Veronika Kelle, Author at QC Makeup Academy
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Veronika Kelle

Online makeup classes article, Aug 26 2021, Feature Image

5 Industry Secrets I Learned from QC’s Online Makeup Classes

By About the School, Career Advice, Education, QC Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career 2 Comments

Dream of being a professional makeup artist and thinking of pursuing your training through online makeup classes? Then look no further, because you’ve come to the right place! QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador, Veronika Kelle, is here to reveal 5 industry secrets SHE learned through her online training!

About Me

Hi, everyone! My name is Veronika and I’m a Student Ambassador for QC Makeup Academy. I’ve graduated from 3 of QC’s online makeup classes:

  1. Master Makeup Artistry Course;
  2. Pro Makeup Workshop;
  3. And the Special FX Makeup Course.

I ran my own modeling agency for 15 years. During this time, I organized beauty contests and fashion shows. Additionally, I worked alongside models, photographers, and makeup artists. I also organized photoshoots, castings, and modeling courses.

Obviously, professional makeup was a key factor in all of these. It’s no surprise that it was during this time I fell in love with makeup artistry. So, eventually I decided to learn about it myself and become a certified MUA!

Pursuing Online Makeup Classes with QC Makeup Academy

I began studying professional makeup at QC Makeup Academy back in 2018. Looking back, I can honestly say that without the knowledge I gained through QC’s online makeup courses, I wouldn’t have been able to build my own makeup business.

I feel happy and lucky to have found QC Makeup Academy because they literally changed my life!

The key to success is proper professional knowledge. Plus, of course, you also need a touch of courage. After all, diving into the beauty industry and launching your own business is a big deal! But it’s definitely an endeavor you should not shy away from, because pursuing your dream career is such a rewarding experience.

In this article, I’m going to discuss 5 of the most important industry secrets and skills I’ve learned, thanks to my online makeup classes and professional training with QC Makeup Academy.

So, let’s get started!

Online makeup classes article, Aug 26 2021, Veronika portfolio image 1

Much More Than Makeup

If you’re brand-new to the idea of professional training, you might mistakenly believe that you are ONLY learning how to do makeup through online makeup classes. This, however, is false!

In reality, a proper course from a reputable makeup institution will also arm you with additional, equally-as-critical skills. As a whole, these skills will help you have a truly successful career for the long-term.

Some of these skills I’m talking about include (but are not limited to):

  • Business skills;
  • Customer service skills;
  • Negotiation/contracting skills;
  • Networking skills;
  • Marketing skills;
  • And SO much more!

It’s very important that a professional makeup artist has an extremely rounded-out skill-set. While you absolutely do need to know how to execute flawless applications, the skills mentioned above are just as critical. Without them, you’ll find it difficult to be successful and competitive in the beauty industry.

Luckily, QC Makeup Academy provides you with all of these additional skills! As a result, you’ll gain a huge advantage over your competitors and have a better chance of successfully achieving your career goals!

Each of QC’s online makeup classes has a full business and marketing unit. In this unit, you’ll find all sorts of useful, practical exercises, templates, and marketing/promotion tips. Moreover, you’ll discover how to manage yourself, how to launch your own makeup business, and how to develop your portfolio.

In summary: on top of learning the fundamental makeup theory and core techniques, you’ll also receive plenty of business training. With all of these things combined, you’ll be able to hit the ground running right after you finish your program and earn your internationally-recognized certification!

Want to learn all about the wide variety of online makeup classes currently offered by QC Makeup Academy? Here’s the full list!

5 Industry Secrets My Online Makeup Courses Taught Me

Okay, I know – you’ve been eagerly waiting long enough! Now let’s finally take a look at 5 of the most important industry secrets and skills I learned through my online training with QC Makeup Academy…

Secret #1: What’s needed to launch a makeup business of your very own!

Starting your own makeup business is an exciting experience… but it’s also a very challenging one, too. You’ll need perseverance, dedication, confidence, and a lots of planning!

If you want to launch your own business, you’ll need to master the logistics of business operations. Logically, this only makes perfect sense. If you don’t know how to run a business in a savvy, fruitful, and cost-effective way, how likely are you, really, to be truly successful?

My online makeup classes with QC Makeup Academy taught me how to set up my business, manage my finances, and build relationships with vendors. Furthermore, I also learned how to write my business plan from scratch, set up my business, establish my brand, and market my services properly!

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Secret #2: The value of professional networking with other makeup and beauty experts!

Professional networking is an essential thing in this industry! During my online makeup courses, I was taught how to find local vendors that I could collaborate with in my area. Such vendors included photographers, videographers, hair stylists, models, etc.

When you pursue your education with QC, you’ll discover how to locate and contact the vendors in your area, too! This is extremely important because working with these vendors will help you build your portfolio, connections, and booking potential. When you’re first starting out, you can involve vendors into your projects and collaborate with them – and I highly recommend doing so.

Networking is a perfect opportunity to build your professional relationships, get more contacts, and increase your likelihood of getting referrals!

Secret #3: Online makeup classes will teach you how to properly set your rates!

How you price your makeup artistry services will depend on many factors, such as:

  • Your location;
  • The demand in your area;
  • Competitors’ prices;
  • Industry standards in your country/city/town;
  • Your level of experience;
  • Whether or not you have professional certification training, etc.

