What It's Like To Be a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador - QC Makeup Academy

Nadia Calabro is a graduate of QC’s Master Makeup Artistry Course, Pro Makeup Workshop, and Skincare Course. Today, she reveals what it’s like to be a Student Ambassador for QC Makeup Academy!

woman giving thumbs up

What is a Student Ambassador?

In a nutshell, a Student Ambassador is a student or alumnus that has been chosen to represent their school. They will often act as the ‘middle person’; bridging any gaps between current/prospective students and the institution itself. A Student Ambassador will also be there to help answer questions, share their own experience, and help promote the school to others.

Being chosen as a Student Ambassador for QC Makeup Academy is both a privilege and a rewarding job. When you’re selected for this role, you are being entrusted with the responsibility of upholding the school’s reputation, its brand, and its message. You become the face behind the name, thereby bringing the school come to life and making it all the more relatable to other people.

Why I Wanted to Become a Student Ambassador

When I saw that QC Makeup Academy had launched its very own Student Ambassador program, I knew right away that I wanted in! It’s no secret that I’m completely in love with QC’s makeup certification courses. I’m evenย moreย in love with the amazing community that has been built around this school.

Personally, I’ve learned so much through my studies at QC. My experience with the staff, students, and the training itself was all incredible. I wanted to use this platform as a way to share my experience with everyone! As a Student Ambassador, I knew I’d be able to connect with my fellow students (as well as potential students) in a meaningful way. I’d be part of a safe place where students – and even staff – could go for advice, support, and encouragement.

Perks of Being a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador

Joining the Affiliate Program

Once QC Makeup Academy selects you to become a Student Ambassador, you will automatically be approved for their Affiliate Program. Perhaps you’ve heard this term before, but never quite understood what it really meant. Basically, though, it means this:

The Affiliate Program gives you the opportunity to earn money through your own website and social media platforms. You sign up for the program through QC’s website. Once approved, you’re provided with your very own Affiliate link. From there, all you need to do is choose a banner and then add it to your website and/or social media pages.

Once this done, QC does the rest of the work for you! If someone follows your Affiliate link and then chooses to enroll with QC sometime within 90 days after that, you’ll earn a $50 commission! QC monitors the referrals themselves and pays you for them – so you can quite literally set it and forget it.

It’s one of the easiest ways to make a bit of extra money. Plus, becoming an Affiliate member also designates you as being a partner of one of the world’s largest online makeup schools! Being a part of this program helps both you and QC Makeup Academy by generating more traffic to your website, while also promoting and advertising the school.

It’s a win-win for everyone!

Desk with Computer and Makeup Tools

Creating Original Content

As a Student Ambassador, there will be another way for you to make money. Every month, QC will assign you your very own content creation project! These projects typically require you to write a blog article or film a YouTube video.

Once QC has received your final product and approves it for publishing, you’re then compensated for your work. While most of your projects will be created for the purpose of being published on one of QC’s platforms, this isn’tย alwaysย the case.

One specific perk of being an Ambassador is that QC Makeup Academy is dedicated to helping you grow yourย ownย original business content, too. For instance, if you want to add a blog to your website, they’ll specifically give you projects here and there that are meant to be published on YOUR platform. The same goes with YouTube videos, IGTV videos, etc.

No Experience? No Problem!

The idea of writing blogs and/or filming videos might seem intimidating – especially if you have no prior experience.

But don’t let this deter you! For starters, you have the freedom to choose if you’d prefer one type of project over another. If you love writing and have no interest in making videos, for instance, simply let QC know this and they’ll only assign you writing projects.

Furthermore, prior experience is NOT mandatory. Some of QC’s current Student Ambassadors were completely new to blog writing and video making, too. QC’s team makes sure to provide you with ample resources to guide you onto the right path, strengthen your writing and video skills, etc. Plus, whenever you’re assigned a project, you’re given a thorough PDF breakdown containing everythingย you need to know, abide by, and keep in mind for that particular project.

These content creation projects are an amazing opportunity to gain free knowledge, and refine your writing and vlogging skills. You can easily use these skills in your own business – or any job you’re applying to, for that matter!

Woman applying makeup on camera

Building Your Skill-Set

When you create the content creation projects mentioned above, there are many other skills you’ll develop along the way. These skills will not only be directly applicable throughout your career – they’ll set you up for evenย moreย success in the long run!

Firstly, your content creation projects will make you more organized and better capable of planning out strategies. As a Student Ambassador, your ideas and work must be properly thought-out, from Point A to Point Z. This is the only way to guarantee the success of your project.

Putting in minimal effort simply won’t cut it. So, you push yourself to always do the best you possibly can. By adopting this mentality early on, you’re setting the standard within yourself for your future career as a makeup artist. You’ll have high expectations for yourself and work diligently to meet them.

Being an Ambassador will also strengthen your professionalism and people skills. When working as a Student Ambassador, you’ll regularly deal with QC Makeup Academy employees, current student, potential students, and alumni.ย  You’ll need to conduct yourself in a professional manner in order to maintain your position and represent the QC name effectively.

All of this will make you better equipped for the real world – as well as achieving your own business endeavors – once you start working in the field!

networking on social media


As a Student Ambassador for QC Makeup Academy, you’ll get to meet countless new people within your industry. You’ll build friendships and professional networking opportunities. Ultimately, this will allow you to expand your business in ways you might not have been able to before.

There are also Focus Groups, which I think is particularly awesome. In these Focus Groups, you get to chat in real time with your fellow Ambassadors, share your input and ideas, give feedback on current courses, and even provide suggestions for courses you’d like to see in the future!

This is your opportunity to start shedding YOUR light on the industry while getting professional, meaningful feedback!

My Personal Experience as a QC Makeup Academy Student Ambassador

Being a Student Ambassador has been such a great experience for me! I’ve learned so much that I’m confident will help me in my career as a makeup artist and beauty expert. For instance, I’d always wanted to start my own blog, but I didnโ€™t know where or how to do this.

Then I became an Ambassador for QC. Their support and guidance, combined with the experience I’ve been gaining, has given me the confidence to finally build my own business blog!

I also never used to feel comfortable or confident enough to show the person behind the screen. But as an Ambassador, I’ve pushed myself to film videos for my own business, just as a way to practice for the videos I’d be tasked to do for QC Makeup Academy.

Well, guess what? These videos I created for my business have since attracted a LOT more network connections and clientele to me!

Being an ambassador has given me a different voice in QC’s Virtual Classroom on Facebook as well. People now come to me and listen to my advice and experiences, because they can trust that I will be totally open and honest with them. The lessons I have been taught through QC will always be my favorite. I know they will take me to many great places, both personally and professionally.

How to Become a Student Ambassador

Now that I have spiked your curiosity, here’s how to actually become a QC Student Ambassador…

  • Complete at least half of your QC course, or be a graduate.
  • Maintain an average of B+ or higher in your course.
  • Head here and read over the Student Ambassador guidelines.
  • Submit your application.
  • From there, the QC Student Ambassador Program Manager, Sarah Seguin, will contact you. If all looks well with the application, you will be invited to have a virtual interview.
  • Following this virtual interview, you’ll be required to submit a writing and/or video sample for review.
  • Once all the steps have been completed, you’ll be notified within 24-48 hours and told whether you’re being offered the position.

If you’re now ready to submit your Student Ambassador application, I wish you the best of luck. Maybe we’ll get to work together someday! ๐Ÿ’•

Not yet a QC Makeup Academy student? Check out our wide variety of hair and beauty courses and enroll today!

Author Nadia Calabro

More posts by Nadia Calabro

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