YouTube Tutorials vs. an Online Makeup Academy - QC Makeup Academy

Are you wondering why online makeup schools are so popular when there are TONS of makeup tutorials out there? You’re not the only one! There are a few key differences between learning makeup artistry from YouTube tutorials and learning at a makeup academy…

If you want to become a true makeup artist and succeed in the beauty industry, you need to know why YouTube tutorials can’t teach you everything you need to know. When you’re working with clients, you need a lot more information than you can gather from simply watching tutorials!

Don’t freak out – we’re not bashing YouTube tutorials (they’re probably one of our favorite pastimes…). Rest assured that you can look to YouTube for inspiration, but you should always trust the tried and true techniques from your makeup school if you’re becoming a real makeup artist!

Working on an online makeup course

Inspiration vs. Creation

The main difference between makeup academies and YouTube tutorials is this: makeup schools teach you how to work on other people, whereas YouTube teaches you to work on yourself. Now, as we mentioned above, YouTube is perfect for finding makeup inspiration. With the sheer amount of makeup tutorials going up every day, YouTube is one of the places every makeup artist should be looking!

But there is a difference between gathering inspiration for your own looks, and simply using someone else’s look. We know that you’re not trying to steal someone’s makeup ideas – after all, they’re posted on YouTube to help others out! However, you need to know how to make every makeup look your own (especially when it’s not going on your face!). Having a signature look and letting your clients rock it is the best way to advertise your unique makeup skills. This is why building your own distinct style is crucial for emerging makeup artists.

If you only apply looks that other makeup artists create, then you’re not building your own portfolio. You may be good at applying these looks – no doubt about it! Yet, you still don’t have any original, new makeup ideas to show (and impress) potential clients. You need to distinguish yourself from other artists in your area, otherwise you’ll just get bunched in with everyone else!

Girl practicing for makeup class

Personal vs. Professional


Another difference between YouTube tutorials and online makeup schools is the fact that YouTubers rarely apply makeup to other people. Doing your own makeup is one thing – you’ve grown up with your face and you know every freckle and curve. When you’re faced with a new client, though, how do you know which makeup will complement their facial features? What type of products do you use? What angles and measurements do you need to consider in your application? As you can tell, there are too many variables that aren’t practiced when you only work on your own face!

Now it’s safe to point out that, although a lot of makeup artists on YouTube are applying makeup to themselves, most of them have completed their own makeup training! A lot of makeup artists use YouTube as a creative outlet and to connect with the makeup community. It’s not as important to showcase their skills as it is to be inspired and create fun looks!

Girl learning makeup online

Online Makeup Schools

One of the most important aspects of professional makeup training is feedback. This is one thing that you can’t get from watching YouTube tutorials! The point of makeup classes is to build up your skills, from the very basic to advanced, and continue growing with constructive criticism about your skills. Without feedback and professional advice to improve, you’re missing out on a huge step in becoming a successful makeup artist.

And yes, we know what you’re thinking – “Why can’t my friends and family give me feedback?”

They can. In fact, we encourage it! Having support from friends and family during your makeup artistry career will make you more resilient to push forward. But you do need to know one thing: they are (probably) not professional makeup artists.

The point of enrolling with QC Makeup Academy (and every online makeup school, actually) is to improve and build up your potential with advanced makeup skills. You’re learning techniques that are constantly evolving in the industry. Not only this, but you’re learning about best practices and etiquette for professional makeup artists.

Plus you’re getting real business training while you’re at it! Without learning these professional skills, it will be much more difficult for you to become credible in the makeup industry.

Professional makeup artist's career

Our theory…

It’s not impossible to learn makeup techniques from YouTube. There are tons of good makeup artists online that can give you tips and inspire you to create beautiful makeup looks! But when it comes to a professional career as a makeup artist, we say learn from the pros. When you learn from an experienced professional, you’ll be lightyears ahead of your competition.

So what are you waiting for?! It’s time you finally become a certified makeup artist!

Get inspired by celebrity makeup artist, Nathan Johnson, to start your makeup artistry career anywhere in the world!

Author Katie Deck

More posts by Katie Deck

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