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15 Best Tips To Market Your Makeup Business

By Career Advice, Your Makeup Career 3 Comments

As a makeup artist, it is important to know how to market your business. If you don’t have a plan in place, your business will likely not make it very far. In this blog post, we will outline the top 15 tips to market your makeup business successfully.

By following these tips, you will be able to reach new customers and grow your business!

Don’t have any experience and not sure how to kick-start your professional makeup career? Discover how YOU can become a makeup artist in as little as 3 simple steps!

10 Tips To Market Your Makeup Business Successfully

Starting a makeup business can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! By following these simple tips, you’ll be on your way to marketing your makeup business like a pro in no time.

Tip #1: Build a professional, polished website for your makeup business!

Your website is often the first impression potential customers will have of your business. So, make sure it reflects your brand well and provides visitors with all the information they need to know about your business.

What specific info should your website have? Here are just some of the things to include:

  • Your business name, logo, and contact information
  • A brief description of your services
  • Some before and after photos or a portfolio of your work
  • Testimonials from satisfied customers
  • Links to your social media profiles
  • An option for online booking

If your website is hard to navigate or lacks key information, prospective clients will likely move on to another makeup artist.

Moreover, creating a professional, well-designed website doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. There are plenty of easy-to-use website builders out there that can help you get started. Plus, there are all sorts of resources you can turn to, such as this article by Forbes.

Tip #2: Get on social media!

These days, it’s essential for businesses to have a strong social media presence. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube are great ways to connect with potential (and current) customers. Not only that, but it’s also a powerful marketing tool, too.

When it comes to social media, consistency is key. Posting regularly (at least once or twice a week) will help you stay top of mind with your followers. And, when you do post, make sure your content is engaging, original, and visually appealing.

In addition to posting interesting content, make sure you’re interacting with your followers as well! Respond to comments and questions in a timely manner and like/share other users’ content that’s relevant to your business.

By building up a strong social media following, you’ll be able to reach more people with your marketing message. As a result, you may even get some new clients through word-of-mouth marketing!

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Tip #3: Prioritize SEO!

If you want your website to rank high in search engine results, you need to focus on SEO – a.k.a. search engine optimization. This simply means using the right keywords and phrases on your website so that people can find it easily when they’re searching for something related online.

For example, let’s say someone is searching for “makeup artists in Los Angeles.” If you include those keywords on your website (in the title, meta description, etc.), there’s a much higher chance that your site will show up in the search results. And, if it’s one of the first few results, even better!

Not sure how to get started with SEO? We recommend giving Moz’s Beginner’s Guide a read!

Tip #4: Have a killer makeup portfolio!

As a makeup artist, your portfolio is essential in both attracting new clients and keeping the ones you have. After all, it’s a representation of your work and what potential clients can expect from you.

So, make sure your portfolio is up-to-date with your best work! And, if you don’t have one already, now’s the perfect time to start putting one together. Oh, and don’t forget to showcase your portfolio on both your website and social media channels!

PRO TIP: Never put together a makeup portfolio before? Here’s everything you need to know about developing a a portfolio that’ll blow people’s minds!

Tip #5: Get as much real-world experience as possible!

There’s no better way to hone your skills as a makeup artist than by getting lots of real-world experience. So, if you’re just starting out, offer your services for free or at a discounted rate. Reach out to friends and family and gain experience by working on them for free. Also, another great idea is to do makeup for a stylized photoshoot.

Firstly, these strategies will help you build up your portfolio. But secondly, they’ll also give you the opportunity to try out different looks and techniques in a legitimate setting.

Plus, working with real clients (even if they are friends or family) can be great practice for dealing with the pressures of a real job. It’ll also give you a chance to get feedback from clients so that you can improve your work!

Tip #6: Get involved in your local community!

One great way to market your makeup business is by getting involved in your local community. This could mean anything from volunteering at events to partnering with other businesses in your area.

For example, let’s say you own a makeup studio. You could partner with a local hair salon and offer a discount to customers who book both services together. Or, you could volunteer your time to do makeup for a charity event.

There are many different ways to get involved in your community – it just takes some creativity! And, not only will this help you market your business, but it’ll also make you feel good knowing that you’re giving back.