As I worked through my online makeup classes with QC, I learned all the secrets of pricing. I discovered how to estimate professional fees for booking. As part of my courses, I was also provided with loads of useful advice that help me calculate my rates properly.

As a result, I was able to start my career at a distinct advantage!

Want more tips for accurately pricing your makeup services? Check out this blog article (and video) by professional MUA, Azzi Williams!

Secret #4: How to build your makeup portfolio (and the benefits of stylized photoshoots)!

A styled photoshoot is usually designed to inspire creativity in the participants. Moreover, taking part in one helps you to build networks – and importantly, your professional makeup portfolio.

While styled photoshoot are often unpaid, the benefits you’ll reap are still well worth your time and effort. Often, in exchange for your work, you’ll receive high-quality photos from the shoot. In turn, you can use these images in your portfolio, on your business website, for advertising, and to promote yourself.

Thanks to QC’s online makeup classes, I learned a lot about how to build my portfolio. I also learned how to organize stylized photoshoots, which was a HUGE help for me when it came to boosting my makeup business.

QC Makeup Academy’s Portfolio Development Workshop

In particular, I have to take a moment to highlight QC Makeup Academy’s Portfolio Development Workshop. In my opinion, this is one of THE most helpful courses you could ever possibly take! This 2-unit Advanced Course will teach you exactly how to build a professional makeup artistry portfolio that shows potential clients your talent and skills!

Furthermore, you’ll learn how to organize and execute styled shoots, take high-quality photos, and connect with industry contacts as you participate in a series of hands-on, practical assignments.

Read the full course breakdown for QC’s Portfolio Development Workshop here!

Online makeup classes article Aug 26 2021, Veronika Kelle portfolio image 3

Secret #5: How to find makeup clients!

If you’re new in the professional makeup industry, you might have a lot of questions and concerns about how to get started. Specifically, you’re likely wondering how to find clients, get bookings, and earn money.

QC Makeup Academy’s online makeup classes will provide the answers to ALL of these questions – and so much more! They’ll guide you through the maze of job searching, so that getting started and filling up your client book is an easy feat!

How QC’s Online Makeup Classes Have Skyrocketed My Career

Speaking from experience, I can say that enrolling in QC’s online makeup certification courses has been one of the best decisions of my life! Firstly, I acquired all the knowledge and skills needed to do any sort of makeup application on any kind of client.

Secondly, their vast range of classes allow you to hone niches and discover your specialties. For instance, I’ve always been interested in the exciting world of circus, theater, and movie makeup. That’s why I’d also chosen to enroll in the Special FX Makeup Course after completing my Master Makeup Artistry and Pro Makeup programs.

To build on this, I also wanted the possibility of working in the backstage of a theatrical or movie production. Thanks to QC, this dream has actually since come true! I’ve now worked as a makeup artist for more than one movie production, as well as commercials, passion productions, and countless photoshoots.

QC Makeup Academy’s online makeup classes and certification training helped me land these dream jobs. They taught me everything I needed to know to start my own makeup business and launch an amazing, prosperous career. I was armed with all the professional knowledge and makeup techniques I needed to do what I love for a living!

Online makeup classes article, Aug 26 2021, Veronika Kelle portfolio, last in-post image

The Top 3 Reasons I Recommend QC’s Online Makeup Courses

1. You’ll receive the exact same top-quality education as you would in a brick-and-mortar institution – but from the comfort of home!

The whole learning system of the school – such as their Online Student Center – is remarkably professional and extremely well-organized. Plus, your tutor is a guaranteed working industry expert! You’ll reap the many benefits of having a true expert as your instructor when you receive all of their extensive audio feedback after each course unit!

Learning with QC Makeup Academy is an easy and joyful experience. Believe me, you won’t ever be able to wait to dive in the next unit!

2. QC’s tuition fees are way more affordable than in-person makeup classes!

The fee for online makeup classes is a LOT more reasonable than what you’d find in a brick-and-mortar school. Online education is cheaper simply because there are no overhead costs or campuses to maintain. QC also offers awesome payment options, thereby allowing you to select the payment plan that best suits your budget.

So basically, you’re getting the exact same quality training, but at a fraction of the price!

Not to mention, online schools tend to offer better promotions and discounts. Every month, QC Makeup Academy always has an exclusive offer that you can take advantage of, for both prospective and current students alike!

Have you heard about QC’s current Back-to-School Promotional Offer? Read about it here and take advantage of it until Friday, August 27th!

3. QC Makeup Academy is more than a makeup school – it’s a community!

QC Makeup Academy is a family, a community, and an overall lovely, safe place to learn and make friends. In my experience, I’ve also found it to be a business training and a lifelong learning opportunity. QC offers amazing Student Support services, an easy-to-navigate Online Student Center, and a FREE Virtual Classroom on Facebook.

In this private group, you can connect with current students, past grads, and even QC’s executive instructor and celebrity MUA, Nathan Johnson! If you’re not a student, you can still join for a no-strings-attached 2-week trial.

Become a member today and connect with my directly!

Final Thoughts

What do YOU think are the most important industry secrets as a professional makeup artist? I’d love to know your thoughts, so share them in the comments below!

Thank you for reading!

Enroll in QC Makeup Academy’s online makeup classes today and earn your internationally-recognized certification(s) in as little as 2-6 months!

