itself.

Does it cover everything you’re hoping to learn? Has the program been designed by experienced beauty experts? Does it cater to beginner makeup artists, experienced MUAs, or both?

QC Makeup Academy offers a wide, comprehensive list of makeup and beauty certification programs that cover all of the following areas of the industry:

  • Makeup Artistry (for personal makeup)
  • Master Makeup Artistry (for professional makeup on clients)
  • Skincare Consulting
  • Pro Makeup (meant to be taken after the MMA Course)
  • Global Beauty
  • Portfolio Development
  • Airbrush Makeup
  • Hair Styling Essentials
  • Special FX Makeup
  • Fashion Styling
  • Virtual Makeup Training

Want to learn more about these courses? Check out the full curricula for QC’s self-paced, online certification programs here!

✅ Affordable Tuition

Of course, you want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth when you sign up for an online makeup course. But this does NOT mean you have to break the bank in the process!

The truth is, there are plenty of affordable options out there, in terms of online makeup schools.

Take QC Makeup Academy, for instance! Our online programs are some of the most affordable you’ll find! For starters, we offer a low monthly payment plan option, thereby allowing you to spread out the cost of your course over time!

What’s more – the moment you enroll in one QC course, every other course is then available to you at a whopping 50% off!

Click here to learn more about the cost (and payment options) of QC Makeup Academy’s courses!

✅ Hands-On Experience

MYTH: You won’t be able to get any hands-on experience through an online makeup school.

FACT: The best online makeup school will guarantee that you get plenty of hands-on training on actual models!

This makes total sense… After all, what’s the point of taking a makeup course – yes, even online ones – if it won’t prepare you for the real world?

QC Makeup Academy’s online programs offer students countless opportunities to put their skills to the test via practical, hands-on assignments. You’ll be challenged to find and work on models of different ages, genders, etc. Furthermore, you’ll be required to complete assignments on models with different skin tones, skin types, etc.

closeup young lady prepared by makeup artist

✅ Business Training

If your goal is to start your own makeup business, then it’s important to find a course that also offers business training as part of its curriculum. After all, there’s a lot more to being a successful MUA than just knowing how to apply makeup!

All of QC’s courses provide a full unit devoted entirely to business training. As a result, graduates walk away knowing exactly how to launch – and run – a successful company of their very own. From building a clientele to marketing your services, our certification programs cover it all!

Pro Tip: Join QC Makeup Academy alumnus and industry expert, Devyn Gregorio, as she breaks down why a business class is ESSENTIAL to your makeup training!

✅ A Legitimate Makeup Certification Upon Graduating

When graduating from an online makeup school, you should be proud of your accomplishment! And what better way to show off your new skills – and certification – than by displaying it for the whole world to see?

As we mentioned earlier, QC Makeup Academy is a well-respected and accredited institution. As such, when you graduate from any of our courses, you’ll receive either a certificate of completion or an internationally-recognized certification + designation!

The following QC courses will provide a globally-recognized certification:

The remainder of QC’s courses provide a globally-recognized certificate of completion!

Deciding On an Online Makeup Academy: Red Flags To Avoid

Now it’s time to move onto the red flags you’ll want to watch out for. After all, choosing the wrong school can be a very costly mistake – both in terms of your time and money.

When it comes shady online makeup schools, keep an eye out for the following warning signs…

🚩 The Online Makeup School Is Unaccredited

As we mentioned earlier, one of the many benefits of QC Makeup Academy is our accreditation. But there are many online makeup schools out there that are not accredited. While this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a bad makeup school, it’s still something to be aware of.

Generally speaking, if an online school isn’t properly recognized, it could mean that:

  • They don’t adhere to certain quality standards
  • They’re not properly licensed
  • They might not have been around for very long
  • It’s not a legitimate online makeup school

Obviously, these are all totally valid concerns! As such, if you come across an online makeup school that’s unaccredited, make sure to do your due diligence before enrolling. Make sure they’re legit first.

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🚩 They Have a Bad Reputation

Another HUGE red flag is to watch out for is if the school has a bad reputation, both online or otherwise. For instance, do they have more negative reviews than positive ones? Are there countless complaints about them?

Of course, every makeup school – whether it be online or in-person – is going to have at least a few unhappy students. That’s just the way it is. But if the majority of what you see online is negative, then that’s a glaring red flag you shouldn’t ignore.

The best way to get an accurate idea of an online makeup school’s reputation is by reading reviews from multiple sources. This way, you can get the most accurate picture of what people are saying about them.

Curious about what people are saying about QC Makeup Academy? Take a look at our Facebook reviews!

🚩 You’re Promised “Quick and Easy” Results

In order to choose the best online makeup school, it’s important to avoid any place whose promises seem too good to be true. For instance, if a school claims that they can turn you (and your skill-set) into that of a professional MUA in less than a month, then that’s probably not realistic.

Now, we’re not saying that it’s impossible to become a certified makeup artist quickly. After all, some people pick things up faster than others and will be able to finish their makeup course in less time. But generally speaking, it’s going to take more than just a month to acquire all the skills needed for long-term success in the beauty industry.

So, if an online makeup school is making any grandiose promises, be at least a little wary. After all, we know that the LAST thing you want to do is waste your time and money on something that’s not actually going to work.

🚩 The Cost of The Makeup Course is Dirt Cheap

Now, this rule doesn’t necessary apply to all makeup courses. Some schools, for example, may offer short workshops or quick modules that you can purchase à la carte. In these cases, it makes sense that these may be offered at a very low price.

What we’re referring to are extensive, full-on certification courses offered at a ludicrously low cost.

Here’s a good rule-of-thumb to abide by: if a school’s tuition fees are suspiciously low, there’s a reason for that… And it’s not a good one! Good-quality makeup courses will typically cost a few hundred dollars, at the VERY least.

And most high-quality programs? Well, you’ll be looking at paying anywhere from approx. $500 to $1300. (Although, as we mentioned earlier, this is still relatively cheaper than in-person courses – and you’ll have more payment options at your disposal!)

Now, it obviously goes without saying that there are always exceptions to the rule. However, if an online makeup school is claiming that they can fully train you (from no experience to the level of a professional MUA) for less than $100, that’s a MAJOR red flag!

If the price seems too good to be true, that’s because it probably is. So, just keep that in mind.

🚩 Your Makeup Certification Costs Extra

Another red flag to watch out for is any online makeup school that tries to make you pay extra for your certification. This isn’t cool, no matter the circumstance!

The fee for your certification should be included within the cost of tuition. After all, you’ve earned it! If a school is trying to make you pay additional and/or hidden fees for it, you’re being scammed.

So, as we’ve suggested before (and will continue to suggest again), do your research before enrolling in any online makeup class. This way, you can make sure the certification provided is included in the cost of tuition before signing up with the school!

Young brunette girl holding graduate degree diploma smiling happy pointing with hand and finger to the side

🚩 You’re Only Given Textbook Learning

When choosing the best online makeup school, make sure they offer more than just textbook learning. While it’s important to have a foundation in theoretical makeup artistry knowledge, you also want to make sure you’re getting hands-on training, too.

Ideally, your online makeup course should offer both classroom-based learning AND practical assignments. Only this way will you then be able to graduate with the confidence needed to actually apply any style of makeup professionally – and not just understand the theory behind it.

How To Become a Makeup Artist

Now that you know how to choose the best online makeup school, it’s time to start your journey to becoming a certified MUA! So long as you remember to do your research, ask around for recommendations, and ensure that the program you choose is properly accredited, you’ll be well on your way!

We also STRONGLY encourage you to check out our Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide to Becoming a Makeup Artist! This informative article will break down all of the following information:

  • Whether or not being a makeup artist is truly a good career
  • Educational requirements
  • Cosmetology school vs. makeup school
  • The length of time it’ll take to become a certified makeup artist
  • Which field is best for makeup artists
  • How to become a certified MUA in 3 easy steps, even if you don’t have any experience
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Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed reading this article on how to choose the best online makeup school. With the right research, and so long as you know which criteria to look for, we guarantee you’ll find the course that best suits your needs!

Do YOU have any questions or comments about choosing the best online makeup school? Let us know in the comment section below! We love hearing from our readers!

Stay glam, beauties! 😘

The best tools to grow your makeup business Feature Image

34 Of The Best Tools To Grow Your Makeup Business!

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career 2 Comments

If you’re looking to grow your makeup business, you’re in luck! There are a number of great tools out there that can help you do just that. In this article, we’ll discuss 34 of the best tools to grow your makeup business and find success in this exciting industry.

In particular, we’ll look at software tools, business tools, and makeup products/supplies that can help you reach your goals. So, whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the business for a while, these tools will help you take your business to the next level!

Pro Tip: Is makeup artistry your DREAM job? Then make sure you check out our Ultimate Guide to becoming a makeup artist – even if you don’t have any experience!

The 34 Best Tools To Grow Your Makeup Business

Software To Grow Your Makeup Business

Okay, let’s say that your goal is to start your own cosmetics line. In this case, the best software to grow your makeup business is an eCommerce platform. If you want to sell products online, then you’ll need a platform that lets you do just that.

We recommend Shopify as the best eCommerce platform for makeup businesses that are selling actual cosmetics. With Shopify, you can create a beautiful online store, add products and descriptions, process payments, and more!

On the other hand, what if you don’t want to run your own cosmetics line, or be a Brand Ambassador for another company? What if you want to run a business that offers makeup application services? What software will work for you best in this case?

Well, here are some of our top recommendations:

1. Wish

A shopping app like Wish will be your best friend when it comes to stocking up your professional makeup kit and building your salon. The app offers a wide variety of cosmetics at incredibly low prices. As a result, you can get all the products you need – without breaking the bank!

Plus, with Wish, you can order in bulk and save even more money. This is perfect if you’re just starting out and need to build up your kit quickly.

Similarly, AliExpress is another great option for stocking up on affordable cosmetics. The website offers a wide variety of products, from makeup brushes to eyeshadow palettes, so you’re sure to find everything you need!

And like Wish, AliExpress also offers discounts when you order in bulk. Thus, if you’re looking to save some money, this is the website for you!

3. Sephora

If you’re looking for high-end makeup products, then Sephora is the place to go. The website offers a wide variety of cosmetics from top brands, so you’re sure to find what you’re looking for!

Plus, with Sephora’s loyalty program, you can earn points on every purchase that you make. These points can then be redeemed for discounts on future purchases, so you can save money in the long run!

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If you’re looking for a way to keep track of your work and progress, as well as play with ideas before testing them out on actual clients, then we recommend using MakeUp Sketchbook. With this software, you can create face charts, play with designs, and see how certain looks and products will combine with each other.

The most beneficial part of this type of software is that you can brainstorm new ideas and looks to try out. This is the perfect way to stay creative, expand your skill-set, and perfect the looks you’re going to be applying onto real customers.

5. Social Media Apps

When it comes to promoting your makeup business, social media is key! After all, what better way to reach potential customers than by using the platforms they already use every day?

Some of our favorite social media apps for makeup businesses are Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, and Twitter. With these apps, you can post photos and videos of your work, share special offers and discounts, network, and reach a wide audience of potential customers!

Pro Tip: Not sure how to get started with social media? Learn how to market your business properly on social media in this article!

Business Software To Invest In

This is a great software solution for makeup artists who want to manage their business on the go. PocketSuite lets you track client appointments, send invoices, process payments, and more – all from your phone!

Acuity Scheduling is another great option for makeup artists who want to manage their business on the go. With Acuity Scheduling, you can schedule appointments, send reminders, and accept payments – again, all from your phone!

3. Makeup Artist Directories

Getting yourself listed on some sort of online directory a great way to reach potential customers who are looking for makeup artists in their area. Some of our favorite directories to list your business on include (but aren’t limited to):

Makeup artist applying bright pink lipstick to lips of young woman in curlers

4. Asana

Asana is a great project management tool that can be used by makeup artists to keep track of their to-do lists, tasks, and goals. With Asana, you can create projects, add tasks and subtasks, set deadlines, and assign team members to each task. This is a great way to stay organized and make sure that your makeup business is running smoothly!

This software is perfect for makeup artists who want to manage their business from one central location. Daysmart Salon Software lets you schedule clients with ease, track clients and appointments, handle payments, and more. Not only will this help you to keep your business organized; it’ll also help you to provide a better experience for your clients!

QuickBooks is a must-have for any business – and that includes makeup businesses! This software lets you track your income and expenses, send invoices, process payments, run reports, and so much more. QuickBooks is essential for keeping your finances in order, and in turn, keeping your business running seamlessly.

Mailchimp is a great tool for makeup artists who want to stay in touch with their clients and promote their business. With Mailchimp, you can create email newsletters, send out coupons and discounts, announce new products and services, and more. Plus, it’s easy to use and very affordable!

8. Wave

If your makeup business consists of only you, and does not house any employees, then a simpler payment solution like Wave may be better suited for your needs. With Wave, you can send simple invoices, receive payments, track your expenses, run reports, and more. Wave is a great option for makeup artists who want to keep their finances organized – without all the bells and whistles of a more complex software solution.

What Tools Do You Need To Be a Makeup Artist?: Other Business Essentials

1. Makeup Business Plan

Any good business starts with a solid plan. This will help you to define your goals, target market, and marketing strategy – all of which are essential for a successful business. Plus, if you want to get financial assistance from your bank, they’ll likely require a business plan as well.

You can find free templates and examples of business plans online, or you can hire a professional to help you write one. Either way, just make sure it contains the following information:

  • Executive Summary
  • Company Description
  • Products and Services
  • Market Analysis
  • Competition
  • Sales and Marketing Strategy
  • Financial Plan
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2. Operating Agreement (If You’re Starting an LLC)

If you’re starting a limited liability company (LLC), you’ll need to create an operating agreement. This document outlines the ownership and structure of your LLC, as well as the rules and regulations that you and your partners will need to follow.

You can find templates for operating agreements online, or you can hire an attorney to help you create one. Just make sure it covers the following topics:

  • Names and contact information of the LLC’s owners
  • Ownership percentage of each owner
  • The LLC’s management structure
  • Roles and responsibilities of each owner
  • Rules for voting on important decisions
  • Procedures for admitting new owners-
  • Dissolution procedures in the event that one of the owners wants to leave the LLC

Note: Operating agreements are not required in all states, but they’re a good idea regardless!

3. Business Insurance

Business insurance is essential for any business, and your makeup business is of no exception! Insurance will protect you financially in the event that something goes wrong, such as if someone gets injured at your salon or if you’re sued.

There are many different types of business insurance to choose from. So, make sure to do your research and find the policy that’s right for your business. Some common types of business insurance include:

4. A Registered Business Name

If you want to operate your business under a name that’s different from your own, you’ll need to register it with your state or province. This is also known as “doing business as” (a.k.a. DBA). Getting your business name registered stops anyone else from being able to operate under the same name for their company… And obviously, this is super important!

To register your business name, you’ll need to file the appropriate paperwork with your secretary of state and pay the required fees. The process varies from state to state, as well as province to province. So, make sure to check with your local governing regulations for specific instructions.

Importantly, after you’ve registered your business name, be sure to use it on all of your marketing materials – such as your website, business cards, and signage!

5. A Strong Brand Identity

Your brand identity is how your business is perceived by the public. It’s what sets you apart from your competitors and makes you recognizable to your target market. As such, it’s important to take some time to develop a strong brand identity for your makeup business!

There are many different aspects to consider when creating your brand identity, such as your logo, tagline, color scheme, etc. But perhaps the most important element is your mission statement. This is a brief summary of what your company does and why it exists – and it should be reflected in everything you do!

Need help developing a strong brand identity for your makeup business? Check out our blog post on How To Brand Your Makeup Business!

Blonde Girl with Elegant and shiny Hairstyle. Beautiful Model Woman with Curly Hairstyle. Care and Beauty Hair products. Nails and Manicure

6. Your Professional Makeup Portfolio

As a makeup artist, your portfolio is essential in both getting hired for jobs and landing new clients. It’s a collection of your best work that showcases your skills and style to potential employers and customers.

If you don’t already have a portfolio, now is the time to start putting one together! Start by gathering all of the photos you have of your previous work, as well as any testimonials or letters of recommendation you may have. Then, create a website or an online gallery to showcase your portfolio – and make sure it’s easily accessible to anyone who might be interested in seeing it!

Never put together a professional makeup portfolio before? Learn everything you need to know in QC Makeup Academy‘s self-paced, online Portfolio Development Workshop!

7. A Professional Business Website

In today’s day and age, it’s critical to have a professional website for your business – no matter what industry you’re in. Your website is often the first point of contact between you and your potential customers. Because of this, it’s important to make sure that it makes the BEST impression possible!

Your website should be informative, well-designed, and easy to navigate. It should also be mobile-friendly, as more and more people are now using their smartphones to access the internet. Plus, don’t forget to showcase your portfolio on your site, as well as link visitors to your social media channels.

And of course, don’t forget to include your contact information prominently on your site! Otherwise, how can you expect anyone to be able to get a hold of you?

Products, Supplies, and Tools To Start a Makeup Business

Now that we’ve gone over some of the business basics, let’s move on to the fun stuff – makeup products! Here are a few essential items you’ll need to get started…

1. A Good Quality Makeup Brush Set

As a makeup artist, your brushes are some of your most important tools. After all, they’re what you’ll use to apply all of the products in your kit. So, it’s important to make sure you have a good set! Look for a set that includes both natural and synthetic brushes, as well as a variety of different shapes and sizes.

Fun Fact: Did you know that as part of the FREE makeup kit you’ll get in QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, you’ll receive a whopping 16 makeup brushes? It’s true!

2. A Wide Variety of Foundation Shades

When it comes to foundation, it’s important to have a wide range of shades to choose from. This way, you can match any client’s skin tone – no matter how light or dark!

We recommend stocking your kit with foundations in both liquid and powder form, as well as a BB cream or two. And don’t forget about concealer! You’ll need that, too.

3. Eyeshadows in Different Colors and Finishes

In your eyeshadow kit, you’ll want to include a variety of colors and finishes. This way, you can create any look your client desires – from natural and subtle to bold and dramatic!

Some essential eyeshadow shades to include are:

  • Nudes
  • Shimmers
  • Metallics
  • Smoky shades
  • Bright colors

Remember, it’s also important to have a good quality eyeshadow primer in your kit. This will help the shadows stay in place all day (or night!) long.

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4. A Good Quality Eyeliner

A good eyeliner is essential for creating any type of eye makeup look. Whether your client wants a simple cat eye or something more dramatic, you’ll need a liner that goes on smoothly and evenly.

We recommend stocking your kit with both pencil and liquid liners, as well as some false lashes.

5. False Eyelashes

False lashes are a great way to take any eye makeup look from ordinary to extraordinary! They come in all different shapes, sizes, and styles – so you can find the perfect ones for each of your clients.