Tip #7: Get creative with your marketing campaigns!

There are endless possibilities when it comes to marketing your makeup business. Get creative and think outside the box to come up with unique campaigns that will grab attention.

Some ideas include partnering with another local business for a joint promotion, holding a contest or giveaway, or creating social media challenges.

No matter what you do, make sure your campaigns are aligned with your brand identity and target audience. With a little creativity and effort, you’ll be able to reach new customers and grow your business!

Tip #8: Invest in paid advertising!

Paid advertising is a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. And, with the vast array of online advertising platforms available today, it’s easier than ever to get started!

Examples of paid advertising include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • TikTok Ads
  • YouTube Ads

Paid advertising can be a great way to reach new customers while giving your business a more immediate boost. But, it’s important to remember that you’ll need to invest both time and money into creating and managing your campaigns.

So, be sure to do your research and create a campaign that’s right for your business!

Photo of nice optimistic brunette hairdo lady apply make up look empty space wear white shirt isolated on pink color background. Market makeup business article.

Tip #9: Focus on your USP (unique selling proposition)!

Your USP is what makes your business unique and sets you apart from your competition. When marketing your makeup business, be sure to focus on your USP!

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What makes my business different?
  • What can I offer that my competition doesn’t?
  • How can I position my business in the market?

Answering these questions will help you identify your USP and figure out how to market it effectively. Remember, customers are always looking for something unique. So, make sure you’re highlighting what makes your business special!

Tip #10: Know who your target market is!

One of the most important things to do when marketing your makeup business is to know who your target market is. This means understanding who your ideal customer is and what they’re looking for.

To help you identify your target market, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who are my ideal customers?
  • What are their demographics (age, gender, location, etc.)?
  • What are their interests?
  • Which needs or problems do they have that I can solve?
  • How can I show them that I am the best makeup artist for their needs and/or problems?

By answering these questions, you’ll have a more comprehensive idea of who your target market is – and how to reach them. Remember: it’s important to focus on quality over quantity. Meaning, it’s better to have 100 ideal customers than 1000 uninterested ones!

Tip #11: Have a strong brand identity for your makeup business!

Your brand identity is what makes your business recognizable and sets you apart from your competition. So, it’s important to have a strong brand identity when marketing your makeup business!

Some things to consider when creating or refining your brand identity include your:

  • Mission statement
  • Values
  • Target market
  • USP (unique selling proposition)
  • Logo and other visuals (colors, fonts, etc.)
  • Tone of voice

By having a strong brand identity, you’ll be able to create consistent and cohesive marketing materials. In turn, this will help you attract new customers and grow your business!

PRO TIP: Learn the ins and outs of branding your makeup business properly!

Tip #12: Network literally ALL of the time!

Networking is a great way to meet new people, learn about new opportunities, collaborate, and grow your business. So, make sure you’re always networking!

Here are some invaluable ways you can network yourself and your makeup business:

  • Attend industry events and tradeshows
  • Join relevant online communities
  • Reach out to other businesses in your field
  • Connect with artists you admire through social media
  • Build relationships with influencers and thought leaders

Remember: it’s not all about meeting new people. It’s also about building strong relationships with the people you already know. So, don’t forget to stay in touch with your current contacts!

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Tip #13: Write a beauty blog and/or film a vlog!

Blogging and vlogging are great ways to show off your makeup skills, build your brand, grow your social media following, and attract new customers. Not to mention, they’re also a lot of fun!

Some things to keep in mind when starting a beauty blog or vlog:

  • Find your niche: what kind of makeup and/or beauty services do you want to focus on?
  • Be consistent: try to post new content regularly (at least once a week)
  • Promote your content: share your blog posts and videos on social media, in email campaigns, etc.
  • Engage with your audience: respond to comments and questions promptly

It’s also just as important to know whatΒ notΒ to do as well. So, before getting started, make sure you know which steps to take – and which to avoid altogether.

Tip #14: Stock up on business cards for your makeup business!

Business cards are an essential marketing tool for any business – and your makeup business is no exception! After all, you never know when you’ll meet a potential new client or collaborator.