Makeup courses article, July 08 2021, Feature Image

5 Reasons to Take Makeup Courses This Summer!

By Career Advice, Education, From the Experts, QC Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career One Comment

Dream of launching an exciting, successful career as a makeup artist? Here’s your sign to take professional makeup courses this upcoming summer!

Multi-certified MUA, Veronika Kelle, is a Student Ambassador and graduate of QC Makeup Academy. Connect with her on Instagram, as well as in the Virtual Classroom on Facebook!

A Little About Me

Hi, my name is Veronika and I’m a Student Ambassador for QC Makeup Academy. I’ve graduated from QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, Pro Makeup Workshop, and Special FX Makeup Course.

I ran my own modeling agency for 15 years. During this time, I organized beauty contests and fashion shows. In addition, I worked alongside models, photographers, and makeup artists. I also organized photoshoots, castings, and modeling courses. Throughout all of this, makeup was always a key factor. As such, it was during this time that I fell in love with makeup artistry! Ultimately, this is what made me decide to learn it professionally.

I’ve talked many times before about why it’s important to acquire professional makeup knowledge. Moreover, I’ve delved into why it’s critical to master your techniques, complete professional makeup courses, and obtain a recognized certification. Now today, I’m going to discuss why this upcoming summer is the perfect time to get professional makeup training!

Makeup courses article, July 08 2021, Veronika Kelle portfolio image 1

5 Reasons to Take Makeup Courses This Summer

1. You May Have More Free Time

Do you have a bustling life? Do you work or already study full-time? Are you a full-time parent?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you’re probably quite the busy bee! But when summer rolls around, the kids are finally on holiday. If you’re also a student, then you might be, too. Moreover, maybe you use the summer season as a chance to take an annual leave, vacation time, etc. Either way, there’s a good chance that you might not be quite as busy in the summer as you are the rest of the year.

If you’re going to have more free time this summer, why not maximize it by enrolling in makeup courses, and using this time to buckle down and focus on your training?

Still have a pretty hectic schedule, even during the summer months? No problem! Thanks to QC Makeup Academy’s distanced, self-paced learning environment, you have the freedom to work on your makeup courses whenever it suits your availability! That’s right – absolutely no deadlines!

2. The COVID Pandemic is Almost Over

With the end of the COVID pandemic finally on the horizon, the summer of 2021 is the perfect time to get professionally trained and earn a reputable certification! After all, businesses everywhere are beginning to open back up. By the fall, the makeup and beauty industry could very well be back to normal.

If you enroll in makeup courses now, you could easily graduate by the end of the summer. In doing so, you’ll be ready to hit the ground running and launch your makeup business at full-speed as soon as it’s safe to book clients again.

3. A LOT of Makeup Courses Will Offer Summer Discounts

Many makeup schools will offer awesome deals during the summer holidays. For example, you could find “summer discounts”, “Back-To-School specials”, “summer giveaways”, etc. As a result of these super hot deals, makeup courses even more affordable. Given that online makeup schools are already cheaper than their brick-and-mortar alternatives to begin with, this is a perk that’s too important to overlook!

Did you know that QC Makeup Academy holds regular, monthly discounts? It’s true! Plus, once you enroll in one program, all other QC makeup courses will be offered to you at 50% off!

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4. Easier Access to Models for Your Assignments

Throughout the rest of the year, you won’t be the only one who’s busy. Your friends and family will also be, too. This can sometimes mean you’ll need to put in a bit more work into getting models for your makeup course assignments.

During the summer, however, they’re more likely to have a freer schedule, same as you. As a result, it’ll be a lot more convenient (and easier) to have them donate their time to being your model. Plus, this can also give you an even bigger group of people – meaning more diversity – to choose from.

Remember: the more practice you get under your belt, and the more you get to work on different ages, skin tones, skin types, etc., the better your skill-set will become!

5. Summer is The Optimal Time to Embark on a New Career Path

For many, the summer season often embodies a time of renewal, change, and opportunity. What better chance to start a new journey and pursue the career you’ve always dreamt of?

Not to mention, as in-person gathering limitations are loosening up, more events and activities will be getting organized in your local area. This means you can expect a MASSIVE amount of bookings, clients, and career opportunities! Indeed, now is the best time for you to hone your craft (or refine it), improve your makeup techniques, expand your services, and/or launch a brand-new business by completing professional makeup courses.

5 Reasons to Enroll in Online Makeup Courses

1. Cheaper Tuition

As I mentioned earlier, the cost of online makeup courses is typically cheaper than in-person ones. QC Makeup Academy offers awesome payment options, so you can select the payment plan that best suits your budget! You can pay in full (and get a discount for doing so) or pay monthly.

Plus, once you’ve enrolled with QC, all future courses are half off. QC Makeup Academy currently offers 11 different courses in the makeup and beauty industry – and they’re always expanding and looking for new courses to add to their roster! Moreover, every single on of their programs will give you either a certification/designation or a certificate once you graduate. These certifications and certificates are all internationally-recognized.

This is an awesome way to master your makeup skills without breaking the bank!

2. A Personalized, One-On-One Learning Experience

In a physical classroom, the instructor is responsible for teaching you and dozens of other students at the same time. Moreover, you may not always get to sit front and center during the lesson either. It can become all too easy for little details to get missed. As a result, your training might not always be 100% personalized to you, your learning style, and your needs.

