10 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Makeup Career - QC Makeup Academy

The New Year is a time for fresh starts and new opportunities. That makes it the perfect time to set goals that’ll propel your career as a makeup artist forward. Great resolutions are ones that you can actually attain. So I wanted to give you ten resolutions that you can reasonably achieve…and if kept up, will likely result in major professional gains!

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advanced makeup techniques eyeshadow look for makeup artists

1. Do three things on your to-do list each day

A to-do list is essential. But to make the most out of it, each task should be individually broken down into the smallest tasks possible.

For example, if your goal is to get an agent, break that goal down into small tasks such as:

Breaking larger goals down into individual tasks turns them into a doable list that can be accomplished with time and dedication. And if you commit to accomplishing at least three of those small tasks each day, you’ll be well on your way to your goal! If your learning is stalled, make one of the to-do’s the completion of your next assignment—and then commit to doing it.

2. Read a blog post or makeup article every day

Reading about techniques, trends, product reviews, and the masters in the beauty industry, will do a lot to foster creativity and keep you focused. The more you can read, the better. But aim to read articles by and about industry professionals, not influencers.

3. Update your Instagram/blog/website/LinkedIn

Social media is your virtual business card. No, you will not get the majority of your clients from social media, but you can bet they will use these mediums to spy on you and check out your work. So make sure they are professional and clearly show you are the artist and person they are looking to hire.

Keep the images fresh and ever-changing. Always be working on something great, even if it’s a new blog post. Nothing looks worse to a potential client that multiple media feeds that have not been updated in long periods of time. A static site can convey the image of an artist who is not working.

4. Attend networking events

Networking is the best way to forge relationships with other industry professionals. Not only will you meet new people, but it’s a great way to stay on top of what’s happening in the field. The more the better is the rule of thumb with networking. But if you can commit to attending at least one or two events a year, you’ll be beating most of your competition.

Networking with photographers, bridal salons, hair salons, and event planners is the fastest way to tap into their clientele. And if there are no networking events in your area, maybe you should arrange one.

5. Aim to secure a new professional contact every month

This is an incredibly important tip. The wider your network, the more career opportunities you’ll have. There is no down side!

Make a list of all the people in your area who have access to the clients you want—and think outside the box. Besides the people mentioned in the networking section, you can contact local media, advertising firms, PR firms, schools, etc. It’s up to you to figure out how you can work together, and that creativity will get you jobs where no one else thought there were any.

makeup artist practicing makeup techniques on model applying blush

6. Practice your makeup skills

There is no such thing as too much practice. In fact, over 90% of the people who want to enter the beauty industry practice far less than they should. Consistent practice of classic techniques will improve your makeup artistry and help you to discover your own voice.

If your makeup is not symmetrical, if you’re always copying trends, and/or if your goal is to recreate a look instead of combining techniques to maximize your client’s features… you need to practice more. Great artists know that mastery comes from practice, and since you’re a great artist, you already know that and are doing it every day, right?

7. Learn more advanced makeup techniques

The more you learn, the more desirable you will be in the industry. Look at what you want to achieve in the makeup industry and then consider all the skills you’ll need to get there. Basic training, like the Master Makeup Artistry Course is essential, but mastery comes from continued learning.

If you want to work on brides, you’ll certainly benefit from learning airbrush. If you want to excel in direct to client sales, you will need the Skincare Course. If you want to do editorial, runway, or celebrity, the Pro Makeup Workshop and Global Beauty Workshop will propel you in the right direction. Education is never a waste. It will enhance your abilities and greatly increase your earning potential.

8. Find a mentor

Someone who has achieved some of the goals that you’re aiming for can be a powerful ally. Look in your area for a veteran in the industry and ask for an apprenticeship. Yes, you can have your career at the same time, but they will have a vast array of knowledge that can catapult your career forward. In exchange for some of your time with their client jobs, you’ll have access to their tips, tricks, and secrets. No price tag can be put on this kind of information.

9. Volunteer your time and artistry

This is a great way to do good and perfect your skills at the same time. Whether you teach makeup application techniques at a women’s shelter or volunteer in a cancer clinic, you’ll be further perfecting your skills while doing immeasurable good for someone in need.

10. Balance work and life

Make sure you are taking time to enjoy your life! It’s essential that we put in an effort if we want to achieve a goal, but it’s also imperative that we enjoy the journey. Schedule some fun time for yourself—sometimes the greatest breakthroughs come in the moments we allow ourselves to play.

Those are just ten of the hundreds of tiny resolutions you can commit to doing every day. Huge goals are achieved by taking tiny steps with consistency. Choose what works from this list and add a few of your own. It all comes down to commitment, more than anything else, to lead you toward your goal.

You can find Nathan on Facebook and Instagram: @Nathanwalnut

Looking at new career paths? Here’s our list of unusual makeup artist jobs!

Author Nathan Johnson

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