Just make sure you have a good quality lash adhesive in your kit, too. This will ensure that the lashes stay put all day!

6. Mascara

Of course, you can’t forget about mascara! This is another essential product for creating any type of eye makeup look. When choosing a mascara, look for one that doesn’t flake or smudge. You’ll also want to make sure it has a good brush – this will help you get an even application.

7. Lipstick, Lip Gloss, and/or Lip Tint in a Variety of Shades

For the lips, you’ll want to stock your kit with a variety of shades. This way, you can create any look – from a natural lip to a bold and dramatic one.

Some essential shades to include are:

  • Nudes
  • Pinks
  • Reds
  • Berries

Remember, it’s also important to have a lip liner in your kit. This will help you create a sharp, defined look.

8. Color Correctives

Color correctors are a great way to conceal any imperfections on the skin. They come in a variety of colors, each of which cancels out a different type of imperfection.

Some essential color correctors to include in your kit are:

  • Green – for redness
  • Pink – for dark circles
  • Purple – for sallowness
  • Orange – for darkness
  • Yellow – for brightening
  • Salmon – the “Holy Grail” of color correctives

Color correcting will often need to be done on your clients – and this is yet another reason to also have a high quality concealer in your kit. The right concealer will help you cover up any imperfections that the color correctors don’t quite manage to conceal.

Pro Tip: Watch this handy webinar by QC Makeup Academy executive instructor and celebrity MUA, Nathan Johnson, to become a master of color correcting!

Beautiful woman with natural makeup and long blonde hair standing isolated over pink background, posing

9. Disposable Applicators

Disposable applicators are essential for hygienic reasons. You’ll want to have a good supply of them on hand at all times, as you’ll use them for everything from applying foundation to blending eyeshadow.

Some essential disposable applicators to include in your kit are:

  • Sponges
  • Brushes
  • Q-tips
  • Cotton pads
  • Makeup wipes

Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to hygiene. It’s better to use too many disposable applicators than not enough!

10. Sanitization Products

Speaking of hygiene, you’ll also need to have some sanitization products in your kit. This is important for both you and your clients’ safety! Not to mention, it’s downright disgusting how dirty makeup products can get if not properly kept clean.

Some essential sanitization products to include in your kit are:

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Makeup brush cleaner
  • Spray disinfectant

As a rule of thumb, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So, be sure to use these products regularly – especially if you’re working with multiple clients in one day. And don’t forget to clean your makeup products on a regular basis, regardless of whether you’re working on clients or not!

11. A Travel Makeup Bag/Kit

Another thing we strongly recommend having in your arsenal is a travel makeup bag or kit. This is essential for storing all of your makeup products and tools when you’re on the go!

There are many different types of travel makeup bags – from small cosmetic pouches to large rolling cases. The type you choose will depend on your needs and preferences.

No matter what type of travel makeup bag you choose, be sure to pack it carefully. You don’t want your products to get damaged while you’re on the road!

12. An Emergency Kit

Additionally, it’s a super smart idea to have an emergency kit on-hand. This is especially important if you’re working with clients on a regular basis. Your emergency kit should include all of the essentials – from band-aids to bobby pins.

Because the truth is, you never know when you or your client might need them!

Some essential items to include in your emergency kit are:

  • Band-aids
  • Bobby pins
  • Hair ties
  • Safety pins
  • Tissues
  • Mints
  • Aspirin
  • Female sanitary products

Again, it’s always better to be prepared for anything – you never know when an emergency might strike!

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13. A Business Planner/Organizer

Next, you’ll need a business planner or organizer. This is essential for keeping track of your appointments, clients, bookings, and more! There are many different types of planners/organizers on the market – from simple to-do lists to comprehensive appointment books.

The type you choose will depend on your needs and preferences. That said, no matter what type of planner/organizer you choose, be sure to use it regularly. This will help you stay on top of your business and ensure that you’re meeting your goals!

14. The Right Attitude

Last but not least, the most important thing you need in order to succeed as a makeup artist is the right attitude! This industry is competitive, and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make it to the top.

But if you’re passionate about makeup and willing to put in the time and effort, then there’s no reason why you can’t succeed! Just remember to stay positive, always keep learning, and be open to constructive feedback.

The more you know, the better your chances of success will be!

How To Start a Successful Makeup Business 101

Now that you know what the best tools are to grow your makeup business, it’s time to put them into action! But first, let’s go over 5 basic rules for starting a successful makeup business.

These days, starting a business is easier than ever before – but that doesn’t mean it’s easy! In order to be successful, you’ll need to put in the hard work and dedication. But with these 5 tips, you’ll be well on your way to building a thriving business:

Tip #1: Choose Your Niche

When starting any business, it’s important to choose a niche. The makeup industry is huge, so it’s important to narrow down your focus and find your target market. For instance, are you going to specialize in bridal makeup? Or are you going to focus on special effects makeup?

Knowing your niche will help you determine what products and services you’re going to offer. It will also help you target your marketing efforts, which we’ll discuss more in-depth shortly.

Tip #2: Do Your Research

Before starting any business, it’s important to do your research. This includes everything from studying the competition to learning about the latest trends in the industry. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to start and grow your business!

When it comes to research, there are a few key things you should look into:

  • The competition: Who are they? What do they offer? How can you differentiate yourself from them?
  • The industry: What are the latest trends? Which products and services are in demand? What’s the outlook for the future?
  • Your target market: Who are they? What do they want/need? How can you reach them?

By taking the time to research your industry, competition, and target market, you’ll be in a much better position to start and grow your makeup business. Trust us – it’s worth the effort!

Tip #3: Know Your Target Market

As we mentioned above, it’s important to know your target market. This includes everything from their age and gender to their location and interests. The more you know about your target market, the better equipped you’ll be to reach them with your marketing efforts.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself when trying to identify your target market:

  • Who are they?
  • What do they want/need?
  • How can you reach them?
  • What’s the best way to communicate with them?

By taking the time to answer these questions, you’ll be well on your way to identifying your target market. And once you’ve done that, you can start working on reaching them with your marketing efforts!

Tip #4: Come Up With a Marketing Strategy

Now that you know your target market, it’s time to start working on your marketing strategy. The goal of your marketing efforts should be to reach your target market and persuade them to use your products or services.

There are a number of ways to go about this, but some of the most effective include:

  • Social media: Use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram to reach your target market. Be sure to post engaging content that will capture their attention!
  • Email marketing: This is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and prospects. Be sure to send out regular newsletters with helpful information and exclusive offers.
  • Paid ads: Paid ads are a great way to reach a wider audience. You can use platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads to reach your target market.
  • Word-of-mouth: Never underestimate the power of word of mouth! Make sure you’re providing quality products and services that will keep your customers coming back for more.

By taking the time to develop a strong marketing strategy, you’ll be in a much better position to reach your target market and grow your business.

Hand pointing at abstract digital text on circuit background. Advertising, media and web concept

Tip #5: Stay Organized

Last but not least, it’s important to stay organized when running a business. This includes everything from keeping track of your finances to staying on top of your inventory. The more organized you are, the easier it will be to run your business smoothly and efficiently.

There are a number of ways to stay organized, but some of the most effective include:

  • Use software: As we looked at earlier, there are tons of great software programs out there designed specifically for businesses. By using one of these programs, you can keep track of your finances, inventory, customers, and more.
  • Hire an assistant: If you’re finding it difficult to keep up with everything, consider hiring an assistant. This can be a great way to take some of the pressure off yourself and free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.
  • Stay on top of your schedule: Make sure you’re keeping track of your appointments, deadlines, and to-do lists. The more organized you are, the easier it will be to stay on top of everything.

By taking the time to stay organized, you’ll be in a much better position to run your business effectively. And believe us, your customers will appreciate it, too!


There you have it! These are just some the best tips for growing your makeup business. By following all of this invaluable advice, you’ll be well on your way to success.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started today! 💕

We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share your thoughts down below. And as always, thanks again for reading!

Stay glam, beauties! 😘

Become an internationally-certified makeup artist in as little as 12 short weeks by training online with QC Makeup Academy!

How to brand your makeup business Feature Image

How to Brand Your Makeup Business

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Starting a makeup business can be an extremely rewarding experience! However, it’s important to take the time to brand your business in a way that will set you apart from the competition. Not sure how to brand your makeup business?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help!

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about successfully branding your makeup business from start to finish. We’ll cover topics such as creating a logo and tagline, developing a marketing strategy, and building a website that will help promote your brand.

With the right tools and knowledge, YOU can create a successful makeup artist brand that will attract new customers and help your business grow!

Dream of being a professional MUA? Then this Ultimate Guide to becoming a makeup artist (even with no prior experience) is a MUST-READ!

What Is a “Brand”?

A brand is much more than just a logo or name. It’s the overall look, feel, and personality of your business. When done correctly, branding can make your business appear more credible, trustworthy, and likeable. As you can imagine, these are all qualities that are essential for attracting new customers!

Why Branding Is Important for Makeup Artists

As an MUA, it’s important to stand out from the competition. After all, there are thousands of other makeup artists out there vying for the attention of potential clients. So, it’s important to create a brand that will make you memorable!

Branding can also help build trust with potential clients. When you have a strong brand identity, potential clients will be more likely to book you for their next event knowing that you’re a credible and trustworthy makeup artist.

Another reason why branding is essential to your makeup business has to do with marketing. A well-branded business will have an easier time promoting itself and attracting new customers. This is because people are more likely to remember and purchase products from businesses that they recognize!

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What Makes a Brand Successful?

There are a few key elements that all successful brands have in common…

First, all great brands have a strong visual identity. This means having a well-designed logo and cohesive branding colors that are used consistently across all marketing materials.

Second, another important element of successful brands is a clear and concise message. Your brand’s message should be easy to understand and should accurately reflect the overall feel of your business.

Finally, all successful brands have a target audience that they focus their marketing efforts on. By clearly defining who your target market is, you’ll be able to create branding and marketing materials that resonates with them and attract new customers!

How To Brand Your Business Name

Your business name is one of the first things that potential customers will see. So, it’s important to choose something that accurately reflects the feel of your brand!

If you’re having trouble coming up with a name for your business, try brainstorming a list of words that describe the overall look and feel of your brand. Once you have a list of keywords, try combining them to create unique and memorable names for your business!

Did you know that there are 5 KEY RULES to keep in mind when naming your makeup business? Discover what they are here!

How To Brand Your Makeup Business: What Are The 4 Steps of Branding?

Now that we’ve covered the importance of branding and what makes a brand successful, let’s discuss the steps you need to take to create a strong brand for your makeup business!

Step 1: Creating a Logo and Tagline

Once you’ve settled on a name for your business, the first real step in branding your makeup business is to create a logo and tagline that accurately represents your brand. Your logo should be simple and easy to remember, while your tagline should be reflective of the overall feel of your business.

For example, if you’re aiming to create a luxury brand, then your logo and tagline should reflect that. Think about using luxurious fonts and colors in your branding materials. Alternatively, if you’re going for a more natural look, then your branding should reflect that as well.

Designing Your Logo

As we’ve just mentioned, your logo is an important part of your visual identity and should be used consistently across all marketing materials. When designing a logo, keep in mind the overall look and feel of your brand. Try to use colors and fonts that reflect the personality of your business!

If you’re not a designer, don’t worry! There are plenty of logo design templates available online that you can use to create a professional-looking logo for your business.

Deciding On Your Tagline

In addition to a strong visual identity, all great brands have a clear and concise message that accurately reflects the overall feel of their business. This is where your tagline comes in!

Your tagline should be reflective of the type of makeup artist you are and the services you offer. For example, if you specialize in natural makeup looks, then your tagline could be something like: “The perfect blend of natural beauty and artistry.”

If you need some help coming up with the optimal tagline for your business, try out this free slogan generator on Shopify!

Step 2: Developing a Marketing Strategy

The next step in branding your makeup business is to develop a marketing strategy. This will involve creating marketing materials such as business cards, flyers, and social media posts that accurately represent your brand.

When developing your marketing strategy, it’s important to keep your target audience in mind. This will ensure that your marketing materials are focused on attracting the right type of customer!

Step 3: Creating a Brand Voice

The third step in branding your makeup business is to create a brand voice. This is the overall tone and personality of your business that should be reflected in all marketing materials.

For example, if you’re aiming for a luxury brand, then your brand voice should be sophisticated and upscale. Alternatively, if you’re going for a more natural look, then your brand voice should be earthy and down-to-earth.

Step 4: Consistency is Key

The final step in branding your makeup business is to be consistent! This means using the same logo, colors, fonts, and messaging across all marketing materials. By being consistent with your branding, you’ll make it easier for potential customers to remember and recognize your business.

Makeup artist applies makeup for beautiful blonde young woman with blue eyes in dressing gown

Creating a Makeup Artist Brand: Why Proper Training is Essential

Next, let’s discuss why proper training is essential for any successful MUA.

As a makeup artist, it’s important to have extensive knowledge of the products you’re using – as well as how to apply them correctly. This not only ensures that your clients are happy with their makeup; it also helps to build trust in your brand!

In addition, by receiving proper training, you’ll be able to develop your own unique style and voice as a makeup artist. In turn, it’ll then be easier for you to stand out from other artists in your field and attract new clients!

Receiving proper training is essential for any makeup artist who wants to build a successful career. Not only will it help you to provide excellent service to your clients… It will also allow you to develop your own unique style and voice.

Why You Should Train with QC Makeup Academy

If you’re ready to start training as a makeup artist, then your best bet is to enroll with QC Makeup Academy! QC Makeup Academy is a faculty of QC Career School – a pioneer of distance learning since 1984. We proudly hold an A+ ranking with the Better Business Bureau, and have over 200 raving reviews on Facebook alone.

The beauty of all of our courses is that they’re 100% self-paced and online. Thus, you get to complete your makeup certification training whenever and wherever YOU want! Starting from the date you first enroll, you’ll have a full 2 years to finish your program. However, many of our graduates have found that by devoting a mere 1-2 hours per week to their studies, they were able to graduate in as little as 2-6 months… Sometimes sooner!

QC Makeup Academy offers a 21-Day Money Back Guarantee, and all of the certifications provided through our school are internationally-recognized. Currently, we offer the following courses for makeup artists of all experience and skill levels:

Foundation Courses

  • Makeup Artistry
  • Master Makeup Artistry
  • Skincare

Advanced Courses

  • Pro Makeup
  • Global Beauty Workshop
  • Portfolio Development Workshop

Specialty Courses

  • Airbrush Makeup Workshop
  • Special FX Makeup
  • Fashion Styling
  • Hair Styling Essentials
  • Virtual Makeup Training

Interested in learning more about these online makeup courses? Check out all of our individual programs in FULL detail here!

Photo showing well stocked makeup kit. Student uses kit while attending top Canadian makeup school.

Branding a Makeup Artist Business Online: Your Website, Social Media, and Marketing Strategies

Now that you know all about branding your makeup business, let’s talk about how to put your brand online!

Your Business Website

One of the most important aspects of creating a successful makeup artist brand is having an excellent website. Your website should be beautiful, user-friendly, and informative. It should also be fully optimized for search engines so that potential clients can easily find you online!

Here are some examples of how you can use your website to reflect your brand:

  • Use your brand colors, fonts, and logo throughout your website design!
  • Write compelling content that accurately reflects your tone of voice and style as a makeup artist!
  • Include high-quality images (preferably professional photos) of your work!
  • Use social media widgets to link to your accounts on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc.!
  • Make sure your contact information is prominently displayed and easy to find!

Pro Tip: Your professional makeup portfolio can also be used to help reflect your brand! If you don’t have a portfolio yet, make sure to check out our Portfolio Development Workshop!

Your Social Media Accounts

In addition to having a website, you should also make sure to create social media accounts for your business. These days, potential clients are often more likely to find you through Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok than they are through a Google search.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure that your social media accounts are active, well-curated, and informative!

Here are some tips for creating a strong social media presence:

  • Consistently post high-quality content that accurately reflects your brand!
  • Engage with other users regularly – like, comment, and share other people’s posts!
  • Use relevant hashtags to help potential clients find your content!
  • Run regular social media promotions and giveaways to help grow your following!

Furthermore, here are some BONUS tips to help properly incorporate your brand into your social media channels:

  • Use your brand colors, fonts, and logo in your social media profile images and bios!
  • Write compelling descriptions of your business that accurately reflect your brand!
  • When writing post descriptions, replying to comments, and responding to DMs, speak in a way that’s consistent with your brand voice!
  • Include links to your website and contact information in your social media bios!

Pro Tip: Not sure how to get started with branding your makeup business online? All of QC Makeup Academy’s certification courses come with a FULL unit devoted entirely to business training… And this is just one of the many topics that will be covered for you!

Your Marketing Strategies

Now that you have a website and social media accounts for your makeup business, it’s time to start marketing yourself online! There are many different ways to market your business online, but some of the most effective methods include search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, ad marketing, and email marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing

One of the best ways to market your makeup business online is through SEO marketing. Essentially, this involves optimizing your website and social media accounts so that they rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). As a result, this will help potential clients find you more easily online!

Here are some tips for improving your SEO:

  • Use relevant keywords throughout your website and social media content!
  • Make sure your website is fully optimized for search engines!
  • Link to your website and social media accounts from other websites and online directories!
Makeup artist working with Asian model in beauty salon to represent the best makeup schools in Canada.

Content Marketing

Another great way to market your makeup business online is through content marketing. This involves creating high-quality blog posts, videos, infographics, etc. that are relevant to your business. Not only will this help improve your SEO, but it will also give potential clients a better idea of what you do and how you can help them!

Here are some tips for successful online marketing:

  • Make sure your website is fully optimized for search engines! This includes using relevant keywords throughout your website’s content, as well as in your titles, tags, and descriptions.
  • Use social media to drive traffic to your website! You can do this by sharing links to your website on your social media accounts, or by running social media ads that direct users to your site.
  • Create high-quality content that accurately reflects your brand! This could include blog posts, videos, infographics, etc. Once you’ve created this content, make sure to share it on your social media channels and through email newsletters.

Ad Marketing

Another effective way to market your makeup business online is through ad marketing. This involves creating and running online ads that promote your business. Ad marketing can be a great way to reach potential clients who might not otherwise find you online!

Here are some tips for successful ad campaigns:

  • Choose the right platforms for your ads! Make sure to research where your target audience is most active, and then place your ads accordingly.
  • Create compelling ad content that accurately reflects your brand! Your headlines and descriptions should be clear, concise, and attention-grabbing.
  • Include relevant keywords in your ad content! This will help improve your SEO and ensure that potential clients see your ad when they search for related terms online.

Email Marketing

Finally, email marketing is another great way to market your makeup business online. This involves sending newsletters, promotional offers, and other updates to your email list. Moreover, email marketing can be a great way to keep potential clients up-to-date on what you’re doing, as well as promote special offers and discounts!