Through online makeup courses, however, you’re GUARANTEED a more personalized, one-on-one environment with your industry-leading tutor. All of QC Makeup Academy’s tutors are legitimate beauty experts; there specifically to help you accelerate your career with success.

My tutor was QC executive instructor and celebrity makeup artist, Nathan Johnson. Speaking from personal experience, the guidance Nathan gave me was unparalleled! He guided me through my course, and taught me everything I needed to know about makeup theory and professional techniques. In addition, he gave me countless helpful critiques after every single unit I submitted.

Believe me: you’ll be impressed and will love every moment of QC’s learning process!

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3. You Get The Same High-Quality Education As You Would in a Physical Setting

There’s a common misconception that the quality of online makeup courses can never measure up to the quality of in-person ones. But this notion is 100% false!

In reality, the learning experience you’ll have in an online makeup school will be exactly the same as it would be in a physical class. I’d even argue that the quality of education is actually better through an online school! For starters, you’re given more flexibility due to the self-paced learning method. Not to mention, you have the freedom to train wherever you please.

Furthermore, QC Makeup Academy offers amazing Student Support services, an online student center, and even a Virtual Classroom on Facebook!

4. You Get More Bang for Your Buck

Many online makeup courses – such as the ones offered by QC Makeup Academy – include and deliver all of the course materials (and makeup kits) as part of your course tuition! At QC, each program comes with full-color texts, video tutorials, and countless hands-on assignments. All of your physical materials will be mailed directly to your door at NO extra cost! And since the course is done online, you’re also given a digital copy of your texts and instructional videos, too.

For example, QC’s most popular and comprehensive program is the Master Makeup Artistry Course. As a student of this course, you’ll not only be sent the physical copy of your course materials – you’ll also get their Master Makeup Starter Kit at no additional cost! This professional makeup kit offers the widest selection of shades and colors to complete a large variety of looks on any skin tone. Plus, it provides you with the tools needed to successfully complete your training!

5. More Promotional Discounts Than You Could Ever Imagine

Seriously, who doesn’t love a chance to save even more money?

As I touched on earlier, online schools tend to offer more frequent and better promotions/discounts for their makeup courses. For instance, there’s always a killer, exclusive promo you can take advantage of at QC Makeup Academy! Every time I turn around, they’re offering something new.

Here are just some of the current discounts QC is running:

  • The ‘Elite Makeup Kit Upgrade’ promotion allows you to get QC’s Elite Makeup Kit 100% free! This kit includes a highlight palette, contour palette, eyebrow palette, 4-pack of false lashes, a makeup travel bag, and a stainless steel palette with a spatula. Simply use the promo code ELITE at the checkout when enrolling in your makeup course!
  • Again, when you enroll in one of QC’s online makeup courses, you’ll get 50% off all other courses of equal or lesser value!
  • There’s even a group discount! Id you’d like to enroll with a friend, groups of two or more are eligible to receive a 25% discount per person when you enroll!
  • QC frequently offers 2 courses for the price of 1 – so make sure to keep an eye out for that offer!
  • As a QC student or graduate, you’re automatically eligible for amazing makeup discounts with huge, big-name brands! Check out the full list of brand partners here.
Makeup courses article, July 08 2021, Veronika Kelle portfolio image 4

Take Your Makeup Courses with QC Makeup Academy!

Have I piqued your interest in learning professional makeup? Do you dream of becoming a makeup artist and launching your very own business? Then you need to get trained and internationally-certified with QC Makeup Academy!

With QC, you’ll be able to access all the benefits mentioned above in this blog! Their self-paced, online makeup courses will teach you everything you need to know to start your own makeup business and launch an amazing career. You’ll be armed with all the industry knowledge and makeup techniques needed to thrive for the long-run.

Moreover, you don’t need ANY special qualifications to enroll. QC’s wide variety of online courses are suitable for any and all skill level. In just 2-6 months, you’ll be ready to fill up your client-book – even if you never even touched a makeup brush prior to your training.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? And what better time to do it than this summer!

Final Thoughts

Can you think of any other reasons why summer is the PERFECT time to enroll in makeup courses? I would love to know your thoughts, so let’s discuss it in the comments below!

As always, thank you for reading. If you have any questions, feel free to connect with me in QC Makeup Academy’s Virtual Classroom on Facebook. I’m always happy to help and answer your questions. I look forward to seeing you there!

Enroll in QC’s online makeup courses today and earn your internationally-recognized certification in as little as 2-3 months!

Makeup theory hacks article, June 16 2021, Feature Image

3 Makeup Theory Hacks to Improve Your Mastery

By Makeup Tips and Tricks, QC Student Ambassador 4 Comments

Want to take your makeup game to the next level? QC Makeup Academy‘s Student Ambassador, Veronika Kelle, is here with 3 life-changing makeup theory hacks that are guaranteed to do the trick! 

Veronika is a graduate of QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, Pro Makeup Workshop, and Special FX Makeup Course. Connect with her on Instagram, as well as in the Virtual Classroom on Facebook!

A Little About Me

Hi, my name is Veronika and I’m a Student Ambassador for QC Makeup Academy. Through QC, I am now a three-time certified makeup artist. I ran my own modeling agency for 15 years; organizing beauty contests and fashion shows. In addition, I worked alongside models, photographers, and MUAs. It was during this time that I fell in love with makeup artistry and decided to learn it professionally!

