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QC Makeup Student Ambassador Amanda Ramey

Becoming a Makeup Artist as a Busy Mom [video]

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, From the Experts, Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career 2 Comments

Are you a busy, full-time parent with a hectic schedule? Do you also dream of becoming a makeup artist and launching a successful career you can be passionate about?

If so, then QC Makeup Academy‘s Student Ambassador, Amanda Ramey, is here to help!

Becoming a Makeup Artist as a Busy Parent

Amanda Ramey is a graduate of the following QC Makeup Academy certification programs:

  • Master Makeup Artistry Course
  • Pro Makeup Workshop
  • Special FX Makeup Course
  • Airbrush Makeup Workshop

In addition to her makeup career, Amanda also works full-time as a tattoo artist. On top of all that, she is also a full-time mother of two children!

So, how does Amanda juggle all of her priorities? How was she able to complete her professional training (in SO many courses, no less) and become a makeup artist with such a busy schedule?

Her answer: QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online training!

Watch her full video below to learn more.

Want to connect with Amanda directly? Join QC Makeup Academy’s Virtual Classroom on Facebook today!

Becoming a Makeup Artist with QC Makeup Academy

Amanda reveals a handful of reasons why QC’s remote learning environment is the PERFECT match for full-time parents who want to become professional makeup artists. Here are just 3 of the perks she discusses in her video:

  • QC’s online courses eliminate the need to travel or take time out of your personal schedule! Unlike brick-and-mortar makeup classes, there are no due dates and no rigid schedules to follow. Thus, you can train at your own pace and in your own space. If that means one hour a week, once the kiddies are in bed, then that’s totally fine!
  • You get 2 full years to finish your training! Being a full-time parent is a major commitment in-and-of itself. Your goal of becoming a makeup artist shouldn’t get in the way of your parental priorities. Thanks to QC’s 2-year time limit, there will never be any pressure to rush assignments (or your training in general).
  • QC’s courses are EXTREMELY affordable! As a full-time parent, you might very well be on a strict budget. That’s okay! Becoming a makeup artist doesn’t need to break the bank – not when QC offers low monthly payment plans AND monthly promotional deals.
mother becoming a makeup artist at home, daughter brushing nose with makeup brush

Even MORE Reasons to Enroll with QC Makeup Academy

There are tons of other reasons why your journey to becoming a makeup artist should start by enrolling with QC! Here are just a few more benefits of being a QC student:

  • You’ll be training with a school you can trust! QC has been a pioneer of online learning since 1984. We also have an A+ ranking with the BBB and over 270 raving reviews on Facebook.
  • Like to learn in different ways? We’ve got you covered! Not only will you receive digital AND physical copies of your course textbooks – you’ll also get instructional videos, quizzes, and hands-on assignments.
  • Get TONS of makeup discounts from big-name brands! All QC students and alumni are eligible for a wide variety of makeup discounts. Plus, depending on the program you enroll in, we’ll send you a starter makeup kit as part of your course materials.
  • Your QC tutor will be a legitimately pro! Every QC tutor is a real beauty expert with decades of experience in the industry. Plus, they’ll provide you with regular audio feedback throughout your training to help you grow.
  • Upon graduating, you’ll receive an official certification! All of QC’s certifications are internationally-recognized. As a result, you’ll be able to work anywhere! Moreover, a professional certification on your resume is SURE to impress clients and employers alike – and get you more bookings!
makeup products against pink background

Make your dream of becoming a makeup artist a REALITY in 2021. Enroll with QC Makeup Academy today and graduate in as little as 3-6 months!

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Boost Your Makeup Career with Veronika Kelle’s Top Tips! [video]

By Career Advice, From the Experts, Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career 8 Comments

Want to boost your makeup career, attract more clients, collaborate with new vendors, and gain more success in 2021? If so, QC Makeup Academy‘s Student Ambassador, Veronika Kelle, is here to help!

Veronika’s Top Tips to Boost Your Makeup Career!

Veronika Kelle is a graduate of QC Makeup Academy’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, Pro Makeup Workshop, and Special FX Makeup Course. Based in Phuket, Thailand, Veronika offers clients a wide variety of professional makeup services. Her specialties include glamor, bridal, special effects, and makeup for film and television.

Today, she draws on her professional training and real-world experience to answer some of the most frequently asked questions she gets from aspiring MUAs. In addition, Veronika also provides her top tips for taking your makeup career to the next level!

