Student Feature: Jenny Ban - QC Makeup Academy
Makeup artist Jenny Ban

Name: Jenny Ban

Location: Sydney, Australia

QC Courses you’re taking:

Instagram: @jennybanzy

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I am 26 years old. I’m a wife and a mother. I use to work in the human resources field, but now I am currently a stay-at-home mum looking after my two young children (aged 2 and a newborn). I have a passion for makeup, skincare and cooking.

Why did you decide to go into makeup artistry? What about it appeals to you?

I have always had a passion for makeup and admired the work of many makeup artists. But I did not think that I had the creative and artistic flare to be in the industry. Now that I am a mother, I require flexibility in the work I take on, and makeup artistry is an industry that can be quite flexible if you freelance.

As a young mother, I need this flexibility in order to look after my family while being able to fulfill myself, my dreams, and my ambitions. So, in saying this, I decided go into the makeup industry, to accommodate both my needs and my passion, all in one.

Your Master Makeup Artistry tutor, Azzi, let us know just how stellar your work is! What was the trickiest assignment for you to get right so far? How did you conquer it?

Replicating a classic bridal look was tricky for me. I looked to social media and photographs of brides that were seemingly popular. I practiced on myself to understand how I could create the overall bridal look that was required. This helped me when I applied the makeup on my model as I was able to replicate the look through the same eye shadow palettes and blush/highlighting colors I had trialed on myself.

Jenny Ban Makeup artistry learned from QC Makeup Academy

What’s one thing you wish someone had told you before starting your makeup training?

Practice, practice, practice! And do it on as many different faces as you possibly can. Before training, I mainly applied makeup on myself and learned to apply according to my facial structure and features. I did, on the rare occasion, my sister’s makeup. I also watched a lot of YouTube tutorials from renowned makeup artists, but it is definitely much harder and different when applying makeup to someone else’s face.

How do you think QC Makeup Academy has prepared you for working in the field?

The Academy has definitely prepared me for working in the field through the different practical assessments. They allow you to physically apply makeup and test your skills and abilities on real-life models according to specific criteria. Being able to accomplish these tasks are an indication that you will be able to fulfill the requested looks of your future clients.

Jenny Ban MUA

Were you nervous about enrolling with an online makeup academy over a brick-and-mortar school? Did any misconceptions change as you progressed through the course?

I was definitely nervous as I thought something like applying makeup on models required assessments to be done in person. I was concerned that my work would not look too detailed in photos as it would compared to real life, which would compromise results.

However, the academy provided instructions which allowed us to obtain high quality results with our photos. I was able to produce perfect pictures by following their instructions. Having a real tutor give vocal recordings to deliver your results and feedback also gives you confidence that they are actually evaluating your work.

What do you hope to accomplish in your makeup career after earning your makeup certification and graduating?

To start, I would like to become a freelance makeup artist, and work in the comfort on my own home studio to build my clientele. In addition, I would like to qualify in other areas associated with beauty and add these services to my home studio.

Jenny Ban's makeup skills as shown in her QC Makeup Academy student feature

If you could only use one makeup product for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Definitely bronzer – it makes you appear golden and lively (even on your worse days) while acting as a contour!

Inspired by Jenny Ban’s artistry? Explore your makeup artistry career options!

Author Celina Feng

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