Katie Stegeman

Student Ambassador

I decided to become a professional makeup artist because it was always something I wanted to do but never pursued. I almost went to school for hair and makeup in 2010, but ultimately chose not to. However, in April of 2020, I finally made the leap! I’ve always loved doing makeup for other people but was always sort of clueless. I actually hated using makeup brushes because I felt like I could never get the color to look right when using them. But now, I’m a certified professional makeup artist and absolutely loving it! I love getting to do what I’m passionate about while making an extra income for my family and children.

What drew me into QC Makeup Academy were their tutors, professionalism, and course selections. There were also SO many extra perks offered for students, and I appreciated that, too! Seeing other success stories – as well as people who completed the course and went on to have great careers – made me feel like I could do it. I had almost no makeup experience when I joined QC Makeup Academy and I am so thankful for all they’ve taught me. Other avenues I was looking at just did not seem to fit with my lifestyle as a busy mom of 6. Flexibility was extremely important to me! I didn’t want my kids to suffer due to me starting a new career – and thanks to QC, they didn’t have to!

I found QC Makeup Academy about 6-8 months before I actually signed up. I had their website on a tab in my browser and continued to look at it. Finally, I made the leap to join in April 2020. It’s been the best decision I could have ever made! In 2021, I’ve had more than 5x the business I had in 2020… and I know it will only continue to grow! Thanks to the QC Makeup Academy family, I gave myself the best possible start to my professional beauty career!


Here are the courses Katie has taken with QC!

Master Makeup

Graduate 2021


Graduate 2020

Virtual Makeup

Graduate 2020