Earning My Makeup Artist Certification! - QC Makeup Academy
Makeup artist certification Ambassador Feature, Jessica Lee headshot

Meet Makeup Artist Certification Student, Jessica Lee!

Master Makeup Artistry Student

Pro Makeup Workshop Student

Skincare Student

Bowmanville, ON

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

My name is Jessica. Currently, my main goal is to successfully obtain my makeup artist certification through QC Makeup Academy! I’m also 33 years old, and a mother of 4 little humans and 5 fur babies.

Why did you decide to become a professional makeup artist?

I know the power that makeup has had for me. It can turn a bad day into a good day and empower you. By getting my makeup artist certification, I want to be able to help other people let their inner light and inner beauty shine bright!

Jessica Lee portfolio image 1

In your opinion, why do you feel it’s important for all MUAs to have a professional makeup artist certification?

I feel it’s very important because it shows your clients that you know what you’re doing and that they’re safe in your hands!

Why did you decide to pursue your makeup artist certification online, rather than in person?

I have 4 kids and they take up a LOT of my time! Also, I have 4 jobs, a house to run, and a million other things on my schedule. A brick-and-mortar makeup school would never be able to accommodate me like an online school can! With online makeup school, I can do my certification training at my own pace. There’s never any rush. Who wouldn’t want that?

How did you discover QC Makeup Academy? Ultimately, what was it about QC that made you decide to enroll?

I discovered QC Makeup Academy through an ad on Facebook. Once I did my research on their industry-leading tutors, their certification courses, and the school as a whole, I was sold. I signed up that very day!

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You’re over halfway done in the Master Makeup Artistry Course. How has your experience been in this certification program thus far? In what ways has your training helped you grow as an artist?

I’ve absolutely loved every minute of QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course so far! Some assignments are more challenging than others, but that’s all part of growing as an artist. I’ve grown so much in the year that I’ve been enrolled with QC. I had to throw out everything I thought I knew, in order to truly learn the proper techniques I was being taught… and thank goodness for that!

You’re also currently enrolled in our Pro Makeup Workshop. Why have you decided to add this advanced makeup artist certification to your qualifications, and how do you expect this additional training to refine your skill-set?

I could NOT pass up the opportunity to enroll in QC’s Pro Makeup Workshop! After all, why stop learning at the basics? Why not take it that step further? Continuing your education and building upon your existing makeup artist certification will help you broaden your horizons. Plus, it’ll likely help you grow your client base. Personally, I can’t wait to start this program!

Skincare training is an essential benefit to all makeup artists. What are the top reasons you enrolled in QC’s Skincare Course, and what’s the most important skincare lesson you’ve learned so far?

All makeup applications start with skin. If you don’t know how to properly identify your client’s skin type, how can you possibly know which primer to use? How will you know which type of setting powder you need to apply? Furthermore, how will you know which foundation to use?

The most important thing I’ve learned so far is that a daily skincare routine is a MUST! Perfect skin doesn’t come naturally – unless you were blessed by the gods, of course. But for most of us, you have to work for it. QC Makeup Academy’s Skincare Course teaches you exactly how to do this!

Makeup artist certification article, Jessica Lee portfolio image 3

How useful have all the QC materials and assignments been for your makeup artist certification courses?

The materials for my courses aren’t just useful – they’re a necessity. Each assignment teaches you something new and helps you grow in ways you’ve never imagined! Plus, all these course textbooks provide you with priceless information to help you become the best makeup artist you can be!

How valuable has the feedback been from your tutor, Nathan Johnson?

I have to admit, I was scared of Nathan at first… Haha! In my mind, he was this renowned, intimidating makeup artist who was basically telling me that I had to start over from scratch. But now? I value every word of feedback he gives me, good or bad! Personally, I don’t want an instructor who sugarcoats things. Rather, I want one who will truly help me grow, both as an artist and as a person. Nathan has become one of the most important people in my life. I cherish our friendship!

What has been your FAVORITE hands-on assignment so far for your makeup artist certification training, and why?

Without a doubt, I’d have the say the celebrity-inspired assignment was my favorite! I chose Boy George and had an absolute blast going through and recreating his many outrageous and stunning looks!

You’ve recently joined QC Makeup Academy’s team of Student Ambassadors. As an Ambassador, why do you recommend QC’s online makeup artist certification training?

Most people live crazy, busy lives. This has especially been the case during the COVID-19 pandemic! After all, many adults have been stuck at home. Some still are and will be for a while yet. QC Makeup Academy offers you an amazing education, all from the comfort of your living room! Moreover, there’s no rush. You do it at your own pace, and the tutors are all so hands-on with their students. It’s very rare to find all of these perks offered from one school!

You’re located in Bowmanville, Ontario; a town has approx. 40,000 residents. However, you’re also a 20-minute drive from Oshawa – a city of approx. 402,000 people. How do you feel your location will work to your advantage throughout your makeup career?

Bowmanville is a farm town, but Oshawa is a growing, bustling city. Having a small town with a bigger city close-by provides me with a wide variety of client possibilities! Not to mention, there are many films that’ve begun filming in and around Oshawa, such as Stephen King’s IT. The possibilities are endless!

What services do you currently offer clients?

Unfortunately, I live in a province that’s been under lockdown for quite some time. So, there hasn’t been much beauty experts could do, in terms of providing in-person makeup or skincare services. During this time, I’ve taken to offering online lessons in basic makeup application techniques. Sometimes, it’s one-on-one. Other times, people host online group parties for it. Luckily, Ontario is beginning to open back up, so regular industry services should be resuming very soon!

Once you’ve earned your makeup artist certification, what are your top career goals as a professional MUA?

My goal is to make a name for MYSELF. I want to achieve this, not just through just social media, but through my work. Ultimately, I just want to help people. I’ll be happy doing this in whatever capacity I can.

Finally: in your opinion, what is the TRUE secret to success as a makeup artist?

The true secret to being a successful makeup artist is being able to take constructive criticism. Use it as a learning tool to better yourself. Beyond that, it’s important to never stop learning. This way, you will never stop growing!

Inspired by Jessica’s story? Earn YOUR makeup artist certification in as little as 2-6 months by enrolling with QC Makeup Academy today!

Author Sarah Seguin

More posts by Sarah Seguin

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