Makeup theory hacks article, June 16 2021, Veronika Kelle portfolio image 1

Becoming a Makeup Artist

Are you interested in entering the world of professional makeup? Would you consider yourself a makeup enthusiast? Do you love doing makeup, but you don’t know how to do it professionally? Have you been learning makeup through watching videos on YouTube – or have you been learning makeup through professional training?

These are all very good questions! And if you answered “yes” to any of them, then this article is definitely for you!

First of all, I can’t stress enough that the proper understanding of makeup theory is ESSENTIAL. It’s especially critical if you want to work as a professional makeup artist. In this article, I’m going to discuss why aspiring MUAs should have a proper understanding of makeup theory. Moreover, I’ll explain how your makeup applications can be hindered if you don’t understand it. Lastly, I’ll also list 3 makeup theory hacks that are guaranteed to improve your mastery.

(So, basically, you do NOT want to miss out on all of this golden nugget information!)

What is Makeup Theory?

Makeup theory is the heart and soul of your craft. It encompasses all of the knowledge, expertise, and essential techniques that allow you to apply a professional makeup look clients will be happy with.

In any profession, it’s important to know the theoretical foundations of that craft. The exact same thing applies to makeup! As an MUA, it’s critical that you learn and understand the proper makeup techniques, products, colors, shapes, shades etc. Moreover, you also need to know how to apply them professionally.

After all, clients will come to you for many different reasons. Every client has a different skin type, skin tone, and a unique face shape. You, as a beauty expert, have to choose the right products and know which ones will best match the client’s skin. Without learning makeup theory, you can lose a LOT of credibility in your work!

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Learning Makeup Theory Through Professional Training

When you learn about makeup theory, your techniques become more flawless than ever! On top of this, you’ll also properly understand how skin works and how to work with different conditions. As a result, you’ll be able to provide clients with high-quality, professional services – as well as a much better experience overall!

As an MUA, the goal is to provide an experience so positive and unforgettable that your client would never be able to find it anywhere else. This is what will get you repeat customers, positive reviews, and countless referrals! And when it comes to learning how to do makeup to this standard, the key is to get a proper education.

Only through professional training can you gain a mastery of proper makeup theory, as well as the fundamentals needed to create any type of makeup look. Social media platforms may be useful for teaching you how to copy different looks or styles – but they don’t teach you how to master foundational techniques. They won’t teach you how to create looks that are 100% your own.

Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, every look you create will be precise, symmetrical, and detailed. The best way to learn the basics of makeup and to understand makeup theory is to enroll in a professional certification course!

3 Makeup Theory Hacks to Improve Your Mastery

There are a LOT of makeup theory hacks out there, but I’ve picked 3 that I believe are the most important. Namely, because I learned these 3 theory hacks through QC Makeup Academy and they have allowed me to improve a LOT of my own skill-set as a makeup artist!

Aspiring MUA learning makeup theory in professional class

Makeup Theory Hack #1: Skincare First!

All beautiful makeup applications start with flawless, healthy skin. Skin is the canvas on which you’ll apply makeup, so always remember to prioritize skincare just as much as the makeup artistry itself. Good skincare is essential at any age, as it helps your skin to stay in good condition.

Our skin is the largest barrier against infection, virus, and bacteria. So, keeping our skin healthy and moist helps keep this barrier strong! An effective skincare routine can help prevent acne, treat wrinkles, and help the skin to appear more radiant and fresh. That’s why understanding different skin types, skincare products, ingredients, and their effects to the skin is all extremely useful. If you use products that are not suitable for the client’s skin type, the application won’t turn out the way you (or your client) want.

Worst case scenario, it will actually cause irritation, allergic reactions, etc. This is NOT the desired result, and you’ll likely lose the client’s trust.

Makeup Theory Hack #2: Learn About Color Theory!

Color theory is the foundation of a good makeup application. To avoid using the wrong colors or undertones for the skin, it’s very important to master your color theory! A basic understanding of color theory will give you the knowledge to evaluate your client’s skin tones. In turn, this will help you in color correcting, matching undertones, picking the right hues for the skin shade, and choosing the right colors for the applications.

Many of the principles of color theory are based on the color wheel. This easy-to-use tool is the basis for the infinite palette of colors you see around you, and will help you to use colors properly.

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Makeup Theory Hack #3: Know Your Classic Makeup Techniques!

Classic makeup techniques are the bases of everything in makeup. Once you know the classics, you can create any kind of look! Over the years, there have been tons of viral makeup trends. Some of them have disappeared; some have come back into style. But classics makeup techniques are eternal.

By learning these staple techniques, you’ll be able to perfectly apply/create:

  • Winged eyeliner
  • Cat eye
  • Smoky eye
  • Red lip
  • Glitter glam
  • Well-shaped brows
  • False eyelashes
  • Natural and no-makeup looks
  • And so much more!

One of the most essential classic techniques is contouring and highlighting. When applied correctly, this technique can minimize asymmetries, enhance bone structure, and actually make the look appear younger.

In short: understanding the classic techniques of makeup artistry will help you to enhance your client’s natural beauty. Moreover, combining these techniques will allow you to create any type of makeup look – from natural, to glamor, or even fantasy!

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Why You Should Learn Makeup Theory with QC Makeup Academy

Do you want to avoid making mistakes in your makeup work? Would you like to truly be successful in the beauty industry? Then you MUST learn makeup theory through professional training! Practice your techniques, even when you’ve perfected them. Lifelong learning is also a major activity for a professional makeup artist. Updating your skills, learning new techniques, and expanding your knowledge will always pay off!