Watch the video below to find out what they are!

Want to connect with Veronika directly? Join QC Makeup Academy’s free Virtual Classroom on Facebook today!

A Brief Summary of What You’ll Learn

In the above video, Veronika shares her advice and personal experience on all of the following topics:

  • Finding models;
  • How to contact potential models;
  • Putting together a stylized photoshoot;
  • Finding vendors to collaborate with;
  • Building your professional network;
  • How to create an original character;
  • Getting and staying motivated;
  • And the importance of makeup certification training.
makeup artist applying lip product to model's lips

Boosting Your Makeup Career with Professional Training

Do you truly want your professional makeup career to be successful? If so, then there’s NO substitute for reputable training! By getting properly educated in makeup artistry, you can be fully confident in your qualifications and skill-set. Moreover, your clients will be able to trust the quality of the services you can provide them. Not to mention, you’ll have a real certification to add to your resume!

Here are a handful of reasons why you should pursue your certification training through QC Makeup Academy:

  • QC has an A+ ranking with the Better Business Bureau! Plus, our certifications are internationally-recognized!
  • We’ve also got over 270 raving reviews on Facebook alone!
  • QC’s tuition rates are affordable for all budgets. As a result, you can pay upfront or break things up with our low monthly payment plan. It’s up to you!
  • Our learning environment is entirely remote and self-paced. Thus, you get to train at your own schedule, from the comfort of your very own home!
  • Get up to 2 whole years to complete your program!
  • Gain digital access to your learning materials. Plus, we’ll mail a physical copy right to your door, too!
  • Practical assignments will provide you with tons of hands-on training!
  • Your QC tutor will be a real beauty expert with decades of experience in the industry!
  • As an added bonus, your tutor will give you regular audio feedback throughout the entire course to help you grow!
makeup artist applying makeup to model

Start the makeup career of your dreams by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!

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7 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting a Career in Makeup Artistry

By Career Advice, From the Experts No Comments

Thinking of pursuing a career in makeup artistry? Professional MUA, Charlotte Ravet, is here to reveal 8 critical things she wishes she had known before launching her own career!

Charlotte is the proud owner of her very own hair and makeup business, A Date With Charlotte. From bridal, to editorial, to film and television, and everything in-between – Charlotte’s extensive makeup training allows her to provide a wide variety of services that cater to ALL types of clientele!

Her extensive resume includes working for Prada, L’Oreal, and even the cast of the hit show, Glee! A developer of educational programs, Charlotte has even been awarded Best Makeup Educator of the Year by the Australian Industry Makeup Awards.

Before starting my makeup training, I remember how excited I was. I imagined nothing more than a world of glitters, colors, and travel; doing makeup for TV shows and celebrities. Now that I’m well-established within the industry, I’m here to tell you the truth

A career in makeup artistry looks a lot like what I just described, yes. But it also takes time, trials, mistakes, and a TON of hard work.

As a makeup artist, I’ve changed in many ways over the years. I have been fortunate enough to meet some amazing MUAs who’ve shared with me their best advice and tips. If I could go back and speak to my younger self, I would definitely have some key advice to share.

Since I can’t do that, I figured I could do one better and share this advice with YOU! 💕

male makeup artist applying makeup on female client

Your Career in Makeup Artistry: What Being a “Freelancer” Really Means

To start, working as a freelance makeup artist doesn’t simply mean that you are own boss, can set your own schedule, and do whatever you want. On the contrary, it actually means that you’re operating a very real business. This means that on top of doing your clients’ makeup, you’ll have a bunch of other responsibilities to take care of, too.

Marketing, invoicing, and other admins tasks are just as important as doing the makeup itself. You will need existing and potential clients alike to be able to find your business. So, good organization skills are critical! After all, you’ll need to be able to keep track of your payments and accountability, as well as do your taxes correctly and on time.

Of course, you can delegate and pay other people to do it for you. But in the beginning, your business will likely be a one person operation, so this is a legitimate budget to consider when crunching the numbers!

Software That Can Make Your Life Easier

These days, there are all sorts of free online software (or available for a small subscription fee) at your fingertips. This type of software can really help you keep track of all your administrative tasks. Plus, they can also help your marketing so your business can look more professional.