Here are some useful things to keep in mind when designing your business cards:

  • Include your name, title, contact information, website, and logo
  • Make sure the design is professional and aligned with your brand identity
  • Use high-quality materials (e.g. thick paper stock, raised printing, etc.)
  • Avoid using cheesy or gimmicky designs

Remember: less is more! So, make sure your business card design is simple and straightforward. Furthermore, make sure you always order extra business cards. This way, you always have them on hand!

Tip #15: Add a professional certification + designation to your makeup resume!

Investing in a professional certification or designation is a great way to show your commitment to your craft – and it can also help you attract new clients. Not to mention, getting properly trained by a reputable institution is the only sure-fire way to develop the skills you need to be a successful makeup artist.

So, if you’re serious about taking your makeup business to the next level, consider getting certified or designated by a professional organization, such as QC Makeup Academy.

Did you know that QC Makeup Academy offers a wide range of self-paced, online makeup and beauty-related courses? It’s true… And these programs can all be completed in as little as 8 short weeks!

How To Market a Makeup Business: Frequently Asked Questions

Now that we’ve gone over 15 of the best tips for marketing your makeup business, let’s answer some common questions about this topic…

“How Do I Get More Makeup Clients?”

The answer to this question may vary depending on your specific situation. However, some of the most effective ways to attract new clients include networking, creating a strong online presence, and marketing yourself through beauty blogging, vlogging, and paid advertisements.

“How Do Makeup Artists Get Noticed?”

There are a few things you can do to make sure you’re noticed by potential clients, collaborators, and industry professionals. First, it’s important to have a strong online presence. This means having an active social media account and/or website for your makeup business.

Second, you should also consider investing in some paid advertising, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads. Finally, networking is always a great way to get noticed. Attend industry events, meetups, and workshops – and don’t forget to bring plenty of business cards!

Beautiful woman face with perfect makeup. Makeup artist applies eye shadow. Hand of visagiste, painting cosmetics of young beauty model girl. Beauty girl with perfect skin. Market makeup business article.

“How Do Makeup Artists Expand?”

There are a few things you can do to expand your makeup business…

First, you can offer new services, such as skincare consultations, bridal makeup, or special effects makeup. Second, you can also consider opening a second location or investing in mobile makeup services. Finally, expanding your team by hiring additional hair and makeup artists is also a great way to grow your business.

“What Are Some Makeup Artist Content Ideas?”

If you’re looking for some content ideas for your makeup business website or social media accounts, consider creating blog articles or videos on topics like:

  • Tips for applying makeup
  • Makeup trends
  • How to choose the right foundation shade
  • Tips for contouring
  • How to do a smoky eye
  • Tips for creating a natural makeup look
  • How to do your own wedding makeup
  • Tips for doing Halloween and/or SFX makeup
  • Tips for taking care of your skin
  • Get ready with me (GRWM) videos of you doing your own makeup
  • Various makeup tutorials
  • Behind the scenes videos of you working on client applications, photoshoots, etc.
  • Before vs. after comparisons
  • Tips for proper color correcting

“What Are Some Successful Makeup Artist Business Ideas?”

There are a few things you can do to set your makeup business up for success…

  1. First, make sure you have a strong online presence. This means having an active social media account and/or website for your makeup business.
  2. Then invest in some quality marketing materials, such as professional business cards, flyers, and postcards.
  3. Next, consider investing in a good CRM (customer relationship management) system to help you keep track of your clients, appointments, and payments.
  4. From there, create a price list for your services. Make sure to include any discounts or package deals you offer.
  5. Finally, always be willing to go the extra mile for your clients. This could mean providing complimentary touch-ups or offering to do their makeup for special events.

Marketing a Makeup Business: Final Thoughts

There you have it – 15 of the best tips for marketing your makeup business! Remember: it’s important to have a strong online presence, network with other industry professionals, and always be willing to go the extra mile for your clients.

Do YOU have any other questions about how to market a makeup business? Let us know in the comments below!

Happy marketing, beauties! πŸ’•

Become a certified MUA (and launch your makeup business in as little as 2 months) by starting your training with QC Makeup Academy today!