If you haven’t yet found the right makeup school to teach you professional makeup, look no further! I can recommend the best school for you: QC Makeup Academy!

QC provides a wide selection of makeup certification courses, provided through a unique, online learning system. Not only do you have the freedom to complete your training from home; you can do it at your preferred pace, too! I will forever recommend QC Makeup Academy’s online makeup classes to all aspiring and working makeup artists alike. Through this school, you’ll learn and understand makeup theory. By the time you graduate, you’ll be a master of all the professional, core techniques!

Food for Thought

In your opinion, what is the most important makeup theory?

I’d love to know your thoughts, so let’s discuss it in the comments section below! As always, thank you for reading! If you have any questions, feel free to connect with me in QC Makeup Academy’s Virtual Classroom on Facebook. I’m always happy to help you and answer your questions. 🙂

Become a master of makeup theory in as little as 2-6 months by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!

Makeup classes article, May 21 2021, Feature Image

7 Reasons to Take Online Makeup Classes in 2021!

By Uncategorized 2 Comments

Looking for a sign that YOU should take makeup classes and pursue your dream career in the beauty industry? QC Makeup Academy’s Student Ambassador, Veronika Kelle, is here to give you 7!

Veronika is a multi-graduate of QC Makeup Academy. Connect with her on Instagram, as well as in the Virtual Classroom on Facebook!

Veronika Kelle headshot

A Little About Me

Hi, my name is Veronika! I’m a Student Ambassador for QC Makeup Academy. I’ve graduated from QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, Pro Makeup Workshop, and Special FX Makeup Course.

Before I became a makeup artist, I ran my own modeling agency for 15 years. I operated as an organizer – as well as a manager – for beauty contests and fashion shows. During this time, I worked alongside models, photographers, and makeup artists. This experience is what made me fall in love with makeup artistry! So, I decided to make one of my big dreams come true: to learn professional makeup.

If YOU also want to be a professional MUA and want to be properly educated on makeup, keep reading on and don’t miss out on this article! Because today, I’m going to discuss 7 major reasons why aspiring makeup artists should make their dreams a reality this year by enrolling in online makeup classes!

First Thing’s First: Do You Need Professional Makeup Classes?

I definitely have to say yes – and let’s review why!

Legitimate, professional makeup classes are completely different from learning makeup through social media or by watching influencers. In reputable certification courses, students are taught many different aspects of makeup. You get to learn about:

  • Skincare;
  • Makeup styles and types;
  • Makeup theory;
  • Core techniques;
  • Makeup tools;
  • Cosmetic products;
  • The color wheel;
  • Face shapes;
  • Skin tones and disorders;
  • Proper sanitizing techniques;
  • How to deliver excellent customer service;
  • Business etiquette;
  • And SO much more!
Makeup classes article, Veronika Kelle, May 21 2021

Furthermore, one of the most important documents you’ll receive after you complete your course will be an internationally-recognized certification! Thus, your training will turn you into a designated, trained, and recognized professional makeup artist.

With this certification, you can work privately by launching your very own makeup business. Alternately, you can work on films, television productions, and theatrical shows. Maybe you’ll want to specialize in special events makeup, such as bridal makeup for weddings.

The point is, the sky is limitless once you have proper training! You simply cannot get all these benefits by learning makeup through social media, or by only watching makeup tutorial videos on YouTube.

7 Reasons to Take Online Makeup Classes

1 – Online makeup classes are often self-paced and flexible!

At least, that’s how it works with QC Makeup Academy!

Generally speaking, though, online schools typically offer a higher degree of flexibility in terms of when and where you complete your course. QC’s online makeup classes are 100% self-paced and flexible. You can work on your assignments whenever you have free time. What’s more – you can do it in your home, meaning that you don’t need to spend time or money commuting to school.

I think this is a very good option, especially during pandemic time. If you’re not able to travel due to local restrictions, in-person training won’t even be an option for you. Online makeup classes will quickly become your very best friend!

Veronika Kelle surrounded by makeup classes textbooks and laptop, working on studies

2 – You’ll have a safe learning environment!

Just because online makeup classes are the safer alternative to in-person ones, doesn’t mean that you’ll be sacrificing the quality of your learning. On the contrary, the right online makeup school will give you the exact same high-quality, hands-on learning experience as any brick-and-mortar counterparts.

Amidst the COVID pandemic, this aspect is arguably more important than ever. In the safety of your home, you don’t need to worry about getting infected. Furthermore, you don’t need to wear a mask or concern yourself with proper social distancing rules (unless doing one of your assignments on a model outside of your immediate bubble). But at the same time, you’ll still be getting all of the informative lessons, hands-on training, and personalized tutor feedback you’d receive from an in-person setting.

It’s the best of both worlds!

3 – Online makeup classes are more budget-friendly!

In general, online learning is a more affordable option. Online schools don’t have as many costs as bricks-and-mortar schools. This is because they don’t need to worry about operating physical buildings/classrooms, maintenance costs, etc.

But wait, it gets even better! Not only is the tuition is lower with online makeup classes – but many additional expenses, such as travel costs and course materials, are eliminated, too. Instead of course materials tacking on an additional fee to the course tuition, many online schools simply include the course materials as part of their tuition.