Here are some tips for successful email marketing:

  • Build up your email list by offering something of value in exchange for sign-ups! This could be a free eBook, discount code, or access to exclusive content.
  • Segment your email list so that you can send targeted messages to specific groups of people! For example, you might segment your list by location, age group, or interests.
  • Make sure your emails are clear, concise, and attention-grabbing! Include compelling subject lines and eye-catching images to encourage people to open and read your messages.

Sending out regular email newsletters is a great way to keep potential clients up-to-date on what you’re doing, as well as promote special offers and discounts!

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3 Small Makeup Business Branding Examples That Do It Right

Now that we’ve gone over some general tips for branding your makeup business, let’s take a look at 3 small businesses whose branding game is on POINT!

(Fun Fact: All of the MUAs we’re about to spotlight are either QC Makeup Academy students or alumni!)

Everything about Savannah Rose’s makeup style screams, “GLAM!” And the aesthetic – as well as content shared – on both her website and Instagram pages reflect that! Notice how the choice of a soft, baby pink for her business’s primary color – as well as the fonts for her name itself – lend to the overall feel of her brand.

Furthermore, Savannah actually has TWO Instagram accounts for her business. The first focuses more on her makeup work, while the other is meant to showcase her own cosmetic line. Importantly, the branding remains consistent across both accounts.

A few other smart marketing moves that Savannah has made include:

  • Her makeup Instagram (@savannahrosemakeupstudio) links to her secondary Instagram account (@savannahrosecosmetics) right in her bio – making it one of the very first things you see when viewing her channel.
  • Moreover, Savannah’s makeup IG’s bio uses hashtags that are on-brand for her business, highlights her level of experience and most notable accomplishments, and provides a direct email address to contact her.
  • Her cosmetics Instagram account links to her business website in the bio, thus making it easy for followers to access it.
  • This business IG account also lists notable information about her services and accessibility in the bio as well.
  • Savannah’s official website maintains the colors and overall aesthetic of her brand, while also providing all of the must-know information in a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate way.

A Los Angeles/Orange County-based makeup artist, Caitlin specializes in celebrity makeup and editorial work. As such, her brand is very poised, polished, and refined. Every photo of her work is of remarkable quality – down to the selfies she occasionally posts, too!

The vibe we get straight away – both when viewing Caitlin’s Instagram and her website – is “professional, stylish, and high-end”. This is especially reflected on Caitlin’s website through her minimalist layout, as well as the information she chooses to highlight (notably, the “Work”, “Published”, and “Clients” sections).

Some of the smart business choices Caitlin has made on her Instagram account and website include:

  • In her Instagram bio, Caitlin immediately states her professional qualifications as an MUA, as well as where she’s based.
  • Furthermore, she includes where she has trained (QC Makeup Academy) and provides a direct link to her website.
  • Caitlin’s default page on her website is her portfolio. This is a smart move, as it means her impressive work will be the very first thing clients will see when checking out her site!
  • Her website also includes all of the essential info clients need to know, such as: contact info, background info about Caitlin, where her work has been published, etc.
  • Importantly, Caitlin’s website also ensures to link viewers back to her Instagram through a clickable icon located at both the top right and bottom center of her webpages.

International Skincare Consulting Professional (ISCP), Natalie Walcott, is a graduate of QC Makeup Academy’s Skincare Course. She’s also currently a student of QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course and Special FX Makeup Course, too!

Now, Natalie actually runs TWO different businesses: Natalie Walcott Makeup and Natalie Walcott Skin. Both businesses have their own website, as well as their own individual Instagram accounts. In terms of makeup, Natalie specializes in the following areas:

  • TV, commercial, and film
  • Beauty and editorial
  • Special effects

With regard to her skincare business, Natalie offers skincare consulting, waxing, facials, microdermabrasion, and more. Brand-wise, her makeup business more strongly reflects a consistent image and aesthetic, so we’ll focus primarily on that as our example.

When viewing Natalie’s makeup Instagram page, the first thing we see is that all of her content gives us a crystal-clear understanding of the types of makeup Natalie excels at. Immediately, we know that if we’re in need of an editorial and/or SFX makeup artist, we’ve come to the right place!

Furthermore, this impression is further solidified when visiting Natalie’s website. The crisp black and white color contrast – as well as the chosen fonts – give off a professional, earnest energy. Even the layout of Natalie’s site adds to this vibe, with the overall feeling being that she is an MUA who takes her work seriously and holds herself to a high standard.

Important things to note about Natalie’s social media accounts and websites include:

  • All of her platforms link to one another! For example, her skincare website links to her makeup website (and makeup Instagram page) – whereas her makeup Instagram page links to her makeup website, as well as her skincare Instagram account, right in the bio.
  • Natalie also has industry-related blogs, which she links to on both of her respective websites.
  • On her makeup website, Natalie offers viewers 2 portfolios that can be viewed separately (“Beauty” and “Effects”). This is an excellent option for prospective clients who may want to see specific types of Natalie’s work!
  • Moreover, her makeup website also contains pertinent information that’s very easy to find – such as an About Me page, contact info, her resume, full portfolios from past client projects, and more!

How To Start Your Own Makeup Business

Now that we’ve taken a look at some examples of established makeup businesses, let’s discuss how YOU can start your own!

First and foremost, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what type of makeup artist you want to be. As we saw with Savannah, Caitlin, and Natalie, each one has their own unique specialty within the industry. So, ask yourself:

  • Which type(s) of makeup are you most passionate about?
  • Who is your target audience/clientele?
  • Do you want to have a niche and be known for specific styles of makeup?
  • Or, alternately, would you like to be seen as a Jack-of-all-trades?

Answering these questions will help give you a better idea of what direction to take your business in. From there, we strongly recommend giving these articles a read, as they will help further your understanding of launching (and running) a successful makeup business:

So, How Do You Turn Your Business Into a Brand?

As we’ve seen, there are a multitude of ways to successfully brand your makeup business. Some key things to remember are:

  • Be clear about what type of makeup artist you want to be, and make sure this is reflected in both your social media presence and website.
  • Think about the overall image/aesthetic you want your business to have, and be consistent with this across all platforms.
  • Make sure your website is informative and easy to navigate – especially if you’re targeting potential clients!
  • Offer potential clients something unique that they can’t find elsewhere.
  • And last but not least, don’t forget the power of SEO! Utilizing keywords throughout your website and social media accounts is essential for helping people discover your business.

We hope this article was helpful, and we wish you the best of luck as you start (or continue) your journey in the makeup industry!

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Let us know in the comments below! And be sure to stay tuned for future articles by Beauty Buzz for more tips and tricks on all things beauty-related!

Until next time – stay glam, beauties! 😘

How to find a niche for your makeup business Feature Image

How to Find a Niche for Your Makeup Business

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career No Comments

One of the most important decisions you will make when starting your makeup business is deciding on a niche. Picking the right niche can help you focus your efforts and attract customers who are interested in what you have to offer. In this article, we’ll discuss the value of specialization and how to find a niche for your makeup business.

Plus, we’ll also reveal some popular niche ideas you can use to get started. So, let’s jump into it, shall we?

Wait! Before we go any further, do you first know how to become a professional makeup artist – even without any prior experience? If not, you should check out our step-by-step guide first!

Beauty Niche Meaning – What Is a Niche?

A niche is a defined target market that you focus your business on. When it comes to makeup, there are endless possibilities for niches! You can focus on providing services for weddings, movie sets, or fashion shoots. Or, you could specialize in working with clients who have skin conditions like acne or rosacea.

The benefits of specializing in a niche are twofold. First, it allows you to become an expert in your field and attract customers who are looking for that expertise. Second, it helps you stand out from the competition by offering something unique that other businesses don’t.

What Makes a Strong Niche?

When you’re trying to decide on a niche for your makeup business, there are a few factors to consider. First, you’ll want to make sure that the niche is something you’re actually passionate about. After all, you’ll be spending a lot of time working in this area!

Second, you’ll want to ensure that there’s a demand for the services you plan to offer. For example, if you love doing special effects makeup but there aren’t many clients in your area looking for that type of service, it may not be the best niche for your business.

Third, you’ll want to make sure that the niche is something you can realistically achieve. For instance, if your goal is to become the go-to MUA for fashion shows but you live in a small town, it may be tough to make that happen.

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Is The Beauty Industry a Niche Market?

The beauty industry is a great example of a niche market! This is because there are endless possibilities for niches within the industry, from hair stylists to skincare consultant to makeup artists. And, because the industry is so vast, there’s always room for new businesses to find their niche and succeed.

What Sells The Most in The Beauty Industry?

Some of the most popular items in the beauty industry include makeup, skincare products, hair care products, and fragrance. Of course, this varies depending on the niche you’re in and your professional qualifications. For example, if you specialize in natural cosmetics, your best-selling services might be different than those of a MUA who focuses on special effects makeup.

Niche Makeup Business Trends: What is The Target Market for Makeup?

Now that we’ve discussed what a niche is and why it’s important for your makeup business, let’s talk about how to find the perfect niche for you. To do this, you’ll need to first start by identifying your target market.

Your target market is the group of people who are most likely to use your products or services. When it comes to makeup, your target market could be anyone from teenage girls to working moms to brides-to-be. Once you’ve identified your target market, you can start narrowing down possible niches.

For example, if your target market is teenage girls, you could specialize in providing natural makeup looks or teaching them how to do their own makeup. If your target market is working moms, you could focus on providing quick and easy makeup routines that fit into busy schedules. And, if your target market is brides-to-be, you could specialize in doing wedding makeup or creating custom makeup looks for each bride.

fashion portrait with pink and green. a beautiful glamor model with stylish make-up on the face a shimmer on the cheekbones and shiny pink lipstick on the lips. sexy girl with copy space

How to Find a Niche for Your Makeup Business

There are a few things to keep in mind when you’re trying to find the perfect niche for your makeup business…

As we mentioned earlier, the first thing you’ll want to do is make sure that the niche you pick is something you’ll legitimately enjoy doing. Secondly, you’ll want to ensure that there’s actually a demand for that particular service in your area. Lastly, you’ll want to make sure that the niche is something you can realistically achieve.

Once you’ve considered these factors, it’s time to start brainstorming possible niches for your business. To get started, here are a few specialized makeup business ideas:

  • Makeup artist for brides
  • Makeup artist for special occasions
  • Personalized makeup consultant
  • Virtual makeup consultant
  • Natural cosmetics specialist
  • Airbrush makeup artist
  • Skincare consultant
  • Hair stylist
  • Fashion stylist
  • Special effects makeup artist
  • Global beauty makeup artist

Let’s take a closer look at each of these specializations…

Our Top 11 Specialized Makeup Business Ideas

Niche #1: Makeup Artist for Brides

As a makeup artist for brides, you would be responsible for creating custom looks for each bride on her big day. This could include doing a trial run before the wedding, as well as the actual wedding day itself. Additionally, you may also be hired to do the makeup for the bridesmaids, mother of the bride, etc.

Target Market

  • Brides
  • Wedding parties

Special Skills Needed for This Niche

  • Ability to create custom looks for each bride
  • Knowledge of different skin types and tones
  • Ability to work with a variety of makeup products
  • Time-management skills/efficiency
Woman in bridal makeup and attire. Photo representing best bridal makeup schools in Canada.

Pros and Cons of Being a Bridal Makeup Artist

  • You get to be a part of someone’s special day
  • There is potential for repeat clients
  • Can be very lucrative
  • Provides excellent networking opportunities with vendors, suppliers, and venues
  • Very in-demand service that shows no signs of slowing down
  • Potential for a great salary (especially during peak wedding season)
  • May require working on weekends, evenings, and holidays
  • Can be very demanding and stressful, especially during peak wedding season
  • Requires a high level of skill and experience

Interested in a career as a wedding/bridal MUA? QC Makeup Academy‘s self-paced, online Master Makeup Artistry Course can get you trained, internationally certified, and ready to book your first bride in as little as 2-6 months!

Niche #2: Makeup Artist for Special Occasions

As a makeup artist for special occasions, you would be responsible for creating looks for clients who have important events to attend. This could include anything from birthday parties and graduations to red carpet events and galas. You would need to be able to create a variety of looks, as well as have the ability to work with last-minute requests.

Target Market

  • Clients with special occasions (birthdays, graduations, red carpet events, galas, etc.)

Special Skills Needed for This Niche

  • Ability to create custom looks for each client, based on the type of event being attended
  • Flexibility/adaptability
  • The ability to work with a variety of makeup products
  • Time-management skills/efficiency

Pros and Cons of Being a Special Occasion Makeup Artist

  • You get to help clients look their best for their big day
  • There is potential for repeat clients
  • Can be very lucrative
  • Provides excellent networking opportunities with vendors, suppliers, and venues
  • The various types of events will give you ample experience doing different kinds of makeup for a variety of situations
  • May require working on weekends, evenings, and holidays
  • Requires a high level of skill and experience
  • Can be very demanding and stressful, especially during peak season (graduations, proms, etc.)
Funny girl in birthday hat on blue background

Niche #3: Personalized Makeup Consultant

As a personalized makeup consultant, you would be responsible for helping clients choose the right makeup products for their individual needs. This could include anything from finding the perfect foundation shade to selecting the right skincare routine. You would need to have in-depth knowledge of a variety of different makeup products and brands, as well as be able to help clients find the products that fit their budget.

Target Market

  • Clients who need help finding the right makeup products

Special Skills Needed for This Niche

  • In-depth knowledge of different makeup products, brands, and ingredients
  • Ability to find products that fit each client’s individual needs and budget
  • Knowledge of the different skin types
  • Excellent customer service skills

Pros and Cons of Being a Personalized Makeup Consultant

  • You get to help clients find the products that are right for them
  • Can be very lucrative
  • Ample opportunity for positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals
  • Flexible hours/work-from-home opportunities
  • Requires in-depth knowledge of different makeup products, brands, and ingredients
  • May require working with clients who are not familiar with makeup or have specific needs/requests
  • Some clients may be unhappy with the products you recommend

Niche #4: Virtual Makeup Consultant

As a virtual makeup consultant, you would be responsible for helping clients choose the right makeup products for their individual needs via video chat or phone call. This could include anything from finding the perfect foundation shade to selecting the right skincare routine. You would need to have in-depth knowledge of a variety of different makeup products and brands, as well as be able to help clients find the products that fit their budget.

Furthermore, you would need to be able to properly communicate this knowledge, all through virtual correspondence (rather than via face-to-face interactions).

Target Market

  • Clients who need help finding the right makeup products but cannot meet in person due to physical, mental, or emotional limitations
  • Long distance clients

Special Skills Needed for This Niche

  • In-depth knowledge of different makeup products, brands, and ingredients
  • Ability to find products that fit each client’s individual needs and budget
  • Knowledge of the different skin types
  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Proper virtual communication skills
  • Basic technological skills (needed to use video chat apps/software, etc.)

Pros and Cons of Being a Virtual Makeup Consultant

  • You get to help clients find the products that are right for them
  • Can be very lucrative
  • Flexible hours/work-from-home opportunities
  • No need to commute or travel to meet with clients, which means a larger client pool for you to book with
  • Requires in-depth knowledge of different makeup products, brands, and ingredients
  • May require working with clients who are not familiar with makeup or have specific needs/requests
  • Some clients may be unhappy with the products you recommend
  • You will need to invest in some basic technology (video chat software, a smart phone if you don’t already have one, etc.)

Fun Fact: YOU can learn how to take your makeup business online in as little as one month by completing QC Makeup Academy’s online Virtual Makeup Training mini course!

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Niche #5: Natural Cosmetics Specialist

As a natural cosmetics specialist, you would be responsible for helping clients find the right makeup and skincare products that are made with all-natural ingredients. This could include anything from finding the perfect foundation shade to selecting the right organic skincare routine. You’d need to have in-depth knowledge of a variety of natural makeup and skincare products and brands, as well as be able to help clients find the products that fit their budget.

Target Market

  • Clients who want to use makeup and skincare products made with natural ingredients

Special Skills Needed for This Niche

  • In-depth knowledge of different all-natural makeup and skincare products, brands, and ingredients
  • Ability to find products that fit each client’s individual needs and budget
  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Knowledge of different skin types, so you can make informed recommendations that will best suit their skin, goals, and needs

Pros and Cons of Being a Natural Cosmetics Specialist

  • You get to help clients find the safest, healthiest products that are right for them
  • Can be very lucrative
  • Flexible hours/work-from-home opportunities
  • You get to help clients improve their makeup and/or skincare routines while also ensuring their skin stays safe
  • Moral benefit of using all-natural, free-from-harm, organic products
  • Requires in-depth knowledge of different makeup/skincare products, brands, and ingredients
  • May require working with clients who are not familiar with makeup or have specific needs/requests
  • Some clients may be unhappy with the products you recommend

Niche #6: Airbrush Makeup Artist

An airbrush makeup artist is responsible for providing clients with a flawless complexion using an airbrush machine. As an airbrush MUA, you’d need to have in-depth knowledge of how to use the machine, as well as a variety of different foundation shades and formulas. You would also need to be able to find products that fit each client’s individual needs and budget.

Never seen airbrush makeup artistry in action before? Watch this fun, informative webinar with QC executive instructor, Nathan Johnson, and airbrush MUA extraordinaire, Marc Harvey!

Target Market

  • Clients who want perfect, flawless skin for their wedding day or other special event
  • Models for photoshoots
  • Actors for film and television
  • Special effects makeup clients

Special Skills Needed for This Niche

  • In-depth knowledge of how to safely and properly use an airbrush machine
  • Attention to detail, precision, and finesse
  • Ability to find products that fit each client’s individual needs and budget
  • Excellent customer service skills

Pros and Cons of Being an Airbrush Makeup Artist

  • Can be very lucrative
  • Potential to earn a killer income
  • Endless job opportunities in various makeup fields
  • You get to help clients improve their makeup routine while also providing them with perfect, flawless skin
  • Requires in-depth knowledge of different airbrush machines and how to properly use them
  • May require working with clients who are not familiar with makeup or have specific needs/requests
  • Some clients may be unhappy with the end result

Add an Airbrush Makeup Workshop certificate to your resume in as little as 8 weeks by enrolling in QC Makeup Academy’s Airbrush Makeup Workshop today! Oh, and did we mention you’ll receive a FREE airbrush machine as part of your course tools? As a result, you’ll be able to master airbrush makeup right from the get-go!

Beauty Fashion Model Woman , portrait, hairstyle with . Concept Girl face with perfect skin and dark lips in bright Background with hand holding aerograph.

Niche #7: Skincare Consultant

A skincare consultant is responsible for providing clients with customized skincare routines and products that fit their individual needs. As a skincare consultant, you’d need to have in-depth knowledge of different skincare ingredients, formulas, and brands. You would also need to be able to find products that fit each client’s individual budget.

