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11 Guaranteed Ways to Get CANCELED as a Beauty Influencer

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career No Comments

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a viral beauty influencer? I know – the thought of having thousands upon thousands of followers, and leveraging your talent for amazing opportunities, is an exciting prospect. But before you take the plunge, you NEED to know what not to do first. After all, once you get canceled as a beauty influencer, it’s a lot harder to make a comeback.

In this blog post, weโ€™ll take a close look at 11 guaranteed ways to get canceled as a beauty influencer… And why. So, read on to learn how to avoid them at all costs!

11 Guaranteed Ways to Get Canceled as a Beauty Influencer

Before we dive in, I want to make one thing clear: when I talk about getting “canceled” in this article, it isn’t always in the super dramatic way we’ve all come to think of it. Sometimes, yes – getting canceled is when you MAJORLY mess up (in a colossal way) and you’re ostracized immediately.

However, other times, getting canceled is simply a matter of you continually making the wrong career moves, until it reaches a point where you force yourself to fade from relevance.

With that in mind, let’s jump into our list!

Mistake #1: Ignoring Your Followers

Obviously, this is hard when you have thousands (or even millions!) of followers. After all, you can’t be expected to be able to reply to everybody – or come even close. But ignoring everyone’s comments is a surefire way to get cancelled as a beauty influencer.


Because your followers are your biggest asset. They’re the ones who will help you get noticed, and create an engaged community of dedicated fans. If you never engage directly with them (i.e. not replying to any comments or DMs, never addressing commonly asked questions you get, etc.), they’ll begin to feel alienated from you.

This is the kind of mistake that may not get you canceled suddenly and immediately. However, it’s definitely one that can force you to gradually fade from the public’s eye the more your followers feel you don’t care about them.

So, make sure you reply to at least some of your followersโ€™ comments. This way, they’ll know you appreciate them!

Mistake #2: Not Being Authentic

The modern consumer is savvier than ever – and that’s especially true when it comes to social media. If it looks like you’re not being authentic, your followers wonโ€™t hesitate to call you out on it.

This makes perfect sense! Obviously, no one wants to follow or support a fake influencer. People want to see real people with real experiences… Not someone just faking it to make a quick buck.

So, if you want to stay relevant, make sure you’re always being authentic. Post genuine content, answer questions honestly – and don’t be afraid to show both the positive and negative sides of your life.

After all, an influencer who’s too perfect isn’t all that relatable.

Pro Tip: Want to go viral on TikTok as a makeup artist? These tips and tricks can help you achieve this goal!

Mistake #3: Being a Little Too Authentic

There’s a flip side to Mistake #2… And that is, being a little too authentic.

No, I’m in no way discouraging you from being yourself! I’m just pointing out that thereโ€™s a thin line between authenticity and oversharing. Furthermore, there’s still a level of tact, professionalism, and respect needed whenever you post something to the public – especially if it’s your job.

(Do any beauty influencers who’ve been canceled in the past come to your mind who fit this description?)

So, make sure you don’t cross this line! Be judicious with what you post and respect both your audience and yourself. Furthermore, don’t share personal information that could be used against you.

Mistake #4: Always Being Involved in The Drama

You’re a beauty influencer – not the star of a reality TV show. So, when drama starts happening, it’s best to stay out of it.

Remember the infamous feud between Jeffree Star and James Charles? At one point, their entire PR teams were called in to help smooth things over. And while there’s a certain level of entertainment that drama like this brings the audience, it’s definitely not worth getting involved in.


Because if you’re always choosing sides and stirring up drama, your followers will grow tired of it and stop engaging with you. This can create a lot of tension between you and your audience – and make them question where your true loyalties lie.

Plus, you don’t want to get caught in the middle of a battle between two popular beauty influencers. That’s a surefire way to get canceled!

So, if unnecessary drama is brewing, it’s best to avoid the tea altogether.

Mistake #5: Lying About Paid Sponsorships and/or Brand Deals

This is another one that could get you canceled in an instant – and for good reason. Nobody likes being lied to. Especially when your followers are trusting you to recommend products and services they can use.

Furthermore, and this is especially worth noting, lying about paid sponsorships and/or brand can land you in legal trouble. For example, in the US, FTC guidelines require influencers to clearly disclose any sponsored content or paid partnerships.

If you don’t, you could be fined!

So, make sure that when it comes to sponsorships and brand deals, you don’t mislead your followers. Be transparent and honest about the products you’re promoting – and always disclose any sponsored content in a clear manner. This way, you can avoid getting canceled and/or fined.

Mistake #6: Outright Lying to Your Followers

Look, I don’t want to weigh in too heavily on the whole #mascaragate situation that recently happened on TikTok, but it’s an excellent example to highlight the damages of lying to your audience.

Therefore, I’m going to attempt to summarize what happened as objectively as possible…

Basically, a mega popular beauty influencer was accused of lying to her followers about the results of using a certain mascara. The overwhelming majority of the people flooded to the comments, pointing out what everyone felt was an obvious use of false lashes.

In turn, this influencer doubled down in her comment replies and stuck to her story that no fake lashes were used.

And while she may have thought nothing would come of it in the long run, thousands upon thousands of people believed her words to be a lie. And if this did happen to be a lie, it was one that not only cost her thousands of followers – it even brought a number of beauty guru legends out of the woodwork to call her out!

The moral of the story?