QC Makeup Academy’s tuition, for example, is highly competitive. It’s also remarkably flexible. You have the option to pay your course in full (in which case, you’ll get a few hundred bucks deducted from the overall cost), or you can take advantage of their low monthly payment plan. Plus, once you enroll in a QC course, all of your future courses will be 50% off!

Oh, and did I mention that as a student of QC Makeup Academy, you’ll also receive access to all these amazing makeup discounts with big-name brands?

4 – You’ll earn an internationally-recognized certification!

Here’s the deal: enrolling in professional makeup classes means you’ll be setting your career up for success. Why? Well, in addition to the skill-set you’ll develop and the knowledge you’ll acquire, you’ll also earn an internationally-recognized certification once you finish your training!

Proper makeup schools will provide their graduates with a reputable certification. This certification will make you and your business EXTREMELY competitive on the market. Not to mention, having this qualification will also boost your self-confidence – and your clients will feel more confident about your abilities, too!

QC Makeup Academy holds an A+ ranking with the Better Business Bureau. They’ve been a pioneer for online learning since 1984, and all of their online courses and certifications are internationally-recognized!

Veronika Kelle with QC certifications

5 – You can learn how to offer virtual makeup services!

These days, virtual services are all the rage. Especially since COVID began, they’ve allowed business owners and industry experts to continue offering their services in a way that keeps everyone safe and socially distanced.

Through the right makeup classes, YOU can learn how to offer virtual makeup services. With this specialized training, you to start your business and begin booking clients both during and after the pandemic. Never again will distance stop you from booking a customer! In fact, thanks to virtual services, you’ll be able to work with people from all over the world!

Want to take this one step further? Extend your services by offering online skincare consultations, in addition to your makeup services. You can also use this as an opportunity to organize virtual makeup workshops or host online classes of your own!

Click here to learn all about QC Makeup Academy’s Virtual Makeup Training mini course!

6 – Online makeup classes will also give you business training!

As part of your makeup course, you’ll also receive plenty of business training. As a result, you’ll able to hit the ground running once the pandemic is over! QC Makeup Academy’s online classes provide business and marketing sections of their course curriculums that offer useful and practical exercises, as well as marketing and promotion tips. You’ll learn valuable skills to best manage yourself, launch a successful makeup business, and develop a high-quality portfolio.

Veronika's textbooks for the Master Makeup Artistry Course

7 – You’ll become part of an amazing online community!

QC Makeup Academy has an AMAZING online community, especially within the Virtual Classroom on Facebook. You can pop in and chat with students and alumni, while receiving sneak peeks at upcoming exclusive content. Furthermore, you’re able to connect with fellow makeup artists around the world, which will help you build your professional network. Plus, the Virtual Classroom is an awesome place to receive guidance from the school, get constructive feedback from your peers, and learn new techniques from celebrity MUA, Nathan Johnson!

In my experience, I’ve come to find that QC Makeup Academy is not just a school. Rather, QC is a fun, family environment that offers everyone a safe place to learn. Studying with QC has been such a pleasure!

Ready to make your dreams a reality? Become a professional makeup artist in as little as 3-6 months by enrolling in QC’s online makeup classes today!

Makeup artist, Veronika Kelle, with her QC Makeup Academy certifications

How to Deal with Anxiety as a Makeup Artist

By Career Advice, QC Student Ambassador, Your Makeup Career 6 Comments

Professional makeup artist, Veronika Kelle, is a Student Ambassador and multi-graduate of QC Makeup Academy. Connect with her on Instagram, as well as in the Virtual Classroom on Facebook!

A Little About Me

Hello, my name is Veronika! I’ve graduated from QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course and Pro Makeup Workshop. I also chose to complete the Special FX Makeup Course at the end of last year.

Before I became a makeup artist, I ran my own modeling agency for 15 years. I operated as an organizer, as well as a manager, for beauty contests and fashion shows. As a result, I worked alongside models, photographers, and makeup artists. It was during that time that I fell in love with makeup artistry and decided to learn it professionally.

Makeup artist, Veronika Kelle, appying makeup on client's face

Experiencing Anxiety as a Makeup Artist

Have you ever felt anxiety when booking a job, working with a client, or participating in a job interview? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who experiences this!

In fact, it’s a very common issue. It’s completely normal if you feel afraid or nervous – especially when you’re first starting a career as a makeup artist. If anything, this feeling just reiterates how much you care about your craft.

Still, anxiety can sometimes feel debilitating. As such, in this article, I would like to share my tips for overcoming this anxiety. It might reassure you to know that all of these tips are actually based on my own personal experience!

My Top 3 Tips for Handling Anxiety Before Consultations and/or Interviews

Tip #1: Reassure yourself by breathing.

During my modeling agency work, I noticed that many of the models experienced stage fright. As such, I often had to reassure them before a beauty pageant or fashion show. Due to their nervousness, they sometimes weren’t able to concentrate. They couldn’t focus on the choreography, which negatively affected their performance on the stage. To help them feel calmer, I’d often used the following breathing technique…

First, start with an inhale. As you inhale, count to 4 in your mind. Fully saturate your lungs with air and dilate your chest. Let your shoulders rise towards your ears. Your stomach should also rise, too.

Next, you’ll need to do the same thing when exhaling. Mentally count to 4 while blowing the air out slowly. Then it’s just a matter of repeating this process. You should find that within just a couple of minutes, you’ll start to feel calmer.