Target Market

  • Clients who want help finding the best skincare routine and products for their skin type
  • People with specific skincare concerns (e.g., acne, aging, dryness)

Special Skills Needed for This Niche

  • In-depth knowledge of different skincare ingredients, formulas, and brands
  • Subject-matter expertise about skin types, skincare concerns, etc.
  • Ability to find products that fit each client’s individual budget
  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Tact and empathy

Pros and Cons of Being a Skincare Consultant

  • You get to help clients find the best skincare routine and products for their skin type
  • Can be very lucrative, with the potential to earn a high income
  • Pairs perfectly with a makeup business
  • Flexible hours/work-from-home opportunities
  • You get to help clients improve their skincare routines while also ensuring their skin stays healthy
  • Creates the best possible canvas on which to also apply makeup
  • Requires in-depth knowledge of different skincare ingredients, formulas, and brands
  • Failure to properly understand skin types and/or skincare products can have potentially damaging consequences
  • May require working with clients who are not familiar with skincare or have specific needs/requests
  • Some clients may be unhappy with the products you recommend

Pro Tip: In as little as 2 short months, you can become an International Skincare Consulting Professional (ISCP), thanks to QC’s online Skincare Course!

Niche #8: Hair Stylist

A hair stylist is responsible for styling their clients’ hair for everyday wear and/or special occasions. As a hair stylist, you’d need to have in-depth knowledge of different hair types, textures, and styles. You would also need to be up-to-date on the latest hair trends.

Target Market

  • Clients who need help styling their hair for upcoming events (e.g., weddings, proms, graduations, parties, etc.)
  • Clients who wish to have both their hair and makeup taken care of under one roof (as opposed to sourcing two different vendors)

Special Skills Needed for This Niche

  • In-depth knowledge of different hair types, textures, and styles
  • Ability to find products that fit each client’s individual budget
  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Knowledge of current, popular hair styling trends, braiding trends, up-dos, etc.
  • Bonus: knowing how to perfectly pair a given hairstyle to a particular makeup look, in order to meet the client’s expectations and properly reflect the event they’ll be attending

Pros and Cons of Being a Hair Stylist

  • Can be very lucrative
  • Pairs perfectly with a makeup business, which will provide additional streams of income
  • Opens you up to a wider clientele
  • Flexible hours/work-from-home opportunities
  • You get to help clients find the best hairstyle for their face shape and hair type, while also ensuring their hair stays healthy
  • Lots of possible job opportunities (i.e., weddings, photoshoots, theater, film and television, etc.)
  • Requires in-depth knowledge of different hair types, textures, and styles
  • Failure to properly understand hair types and/or hairstyling products can have potentially damaging consequences
  • May require working with clients who are not familiar with hair styling or have specific needs/requests (e.g., those with thinning hair, alopecia, etc.)
  • Some clients may be unhappy with the hairstyle you create for them

If you’re interested in adding hairstyling services to your makeup business, we strongly recommend checking out QC’s Hairstyling Essentials Course! In turn, we’ll help prepare you to book your first client within just a couple short months!

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Niche #9: Fashion Stylist

A fashion stylist is responsible for helping their clients put together the perfect outfit for any occasion. As a fashion stylist, you need to have an eye for detail and be up-to-date on the latest fashion trends. You would also need to be able to find clothing that fits each client’s individual budget.

Target Market

  • Clients who need help selecting the perfect outfit for an upcoming event (e.g., wedding, graduation, prom, party, photoshoot, work event, red carpet event, etc.)
  • Clients who are looking to refine their everyday attire for personal purposes

Special Skills Needed for This Niche

  • In-depth knowledge of current fashion trends
  • Ability to find clothing that fits each client’s individual budget
  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Creativity and an eye for detail
  • Ability to match clothing to hairstyles, makeup, etc.
  • Ability to find clothing that will help the client achieve their goals (i.e., looking good for an event, fitting better with their everyday lifestyle, etc.)

Pros and Cons of Being a Fashion Stylist

  • Can be very lucrative, with the potential for a high income
  • Pairs perfectly with a makeup business, hairstyling business, etc.
  • Opens you up to a wider clientele
  • Flexible hours/work-from-home opportunities
  • You get to help clients find the best clothes for their body type, while also staying within their budget
  • Lots of possible job opportunities (i.e., weddings, photoshoots, theater, film and television, high-profile events, etc.)
  • Requires in-depth knowledge of current fashion trends
  • Failure to properly understand fashion trends can result in outdated or unflattering clothing selections for clients
  • May require working with clients who are not familiar with fashion or have specific needs/requests (e.g., those with a limited budget but have luxurious taste, etc.)
  • Some clients may be unhappy with the clothing you select for them

Have we piqued your interest? Do you want to become a Certified International Styling Professional (CISP™)? If so, learn more about QC’s online Fashion Styling Course!

Niche #10: Special Effects Makeup Artist

A special effects makeup artist is responsible for creating custom and realistic-looking makeup designs for their clients. As a special effects makeup artist, you need to have an eye for detail and be able to create a wide range of looks, from the simplest to the most complex.

Target Market

  • Clients who need help finding the perfect makeup look for an upcoming event (e.g., Halloween, cosplay convention, masquerade ball, etc.)
  • Clients who are looking for a unique and customized makeup look
  • Film, television, and/or theater productions in need of an SFX makeup artist
  • Clients looking to create character makeup

Special Skills Needed for This Niche

  • In-depth knowledge of different SFX makeup products and techniques
  • Ability to create a wide range of horror, fantasy, and special effects looks, from the simplest to the most complex
  • Ability to create realistic gore and/or wounds
  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Creativity and an eye for detail
  • Ability to find the perfect makeup look for each client’s individual needs
  • Ability to create character makeup based on a script

Pros and Cons of Being a Special Effects Makeup Artist

  • Can be very lucrative
  • Has the potential to be one of the highest paying makeup jobs
  • Is considered to be an advanced skill, thus making it extremely attractive to prospective clients
  • Opens you up to a wider clientele
  • Ample opportunity to get creative
  • Lots of possible high-end job opportunities (i.e., working in film, television, and theater, etc.)
  • Requires in-depth knowledge of different SFX makeup products and techniques
  • Failure to properly understand these makeup products and techniques can result in poor quality work
  • Clients may not be familiar with the special effects process, which can lead to unrealistic expectations
  • The work can be physically demanding (e.g., having to apply prosthetics for long periods of time, etc.)
  • Not the best fit for someone who’s squeamish, as you may need to work with fake blood, create realistic wounds/gore, etc.

Does special effects makeup sound like the PERFECT niche for your makeup business? Then you need to enroll in QC’s online Special FX Makeup Course today and become an International Special FX Makeup Professional (ISMP)!

close up portrait of young beautiful girl with colorful face painting. Halloween professional makeup. hair in paint. beauty portrait. blue and pink hair

Niche #11: Global Beauty Makeup Artist

A global beauty expert is capable of working with clients from all around the world; creating makeup looks on any and all skin tones. Furthermore, their knowledge of global beauty practices makes them the leading expert to hire for religious and/or cultural events, such as international weddings. Thus, if one is looking for a prosperous niche for their makeup business, becoming a global beauty expert is the way to go!

Target Market

  • Clients who are looking for a makeup artist who is knowledgeable in global beauty practices
  • Clients who are getting married and want their wedding to reflect their culture/religion
  • Religious and/or cultural events that require a makeup artist (e.g., Chinese New Year, Diwali, etc.)

Special Skills Needed for This Niche

  • In-depth knowledge of global beauty trends and makeup techniques
  • Ability to work with clients from all around the world, on any and all skin tones
  • Flexibility to be able to create a wide range of looks, from natural to dramatic
  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Creativity and an eye for detail
  • An understanding of various cultural and/or religious traditions, in order to properly reflect them and meet cultural/religious standards

Pros and Cons of Being a Global Beauty Makeup Artist

  • Can be extremely lucrative
  • Drastically opens up your potential client reach
  • Is considered to be an advanced skill, thus making it extremely attractive to prospective clients
  • Expands your client reach to people from all around the world
  • Flexibility to work in other countries
  • Ample opportunity to get creative and experiment with different global beauty techniques and looks
  • Requires in-depth knowledge of global beauty trends and practices
  • Failure to properly understand these trends and practices can result in poor quality work or even cultural appropriation
  • The work can be physically demanding (e.g., having to apply makeup, henna tattoos, etc. for long periods of time)
  • Not the best fit for someone who doesn’t like to travel, as you may need to work in other countries

Do you have what it takes to be a global beauty makeup artist? If so, you’ll learn everything you need to know to succeed in QC’s Global Beauty Workshop! Enroll today and earn your certificate of completion in as little as 8 weeks!


There you have it! These are just a few of the many makeup business niches out there that you can specialize in.

Remember: it’s important to pick a niche that you’re passionate about and that you have the skillset to excel in. With hard work and dedication, you can make your dreams of being a successful makeup artist come true!

Which of these niches interests YOU the most? Let us know in the comments below! And while you’re at it, be sure to check out our other blog post on 15 Tips to Grow Your Makeup Business for even more advice on getting your company off the ground.

Good luck… And thanks for reading! 💕

Start your dream career as a makeup artist by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!

Tips to grow a skincare business Feature Image

25 Top Tips to Grow a Skincare Business

By Career Advice, Skincare, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Let’s cut to the chase: today, we’re here to break down 25 tips to grow a skincare business and find success in the industry! And why is this an important topic of discussion, you may be wondering?

Because the skincare industry is BOOMING, that’s why! In fact, according to this study, it’s expected to reach a value of $177 billion by 2025. This makes it one of the most lucrative industries in the world.

So, if you’re thinking about starting your own skincare business, now is the time to do it!

Wait! Before we get started, did you know that we’ve written the ULTIMATE guide on becoming a certified Skincare Consultant – even with zero experience? We definitely recommend giving it a read!

What Is a Skincare Consultant?

First thing’s first…

A skincare consultant is a professional who helps individuals select and use the right products for their skin type, as well as provides advice on how to properly take care of their skin.

Some skincare consultants work in spas, salons, or skincare boutiques. Others operate their own business. Either way, with the rise of social media, more and more consultants are working remotely.

This, of course, is obviously GREAT news if you’re looking to start your own business! (And we assume you are – because why else would you be reading this article, right?)

Did you know that in as little as 2-6 months, you can become a certified International Skincare Consulting Professional (ISCP) by completing QC Makeup Academy‘s self-paced, online Skincare Course? It’s true – and it’s pretty amazing!

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What Does a Skincare Consultant Do?

The day-to-day duties of a skincare consultant vary depending on where they work. For instance, those who work in spas may be responsible for providing facials, while those who work in salons may focus on giving makeup consultations.

Those who run their own skincare business, on the other hand, typically provide one-on-one consultations via video call or phone. During these consultations, they help their clients select the right products and create a skincare routine that fits their needs.

In addition to providing consultations, many skincare consultants also give talks or workshops on topics like skincare tips, makeup application techniques, and more. Furthermore, you may wish to offer both skincare and makeup services, all under one roof. This would be a great way to appeal to a wider clientele and increase your business earnings!

Interested in combining skincare AND makeup services? Enroll in QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course and become a globally-certified Master International Makeup Professional (MIMP) in as little as 2 months!

How Profitable is The Skincare Industry?

As we mentioned earlier, the skincare industry is expected to be worth $177 billion by 2025. This means that there’s a lot of money to be made as a certified skincare consultant! According to Deals On Health, skincare is “the most profitable segment in the global cosmetic industry”, accounting for a whopping “42% of the worldwide cosmetic industry”.

Basically, if you’re looking to start your own business and earn a good income, this is definitely an industry worth considering!

How Big Is The Skincare Industry?

The skincare industry is absolutely HUGE! Like, we cannot stress enough how massive it is. Without any exaggeration, it’s one of the biggest industries in the world.

Here are some quick facts, to illustrate our point:

As you can see, there’s definitely a lot of opportunity in this industry! This means that if you’re looking to start your own skincare business, now is most certainly the time to do it.

Attractive woman, showing her lips and face, sitting in cosmetology office an talking with qualified beautician. Professional woman cosmetologist talking about problems of skin of female client

What Age Group Buys The Most Skincare Products?

If you’re looking to start a skincare business, it’s important to know who your target market is. According to Statistica, in 2021, the most skincare products in the United States were bought by Gen Z shoppers! Out of all the beauty products this age range (18-24 years old) purchased that year, 41% of these items were skin products.

This blog post by L’Officiel further corroborates the above findings. And in case you were wondering, Millennials, came at a close second in Statistica’s study. 40% of their beauty purchases in 2021 were also on skincare products.

So, if you’re wondering whether or not starting a skincare business is a good idea, the answer is a resounding YES! Not only is this industry extremely profitable – it also has a large and growing customer base.

Who Is The Target Market for Skincare?

With the above in mind, it’s important to remember that your personal target market will likely include people from many different age ranges. This is because, as we all know, skincare is important for people of ALL ages! Not to mention, where you live and its unique demographic will play a big factor into the type of customers you book.

Here’s another thing to keep in mind, to… Although much of your client base may be women, there’s a growing market for men’s skincare as well. So, don’t make them feel left out of your marketing efforts!

The more inclusive your skincare business is, in terms of the services you provide and the people you’re able to work with, the more successful it’ll be.

What Brand of Skincare Product is The Best?

As a skincare consultant, you’ll likely be asked this question a lot. And unfortunately, there’s no easy answer. The best skincare brand for one person might not be the best for another. This is because everyone’s skin type is different – meaning that what works for someone with dry skin might not work as well for someone with oily skin.

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The good news is that there are plenty of great options out there to choose from! So, if you’re looking for some recommendations, we’ve got you covered. Here are 15 skincare brands that come highly recommended on the market today:

Ultimately, what will work best for each client will come down to trial and error. It’ll also be dependent on your client’s skin type, needs, and goals. But, as a skincare consultant, it’s important to be familiar with all of the best options out there.

This way, you can make tailored recommendations to each and every one of your happy customers!

25 Tips to Grow a Skincare Business

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into some specific business tips that will help you succeed as a skincare consultant!

Tip #1: Get Certified Before You Build a Skincare Business

One of the best ways to set yourself apart from the competition is by becoming certified. Not only will a proper education give you more credibility with potential clients – it’ll also help you better understand skincare products and services. This, in turn, will allow you to provide your clients with even better results!

Beautiful asian woman blogger is showing how to make up and use cosmetics. In front of the mirror and recording vlog video live streaming at home.Skincare for healthy face concept.

Tip #2: Figure Out What Type of Skincare Business You Want to Have

You can’t run a successful business if you don’t know what exactly your business is in the first place. So, this is the next place to start. Sit down, grab a pen, and jot down whatever ideas come to mind regarding the type of company you’d like to have in 1, 5, and even 10 years.

For instance, do you want to work in a salon? Be a mobile skincare consultant? Or would you rather open up your own brick-and-mortar store?

Do you want to solely offer skincare consulting services? Or would you like to pair that with complementary beauty services, such as professional makeup artistry or hair styling?

There are many different paths you can take when starting a skincare business. Ultimately, the route YOU choose will likely depend on your personal preferences, goals, and budget.

Tip #3: Pick The Right Name for Your Skincare Business

Your business name is important for two reasons: branding and marketing. A good name will help you build a strong brand that clients can easily remember. Plus, it’ll make marketing your skincare business a whole lot easier, too!

When brainstorming names, try to come up with something that’s catchy, unique, and relevant to the type of services you offer. You might also want to consider using keyword-rich phrases in your business name. This way, when people do an online search for skincare businesses in their area, yours is more likely to pop up!

Once you’ve got a list of potential names, do a quick Google search to see if any other businesses are using the same or similar ones. If so, scratch those off your list and move on to the next best option. If not, get your business name registered right away so no one else can take it!

Tip #4: Determine Your Brand

Your brand identity is how you want your business to be perceived by the public. In other words, it’s what makes you unique. And, as a skincare consultant, it’s important to have a strong brand identity that sets you apart from the competition!

Think about what type of image you want your business to portray. Do you want to be seen as luxurious and high-end? Relaxing and spa-like? Fun and vibrant? Natural and organic?

Once you’ve got a good understanding of the image you want to portray, start working on creating a cohesive brand identity for your skincare business. This includes everything from your logo design and color scheme to your company slogan and social media posts.

Tip #5: Purchase a Business License (and Make Sure to Renew It)

Before you can start operating your skincare business, you’ll need to purchase a business license.

A business license is a document that allows you to operate your business legally. It’s typically issued by the government, and it usually needs to be renewed on an annual basis.

In most cases, you can apply for a business license online – but it’s always a good idea to check with your local government office to see what the specific requirements are in your area.

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Tip #6: Get Insurance for Your Skincare Business

Another important step in setting up your skincare business is getting insurance.

As a skincare professional, you’ll be working with clients’ faces – which means there’s always a risk of something going wrong. Whether it’s a bad reaction to a product you used/recommended or a physical accident of any kind, it’s important to have insurance in case something does happen.

Firstly, having insurance will protect you financially. Secondly, it’ll also give your clients peace of mind knowing that they’re in good hands.

There are a few different types of insurance you might want to consider for your skincare business, such as general liability, product liability, and professional liability insurance.

Tip #7: Create a Business Plan

A business plan is a document that outlines your business goals and how you plan on achieving them. It’s an essential tool for any new business – especially one in the skincare industry!

When creating your business plan, be sure to include:

  • An executive summary of your skincare business as a whole
  • A description of your business
  • A summary of who your target market is
  • Your marketing and advertising plans
  • Your financial projections

If you need help getting started, there are plenty of business plan templates and resources available online. You can easily find them via a quick Google search! That said, if you want someone to walk you through the process step by step, consider hiring a business coach or consultant.

Tip #8: Start Getting Experience as a Skincare Consultant

If you’re serious about starting a skincare business, then you need to start getting some experience under your belt – stat!

One of the best ways to do this is by working as a skincare consultant in a salon or spa. This will give you the opportunity to learn the ropes, test out products, and get comfortable with consulting clients. Plus, it’s a great way to build up your professional portfolio!

Another option is to offer your services for free (or at a discounted rate) to family and friends. This can be a great way to get some practice and perfect your consultation process. Just be sure that everyone involved knows it’s just for fun and not an actual paid gig!

Professional cosmetologist woman in beauty salon consulting young beautiful, client.Cosmetology and professional skin care. Skin Care. High Resolution

Tip #9: Build Your Skincare Portfolio

As a skincare consultant, your portfolio is everything. It’s what you’ll use to showcase your skills and experience to potential clients. And, it’s what will help you land consulting gigs in the first place!

So, what exactly should you include in your portfolio?

  • Before and after photos of clients you’ve worked with
  • A list of the services you offer
  • Testimonials from past clients
  • Any relevant certifications and/or licenses you have

If you don’t have any before and after photos yet, don’t worry! You can always start by taking pictures of friends and family members before and after using the products/services you recommend. Just be sure to get their permission first – and make sure the photos you do take are of high quality!

