5 Ways Summer Makeup Artist Classes WON’T Bore You to Tears - QC Makeup Academy

Is there anything better than the summer? You wait for it all year and when it arrives, you’re ready to soak up the sun and enjoy some well-deserved time to yourself. While it may be tempting to do nothing for a few months, the summer is actually the ideal time to enroll in makeup courses and boost your career as a makeup artist.

We know what you’re thinking – who wants to take makeup classes (or any classes) during the summer?

It’s not what you think – in fact, it’s not boring at all! Read on as we list the top reasons why makeup artist classes aren’t a total summer bummer!

1. Relaxing pace

Life moves at a slower pace in the summer months. The hot weather and longer days make for a much more easygoing attitude, which means it’s the perfect time to complete your makeup training!

Just because you’re responsible for doing assignments and reading up on techniques doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the most relaxing time of year. If you enroll in an online makeup course, you’ll actually have no deadlines at all. These courses are designed for busy lifestyles and allow students to complete their certification over a long period of time. This is perfect for the summer months when you really want to be spending your time on the beach or out with friends!

2. Master summer makeup looks

Anyone with a successful career in makeup will tell you that summer makeup looks are some of the trickiest to master. It’s difficult for products to stay put and look flawless in the face of humidity and the hot sun. Makeup artists are often intimidated by the thought of building bridal or special event looks in the heat. But if you enroll in a makeup course over the summer and find yourself completing hands-on assignments that need to outlast the weather, you’ll be way ahead of your peers.

become a makeup artist

Makeup artist courses will have you to complete a number of different practical assignments to build your skills, so being able to create looks that stay put is going to seriously boost your skillset and confidence!

3. Try something new

If a career as a makeup artist is something you’ve been thinking about for a while, you’ve probably been waiting for what you consider the “right time” to enroll in a makeup class. Well, you may not have a more perfect time than the summer to take the plunge. You’ll be less stressed, and you can move at your own speed (without hindering your time at the beach).

Some prefer to use this time to themselves to disconnect completely and relax as much as possible, but we’re going to be totally honest — as an aspiring makeup artist, you should use this time to improve your skills.

Using the summer to try something new and advance your career is going to have a huge payoff for you. Learning as much as you can, asking questions, and fine-tuning your skills in a makeup course is never a waste of time, and you’ll have your makeup artist certification sooner as a result. While your friends are lying around drinking lemonade, you’ll be boosting your position in the makeup industry!

4. More time to focus

We’re all busy, and full-time jobs, other courses, and family responsibilities can pull us in a million directions. If you’re already enrolled in school, there is a good chance that your classes will slow down or stop altogether for the summer (colleges and universities offer less courses from May to September). This means that you will have far fewer distractions when it comes to completing a makeup course online.

Plus, most employers fully expect their employees to book off vacation time during the summer, so you may be able to take a week away from your job to focus on your emerging makeup career!

5. Land a makeup artist job sooner

The beautiful thing about makeup classes (other than the flawless faces) is that they can kick start your career in a short period of time. As you complete your course, be sure to seek out as many models as you can to complete looks on. This will help you to gain valuable experience working with different skin types and personalities.

makeup artist classes

Take the time to photograph your work and build your makeup artistry portfolio, as clients and employers will want to see what you can do! Armed with your makeup artistry certification, experience, and a killer portfolio, you’ll be able to hit the ground running when fall hits with the skills you gained over the summer.

And you thought taking professional makeup classes in the summer would be a bore!

Find out how you can learn makeup online for free (or nearly free) and start your career in makeup artistry!

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Author Victoria Begin

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