A calm mind will allow you to think clearly and focus on your job.

Tip #2: Accept your nervousness by looking at it in a positive way.

During an interview or client consultation, you’ll need ALL of your intellectual capacity to answer the questions properly. But the pressure generated by anxiety can inhibit your ability to perform at your very best. The thing is, everyone gets nervous in situations like this. So, don’t try to fight it!

You must accept the fact that you will get excited, anxious, or nervous. The key is to not see this as a negative factor. It doesn’t have to be something that completely blocks your mental abilities – unless you let it. If you spin the situation by embracing your emotions in a positive way, it can make all the difference.

Just think: this is a sign that your brain is prepared for the challenge… and this is an ADVANTAGE for you!

woman in job interview

Tip #3: Make a plan in advance.

1-2 days before the interview or consultation, map out where you need to go exactly. If you are planning to arrive to the location by car, look in advance for a parking space nearby.

On the big day, give yourself enough time to travel there and get ready. Arrive on time – but not too early. Prepare yourself for the interview or consultation by finding out as much information as possible about the company, employer, or client. Another big suggestion is to think through the possible questions they might ask and have some answers in mind!

My Tops 3 Tips for Handling Anxiety as a Makeup Artist While Working with a Client

Now that we’ve covered ways to reduce anxiety during interviews and/or consultations, let’s take a look at what you can do to lower stress while working on an actual client!

Tip #1: Calm your mind before work.

As a makeup artist, it’s very important that you calm your mind! If you’re nervous and anxious, you won’t be able to focus on your job. For example, your hands might shake, which means you won’t be able apply the makeup properly.

Remind yourself constantly that YOU CAN DO IT! You are a trained, prepared, and professional makeup artist. You know what you’re doing and can apply the makeup, as well as execute the job. Say to yourself, “I’m a properly trained, prepared professional. I can do it!”

If need be, repeat this sentence more than once to yourself. Repeat it as many times as you need. Don’t forget the breathing technique I mentioned earlier! It’ll also help you to calm your mind.

Veronika's makeup station set up for client appointment

Tip #2: Be prepared.

Back when I attended University, I tended to be much more nervous if I knew I’d read the books superficially, rather than learn all the materials thoroughly. Prior to any makeup artist job, you can reduce unnecessary stress and agitation by thoroughly preparing yourself.

Know the purpose of the job and what your client’s vision is. Think 3 steps ahead and have backup plans in place for any unexpected event that may occur. Go through your makeup products and tools and decide exactly which ones you intend to use on the big day. Go one step further by organizing them accordingly the day before.

Pro Tip: It’s always a good idea to pack your makeup kit in advance. This way, you won’t have to rush before leaving for the appointment!

Tip #3: Get professionally trained as a makeup artist.

Getting professionally trained and owning a reputable makeup certification will only make your business more competitive in the market. Moreover, having this certification training under your belt will also boost your self-confidence. This, in turn, will definitely help you overcome stress and anxiety.

After all, improving your professional knowledge and learning new skills will make you an even stronger makeup artist – and you’ll know it! The right training will make you more confident, successful, and recognized. It’ll take no time at all before your past anxiety is long forgotten!

woman meditating at home

Bonus Tips for Makeup Artists

This may or may not be your thing, but I’ve found that regular meditation also helps prevent anxiety. If you’re open to it, try meditating frequently at home or outdoors. You can also do a meditation walk outside.

Other options to help reduce stress and anxiety include (but are not limited to):

  • Making time for YOU each day;
  • Getting together (safely) with friends and family;
  • Enrolling in a dance or yoga class;
  • Relaxing to a good book or movie;
  • Making sure you get enough sleep each night so you can be fully rested every morning;
  • Taking part in sports (about 3 times a week). (Sports release endorphins, which helps to reduce stress.)

Why Professional Makeup Training Will Help Curb Anxiety

As a makeup artist, here are some of the biggest reasons why getting professionally trained will benefit you and reduce anxiety:

  • If you have the proper training and foundations, you’ll know exactly what you’re doing and how to do it perfectly. As a result, you’ll feel calmer and more confident when approaching any makeup artist job.
  • Professional makeup training – such as that found in QC Makeup Academy’s online courses – includes invaluable business and marketing sections. You’ll be given useful and practical exercises, as well as marketing and promotion tips. All of this will help you learn how to manage yourself and your business. You’ll know how to successfully launch your own makeup business and develop a strong portfolio. Importantly, you’ll learn how to conduct yourself in a cool, calm, and professional manner – even when under pressure.
  • Your professional makeup portfolio and qualifications will impress your clients. As a result, your reputation and self-confidence will only get better and better!
QC Makeup Academy course materials and makeup on ground with laptop

Food for Thought

QC Makeup Academy provides a wide selection of makeup course in a unique, online learning system. You’ll graduate with the skills and confidence needed to have a successful professional career as a makeup artist. This WILL help you to overcome your anxiety!

I would like to encourage everyone who is considering becoming a makeup artist to start their dream career in 2021 by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy!

Now, I want to know: do YOU have a different practice? If so, please leave your own tips for dealing with anxiety as a makeup artist in the comments section below. I would love to know your thoughts!

Thank you for reading! đź’•

So, what are you waiting for? Become a fully trained and certified makeup artist in just 3-6 months by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!