  • ZohoAn online software which can be used for free under a certain number of clients. Zoho allows you to keep all your accountability in one convenient place; from invoicing, to record expenses with receipts, to creating reports, etc. I have tried a few business software apps and this was my favorite for invoicing. Plus, it’s one of the cheapest options!
  • CanvaAn amazing resource for creating all of your marketing material. From Instagram posts, to flyers and presentations – Canva has been a life-changer for me! It’s very easy to use, too. Simply upload your images and create professional-looking designs.
  • Wix: A very popular site builder to help you create your very own business website. Since Wix offers pre-designed templates, it’s extremely user-friendly!
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7 Things to Know Before Starting Your Career in Makeup Artistry

Let’s count down my Top 7 things to know before you launch your exciting career! These are all things I personally wish I’d known myself, and have learned through years of experience.

7. Prioritize paying jobs.

Even if makeup is your passion, keep in mind that it’s also what pays the rent! I still do unpaid collaborations and editorials with photographers, but I secure my paid work first.

Admittedly, when first starting your career in makeup artistry, it can sometimes feel hard to prioritize what you ‘should’ be doing. After all, you need visibility and images to build a makeup portfolio and get paid work. In the beginning, paid work might not yet be an option.

In this case, that’s totally okay! Photoshoot collaborations are a great way to build your network, gain hands-on experience, and build your portfolio – even if it’s being done for free. But once paying clients start coming to you, they should take priority.

Exceptions to the Rule

Sometimes, however, you have to trust your gut. You might have a paying client booked, only to be offered a proposal for unpaid work that could actually prove to be more beneficial to your career. In a situation such as this, I would strongly advise that you first look at the work of the people wishing to collaborate with you. See if it fits your needs and artistic direction.

For example, let’s say that a big-name photographer asks you for unpaid editorial work. They want to schedule it on the same day that a client is asking you for one makeup look only. In the long run, the unpaid editorial work might actually get you more paying jobs in the future, thanks to wider exposure this job will most likely give you.

On the other hand, if you have a collaboration project planned with someone you work with regularly, and you’ve been offered a full-paid job on the same day, photographers usually understand that you need to take the paid job. Just be careful, give plenty of notice if you decide to take the job, and always find a replacement. Be professional!

6. Competition is hard.

This is just the honest truth. The makeup industry is extremely competitive, and the only thing that can save you is a strong work ethic. The pressure to find work as a freelancer can be challenging. Sometimes, you’ll have to face some difficult moments and be met with disappointment.

We all have days where we feel a bit flat and want to take a break. But this is proper to any creative industry. Doing work with your heart and soul takes a lot – but when you do something you love, NO day really feels like ‘work’ anymore.

Want some tips so you can stand out from the competition? Keep reading here!

5. Elevate your career in makeup artistry by finding your niche.

When I started my career in makeup artistry, I dreamed of working in fashion. I did wind up doing that for a bit, but it was mainly TV gigs that gave me well-paid work. So after that, I started working on creative projects. Now I specialize in education and creative makeup!

Finding your own niche will take time, and this is okay. You’ll need to explore different opportunities and figure out what you really love to do. It doesn’t mean that you need to do one type of work only. Rather, it means that you will probably prioritize one type of work over another.

Very often, your niche will help you build your clientele. People will naturally contact you more to do one specific type of work if you prove to be really good at it. The fabulous thing about your career in makeup artistry is that you’ll continuously explore diverse opportunities and create different types of looks!

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4. Look after your health.

Standing on your feet all day for long hours, carrying your makeup kit, using your hands… This can all take a negative toll on our bodies over time. In turn, this can also bring down our mental health if we’re not careful!

To have a professional career in makeup artistry, you’ll need to be in good physical health. Be careful with manual handling and your body posture. It’s pretty common for makeup artists to have back and hand issues after a few years. So, adopting the right habits from the start is essential.

Just as importantly, don’t forget to take time for yourself! As much as possible, try to leave work at the proverbial door once your day is done. Allot time in your schedule to decompress, relax, and clear your brain of any stressors. This alone will have a BIG impact on your well-being!

3. Look after your network.

Even if you haven’t worked with someone in a while, remind them of you and your business! Send your updated portfolio in a newsletter to your clients and past vendors, using services like Mailchimp. Don’t hesitate to give a follow-up call either.