Need help putting together a pristine, professional portfolio? QC Makeup Academy’s Portfolio Development Course will teach you everything you need to know in just a couple short months!

Tip #10: Make a Business Website

In today’s day and age, it’s absolutely essential to have a website for your business – no matter what type of business it is. And, as a skincare consultant, yours is no different!

Your website should be clean, organized, and easy to navigate. It should also include all the relevant information potential clients might be looking for:

  • Your name
  • Information about who you are
  • Your contact information
  • A list of the services you offer
  • Service rates, should you wish to publicly disclose these details
  • Before and after photos
  • Client testimonials
  • Your portfolio of any other services you offer (e.g., makeup artistry)
  • Links to your social media pages
  • An option for online booking

Building a website from scratch can seem daunting – especially if you’re not particularly tech-savvy. But luckily, there are plenty of user-friendly website builder tools out there that make the process relatively painless! This article, for instance, lists 10 FREE website builders at your disposal.

Tip #11: Learn About SEO – and Use It To Your Advantage

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing your website and its content to rank higher in search engine results pages (like Google). As a skincare consultant with an online presence, it’s important that you learn about SEO and how to use it to your advantage!

There are 2 main types of SEO: on-page and off-page. On-page SEO refers to all the optimization strategies you can employ ON your website. Things like using keyword-rich titles and descriptions, formatting your text properly, and adding alt tags to images would all be excellent examples.

Off-page SEO, on the other hand, refers to all the optimization strategies you can employ OFF your website – such as link-building and social media engagement.

Both are important, but on-page SEO is generally more within your control. So, that’s a good place to start! And if you’re brand-new to SEO in general, we strongly encourage you to check out this Beginner’s Guide by Moz.

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Tip #12: Get on Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool that can be used to promote just about anything – including your skincare business!

Not only does social media give you a platform to share your work with potential clients, but it also allows you to connect with other industry professionals, collaborate on projects, and stay up-to-date on the latest skincare news and trends.

There are tons of different social media platforms out there, but not all of them will be relevant for promoting your business. When choosing which platforms to be active on, make sure to consider:

  • The age group of your target market
  • The type of content you’ll be sharing
  • How much time you’re willing to commit to maintaining your presence

Pro Tip: Some of the most popular social media platforms for skincare businesses include Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

Tip #13: Try Out Different Marketing Strategies

There are endless marketing strategies you can use to promote your skincare business and get your name out there. The best part is, you don’t have to spend a fortune to see results!

Here are a few low-cost marketing ideas to get you started:

  • Start a blog and write about topics related to skincare (e.g., skincare tips, product reviews, etc.)
  • Reach out to local publications and offer to write articles or give interviews on skincare topics
  • Create social media accounts for your business and post engaging content regularly
  • Participate in online forums and discussions related to skincare
  • Collaborate with other businesses in the beauty industry (e.g., hair salons, makeup artists, etc.)
  • Start a podcast and discuss skincare topics with industry professionals
  • Invest in paid advertisements (this doesn’t have to be costly if you tailor your ad(s) properly)

The sky’s the limit when it comes to marketing your skincare business. So, get creative and have fun with it!

Tip #14: Network, Network, Network

As with any other business, networking is essential for the success of your skincare company. By building relationships with other industry professionals, you’ll not only gain valuable insights and advice – you’ll also have the opportunity to collaborate on projects, promote each other’s work, and much more.

One great way to get started is by attending skincare trade shows and conventions. These events are a goldmine for networking opportunities! Not to mention, they’re also a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest skincare trends and products.

Another option is to join relevant online communities and forums related to skincare. This will give you access to a wealth of information and resources – as well as allow you to connect with other skincare enthusiasts from all over the world.

No matter how you choose to network, just make sure you’re putting yourself out there and taking advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.

Start networking while completing your certification training by joining QC’s free Virtual Classroom on Facebook! Even if you’re not a student, you can still be a temporary member for 2 whole weeks!

Young businesswoman using smart phone ,Social, media, Marketing concept

Tip #15: Know Your Target Audience

One of the most important aspects of running a successful skincare business is knowing who your target audience is. After all, how can you market your products and services effectively if you don’t know who you’re marketing to?

When determining your target audience, there are a few key factors to consider:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Occupation
  • Interests/Hobbies
  • Skincare Needs/Concerns

Once you have a good understanding of who your target audience is, you’ll be able to create targeted marketing campaigns that are much more likely to result in conversions. And that brings us to our next tip…

Tip #16: Create an Irresistible Offer

Now that you know who your target audience is, it’s time to create an offer they can’t refuse!

Your offer should be something that speaks directly to the needs and concerns of your target audience. For example, if you’re targeting busy moms who are concerned about wrinkles and fine lines, you might want to offer a free skincare consultation or mini-facial.

On the other hand, if you’re targeting young adults with acne-prone skin, you might want to offer a discount on your signature acne-fighting facial. No matter what your offer is, just make sure it’s something that will appeal to your target audience and encourage them to take action.

(The action, of course, being to book with you!)

Tip #17: Focus on Client Acquisition

Speaking of getting clients, that’s exactly what our next tip is all about: client acquisition!

In the early stages of your skincare business, it’s important to focus on acquiring new clients. Once you have a solid base of loyal clients, you can start thinking about ways to increase retention rates (i.e., getting them to book more often).

There are a number of different strategies you can use to acquire new clients, but some of the most effective include online advertising, word-of-mouth marketing, and content marketing.

Skincare Business Ideas: Online Advertising

Online advertising is a great way to reach your target audience where they’re already spending time – which is online! You can use platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and even TikTok Ads to create targeted campaigns that will reach your ideal customers.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing is another great way to grow your skincare business. After all, people are more likely to book with a business that comes highly recommended by someone they trust.

Content Marketing

Finally, content marketing is a fantastic way to attract new clients and build trust with your target audience. By creating helpful and informative blog posts, infographics, videos, etc., you can position yourself as an expert in the skincare industry – which will make people much more likely to do business with you.

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Tip #18: But Don’t Forget About Client Retention, Too

Once you’ve acquired some loyal clients, it’s time to start focusing on retention.

Client retention is important for any business – but it’s especially important in the skincare industry. Since the skincare industry is so competitive, it’s vital to keep your existing clients happy and coming back for more.

There are a number of different strategies you can use to increase client retention rates, but some of the most effective include loyalty programs, referral programs, and VIP memberships.

Loyalty Programs

One way to encourage your clients to come back for more is to offer them a loyalty program. With a loyalty program, they can earn points every time they book with you – which they can then redeem for discounts on future services.

Referral Programs

Another great way to increase client retention is to offer a referral program. With a referral program, your clients can earn rewards (like discounts or free products) for referring their friends and family to your business.

VIP Memberships

Finally, you might also want to consider offering VIP memberships to your loyal clients. With a VIP membership, they’ll enjoy exclusive benefits like early access to new products and services, special discounts, and even free shipping on orders.

Tip #19: Consider Picking a Niche

When it comes to growing a successful skincare business, it’s important to stand out from the competition. And one of the best ways to do that is by picking a niche.

Picking a niche allows you to focus your marketing efforts and position yourself as an expert in a specific area. For example, if you’re targeting mature women, you could position yourself as a skincare expert for mature women. Similarly, you could market yourself as a skincare consultant that specializes in acne-prone skin, or even one that specializes in specific skin types (i.e. oily skin).

Not only will this help you attract more clients; it’ll also help you build trust and credibility with your target audience!

Tip #20: Pair Your Skincare Services with Makeup Artistry

Makeup artistry is another great way to grow your skincare business.

While you might not think of makeup artistry and skincare as being related, they actually go hand-in-hand! After all, what’s the point of having flawless skin if you don’t have the makeup to match? Not to mention, a person’s skin is quite literally the canvas on which they’ll apply any makeup look.

Pairing your skincare services with makeup artistry is a great way to attract new clients and increase revenue. Plus, it can be a lot of fun!

Need more convincing? Learn all about how QC’s Skincare Course helped professional MUA, Nadia Calabro, become an even better makeup artist!

Close up of makeup artist applying light layer of matting powder while using professional brush for lady

Tip #21: Price Your Skincare Services Properly

When it comes to pricing your skincare services, it’s important to strike a balance between what your clients are willing to pay and what you need to make a profit.

If you price your services too low, you’ll likely find yourself struggling to make ends meet. On the other hand, if you price them too high, you might have trouble attracting new clients.

The best way to determine how much to charge for your skincare services is by doing some market research. Look at what other businesses in your area are charging for similar services. From there, come up with a rate that’s competitive yet still allows you to make a profit.

Tip #22: Offer Skincare Packages

If you really want to grow your skincare business, then you need to start offering skincare packages. Skincare packages are pre-paid bundles of services that offer a discount to the client.

Not only do skincare packages encourage clients to book more services at once (which is great for your bottom line), but they also offer a sense of convenience and value that individual services just can’t match.

When it comes to designing your skincare packages, be sure to consider what your target market would be interested in. For example, if you’re targeting brides-to-be, you might want to offer a wedding day package that includes everything from makeup to hair to skincare.

Tip #23: Join Online Communities and Forums

Another great way to grow your skincare business is by joining online communities and forums related to your industry! One major perk is that it’ll help you network with other professionals. Moreover, you’ll also get a chance to share your expert knowledge with people who might be interested in your services.

For example, if you’re a member of a skincare-related Facebook group, you could answer questions about skincare routine or product recommendations. Similarly, if you’re a member of an online forum for beauty professionals, you could offer advice on starting and growing a skincare business.

Psst! This is yet another reason to join that QC Makeup Academy Virtual Classroom on Facebook that we were telling you about earlier!

Tip #24: Gather Client Testimonials (and Showcase Them)

If you want people to take your skincare business seriously, then you need to start gathering client testimonials. Client testimonials are powerful because they offer a first-hand account of what it’s like to work with you.

When potential clients see that others have had positive experiences with your business, they’ll be more likely to book services with you as well!

There are a few different ways that you can gather client testimonials. One is by simply asking your clients to write a review after their appointment. Another is by conducting surveys or sending out questionnaires.

Once you have some testimonials, be sure to showcase them on your website and/or social media platforms. You could even create a dedicated page on your website for them!

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Tip #25: Stay Up-to-Date with the Latest Skincare Trends

Last but not least, one of the best ways to grow your skincare business is by staying up-to-date with the latest skincare trends. As we all know, the world of beauty is constantly changing and evolving. And if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you need to be on top of the latest trends.

Ways to Stay Up-To-Date

One great way to do this is by following skincare bloggers and influencers on social media. This way, you’ll always be in the know about what’s new and exciting in the world of skincare!

Another idea is to sign up for newsletters from beauty industry leaders. This way, you’ll receive updates directly to your inbox about all the latest skincare trends and news. Similarly, reading skincare publications is also a great way to stay informed.

And finally, in our humble opinion, the single best way to remain current as a skincare consultant is to continue your professional education. For example, you can start with QC’s Skincare Course – and then build upon your knowledge after that by taking additional programs. A makeup course, or even a hair styling course, will help take not only your skill-set to the next level… But your resume, too!

Final Thoughts

And there you have it – our top 25 tips to help you grow your skincare business!

We hope that this article has given you some valuable insights and information. But more importantly, we hope it’s inspired you to take your skincare career to the next level.

If you’re interested in learning even more about launching your very own company, you should also check out our comprehensive guide on starting a skincare business in 6 easy steps!

Got any questions for us? Feel free to leave them in the comments below. And, as always, thanks for reading! 💕

Enroll in QC Makeup Academy’s online Skincare Course today and get your business started in as little as 2-6 months!

The basic skills every makeup artist should know Feature Image

The Basic Skills EVERY Makeup Artist Should Know

By Career Advice, Makeup Tips and Tricks, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Makeup artists are responsible for making their clients look beautiful, no matter what the occasion. The best makeup artists not only have technical skills – but also a number of other important skills that help them do their job properly. In this article, we’ll discuss the basic skills that every makeup artist should know.

By possessing these specific, key skills, you’ll be able to find true success in the professional beauty industry!

But wait! Before we dive in, have you read our ultimate guide on becoming a makeup artist (even without any prior experience)? No? Then make sure to check it out here!

Is Doing Makeup a Skill?

A lot of people seem to think that applying makeup is a skill that anyone can do. And while it’s true that literally anyone can apply makeup – not everyone can do it well.

Think about it this way… You wouldn’t trust just anyone to give you a haircut, would you? The same logic applies to makeup. Just because someone knows how to put on a little foundation and mascara doesn’t mean they’re qualified to give you a full-blown makeover!

No, in order to be considered a skilled makeup artist, there’s MUCH more than that required… And this is exactly why professional training is critical to long-term success. So, let’s take a look at that, shall we?

What Subjects Do You Need to Be a Makeup Artist?

In order to be a successful makeup artist, you’ll need to have a firm understanding of basic artistry and color theory. We’re talking about concepts like shading, highlight, and contouring – along with an understanding of how light interacts with various colors.

You’ll also want to make sure you have a good grasp on hygiene practices (more on that later) and understand the different skin types people have. Oh, and don’t forget about the actual makeup application techniques themselves! The better you are at applying makeup, the happier your clients will obviously be.

See? There’s a lot more to being an MUA than just “putting on some lipstick”.

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Learning Via Social Media Vs. Proper Courses

Social Media

Importantly, the knowledge mentioned above isn’t something you can acquire simply by watching YouTube tutorials, or by following social media gurus. Why is this?

Simply put, most of these MUAs – while great at what they do – only know how to apply makeup to their own face. They can’t actually teach you the foundational knowledge required to know how to apply techniques to other faces. Sure, knowing how to create a stunning look on your own face is useful… But clients will have different bone structures, facial features, skin types, skin tones, etc.

If you can’t actually apply your skill to other people, you won’t be much use to them, will you?

Furthermore, most makeup gurus on social media only know how to create the “social media style“. A lot of the time, this style of makeup doesn’t actually utilize professional, classic techniques. As such, it won’t be overly useful in most areas of the professional beauty industry (such as in bridal makeup, editorial makeup, SFX makeup, etc.).

As a makeup artist, you have to be able to create any and every style of makeup the job is asking for – not simply one style. The only way to know how to create any style is by first understanding the core techniques of makeup artistry… And this is where a legitimate makeup school comes into play.

Professional Makeup Training

So, what’s the best way to learn how to legitimately do makeup to a professional standard? The answer is simple: by enrolling in a professional makeup training program!

In a proper makeup course, you’ll learn from qualified instructors who have years (if not decades) of experience in the industry. They’ll be able to teach you everything from the basics of color theory and artistry… To more advanced techniques like airbrushing, special effects makeup, and even henna tattoos.

What’s more, your practical assignments will also give you plenty of hands-on experience working with real models. This is critical, as it’ll give you the chance to put your newly-learned skills into practice. As a result, you can then grow in confidence as you see just how great you’re at doing makeup!

Not to mention, once you graduate, the right makeup course will arm you with an actual certification and professional designation. These will look amazing on your resume – and be sure to impress potential clients and prospective employers alike!

These are just some of the reasons why professional makeup training is so important, and why social media simply can’t compare. If you’re serious about becoming a skilled MUA, make sure to enroll in a quality course… It’ll be the best decision you ever make!

Did you know that QC Makeup Academy offers self-paced, online certification courses that you can complete in as little as 2-6 months? It’s true! QC has been a pioneer of distance learning since 1984 – and you can learn all about our school on our website!

Makeup artist doing makeup beautiful girl in the salon, beauty concept and style

Do You Need to Be Good at Drawing to Be a Makeup Artist?

No, you don’t need to be good at drawing to be a makeup artist. However, being able to understand and visualize different types of art can help you create better makeup looks.

For example, if you’re doing a period-inspired look, being familiar with classic paintings can give you a great starting point for your design. Similarly, if you’re creating a modern or avant-garde look, knowing about contemporary art styles can help you come up with something truly unique!

Of course, at the end of the day, the best way to improve your skills is simply by practicing as much as possible. The more looks you create, the better you’ll become at understanding what works and what doesn’t.

So even if you don’t consider yourself to be particularly “artistic”, don’t worry – you can still become a great makeup artist. The key is to simply never stop practicing, and to always be open to new ideas!

Makeup 101: Simple Makeup Skills All MUAs Need to Master

By the time any makeup artist is taking on paying clients, there’s a certain level of subject-matter expertise they’re expected to have. Otherwise, the customer likely won’t be getting their money’s worth – and you probably won’t get a very good review.

For instance, here are just 5 basic skills/techniques you’ll need to master BEFORE booking any jobs:

1. Skin Prep

The first step to any good makeup look is proper skin prep. This means cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing the skin to create a smooth, hydrated base.

If you don’t prep the skin properly, your foundation will look patchy and your concealer won’t stay put. Furthermore, if you don’t know how to identify your client’s skin type, you won’t know the right skin products to put on their skin – let alone the right makeup products!

In other words: take the time to do this step right, and your whole makeup look will be better for it!

Become an International Skincare Consulting Professional (ISCP) in as little as 2 short months by enrolling in QC Makeup Academy’s Skincare Course today!

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2. Hygiene

As a makeup artist, you’ll be working with all sorts of different people. This means it’s important to always practice good hygiene, both for your own sake and for the sake of your clients!

Some key things to remember:

  • Always wash your hands before starting any makeup application
  • Use clean brushes, sponges, and other tools
  • Use disposable applicators whenever possible
  • Never share makeup products with anyone
  • Disinfect your workstation before and after every application

By taking these simple precautions, you can help prevent the spread of bacteria and illness – and keep yourself (and your clients) healthy and happy!

3. Color Correcting

Color correcting is a technique used to neutralize discoloration on the skin. This can be anything from dark circles to redness, hyperpigmentation, or even bruises!

Makeup artists use color theory to determine which concealer shades will cancel out specific types of discoloration. For example, green concealer is typically used to neutralize redness, while yellow concealer can help cancel out dark under-eye circles.

If you don’t know how to color correct, your concealer will just end up looking muddy and won’t do a very good job of hiding imperfections. As a result, your client’s skin will look uneven and their makeup will appear cakey and heavy.

To avoid this, make sure you know the basics of color correcting before taking on any clients!

Not sure where to start? Watch this informative color correcting webinar by celebrity MUA and QC Makeup Academy executive instructor, Nathan Johnson!

4. Color Matching

Once you’ve prepped and corrected your client’s skin, it’s time to start matching them to the right foundation shade!

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many makeup artists get this step wrong. The wrong foundation shade can completely throw off the rest of your client’s makeup – and make them look either washed out or overly made-up.

To avoid this, it’s important to take the time to identify your client’s skin tone and then find their perfect foundation match. If you don’t have a product that already matches their skin tone, don’t worry! Your training will equip you to mix and match your foundations in order to create the color they need!

