Tips to Banish Dark Circles for Good - QC Makeup Academy

The eyes are the focal point of the face…which makes it so much more noticeable when they’re feeling a little tired. If you asked most women what they would change about their faces, they would probably say that they would eliminate their dark circles forever—I know I would!

There are ways, both with and without makeup—to tackle this common eye issue. Read on for our tips to banish dark circles.

Make some lifestyle changes

Everyone has dark circles. Before you go crazy covering them up with an expensive concealer, try to get rid of them by reviewing your lifestyle—that means, first and foremost, getting your recommended amount of sleep each night. As well, certain allergens or sinus problems can cause your circles to appear darker; if you have trouble with allergies, either remove the problem or treat it as best as you can. A balanced diet can go a long way—cut the salt, get the right vitamins (especially K and B12), and drink plenty of water. Finally, find a way to relax and de-stress so that you can improve all of the above.

Try a natural solution

Cold does wonders for dark, puffy skin. Some people swear by applying cold, caffeinated tea bags to the eyes every morning to wake them up and reduce swelling and discoloration. Ice cubes or a frozen spoon work as well. With any cold compress, leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Cucumbers are also a great natural solution to energize tired eyes, as well as a potato puree.

Creams and makeup

Most dark circles are caused by things that simply can’t be changed, like genetics or having very thin skin under the eyes. These can be reduced and tightened with cream, but the rest has to be left to concealer. When you’re shopping for a good under-eye cream, look for one with both vitamin K and retinol. And stick with this regimen—products with these two ingredients are proven to improve dark circles and puffiness over time.

Choose a concealer that matches your skin tone, and keep it in place with a setting powder. When you’re applying concealer, be as gentle as possible. It’s a sensitive area, and any further damage can just make things worse. Remember that less is more! Too much under-eye concealer will just look cakey, and draw unwanted attention. Only use this product as needed.

How do you get rid of the dreaded dark circles?

Author Mireille Pitre

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