Do you have a potential new project you’d like to collaborate with someone on? Ask them to have a coffee with you! You can outline your idea and together, you can decide if this is a project you’d both like to take part in.

Simply put, make sure people don’t forget about you. This way, when an opportunity arises, you’ll be fresh in peoples’ minds. This will increase your chances of being the one they contact for the job!

makeup on female model

2. Don’t give up.

It might take more time than originally anticipated to get your first well-paid job. But if you keep doing the right things, work will come to you. Things are not always totally within our control – last year proved that better than anything! 2020 was nothing short of a challenging year for many creative industries.

There will be times where you might have less work. Other times, you’ll suddenly feel like you’re swimming in client bookings. The key is to keep pushing forward through both the highs and the lows. Personally, I have seen plenty of people whose career in makeup artistry just couldn’t seem to take off – and now they’re working for high fashion runways!

Just be patient, and be kind to yourself. The best things take time.

1. Take time off.

In my experience, this is the most important piece of advice I can offer you. Should you choose a career in makeup artistry as a freelancer, the fear of not getting work can be stressful. As a result, you might begin to overcompensate without even realizing it. Between marketing, working on your social media channels, taking part in photoshoots, and trying to build your clientele, you can very quickly forget about making time for yourself.

Fall into this trap and you’ll burn out before you know it.

It’s essential to have at least one day off per week. On this given day, you do NOT work at all! Use it to properly take time for yourself. Over-stressing about getting more work is not going to bring you more work if you’re spread too thin. Having a clear state of mind is what will bring you the right answers.

The makeup and beauty industry is evolving every day. When I first started my career in makeup artistry, things were very different. I have learned how to manage my stress and take things one day and a time. Through experience, I’ve also discovered that at the end, everything will be okay.

As artists, we are lucky to be able to choose a career we are truly passionate about. Even if you face some difficult times here and there, you’ll one day look back on your successful career and know that you every moment – good or bad – was all worth it. Personally, I wouldn’t have done anything differently!

Start your career in makeup artistry with a professional certification to add to your resume! Click here to learn all about QC Makeup Academy’s wide variety of online courses!

makeup jobs MUA working with client while wearing mask

How I’ve Found Makeup Jobs During a Global Pandemic

By Career Advice, From the Experts No Comments

Charlotte is the proud owner of her very own hair and makeup business, A Date With Charlotte. From bridal to editorial, to film and television, and everything in-between – Charlotte’s extensive makeup training allows her to provide a wide variety of services that cater to ALL types of clientele!

Her extensive resume includes working for Prada, L’Oreal, and even the cast of the hit show, Glee! A developer of educational programs, Charlotte has even been awarded Best Makeup Educator of the Year by the Australian Industry Makeup Awards.

Trying to find alternate ways to books makeup jobs during COVID-19? Professional MUA, Charlotte Ravet, is here to tell you how she’s been finding clients during the pandemic!

Before COVID-19, I could not have imagined a day where I wouldn’t be able to do my actual job. I think we can all agree that the beauty and makeup industry have definitely been impacted. From here on out, whenever we think about the way the beauty industry exists, there will be a “before” and “after” COVID.

I have personally lived this pandemic in two different countries: France and Australia. Both have been impacted at different levels. But all over the world, beauty professionals have all been in the same boat about one very important thing: once we understood the true extent of the pandemic, we very quickly realized that working as a makeup artist would have to be done differently.

Maximizing Social Media to Find Makeup Jobs

For the first time, even I have created makeup on myself and posted images on my social media. You see, I love doing makeup on models, but I always get a bit annoyed doing my own makeup! So, it was a new move for me. But during the lockdown, it was the only way to keep up with my creativity. I’ve also used this time to create a new website and think about my next projects.

Many makeup artists have created a strong online presence. It’s true that nowadays, it’s considered harder to get noticed as a beginner. Still, many artists have seen their followers increasing during the pandemic, due to an increase in traffic across most online platforms. For some, this has led to an opportunity to collaborate with brands.

Additionally, I’ve also participated in doing live streaming and makeup tutorials for the brand’s social media. We have quickly realized that social media was the most effective way to continue being active and expressing ourselves.

I was working as an international trainer before I quit my job to return to Australia. When the pandemic hit, I continued my services by offering my training online, rather than doing it physically. This adjustment allowed me to work from home and continue earning an income during an uncertain time.

One perk about having so much free time these days is that there are ample ways to use it productively!