Foundation, powder, concealer pencil with make up brushes on crumpled paper. Makeup products to even out skin tone and complexion

5. Eyebrows

Eyebrows are arguably the most important feature on the face. As a makeup artist, it’s your job to make sure they look their best!

(And we’re not talking about the boxy, unnatural brows we’re all so used to seeing on social media… No, in the world of professional makeup, eyebrows still need to look natural!)

This means knowing how to shape your client’s brows, fill them in, and highlight them properly. It also means being able to identify the different eyebrow shapes and determine which one will suit your client’s face the best. If you don’t know how to do all of this, your client’s eyebrows will end up looking uneven, sparse, and just plain bad.

And let’s be honest – no one wants that!

So, if you’re serious about becoming a makeup artist, make sure you put in the time to master the art of eyebrow shaping. Once you’ve got that down, the rest will be a breeze!

Check out this incredible step-by-step tutorial by QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador, Amanda Ramey, on how to achieve natural, realistic brows… Even if your client has no eyebrows at all!

The Basic Skills Every Makeup Artist Should Know: Soft Skills

Now that we’ve gone over some of the basic technical skills every makeup artist should know, let’s talk about the soft skills you’ll need to be successful in this industry.

While hard skills are important, they’re not the only thing that will make you a great makeup artist. In order to really excel in this field, you’ll need to possess certain soft skills as well.

Some of the most important soft skills for MUAs include the ability to:

  • Listen to and understand your client’s needs
  • Communicate effectively with your client
  • Build a respectful, positive rapport with your clients
  • Stay calm under pressure
  • Embrace and learn from constructive criticism

These are just a few of the essential soft skills you’ll need to master if you want to be a successful makeup artist. So, if you’re not already proficient in these areas, now is the time to start working on them!

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What Hard Skills Does a Makeup Artist Require to Run Their Own Business?

In addition to the basic technical skills and soft skills we’ve discussed, there are also certain hard business skills every makeup artist should have if they want to be successful long-term.

Some of the most important business skills for MUAs include the ability to:

  • Market and promote your business
  • Manage your finances
  • Network and build relationships with other industry professionals
  • Set goals and create a business plan

If you don’t already have these hard business skills, it’s okay! There are plenty of resources out there that can help you develop them. And, of course, your training at QC Makeup Academy will also provide you with some essential business education.

After all, EVERY one of our online certification courses comes with a full unit devoted entirely to business training!

Here’s our full list of online makeup and beauty courses, in case you’re interested in checking them out!

To Wrap Things Up…

There you have it! These are just a few of the basic skills every makeup artist should know. So, if you’re thinking about becoming a makeup artist, make sure you brush up on these essential skills before taking the plunge!

And, of course, don’t forget to enroll in a reputable makeup artistry course so you can receive proper training from experienced industry professionals.

At QC Makeup Academy, our online courses are designed to provide you with all the education and resources you need to launch a successful career in the beauty industry – no matter where in the world you happen to be!

So, what are you waiting for? The time to start your dream career is NOW!

The pros and cons of working as a makeup artist Feature Image

The Pros and Cons of Working as a Makeup Artist

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Today, we’re here to explore both the pros and cons of working as a makeup artist. This way, that you can make an informed decision about your future!

After all, there are many reasons why one might want to become a professional MUA. The hours might be flexible, you can work from anywhere in the world, and it’s a very creative industry. That said, there are also some drawbacks that should be considered before making the decision to pursue a career in makeup artistry.

So, let’s take a look at both sides of the coin, shall we?

What is a Professional Makeup Artist?

A professional makeup artist is somebody who uses their creative talents to apply cosmetics and enhance an individual’s appearance. This can be done for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to: fashion shows, film productions, weddings, and photo shoots.

The Job Description of a Makeup Artist

A makeup artist’s job is to make their clients look and feel their best. This is done by using a combination of cosmetics, knowledge of color theory, and application techniques.

The pros and cons of working as a makeup artist in-post image 1

A typical day for an MUA could consist of the following tasks:

  • Meeting with clients to discuss their needs and wants (i.e. conducting consultations)
  • Applying makeup to clients
  • Touching up makeup throughout the day
  • Assisting with hair and wardrobe changes
  • Attending castings and auditions

Furthermore, if you run your own company, you’ll have daily responsibilities that cover the business side of things, too. For instance, you’ll have to:

  • Develop client contracts
  • Market your business
  • Handle finances
  • Network with other industry professional, etc.

Types of Makeup Artists

Beauty Consultant

There are many different types of MUAs, each with their own unique set of skills and specialties. The most common type of makeup artist is a beauty consultant, who works in department stores or cosmetic counters. These consultants advise customers on which products to purchase based on their skin type, eye color, etc.

Bridal MUA

As the name suggests, a bridal makeup artist is somebody who specializes in doing makeup for weddings. This includes the bride, as well as the bridal party.

Editorial Makeup Artist

An editorial makeup artist is somebody who works primarily in the fashion industry. This could include doing runway shows, photo shoots, and other events that are related to fashion.

Celebrity MUA

A celebrity makeup artist is somebody who works with, you guessed it – celebrities! This could be anybody from actors and actresses to models and musicians.

Blonde makeup artist holding cosmetic brush near young professional model

Special FX MUA

Another type of makeup artist is a special effects (SFX) artist. SFX artists use their skills to create special effects for movies, television shows, live performances, and theater. This might include creating fake wounds or bruises, applying prosthetics, and even playing with different types of hair and wigs.

Freelance Makeup Artist

Lastly, another common kind of makeup artist is a freelance artist. Freelance artists are not employed by any one company. Instead, they work independently and often have a more flexible schedule than other types of makeup artists. They might also be hired to work on film sets, fashion shows, or weddings.

Benefits of Being a Freelance Makeup Artist

Some of the benefits of being a freelance makeup artist include:

  • The ability to work from anywhere in the world
  • A more flexible schedule
  • The opportunity to be your own boss and set your own hours
  • The chance to build a strong portfolio
  • Flexibility to set your own rates

Drawbacks of Being a Freelance Makeup Artist

Of course, there are also some drawbacks that come with being a freelance MUA. These include:

  • Not having health benefits or other employee perks
  • Having to constantly market yourself and find new clients
  • Dealing with the financial ups and downs that come with running your own business

Did you know that QC Makeup Academy‘s self-paced, online certification courses can train you to become any and all of the above types of MUAs? It’s true! Learn more about our full list of programs here!

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The Pros of Working as a Makeup Artist

Now, let’s get to the main event: the pros and cons of makeup artistry as a professional career!

Pro #1: The Ability to Help People Feel Good About Themselves

One of the best things about being a makeup artist is that you have the ability to help people feel good about themselves. Makeup can be used as a tool to boost confidence and make people feel beautiful. It’s an amazing feeling when you can help somebody look and feel their best!

Pro #2: The Opportunity to Be Creative

Another great thing about being a makeup artist is that it allows you to be creative. If you’re somebody who loves experimenting with different looks, colors, and products, then this career is definitely for you! You’ll never get bored as an MUA because there are always new trends to try out and ways to express your creativity.

Pro #3: The Potential to Earn a Good Income

Makeup artists can earn a very good income, especially if they work in the fashion or entertainment industry. Even if you don’t make it to the big leagues, though, you can still do very well for yourself as a makeup artist. The average salary for an MUA is $50,000 per year, but this number will of course vary depending on experience and location.

Pro Tip: Check out this blog post to discover the 16 most profitable careers as a makeup artist!

Pro #4: The Chance to Travel

Depending on the type of MUA you are, you might have the opportunity to travel. For instance, freelance makeup artists, bridal artists for destination weddings, editorial MUAs, and makeup artists for film and television can potentially give you the chance to job.

This is a great perk of the job because it allows you to see new places and meet new people. It can also be a great way to learn about different cultures and their customs around beauty!

Makeup artist doing make up for young beautiful bride.

Pro #5: The Possibility of Working From Home

One final pro is that, depending on the type of makeup artist you are, you might have the opportunity to work from home. This can be a great perk if you don’t like working in an office or if you have young children at home that you need to take care of.

Are YOU a stay-at-home mom? There’s no reason you can’t still pursue your dream career in the beauty industry! Give this article a read to discover how you can become a makeup artist as a SAH parent!

Pro #6: The Ability to Add Complementary Beauty Services

Another benefit of building a career in makeup is that you also have the option to add other beauty services to your repertoire. This can include hair styling, skincare, fashion styling, etc.

Adding these extra services can not only make you more in-demand – it can also lead to a higher income! Many makeup artists find that they earn more money when they offer multiple beauty services instead of just makeup alone.

Pro #7: The Potential to Work With Famous People

Without a doubt, one of the coolest things about being a makeup artist is that you might have the opportunity to work with famous people! If you want to work in fashion or entertainment, this is definitely a possibility. It’s always exciting to meet celebrities and see them up close – and it’s even more exciting when you’re the one responsible for making them look their best!

Pro #8: You Get to Work on Exciting Projects

As an MUA, you’ll never be bored because no two days are ever the same! You might find yourself working on fashion shows one day, photoshoots the next, and weddings the following weekend.

You’ll also have the opportunity to work on some pretty exciting projects, like music videos, commercials, and even movies! It’s always thrilling to see your work on screen or in print – and it’s a great feeling knowing that you helped make somebody look their best.

Pro #9: The Makeup Industry is Always Changing

The beauty industry is always changing, which means that there’s always something new to learn! This is great for curious minds who want to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques.

Even if you’ve been working as a makeup artist for years, you’ll still find yourself learning new things all the time. The best part? You can take what you learn and incorporate it into your own unique style!

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Pro #10: The Beauty Community is Incredibly Supportive

Another major perk of being a makeup artist is that you’ll be a part of an incredibly supportive community. No matter where you are in your career, you’ll always find somebody who is willing to help you out or give you advice.

This is especially true if you’re just starting out as a makeup artist. There are so many helpful resources available – all you have to do is look for them!

One such resource is QC Makeup Academy’s Virtual Classroom on Facebook. Come join the QC community today – even if you aren’t a student!

Pro #11: There’s No Shortage of Networking Opportunities

In the beauty industry, it’s all about who you know. Fortunately, as a makeup artist, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to network with other professionals!

You might meet other artists at events like makeup conventions or trade shows. Or, you could connect with them online through social media or forums. Either way, it’s always beneficial to have a strong network of contacts in the industry.

Pro #12: You Can Turn Your Passion Into a Successful Business

If you’re passionate about makeup, there’s no reason why you can’t turn it into a successful business! With hard work and dedication, anything is possible.

Many makeup artists start out working for themselves, and they eventually build up a strong clientele. If you want to be your own boss, this is definitely the career for you!

Started your very own makeup business and need help finding/booking clients? Check out our guide on getting clients – and keeping them!

Pro #13: You Can Work Indoors or Outdoors

As a makeup artist, you have the freedom to choose where you want to work. If you prefer working indoors, you can apply makeup in a salon or studio. Or, if you’re more of an outdoorsy person, you could work on location at photoshoots or events.

The beauty industry offers a ton of different opportunities – it’s up to you to find the one that’s right for you!

Set of decorative cosmetics, closeup

Pro #14: You Can Set Your Own Hours

Another great thing about being a makeup artist is that you can set your own hours! If you want to work traditional 9-to-5 hours, that’s no problem. But if you’d rather have a more flexible schedule, that’s an option, too.

This is perfect for people who have other commitments outside of work, like school or family. You can easily work around your schedule to make sure that everything fits together perfectly.

Pro #15: It’s Not That Physically Demanding of a Job

Unlike some other careers, being a makeup artist doesn’t require a lot of physical labor. Of course, there may be times when you have to stand for long periods of time – but for the most part, it’s not a physically demanding job.

This is great news for people who don’t want to work in a career that’s too physically taxing. It’s also perfect for those who want to pursue other interests outside of work, like fitness or hobbies.

Pro #16: You Don’t Need a University Degree

In most cases, you don’t need a university degree to become a makeup artist. Of course, if you want to work in film or television, you’ll likely need some form of post-secondary education. But for the majority of jobs out there, all you need is a good portfolio and the right skillset.

This is great news for people who don’t want to (or can’t) go to university. It’s also perfect for those who want to get started in their career as soon as possible!

All this to be said, the most successful makeup artists out there got to where they are because they started their careers with some sort of professional makeup training under their belt. This is why we strongly recommend completing some sort of accredited training and obtaining a reputable certification… Such as that offered by QC Makeup Academy!

Fun Fact: QC’s most popular certification course is undoubtedly our Master Makeup Artistry Course – which you can learn all about here!

Pro #17: You Can Work in Many Different Fields

As an MUA, you’re not limited to working in one specific field. You could find yourself working in fashion, film, television, theatre, weddings, print, or even special effects. The possibilities are endless!

This is perfect for people who want to have a varied and exciting career. It’s also perfect for those who want to try their hand at many different things before settling on one specific field.

Pro #18: It Can Be a Full-Time Career or a Part-Time Hustle

Another great thing about being a makeup artist is that it can be either a full-time career or a part-time side gig. If you want to make it your full-time job, you can definitely do that. But if you only want to work on the weekends or evenings, that’s an option, too!

This is perfect for people who want to have a more flexible career. It’s also perfect for those who want to pursue other interests outside of work, like school or family.

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Pro #19: You Can Help Out Friends and Family

As a makeup artist, you have the opportunity to help out your friends and family with their beauty needs. If they need help getting ready for a wedding or a big event, you can be there to lend a hand!

This is perfect for people who want to be able to use their skills to help out those they care about. It’s also perfect for those who want to feel like they’re making a difference in the lives of others.

Pro #20: You Get to Do What You Love for a Living

Last but not least, one of the best things about being a makeup artist is that you get to do what you love for a living. If you’re passionate about makeup and beauty, then this is the perfect career for you!

It’s also the ideal situation for anyone who wants to be able to turn their passion into a successful, thriving career. It’s also a great fit for those who want to be able to wake up every day and love what they do.

Because as the age-old saying goes, “When you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life!”

Cons of Working as a Makeup Artist

Now that we’ve gone over some of the pros of being a makeup artist, it’s time to discuss some of the cons. While there are definitely more pros than cons, it’s important to be aware of both the good and the bad before making such a big decision. After all, no career is perfect!

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the cons of being a makeup artist.

Con #1: The Hours Can Be Long and Irregular

One of the biggest cons of being a makeup artist is that the hours can be long and irregular. If you’re working in fashion or film, for example, you may have to work 12-hour days (or even longer). Similarly, if you’re working weddings or events, your hours will be dictated by the event itself.

This means that you may have to work early mornings, late nights, or even weekends.

This can be tough for people who want a more traditional Monday-to-Friday job with set hours. It can also be difficult for those who have other commitments outside of work, like school or family. But for those who truly love being an MUA, it’ll be a small price to pay to work your dream job!

Con #2: The Competition Can Be Fierce

Another con of being a makeup artist is that the competition can be fierce. Because it’s such a popular and in-demand industry, there are a lot of people vying for the same jobs.

This means that you’ll need to stand out from the crowd and make sure your portfolio is top-notch. That said, if you’re passionate about makeup and willing to put in the hard work, then you’ll definitely be able to succeed as an MUA!

High Fashion model woman in colorful bright lights posing in studio, portrait of beautiful sexy girl with trendy make-up and manicure. Art design, colorful make up. Over colourful vivid background.

Con #3: The Pay Can Be Inconsistent in The Beginning

While the pay for makeup artists can be great, it can also be quite inconsistent – particularly at the start of your career, as you make a name for yourself.

MUAs are paid per job, rather than receiving a regular salary. This means that you may have months where you’re making very little money, and then other months where you’re bringing in a decent income. So, if you’re not good at budgeting or saving money, this could pose a problem.

Con #4: You May Have to Travel for Work

Another potential con of being a makeup artist is that you may have to travel for work. If you want to work in fashion or film, for example, you’ll likely have to go where the jobs are. This means living in big cities like Los Angeles, New York, or London.

For some people, this is a dream come true! But for others, it’s not so desirable. If you have roots somewhere and don’t want to leave, then working as an an MUA may not be the best fit for you.

Con #5: You Might Have to Work With Difficult People

Another potential con of being a makeup artist is that you might have to work with difficult people. Because you’ll be working with clients one-on-one, there’s always the chance that you’ll come across someone who’s rude, demanding, or just plain unpleasant.

Of course, this isn’t always the case – but it’s something to keep in mind.

Con #6: You’ll Have to Deal with The Odd Choosing Beggar

As with any job where you’re providing a service, being a makeup artist means that you’ll have to deal with the odd choosing beggar. Choosing beggars are people who try to get their makeup done for free – usually by promising exposure or a “good review” on social media.

While it’s always nice to help out someone in need, you have to remember that your time and talent are worth something! So, don’t let anyone take advantage of you.

If you’re unfamiliar with a choosing beggar, this blog post will give you some humorous insight into how their mind operates.

Con #7: You’ll Often Be on Your Feet All Day

Another potential disadvantage of being a makeup artist is that you’ll often be on your feet all day. If you’re working long hours, this can take a toll on your body and leave you feeling exhausted at the end of the day. Of course, if you’re an active person who gets the “ick” at the idea of a desk job, then this probably won’t be a big deal at all!

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Con #8: If You Aren’t Business-Savvy, You Won’t Thrive

It’s also important to point out that if you aren’t business-savvy, you likely won’t thrive as a makeup artist. Makeup artistry is a business – and like any business, there are certain things you need to do in order to be successful.

This includes things like marketing yourself, networking, and keeping track of your finances. If you’re not good with numbers or don’t like the idea of self-promotion, then working as an MUA probably isn’t for you.

If you are interested in running your own makeup artistry business, though, then learning the ins and outs of being an entrepreneur will be an exciting venture for you! And luckily, there are tons of high-quality makeup programs out there (such as the ones offered by QC Makeup Academy) that offer business training as part of their curriculum!

All in all, these are just a few of the cons of being a makeup artist. However, as you can see, they’re relatively small and manageable compared to all of the amazing pros! So, if you’re passionate about makeup and think this could be the right career for you, then go for it!

The beauty industry is an incredibly rewarding place to be.

Interesting Facts About Being a Makeup Artist

Now that we’ve gone over some of the pros and cons of being a makeup artist, let’s take a look at some interesting facts about this career!

  • The global professional makeup industry is worth $43 billion.
  • There are an estimated 50,000 professional makeup artists in the United States alone.
  • Makeup artists working in the film and television industry can earn up to $85 per hour.
  • Makeup artistry is one of the fastest-growing professions in the world.
  • In 2013, The New York Times named makeup artistry one of the “hottest jobs” in America.
  • Most MUAs start out working in salons, spas, or department stores before moving on to more specialized roles.
  • Makeup artists must have a strong understanding of color theory in order to create the looks they want.
  • Contouring was first popularized by makeup artist Dick Smith in the 1960s.
  • Nowadays, there are all sorts of specialized makeup artist roles, such as those who work in film, theater, and special effects.