If you want to be a successful beauty influencer, you need to be honest with your followers. If they can trust and believe in you, they will stick around for the long haul. But if you try to deceive them?


Mistake #7: Not Taking Accountability When You Mess Up

Yes, I know, this article kind of has no chill… It’d be easy to assume that because this mistake is specifically following the last one, I’m trying to get a subtle jab in at this particular influencer.

But this is not the case. Once again, I’m trying to be neutral here and not definitively point any fingers. But one way or another, it IS a current and relevant example of the point I’m making…

For the sake of the argument, let’s say that this influencer was lying. Importantly, that’s what a LOT of her fans and followers believe. And yet, after going silent following the #mascaragate situation and then making a return… This influencer has yet to actually address what happened.

No apology, no explanation – nothing.

This has happened plenty of times with social media influencers from all sorts of niches and industries. One mistake is made, and it’s almost like they completely ignore the fact that anything ever happened.

But people WILL remember if you do this. Not only will they never fully feel like that can trust you again – you’ll lose so much of your credibility as a beauty professional in general.

So, if you want to be a successful beauty influencer, here’s the deal: if you mess up and your followers call you out for it, own up to it and apologize. Taking responsibility and being honest with your followers is the only way to truly gain back any trust you may have lost.

Pro Tip: Make sure you know the DOs and DON’Ts of beauty vlogging before you attempt to go viral!

Mistake #8: Not Knowing What You’re Talking About as a Beauty Expert

Real talk (and I’m aware this might be an unpopular opinion): learning makeup through social media is not the same as completing a professional makeup course.

Yes, obviously there are a fair number of famous beauty and makeup influencers out there with remarkable talent, who didn’t get professionally trained. But they’re like a rare butterfly. In reality, most people who aren’t properly trained can’t make it very far as an influencer because there’s too much they either:

  • Don’t know about, or
  • Can’t execute properly.

So, if you are serious about becoming a beauty influencer, I highly recommend getting the education and certification that comes with it. This way, you’ll actually know what you’re talking about and can help teach your audience the correct way to do things and use products.

Pro Tip: Earn YOUR professional, internationally-recognized makeup certification in as little as 2 short months with QC Makeup Academy’s self-paced, online training!

Canceled as a beauty influencer in-post image 3

Mistake #9: Fighting with Your Followers

Okay, there are two things I want to preface with this one:

  1. I’m not referring to instances where someone is being abusive towards you and you’re merely standing up for yourself;
  2. And I’m also not referring to the odd argument that may happen on a very rare occasion.

What I’m referring to are the kind of fights that start because you’ve either:

  • Said something controversial and are now getting called out for it, or
  • Responded to someone in an aggressive, negative, and/or unacceptable manner.

In either case, fighting with your followers is a BIG no-no and can quickly lead to you getting canceled. Also, while we’re here, please don’t be the kind of influencer who is actively going out of their way to look for fights when their followers comment on their content.

It gets old really fast, it’s exhausting, and it only makes you look super immature.

No matter how passionate you are about something, always remember to be respectful and polite when interacting with your followers online. Being kind goes a long way!

And if someone is being abusive towards you?

It’s better to simply block them than engage.

Mistake #10: Abandoning Your Platform

Another way to get canceled as a beauty influencer is by you abandoning your platform. Maybe you’re going through a rough patch and need to take a break, and that’s totally understandable.

But if you decide to just up and leave your followers with no warning and no explanation, they’ll more than likely think you’ve just run away from the consequences of something you did – or have lost interest and moved on all together.

Either way, they won’t be happy and you’ll quickly get canceled.

So, if you need to take a break for whatever reason, make sure you’re honest and transparent with your followers about it. Let them know what’s going on and when you hope to be back. From there, if you need more time away then expected, simply post a quick, short update to keep your audience informed.

Doing this will help maintain trust, respect and loyalty within your community – even when you’re not active.

Mistake #11: Saying Something Horrifically Offensive

This is probably the worst mistake you can make as a beauty influencer (or any social media influencer, for that matter). Chances are, if you mess up in this way, your career isn’t coming back from it.

Because the fact is, it’s 2023… And yet, unfortunately, people still say and do racially insensitive, homophobic, transphobic, sexist – you name it – things on the internet.

No matter how passionate you are about something, always remember to be respectful and polite when interacting with your followers online. Saying anything offensive or hateful will get you canceled in no time – particularly if it’s something that is completely and utterly wrong.

So, please think before you post anything and make sure you aren’t crossing any lines. If it’s not something that everyone can get behind and accept, don’t post or say it.

Bearded man professional beauty make up artist vlogger or blogger recording makeup tutorial to share on website or social media. Getting cancelled article.

Food for Thought

As we wrap things up, I encourage you to ask yourself:

  • What kind of beauty influencer do you want to be?
  • Who are your current beauty influencer idols – and why?
  • Are there any beauty influencers you don’t want to be like – and again, why?
  • What can you do to be more like the influencers you admire, and less like the ones you don’t?

Answering these questions will give you a good idea of the kind of content and social media presence you want to cultivate as a beauty influencer. Remember: content should be your first priority – but with great power comes great responsibility!

So, always remember to be mindful of what you’re posting, how often you’re engaging with your followers, and most importantly, staying true to yourself and your values.

Doing this will help you become a successful beauty influencer that people admire – and also help you avoid getting canceled!

Good luck, beauties! ๐Ÿคž

Up Next: Interested in writing your very own beauty blog? Here are the 5 steps for success!