The New Normal for Makeup Jobs: Virtual Services

A new service I’m also now offering for my clients is online consultations. Despite not being able to leave the house, many women are still interested in learning how to do their own makeup. A lot of people are using platforms like Zoom or Google Meet for business and personal video calls. When everyone has to be face-to-face with their own reflection so many times in a day, it’s only natural that they might want to look their best – even if they’re not actually leaving the house.

The amazing thing about online consultations is the fact that I can help clients from literally anywhere. Without any physical limitations, the doors automatically open to a LOT more potential makeup jobs. Throughout 2020, for example, I’ve worked with clients from Europe, the United States, and Australia. I have helped women learn how to create their own makeup.

As part of this virtual service, I simply offer them a way to connect with me for a special hour, using a digital platform. Together, we go through all of the steps involved in creating a day and/or evening makeup look. They follow my guidance, using their own makeup products. On my end, I have my own makeup kit ready, too. This way, I can demonstrate some of the application tips on myself, if needed.

Assisting the Stars

A friend of mine also taught TV presenters how to create their own makeup through online consultations. Most TV channels still have presenters – the only difference is that now these people are recording the news from home or in the studio, as opposed to together on set.

As a result of the lockdown, television hosts, journalists, and celebrities everywhere have had to create their own makeup… and quickly realized that TV makeup is not the same as an everyday makeup look. It actually requires a lot of professional training, techniques, and skill!

(Can we all take a moment to bask in this a little? While there’s nothing positive about COVID-19, it is kind of nice that more and more people are understanding just how much hard work and effort goes into what we do for a living!)

Becoming a Beauty Writer

Another option for possible makeup jobs is to start your own blog, or even write beauty content for other businesses. This year, I’ve started write training programs for brands and academies, and I have decided to look into writing for magazines as well.

I first create illustrations (another passion of mine). Then I write step-by-step guidelines on how to use and apply the products being discussed. I have created face charts and illustrated makeup looks. I’ve even designed new and upcoming collections for different brands. Turns out, I actually really enjoy this new way of working. It’s a cool way to be able to express myself in the makeup industry!

Another way I’m able to get writing jobs is to do translation for beauty brands, from French to English. When it comes to translating beauty tips, knowing the language is one thing. But it is also important to truly understand the subject. A translation is never literal. Sometimes, words need to be changed or put in a different way in order to have the right meaning.

I can definitely say that, for me, the biggest lesson of 2020 is this: as makeup artists, we can always diversify ourselves to be able to work in the industry – regardless of the circumstances!

Reshaping the Way We Find Makeup Jobs

Over the years, I have worked in many different industries: bridal, TV, fashion, education, etc. However, this pandemic has given me the opportunity to consider my work from a different angle.

How can we work as makeup artists if we cannot work directly with people? The answer is simple: if everyone goes online, we can go online, too!

I’ll admit, finding work as a makeup artist has never been an issue for me, even during the pandemic. It has been stressful, for sure. But once I thought about ALL of the skills I have, other types of makeup jobs and work opportunities became clearer to me.

For areas where I struggled a bit, I also used my newfound time in order to get better. For example, marketing my services is often the part where I run into difficulties. So, I have devoted the time to better understanding marketing. This has allowed me to take a step back and formulate different, potentially stronger marketing strategies for my career.

I have also enjoyed this time to watch makeup artist masterclasses and learn new tips and tricks. Building on your skills is always a smart idea. To build off of that, my next project is now to learn photography, too. This way, I can build my online presence more and take my own images of my work.

Final Thoughts

Where I’m based, cases of COVID-19 have decreased dramatically, so work is pretty much going back to normal. We can provide makeup services with high standards of hygiene. All of the weddings and private events that were postponed to 2021 are now being booked, and production work is starting to pick back up again.

2020 has been a year to learn and grow – not just personally, but professionally as well. I have learned that there are many ways to work as a makeup artist, even during a global pandemic. As artists, creativity is second nature to us. So, creating new opportunities for makeup jobs is also a part of what we do.

Personally, I reflect upon this past year and see it as an evolution of my work. Going forward, I think I’ll be able to provide even better services to my clients, thanks to all of the skills I acquired and discovered during the pandemic.

Having a professional certification is a guaranteed way to land more makeup jobs. Enroll with QC Makeup Academy today and get certified in as little as 3-6 months!