Why You Should Get Professionally Certified with QC Makeup Academy

If you’re considering a career in makeup artistry, then you might be wondering if you need to get professionally certified. The answer is: not technically. Makeup artistry is an unregulated field.

However, there are definitely some advantages to getting a certification from a reputable institution like QC Makeup Academy!

Benefits of a Makeup Certification

For starters, a certification will give you the opportunity to learn from some of the best makeup artists in the business. At QC, our instructors have years of experience working as professional MUAs and know all the tips and tricks of the trade. They’re also passionate about teaching and love helping students reach their full potential!

Additionally, an accredited certification will help you stand out from other makeup artists who don’t have one. In today’s competitive beauty industry, having a certification from a well-known school can definitely give you a MAJOR edge.

Case makeup artist. A set of brushes, powder, foundation. Tools make-up artist in a box

A Little About QC Makeup Academy

QC Makeup Academy is part of QC Career School, a pioneer in distance learning since 1984. QC holds a solid A+ ranking with the Better Business Bureau, and currently has over 200 raving reviews on Facebook alone. We offer self-paced, online makeup and beauty courses that are perfect for anyone looking to start or further their career in the beauty industry.

Plus, we offer programs for ALL skill levels. So, whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned pro, we can help you take your skills to the next level!

If you’re interested in learning more about QC’s professional makeup courses, we invite you to check out our website or contact us today! We’d be happy to answer any questions you have.

You can also connect with us on social media:


Phew! That was a lot of information to take in. But now that you know the pros and cons of working as a makeup artist, you can make a more informed decision about whether or not this is the right career for you.

So, what do you think? Are you ready to pursue your dreams of becoming a makeup artist? Or are you going to think long and hard about it first? The choice is yours!

We hope this article has helped you in some way, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Become an internationally recognized and professionally certified makeup artist in as little as 2-6 months by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!

Careers in makeup artistry Feature Image

The 16 Most Profitable Careers in Makeup Artistry

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Do you have a passion for makeup and want a career that’s both creative and lucrative? If so, then you may want to consider becoming a makeup artist! There are many different career paths you can take within the field of makeup artistry, and each one has its own unique set of benefits. In this article, we’ll discuss 16 of the most popular and profitable careers in makeup artistry.

We’ll also answer some common FAQs so that you can gain a better insight into the professional makeup industry. So, if you’re ready to learn more about these exciting careers, keep reading!

Before we get started, did you know that we’ve written the ULTIMATE guide on how to become a makeup artist? It’s true – and you can read it here!

Frequently Asked Questions

Before we reveal the top 16 careers in makeup artistry that you should seriously consider pursuing this year, let’s first address some of the most commonly asked questions. This way, you’ll have a better idea of what working as a professional MUA is like in the real world!

What is The Highest Qualification in Makeup?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question because it depends on the country you’re living in and the specific job you’re applying for. In general, however, makeup artistry is an unregulated industry. Meaning, you aren’t technically required to have specific training or qualifications in order to do makeup professionally.

That said, most makeup artists have at least a high school diploma. Some jobs may require additional training or certification, but this will vary depending on the employer. With that in mind, the MUAs who go on to find major, long-term success more than likely have completed some sort of professional certification training – such as the kind offered by QC Makeup Academy.

So basically, even though getting a reputable certification isn’t mandatory, it’s still strongly encouraged!

Check out QC Makeup Academy’s full list of self-paced, online certification courses here!

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Which Field is Best for a Makeup Artist?

This answer is subjective, because there are so many different fields that a makeup artist can specialize in! It all depends on your personal interests, strengths, and desired career path.

For example, some MUAs focus on doing special effects makeup for movies and TV shows. Others may prefer working with brides on their wedding day, or helping models get ready for photo shoots. Some makeup artists even go on to open their own salons or product lines!

The possibilities are truly endless.

What is The Average Makeup Artist Salary?

How much you’ll make as an MUA depends on a few factors. As with any other career, your success will depend largely on the amount of effort and dedication you put into your work. However, if you’re successful in building a thriving makeup artistry business, you can expect to earn a very comfortable salary.

Average Makeup Artistry Salary by Country

As a point of reference, here are some up-to-date salary ranges for makeup artistry professionals, based on a few example countries:

  • United States: Between approx. $31,200 USD and $75,270 USD per year. (Source:
  • Canada: Between approx. $28,000 CAD and $57,000 CAD per year. (Source: Glassdoor)
  • United Kingdom: Between approx. £29,250 GBP and £45,000 GBP per year. (Source:
  • New Zealand: Between approx. $32,000 NZD and $63,000 NZD per year. (Source: Payscale)
  • Australia: Between approx. $29,000 AUD and $116,000 AUD per year. (Source: Payscale)

Factors That’ll Impact Your Makeup Artistry Salary

When looking at the above numbers, keep in mind that where you fall on the scale will ultimately depend on a number of factors. Such factors include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Where you live
  • Your level of experience
  • The quality of your makeup portfolio
  • The demand for MUAs in your area
  • Local competitors
  • The type of makeup services you offer (i.e. bridal, editorial, special effects, makeup for film and TV, everyday makeup, etc.)
  • The quality of your website and social media channels
  • Your business brand
  • How much effort you put into your marketing, networking, and overall business strategies
  • Whether you offer in-person services, virtual services, or both
  • And more!
Beauty background with facial cosmetic products with empty copy space. Makeup, skin care concept with pastel colored background

What Else Can a Makeup Artist Do?

There are endless opportunities for creative and business-minded makeup artists!

For example, some MUAs eventually go on to open their own salons, product lines, or schools. Others may become freelance educators; traveling the world to teach other aspiring makeup artists the ropes. Moreover, others may focus on writing books or creating online courses about makeup artistry.

In terms of additional services makeup artistry experts can offer, you also have plenty of room to get flexible and creative! For instance, tons of MUAs also get professionally trained to offer complementary beauty services to clients as well. Hair styling, skincare consulting, and fashion styling are 3 popular examples.

As you can imagine, the possibilities are truly endless. Ultimately, it all comes down to what you’re passionate about and what you want to achieve in your career!

What Are The Best Careers in The Makeup Industry?

Okay, now that we’ve answered some of the most commonly asked questions, let’s move on to the main event: the top 16 careers in makeup artistry!

Career #1: Bridal Makeup Artistry

As a bridal makeup artist, you’ll have the opportunity to help make a bride’s big day even more special! On average, bridal MUAs earn anywhere from $50-$100+ per hour. Not to mention, if you land some high-paying gigs, you could easily make upwards of $500 per job!

In as little as 2-6 months, become a master of bridal makeup applications by taking QC’s wildly popular Master Makeup Artistry certification course!

Career #2: Special Effects Makeup

This is a great career path for MUAs who are looking to get involved in the film, TV, and/or theater industry. Special effects makeup artists (often referred to as SFX MUAs) are responsible for creating various types of looks, ranging from natural beauty enhancements to full-blown character makeovers.

Salary-wise, SFX MUAs typically make between $150-$500+ per day, depending on the project. For example, those working on big-budget films or TV shows will obviously earn more than those working on local theater productions.

Fun Fact: QC Makeup Academy also offers a Special FX Makeup Course. In just a few short months, you can become an International Special FX Makeup Professional (ISMP)!

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Career #3: Airbrush Makeup

Airbrush makeup is a type of makeup that’s applied using an airbrush gun. Unlike traditional makeup, which is applied with brushes, sponges, or even fingers, airbrush makeup is sprayed onto the skin using compressed air.

Airbrush makeup has a number of benefits; namely, that it’s gentle on the skin and provides a natural, long-lasting finish.

Like with any other career in makeup artistry, your exact rate will depend on a number of factors (i.e. experience level, location, etc.). Typically, though, an airbrush MUA, you can expect to earn anywhere from $50-$250+ per hour.

Earn your Airbrush Makeup Workshop certificate in as little as 2-6 months by enrolling in QC’s Airbrush Makeup Workshop today (and receive a FREE airbrush starter kit as part of your course)!

Career #4: Global Beauty Makeup

Another profitable way to take your makeup artistry career to the next level is by getting international specialization training – thereby allowing you to work on clients from all over the world!

There are a number of ways to become a global makeup artist. One option is to take QC’s Global Beauty Workshop. This 4-unit program will teach you everything from working with various skin tones and eye shapes, to cultural beauty standards, cultural weddings, and henna application.

Specializing in global beauty can boost your salary significantly, as global MUAs typically earn $75-$300+ per hour.

Career #5: Makeup for Film and Television

As a makeup artist for film and television, you will be responsible for creating looks for actors, actresses, and other on-screen talent. This could involve anything from natural beauty enhancements to special effects makeup. Makeup artists working in film and television typically earn $100-$500+ per day, depending on the project!

Career #6: Makeup for Theater

Makeup artists working in theater typically earn $50-$150+ per performance, depending on the size and scope of the production. For example, those working on Broadway shows will obviously earn more than those working on local community theater productions.

Make-up artist doing make up for young beautiful bride.

Career #7: Personal Shopping for Makeup

As a personal shopper for makeup, you will be responsible for helping your clients find the perfect cosmetics and skincare products to suit their needs. This could involve anything from giving advice on what products to buy, to physically going out and buying the products on behalf of your client.

Personal shoppers typically earn a commission on the sales they make, which means your exact rate will vary depending on how much you sell. However, personal shoppers for makeup typically earn $25-$50+ per hour.

Career #8: Celebrity Makeup Artist

A celebrity makeup artist is responsible for creating looks for, you guessed it, celebrities! This could involve anything from natural beauty enhancement to special effects makeup. The types of jobs you do could range from red carpet events, to on-set makeup, to everyday applications.

Considered to be one of the top makeup careers, celebrity makeup artists typically earn $500-$1000+ per day, depending on the project.

Did you know that QC Makeup Academy executive makeup instructor, Nathan Johnson, is also a renowned celebrity MUA? Learn more about his lucrative career here!

Career #9: Makeup Vlogger/Blogger

A makeup vlogger/blogger is someone who creates and posts videos or written content about all things beauty. This could involve anything from product reviews to tutorials to hauls. Popular platforms for makeup content creators include YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

As a makeup vlogger, you can expect to earn $50-$500+ per video, depending on your following and engagement rates. As a blogger, you can expect to earn $50-$200+ per article, again depending on your following and engagement rates. You can also earn even more by outsourcing your video and/or writing skills to third parties as well!

Career #10: Virtual Makeup Artist

A virtual makeup artist is essentially the exact same thing as a regular MUA – except that your services are provided online. Over the past couple years, beauty professionals from all around the world were able to stay in business by transferring their makeup services to the digital world. Even post-pandemic, it’s still a useful (and profitable) career move, because virtual services allow you to expand your client reach and work with people from all over.

Salary-wise, you could charge clients in a similar ballpark as you would your in-person services. Obviously, personal judgement will need to come into play. For instance, say you’re teaching a client how to apply their own makeup virtually. You may charge them a tiny bit less than you would if you were physically applying the makeup yourself – and using more of your own products – during an in-person appointment.

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Career #11: Makeup Educator

As a makeup educator, you will be responsible for teaching others about the art and science of makeup. This could involve anything from giving lectures to leading workshops and classes. Makeup educators typically earn $50-$100+ per hour, depending on the type of work they’re doing.

For example, those who are teaching at a prestigious university will obviously earn more than those who are leading a small workshop at their local community center. That said, of course, if you market yourself correctly and amass a huge following (such as through social media, for example), you could run independent makeup classes and still rake in the big bucks!

Career #12: Makeup Department Head

A makeup department head is responsible for managing the entire makeup team on a film or television set. This includes hiring and firing makeup artists, managing budgets, and ensuring that the final product meets the required standards.

As a makeup department head, you can expect to earn $500-$2000+ per day, depending on the project. Of course, your exact rate will also depend on your experience and reputation.

Career #13: Mobile Makeup Artistry

Mobile makeup artistry is a service that allows clients to have a makeup artist come to them, rather than the other way around. This could involve anything from wedding parties to on-location photo shoots.

As a mobile makeup artist, you can expect to earn $50-$250+ per hour, depending on the type of work you’re doing. For example, if you’re working on a wedding party, you may earn less per hour than if you were doing an on-location photo shoot.

Of course, the amount of money you make will also depend on how many clients you’re able to take on. If you’re only able to work with 1 or 2 clients per week, you’re not going to make as much money as someone who’s able to work with 5 or 6 clients per week.

Career #14: Freelance Makeup Artist

A freelance makeup artist is someone who works independently, rather than for a specific company. This means that you’re responsible for finding your own clients and managing your own schedule.

As a freelance MUA, you can expect to earn $50-$250+ per hour, depending on the type of work you’re doing. For example, if you’re working on a wedding party, you may earn less per hour than if you were doing an on-location photo shoot.

Of course, the amount of money you make will also depend on how many clients you’re able to take on. If you’re only able to work part-time, you’re understandably not going to make as much money as someone who’s able to work full-time.

Makeup artist in beauty studio working with beautiful asian makeup model

Career #15: Makeup Artist for a Cosmetic Company

As a makeup artist for a cosmetic company, you will be responsible for representing the brand and promoting its products. This could involve anything from giving demonstrations to working on photoshoots.

As a makeup artist for a cosmetic company, you can possibly earn a salary ranging anywhere from $40,000-$100,000+. Of course, this will depend on the size of the company and your level of experience. Oh, and did we mention that in many cases, you’ll also be given access to free products?

Talk about an added bonus!

Career #16: Editorial Makeup Artistry

Finally, we have editorial makeup artistry. This is a type of work that’s often seen in magazines, fashion shows, and other similar settings. As an editorial makeup artist, you’ll be responsible for creating looks that are both creative and visually appealing. More often than not, the overall look is meant to help sell a specific brand and/or product.

Editorial MUAs typically earn $50-$250+ per hour, depending on the type of work they’re doing. For example, if you’re working on a high-scale fashion show, you may earn less per hour than if you were doing a photoshoot for a magazine.

Of course, the amount of money you make will also depend on how many clients you’re able to take on. Again, if you’re only able to work part-time, you’re probably not going to make as much money as someone who’s able to do editorial makeup on a full-time basis.

QC Makeup Academy’s Pro Makeup Workshop will prepare you to take the editorial world of makeup artistry by storm! Learn all about this 3-unit course here.

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Phew! That was a lot of information. But we hope that by now, you have a better understanding of the various career paths available to you as a makeup artist.

Which one sounds the most appealing to you? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks for reading! 💕

Start your dream career in makeup artistry by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!

How to build a makeup artistry portfolio Feature Image

How to Build a Makeup Artistry Portfolio

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career No Comments

If you’re looking to take your makeup career to the next level, one of the most important things you can do is create a high-quality portfolio. Luckily, we’re here to help!

In this article, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to build a makeup artistry portfolio that’ll help you stand out from the competition and attract more clients than you can count!

Frequently Asked Questions

Before we jump into the actual steps involved in building a makeup artistry portfolio, let’s answer some commonly asked questions first…

What is a Makeup Portfolio?

A makeup portfolio is a collection of your best work. It’s meant to showcase your skills, experience, and range as a makeup artist. Your portfolio can be used for both personal and professional purposes. For example, you might use it to score jobs or clients, or simply to keep track of your progress over time.

Why is a Professional Makeup Artistry Portfolio Important?

There are a few reasons why having a strong portfolio is essential in the world of makeup artistry.

For one, it helps you stand out from the competition by giving potential clients or employers a better sense of your style and abilities. Next, it allows you to keep track of your progress and see how far you’ve come. This is always incredibly motivating!

Last but not least, a great makeup portfolio can help you attract higher-paying clients and jobs. This is because it showcases your professionalism and dedication to your craft. Both of these are qualities that clients are willing to pay top-dollar for.

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How Many Pictures Should Be in a Makeup Portfolio?

This is completely up to you! However, we recommend including at least 15-20 pictures in your portfolio. This way, potential clients and/or employers can get a good sense of your range.

What Should Be in a Makeup Portfolio?

The different types of styles you show off in your makeup portfolio will ultimately depend on the area(s) of the industry you wish to specialize in. For instance, if you wish to work primarily in special effects, it wouldn’t do you any good to jam your portfolio full of bridal applications and only a few SFX ones.

Similarly, it’s worth it to pick and choose a set handful of styles to showcase, rather than trying to demonstrate too much to your audience. After all, you don’t want to be a jack of all trades while being a master of none. It’s a smarter idea to focus on the types of makeup artistry where you excel the most.

That said, in general, some of the most popular looks to include in professional makeup portfolios are:

  • Natural makeup
  • Glamorous makeup
  • Smoky eyes
  • Bold lips
  • Cut crease eyeshadow
  • Wedding makeup

Of course, these are just a few examples, and they’re by no means a prerequisite for your own portfolio. Ultimately, it’s up to YOU to decide which makeup styles best represent your skills and abilities!

Pro Tip: In order to show even more diversity in your skill-set, make sure to include photos with models of different ages, genders, skin types, skin tones, etc.!

How Do I Make a Makeup Artist Portfolio?

Okay, now that you understand the importance of a solid makeup artistry portfolio, let’s break down how to actually put one together…

African young women portrait. Beautiful fashion model with wavy hair and natural make up isolated on white

How to Build a Makeup Artistry Portfolio in 10 Steps

Step #1: Gather Your Best Work

The first step in putting together your makeup portfolio is to gather all of your best work. This can be anything from client applications to photoshoots. Don’t worry if everything isn’t perfectly polished and styled just yet – the key in this step is to simply gather all of the images that you feel accurately showcase your range and skills as a makeup artist.

Step #2: Filter Out The Lower-Quality Photos

Now that you’ve gathered all of your best work, it’s time to start filtering out the lower-quality photos. This can be anything from pictures with bad lighting to images where the makeup itself isn’t up to par. Remember: you want your makeup artistry portfolio to only include your very BEST work!

Pro Tip: For this reason, this is why we discourage you from including selfies within your portfolio. Unless you’re an incredible makeup artist, own a professional camera, and can make yourself look flawless in every photo, selfies are generally not considered to be high-quality work.

Step #3: Decide Which Areas of Makeup Artistry You Want Your Portfolio to Showcase

As we mentioned earlier, your makeup artistry portfolio should showcase the different types of styles you’re able to do. However, it’s important to be selective in what you choose to include. After all, you don’t want to overwhelm your audience with too much information!

Instead, focus on the areas of makeup where you feel most confident and comfortable. This will help potential clients and/or employers get a better sense of who you are as an artist, as well as what kind of work you’re best at.

Not sure which areas of makeup artistry you want to hone in on? Check out QC Makeup Academy’s wide variety of self-paced, online makeup courses and get professionally trained + certified in multiple specializations!

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Step #4: Don’t Have Any Photos to Choose from Yet? Start Finding Work!

What if you don’t have any professional or client photos to choose from yet, and therefore can’t jump straight into Steps 1 through 3?

That’s okay! It just means that it’s time to start finding work!

This can be anything from booking freelance gigs to assisting other makeup artists on photoshoots. You can also take part in a stylized photoshoot, or even provide complimentary applications on friends and family, which you can take high-quality photos of afterwards.

One way or another, the more work you have under your belt, the easier it will be to put together a strong portfolio.

Step #5: Edit and Polish Each Photo

Now that you have a strong selection of high-quality images, it’s time to start editing and polishing each photo. This can be anything from basic touch-ups in Photoshop to adding text or borders.

That said, the best MUAs out there don’t tend to add any bells or whistles to their pics (such as text or borders). They let their work do all the talking! So, if your goal is to stand out among the best of the best and make the same impression, your best bet is to do the same.

Remember: your goal is to make each photo look as professional as possible so that potential clients or employers will take you seriously!

Step #6: Print Your Makeup Artist Portfolio

Once you’ve completed assembling your makeup portfolio, the next step is to print it out. This way, you’ll have a physical copy that you can bring with you wherever you go, such as client consultations and job interviews. Not only will this help show off your skills as a makeup artist; it also makes for a great conversation starter!

Step #7: Put Your Portfolio Online

That said, in today’s day and age, the vast primary place you’re going to want to display your makeup portfolio will be online. Simply put, the majority of people prefer to view portfolios online. So, in addition to printing out a physical copy, it’s also important that you create an online portfolio as well!

There are multiple ways you can do this, but the most popular option is to create a business website. This way, you’ll have complete control over how your work is presented. Moreover, people will be able to view your portfolio from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

Another great option is to show off your work via the social media channels you’ve created for your business. This way, you’ll be able to reach a larger audience and potentially attract new clients from all over!

Pro Tip: When sharing your portfolio images online, always ensure to credit the photographer whenever possible, if applicable. Not only will they appreciate it – they may even wind up cross-sharing the photo on their own online platforms, too!

An elegant young black woman with short black hair & beautiful makeup and dangling earrings posing by herself indoors is wearing a pretty dress.

Step #8: Market Your Makeup Portfolio

Beyond housing your makeup artistry portfolio on your website and social media accounts, there are additional measures you can take to promote your work to the world! For example, you can:

  • Submit your work to online galleries
  • Get featured in magazines (online and offline)
  • Speak at industry events and promote your portfolio there
  • Start a business blog and use your portfolio images within articles
  • Reach out to other blogs/publications to see if they’d be willing to use your portfolio images within their articles
  • Teach makeup workshops or classes and promote your portfolio there, etc.

Doing any (or all!) of the above will help you attract attention to your portfolio – and in turn, help you grow your business as a makeup artist. Remember: in order to succeed in the competitive beauty industry, you have to be willing to go above and beyond in terms of your proactivity!

Step #9: Use Your Portfolio to Network

Hands down, one of the smartest ways to use your makeup portfolio is to network with other professionals in the industry. For starters, this will this help you make connections that could potentially lead to new business opportunities. Moreover, it’ll also allow you to get feedback on your work from people who know a thing or two!

One great way to do this is by attending industry events and meet-ups. This way, you’ll be able to rub elbows with some of the top MUAs in your area – and show off your portfolio while you’re at it!

Another awesome option at your disposal is to reach out to other makeup artists (particularly those whose work you admire) and see if they’d be interested in collaborating. This could involve anything from doing a photoshoot together to working on a makeup tutorial video.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to networking with other professionals in the beauty industry! By using your portfolio as a tool, you’ll be able to make valuable connections that can help take your career to the next level.

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Step #10: Take a Professional Course to Help Fine-Tune Your Makeup Portfolio

Last but not least, if you’re serious about building an impressive makeup artistry portfolio, it never hurts to take a professional course geared specifically towards refining your body of work. In the beauty industry, there’s never any shame in getting a little extra help – especially when it comes to perfecting your craft. In fact, the best MUAs out there are constantly taking new classes and adding to their skill-set all the time!

Taking a portfolio course will not only give you the opportunity to learn from some of the best in the business… It’ll also provide you with an invaluable chance to build your portfolio and make it that much better. This is something that potential clients will definitely take notice of.

Plus, it could be the very difference between securing a job interview or not.

QC Makeup Academy’s Online Portfolio Development Workshop

QC Makeup Academy is a globally-recognized makeup school that holds an A+ ranking with the Better Business Bureau. Among our many self-paced, online makeup and beauty courses, we also offer a Portfolio Development Workshop. This program is only 2 units long, but will teach you everything you need to know to take your makeup artistry portfolio to the next level!

In particular, you’ll learn all about:

  • The importance of makeup portfolios for professional MUAs
  • Researching the industry standard
  • How to plan your very own photoshoot
  • Conducting that shoot
  • High-quality portfolio presentation
  • Basic photo editing must-knows
  • Using your portfolio as an efficient marketing tool
  • Distributing and submitting your images for publishing
  • Marketing your services successfully

Interested in taking this workshop and graduating in as little as a couple short months? View the full course details here to get started!

Beautiful young asian woman with elegant earrings and necklace

By following the steps laid out in this article, you’ll be well on your way to building a makeup portfolio that’s sure to impress. Just remember to be patient, take your time, and always strive for quality over quantity!

Do you have any questions about how to build a successful makeup artistry portfolio? Let us know in the comments below – we’d love to help you out!

Ready to build the ultimate makeup artistry portfolio? Start your training with QC Makeup Academy today and learn everything you need to succeed!

Tips to grow your makeup business Feature Image

15 Tips to Grow Your Makeup Business

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Are you looking to take your professional makeup career to the next level? If so, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we’ll provide you with 15 tips to grow your makeup business. These tips will help you reach a wider audience, book more clients, and increase your income.

So, whether you’re just starting out as an MUA or you’ve been in the industry for years, this advice will help you reach new heights.

Let’s get started!

Frequently Asked Questions

First thing’s first: let’s address some of the most commonly asked questions surrounding this topic and give them some answers!

How Do Makeup Artists Grow?

First thing’s first: as a makeup artist, what can you do to better your skill-set and take your expertise to the next level? After all, in order to expand your business, you’re going to need the high-quality services to back it up!

Here are a few things you can do to make sure you’re always on top of your game:

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest trends! This means following popular (and professional) MUAs on social media, reading industry news, attending makeup shows and conferences, etc.
  • Practice, practice, practice! The more real-world experience you have working with different products and techniques, the better equipped you’ll be to handle any client request that comes your way.
  • Get feedback from clients and peers alike! It’s important to get an outsider’s perspective on your work so that you can identify areas for improvement.
  • On that note, always be open to constructive criticism! No one is perfect, and there’s always room for improvement.

Furthermore, the single best way to grow as a makeup artist is to ensure that you get proper, professional training – such as that offered by QC Makeup Academy! QC’s self-paced, online makeup and beauty programs can be done right from the comfort of home, provide tons of hands-on experience, and give you a full unit devoted entirely to business training.

Plus, once you graduate, you’ll receive an internationally-recognized certification AND designation. Not only can you then add this to your resume; it’ll also be sure to WOW clients and make them more likely to book with you!

Learn all about QC Makeup Academy’s wide variety of online makeup courses here!

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How Do Makeup Artists Get Noticed?

Now that we’ve covered ways in which you can improve your skills as an MUA, let’s move on to the topic of getting your name out there. After all, if you’re not busy with work, then it’s time to figure out how to change that!

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Start by branding yourself and creating an online presence. This could include setting up a website or blog, building a social media following, etc. Make sure your brand is consistent across all platforms and that your messaging is clear.
  2. Network with other professionals in the industry (i.e. other makeup artists, hair stylists, photographers, etc.) and collaborate whenever possible. Not only will this help expose your business to new people; it’ll also allow you to build positive relationships with others in your field.
  3. Consider exhibiting at local trade shows or other events related to the beauty industry. This is a great way to reach new potential clients and promote your business in person!
  4. Finally, don’t forget the power of word-of-mouth marketing! Encourage happy clients to leave reviews online and tell their friends about your services. Positive customer testimonials can be extremely valuable for attracting new business.

How Do I Do Freelance Makeup?

A freelance makeup artist is someone who is self-employed and works on a contract basis, usually with individual clients. This can be a great option for those who want more freedom and flexibility in their work schedule.

So, how do you become a freelance makeup artist? Here are a few tips:

First, start by building up your portfolio of work. This will give potential clients a better idea of the services you offer and the quality of your work. Next, develop a strong network of contacts within the industry and collaborate whenever possible.

Then, market yourself aggressively! Use all of the resources at your disposal (e.g. social media, online directories, word-of-mouth, etc.) to get your name out there and attract new clients. Finally, be sure to keep your business organized and efficient by staying on top of things like scheduling, invoicing, etc.

Ultimately, the better you are at running your business, the more successful you’ll be as a freelancer!

Need more help getting your freelancing career started? Check out this article by Entrepreneur for their 6-step path to success!

Close up of a stunning beautiful young woman getting professional makeup. Makeup artist applying lipstick on a female client

How Can I Grow My Makeup Business?

Alright, let’s get to the real reason why you’re here… You’ve more than likely been thinking to yourself, “How can I get more makeup clients? What can I do to take my business to the next level?”

Luckily, we’ve got 15 tips that can achieve these very goals! So, let’s take a look at them…

15 Tips to Grow Your Makeup Business

Tip #1: Stay up to date with the latest trends!

In order to be successful, it’s important that you’re always keeping up with the latest makeup trends. This means regularly checking out new products, watching makeup tutorials online, and attending industry events. By staying up-to-date, you’ll be able to offer your clients the latest and greatest services!

Tip #2: Get involved with social media!

Social media is a powerful tool that can help you reach a wider audience and promote your business. Make sure you’re active on all of the major platforms (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.) and that your branding is consistent across all channels.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating your social media accounts:

  • Use original, high-quality images and videos
  • Write engaging captions
  • Offer exclusive deals and promotions
  • Host giveaways and contests
  • Follow and engage with other beauty experts you admire
  • Always respond to comments and messages others leave for you
  • Reflect your brand in everything that you post

A strong social media presence will have you attracting new clients and growing your makeup business in no time!

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Tip #3: Create a website for your makeup business!

A website is a must-have for any business, and the same holds true for makeup artists. Not only will it give potential clients a better idea of who you are and what services you offer – it’ll also allow you to build positive relationships with others in your field.

When creating your website, be sure to include the following:

  • Your professional biography
  • Examples of your work (a.k.a. your makeup portfolio)
  • Testimonials from previous clients
  • The services you offer
  • Links to your social media accounts
  • Prices (if applicable)
  • Contact information
  • An online booking form or e-commerce shop (optional)

Pro Tip: Keep in mind that designing and maintaining a website can be a lot of work. So, if you’re not confident in your web design skills, consider hiring a professional to help you out.

Tip #4: Get creative with your marketing!

There are endless possibilities when it comes to marketing your makeup business. So, get creative and think outside the box! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Collaborate with other businesses in the industry (e.g. hair salons, spas, etc.) to cross-promote your services!
  • Sponsor a local event or charity! This is a great way to give back to the community and promote your business at the same time.
  • Create a blog or YouTube channel and share your expert knowledge with the world!

By getting creative with your marketing, you’ll be able to reach a whole new audience and grow your business like never before.

Tip #5: Don’t forget about online marketing, too!

These days, online marketing will be your best friend. Make sure you’re utilizing all of the available resources, such as directories (e.g. Yelp, Google, etc.), review sites (e.g. MakeupAlley), and social media platforms (again, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

Furthermore, a worthy investment for your makeup business will be in paid advertisements. With paid ads, you can specifically target your ideal clientele via social media, Google ads, etc., and see a great return on the money you’ve invested into this venture.

By taking advantage of online marketing tools, you’ll be able to reach a larger audience and attract more clients!

Happy young woman streaming a beauty vlog from home, online content creator applying a makeup

Tip #6: Keep your prices competitive!

In order for potential clients to choose YOU over your competition, it’s important that your prices are competitive. However, this doesn’t mean that you should be giving away your services for free! Rather, you should take some time to research the going rates in your area. This way, you can make sure you’re pricing yourself accordingly.

Remember, too, that you can always offer discounts and promotions to attract new clients. (We’ll cover this in the next tip.) Just be sure that you’re still making a profit!

We’ve put together some additional information on properly pricing your makeup business services, so make sure to check it out!

Tip #7: Consider offering discounts and incentives!

When first starting out, it can be tough to attract new clients. One of the best ways to do so is by offering discounts and promotions! This will show potential clients that you’re serious about your work, and that you’re willing to go above and beyond to earn their business.

Some ideas for discounts and promotions include (but aren’t limited to):

  • A percentage off your services for first-time customers
  • Free makeup consultations for first-time clients
  • A complimentary service with each booking (e.g. a free skincare consultation with every makeup application)
  • Two-for-one deals
  • Referral programs (e.g. $20 off your next service for every friend or family member you refer)

There are endless possibilities when it comes to offering discounts and incentives. So, get creative and find what works best for you and your makeup business!

Tip #8: Offer a variety of makeup and beauty services!

Makeup artists often specialize in one area or another – such as weddings, special effects, or everyday makeup looks. However, it’s always a good idea to offer a variety of services in order to appeal to a wider audience. This way, you’ll be able to attract more clients and book more jobs, since your business will be a one-stop-shop for their beauty needs!

Some of the most popular services that MUAs offer include (but again, aren’t limited to):

  • Wedding/bridal makeup
  • Special effects makeup
  • Hair styling
  • Airbrush makeup
  • Editorial/photoshoot makeup
  • Fashion styling
  • Global beauty
  • Runway and fashion makeup
  • Makeup for film and television

By diversifying your services, you’ll be able to appeal to more people and grow your business at the same time!

Did you know that QC Makeup Academy offers certification training for ALL of the above specialties? It’s true! If you didn’t do so earlier, discover our wide range of online beauty courses here!

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Tip #9: Develop a strong makeup portfolio!

Your portfolio is essentially your resume. It’s what potential clients will use to judge your skills as a makeup artist. So, make sure it’s up-to-date and includes a mix of both personal and professional work. Also, don’t forget to showcase your range by including photos of different makeup styles!

Never put together a professional makeup portfolio before? Then make sure to keep this advice in mind:

  • Only use high-quality photos
  • Keep your portfolio organized and easy to navigate
  • In addition to makeup, include photos of your other beauty skills (if applicable), such as hair styling
  • Make sure the overall look of the portfolio is polished, cohesive, and professional
  • Show a range of makeup techniques and styles – but make sure not to show too many, otherwise your portfolio will be overcluttered

If you need help putting together a strong makeup portfolio, QC Makeup Academy has your back! Our 2-unit Portfolio Development Workshop will teach you everything you need to know to create a stunning, jaw-dropping display of your best work!

Tip #10: Offer virtual makeup and beauty services!

Over the course of the pandemic, many people have opted to stay home and avoid public places. As a result of the on-and-off gathering restrictions over the past couple of years, in-person makeup services weren’t always an option. However, the world quickly discovered that this did not mean that beauty professionals can’t still provide clients with the services they need!

Thanks to today’s technology, you can offer virtual makeup and beauty services – such as video tutorials, makeup and/or skincare consultations, and even full makeup applications! All you need is a good internet connection and some basic video-chat software (like Skype or Zoom). This way, you can continue to book jobs and make money, even during these uncertain times.

Furthermore, virtual beauty services will still provide your makeup business with major benefits even long after the pandemic is over. Namely, because they’ll allow you to work with customers from all over the world. This means that your (or your client’s) location will never be an issue.

And who knows? You might even start getting more requests for virtual services than in-person services!

Learn how to take your makeup business online in less than a month by enrolling today in QC’s 1-unit Virtual Makeup Training mini course!

Tip #11: Offer private and/or group makeup lessons!

One of the best ways to grow your makeup business is to offer private and/or group lessons. This way, you can teach people about everything from basic makeup application techniques to more advanced skills, like special effects makeup.

Not only will teaching others help you hone your own skills as a MUA; it’ll also give you a chance to build relationships with potential clients! In addition, if you’re able to create a successful course, you could even start selling it online or through other channels.

Just remember, though, that you should only be training others if you’ve first been trained yourself. Teaching makeup lessons when unqualified can have disastrous results, and lead to your business getting bad reviews (which we know you don’t want)!

Young beautiful bride applying wedding makeup by makeup artist

Tip #12: Attend beauty conventions and trade shows!

Attending beauty conventions and trade shows is a great way to get your makeup business in front of new potential clients. Plus, you can also use these events as an opportunity to learn about the latest industry trends and products (hello, Tip #1!).

Just be sure to do your research before attending any convention or trade show. This way, you’ll know which ones are worth your time and money – and which ones you should avoid.

If you’re not sure where to start, we recommend checking out some of the smaller regional shows. Not only are they more affordable than larger events, but they also tend to have a more intimate atmosphere that’s conducive to networking.

On that note…

Tip #13: Network, network, network!

Networking is key in any business – but it’s especially important in the beauty industry. After all, word-of-mouth is still one of the best ways to grow your makeup business!

So, how do you network effectively? Start by attending industry events (like the ones we mentioned in the last tip), and get to know as many people as you can. You never know when one of those connections could come in handy.

In addition, social media is also a great tool for networking these days. So, be sure to make use of platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to connect with others in your field. (Just remember to use caution when sharing personal information online.)

Finally, don’t forget about good old fashioned face-to-face networking! You can attend local meetups, join industry associations, or even host your own networking events.

Tip #14: Take part in a stylized photoshoot!

Another way to network face-to-face is to lend your makeup artistry skills to a stylized photoshoot. What’s a styled photoshoot? Well, it’s basically when a team of creatives come together to create a themed shoot. This could be anything from a fashion editorial to a wedding shoot.

By participating in stylized photoshoots, you’ll not only get the chance to work with other creatives; you’ll also have the opportunity to showcase your skills to potential clients! In addition, if the photos are published or go viral, you could see a surge in traffic to your website or social media pages.

Just be sure that you’re selective about which shoots you participate in. You don’t want your name associated with any shoddy productions – it’ll only reflect poorly on your business.

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Tip #15: Get involved in your community!

Finally, one of the best ways to grow your makeup business is to get involved in your local community. This could involve anything from volunteering at a women’s shelter to working with a local theater group.

Not only will getting involved in your community help you give back; it’ll also help you build relationships with potential clients. And, as we all know by now, word-of-mouth is still one of the best marketing tools around!

So, there you have it: 15 tips to help you grow your makeup business! We hope that this advice will help you reach a wider audience, book more clients, and increase your income. But most importantly, we hope they’ll help you achieve your dreams!

Which tip did YOU find the most beneficial?

Let us know in the comments below! 💕

Get your makeup business up and running in as little as 2-6 months by starting your professional training with QC Makeup Academy today!